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Slater, Thomas, of Belper, will 1817

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This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Slater of Belper in the parish of Duffield and county of Derby, Farmer, viz,

I give, devise, and bequeath unto my friends John Slater of Shottle, and Samuel Slater of Chevin, in the parish and county aforesaid, the whole of my real and personal Estate and Effects, of what nature or kind soever the same may be, or consist of,

Upon trust, that they the said John Slater, and Samuel Slater, or the Survivor of them, or the Heirs Executors or Administrators of such Survivor, shall and do as soon as conveniently may be after my Decease, sell and dispose of the whole or such Parts or Part thereof, as they in their discretion shall think necessary (save and except the Household furniture) either by Public Auction or Private Contract, and after payment of my just debts and funeral expences that they permit, and suffer, my well beloved wife Hannah Slater, to enjoy the profits arising from such my said Estate, and effects, or the Interest arising from the produce of such part there of as shall be sold, for and during the time of her natural life, or for such part thereof as she shall continue unmarried,

And also upon trust that they the said John Slater and Samuel Slater or the Survivor of them or the Heirs Executors or Administrators of such Survivor shall and do with all convenient speed after the decease or marriage of my wife aforesaid pay unto my son William Slater, now a Soldier in the 3rd Regiment of the King's own Dragoons, the sum of one shilling;

and the like sum to my daughter Mary Bucklin wife of [blank] Bucklin of the state of Providence America;

and that they divide my Household furniture equally between my two sons Thomas Slater now a Soldier in the 6th Inishkilling Dragoons and Joseph Slater a Soldier in the 59th Regiment of foot or their Heirs or assigns

The residue of my Estate and effects I direct my Executors to divide equally between my sons Thomas Slater and Joseph Slater (aforesaid) Samuel Slater a Soldier in the life Guards and George Slater; my daughters Elisabeth Sharratt wife of Moses Sharratt of Yoxall in the county of Stafford Labourer, Hannah Green wife of the late [blank] Green of Ripley in the county of Derby Phebe Slater and Grace Slater, their Heirs or assigns as "tenants in common and not as joint tenants" and in case of the decease of one or more of my Children before the age of twenty one years without lawful Heir I direct his, her, or their, share or shares to be equally divided amongst the Survivors

And lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint, the aforesaid John Slater and Samuel Slater, Executors hereof and I Will that they have full power of themselves to do all and every matter and thing that shall or may be found needful in the execution of this my Will, and that their hands alone or that of the Survivor of them or the Heirs Executors or administrators of such Survivor shall be a good and sufficient receipt discharge or title in respect of any thing done in pursuance hereof and I Will that they be from time to time allowed all costs and charges which they may incur in the trust hereby reposed in them

In witness whereof I have hither to set my hand and seal this first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen

Thos Slater

Signed sealed published and declared by the within named Thomas Slater to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names in presence of the said testator and of each other, The words "or marriage" in the first page being previously inserted

William Slater, George Slater, John Hutton

At Derby 7th April 1818

Let a Probate of this Will be Granted to John Slater one of the Executors reserving a Power for Samuel Slater of the Parish of Duffield in the County of Derby Farmer the other Executor

Being duly Sworn as also that the Personal Estate is not of the Value of 100£ Before me

Richd Buckeridge Sur.

Testator died in 1817

Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records of the Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry viewed on Find My Past: "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860"
FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 15 December 2023)
Thomas Slater probate in 1818. Died ? ? 1817 residing in Belper, Derbyshire, England, Belper, Derbyshire, England.

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