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Slaves of Arthur M. Lewis

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Marengo, Alabama, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Lewis slavery black_heritage
This page has been accessed 407 times.

Plantation Index

This page is dedicated to the people who were enslaved by the Arthur M. Lewis family, and to help their descendants make connections and find their families.


Early Years

1827 - The first slaves were handed down to Arthur M. Lewis was in 1827, after his father died in Morgan Co, AL. Their names are listed here. [1][2]


Slaves could be used as security for debts and loans. Sometimes their ages were just a guess. Note the ages of Fanny and her children between 1835 and 1836.

1835 - In Morgan County, Arthur owes his brother Nicholas Lewis $3600 on a note.[3] It was secured by the following slaves. If Arthur failed to pay back the note then Nicholas Lewis will be allowed to sell the said slaves at public auction at the court house in Huntsville.

1836 - Arthur owed his brother Nicholas Lewis $1400 on bond and he wanted to pay him back. So, he borrowed money from Rueben Chapman and secured loan with the following slaves:[4]

1841 & 1843 - Security for a loan and then for bank debt in Madison Co, AL[5][6]


1844 - Slaves were often gifts to family members. In 1844 A. M. Lewis gave to his sister, Emeline M. Walker, a certain negro woman named

Lewis put in the contract that the said slave or her increase is not to be liable for any debt that S. B. Walker (Emeline's husband) may have now or contract hereafter, the slave shall be retained in the family, even at the event of Emeline's death until the youngest of my sister's children shall become of lawful age and then that said woman, Siller, and her increase, shall be divided among her (my sister's children)... 28 Dec 1844[7]

Census Slave Schedules

Census slave schedules began in 1850. The slaves were listed under the name of the slave owner. They were not named, only gender and age was listed. 1840 Census - In 1840 Arthur M. Lewis is found in Sumter Co, AL. The following slaves are listed with him on the census.[8]

  • 2 males under age 10 (one is Stephen, and a new brother?) (Dates don't match)
  • 1 male age 10-24 (probably Flemming)
  • 1 female under age 10 (this may be Sarah)
  • 3 females age 10-24 (probably Lucy, Hannah, and Rhoda)
  • 1 female age 24-36 (Fanny)

1850 Slave Schedule

In 1850 there are 22 slaves are enumerated on the list under A. M. Lewis in Marengo Co, AL,[9] and 25 enumerated in Sumter Co, AL under A. M. Lewis.[10]

1860 Slave Schedule

In 1860 A. M. Lewis has 54 slaves enumerated under his name in Marengo Co, AL,[11] 23 slaves enumerated under his name in Sumter Co, AL,[12] and 28 slaves enumerated under his name in Choctaw County.[13]


When the slave owner died an inventory was taken of all of his property, this included slaves. This time the slaves are named, and usually the ages are listed as well. Sometimes they are named in family units, and sometimes only in a gender list.


By the time Arthur M. Lewis died in 1860 he had a number of properties in Marengo, Sumter, and Choctaw Counties, each with slaves. In his will Arthur specified that at his death none of the peoples on his properties were to be sold, and they were all to stay together, each on their own properties. If any had to be sold they were to be from the Kinterbesh or the Boyken place.[14] The will does not specify the names of any slaves, only the places they lived.

Inventory - The inventory of the Arthur M. Lewis estate holdings is some 50 pages long. This is where the names of the enslaved peoples are found. They are listed under the properties that they lived on.[15]


For a list of his purchased properties see this page.

Marengo County

Sumter County Two properties were on the Tombickbee River[14]

