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Slaves Transported on the Brig Splendid, Arrived New Orleans 24 May 1841

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 24 Apr 1841 to 24 May 1841
Location: Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: slavery Black_Heritage
Profile manager: Gina Jarvi private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 158 times.

Index of Slave Ship Manifests in USA

Manifest of Negroes, Mulattos, and persons of Color, taken on board the Brig Splendid whereof McKensie is Master, burthen, 226 tons of to be transported to the port of New Orleans in the district of New Orleans, Louisiana for the purpose of being sold or disposed of as slaves, or to be held to service or labor.[1][2]

Number of EntryNamesSex: MaleSex: FemaleAgeHeight: FeetHeight: InchesWhether Negro, Mulatto, or person of ColorOwner: NameOwner: Residence
1Frank BardinsMale-3061BlackH.H. SlatterBaltimore
2George Brooksdo-2057do
3Berry Chambersdo-2156do
4Nace Harridaydo-2456do
5Morris Bowdindo-3554do
6Richard Kennarddo-1952do
7William Adisondo-2659Yellow
8Moses Adisondo-2457do
9Henry Pattersondo-1855do
10Mina CarFemale2254Black
11Amey Cure-do2654do
12Mindy Davis-do3253do
13Beckey White-do2252do
14Aramintia Sanders-do17411do
15Kitty Bell-do1753Yellow
16Ann Wilkison-do165black
17Leathy Hill-do3256do
18Martha Hill-do15411do
19Isabella Hill-do1145do
20Matilda Jones-do2252do
21Ruthy Jones Infant-doInfant
22Betsey Dunbar-do305Black
23Charles DunbarMale9310do
24Richard Dunbardo-739do
25Stephen Dunbardo-328do
26Mary Dunbar InfantFemaleInfant

District of Baltimore, Port of Baltimore, 24th day of April 1841. Hope H. Slatter, Shipper of the persons named, and particularly described in the above manifest of Slaves, and Mr. McKensie, Master of the Brig Splendid do solemenly, sincerely, and truly swear, each of us to the best of our knowledge and believe that the above named slaves have not been imported into the United States since the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eight; and that under the Laws of the State of Maryland they are held to service or labour as Slaves and are not entitled to freedom under these laws, at a certain time and after a known period of service. SO HELP US GOD. Sworn to this 24 day of April 1841. COLLECTOR: (Signed) N H Williams, 21st May 1841 before (signed) Hope H. Slatter (Signed) Reuben McKensie [Handwritten sideways across last column: Illegible signature, New Orleans May 24, 1841 Illegible signature]

District of Baltimore, Port of Baltimore, 24th day of April 1841. I, Nathaniel H Williams Collector of the District of Baltimore, do hereby certify that the within is a true copy of the Original Manifest or List of Slaves; left on file in this office; and I do further certify that Hope H. Slatter, Shipper of the said Slaves, and Mr. McKensie, Master of the within mentioned Brig Splendid have this day made oath, in manner directed by the ninth section of the Act of Congress, passed the second day of March, 1807, prohibiting the important of Slaves into the United States. I do hereby authorise the said Master to proceed with the said slaves named as within, and being 26, in number, to the port of New Orleans in the state of Louisiana. Given under by hand at the Custom House of Baltimore, the date above written.


  1. https://todaysdocument.tumblr.com/post/159940559707/slave-manifest-of-the-brig-splendid-of-baltimore
  2. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/17408487

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