Choctaw County


  1. Morgan County, Alabama Probate Court estate files, ca. 1820-1915
    Catalog: Morgan County, Alabama Probate Court estate files, ca. 1820-1915 Loose estate files, ca. 1820-1915 Lee, Obe - Lewis, Nicholas (folder no. 1)
    Film number: 007652356 > image 573 of 1788
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 21 November 2021)
  2. Morgan County, Alabama Orphans Court records, 1830-1844,1851-1853,1868-1874
    Catalog: Morgan County, Alabama Orphans Court records, 1830-1844,1851-1853,1868-1874Morgan County, Alabama Orphans Court records, 1830-1844,1851-1853,1868-1874 Orphan Court minutes v. 3-5 1826-1841
    Film number: 007651615 > image 129 of 797
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 21 November 2021)
  3. Morgan County, Alabama deed records, 1820-1901; mortgage records, 1897-1901; indexes to deeds and mortgages, 1820-1895; real estate sales, 1879-1904
    Catalog: Morgan County, Alabama deed records, 1820-1901; mortgage records, 1897-1901; indexes to deeds and mortgages, 1820-1895; real estate sales, 1879-1904 Deed records, bk. A-C 1820-1838 -- bk. D p. 1-495 1837-1841
    Film number: 007834190 > image 584 of 994
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 22 November 2021)*Morgan Co, AL, Deed Bk C p.249
  4. Morgan County, Alabama deed records, 1820-1901; mortgage records, 1897-1901; indexes to deeds and mortgages, 1820-1895; real estate sales, 1879-1904: "Morgan County, Alabama deed records, 1820-1901; mortgage records, 1897-1901; indexes to deeds and mortgages, 1820-1895; real estate sales, 1879-1904"
    Catalog: Morgan County, Alabama deed records, 1820-1901; mortgage records, 1897-1901; indexes to deeds and mortgages, 1820-1895; real estate sales, 1879-1904 Deed records, bk. A-C 1820-1838 -- bk. D p. 1-495 1837-1841
    Film number: 007834190 > image 645 of 994
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 22 November 2021)*12 Aug 1836, p.371 & 373 is the signing
  5. Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925: "Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925"
    Catalog: Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925Deeds, 1833-1901; general index, 1833-1925 Deed record, v. E (p. 355-end) 1840-1841
    Film number: 007856992 > image 419 of 799
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 27 November 2021)
    • 1841 Sumter Co, AL, loan security between Arthur Lewis and Nicholas Lewis and Wm M. McDowell. These enslaved persons were used as security.
  6. Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905: "Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905"
    Catalog: Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905Deeds, 1820-1901; general index, 1820-1905 Deed records, v. F Oct. 1838-Jan. 1839
    Film number: 008497802 > image 826 of 868
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 23 November 2021)
    • 1843 these slaves were put up as security for a bank debt owed to the bank in Huntsville, Madison Co, AL.
  7. Morgan County, Alabama deed records, 1820-1901; mortgage records, 1897-1901; indexes to deeds and mortgages, 1820-1895; real estate sales, 1879-1904: "Morgan County, Alabama deed records, 1820-1901; mortgage records, 1897-1901; indexes to deeds and mortgages, 1820-1895; real estate sales, 1879-1904"
    Catalog: Morgan County, Alabama deed records, 1820-1901; mortgage records, 1897-1901; indexes to deeds and mortgages, 1820-1895; real estate sales, 1879-1904 Deed records, bk. D p. 494-end 1841-1842 -- bk. E-F 1842-1851 -- bk. G. p. 1-501 1851-1854
    Film number: 008194838 > image 291 of 942
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 22 November 2021)
    • Morgan Co, AL, Bk E p.341
  8. United States Census, 1840
    Catalog: Census schedules, 1840Alabama, 1830 and 1840 federal census : population schedules Alabama: Morgan, Marion, Marshall, Madison, Randolph, St. Clair, Talladega, Russell, Shelby, Sumter, Tallapoosa, Tuscaloosa, Washington, Walker, and Wilcox Counties (NARA Series M704, Rolls 13-16)
    Image path: United States Census, 1840 > Alabama > Sumter > Not Stated > image 27 of 177; Citing NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 21 November 2021)
  9. United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850
    Catalog: Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States, 1850Alabama, 1850 federal census : population schedules Alabama: Slave Schedules, Madison, Marengo, Marion, and Marshall Counties (NARA Series M432, Roll 21)
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 > Alabama > Marengo > Marengo county > image 210 of 259; Citing NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 22 November 2021)
  10. United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850
    Catalog: Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States, 1850Alabama, 1850 federal census : population schedules Alabama: Slave Schedules, St. Clair, Shelby, Sumter, Talladega, Tallapoosa, Tuscaloosa, Walker, Washington and Wilcox Counties (NARA Series M432, Roll 24)
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 > Alabama > Sumter > Sumter county > image 78 of 179; Citing NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 23 November 2021)
  11. United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860
    Catalog: Alabama, 1860 federal census : population schedulesPopulation schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860 > Alabama > Marengo > Western Division > image 99 of 124; Citing NARA microfilm publication M653 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 22 November 2021)
  12. United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860
    Catalog: Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860Alabama, 1860 federal census : population schedules Alabama: Slave Schedules; Randolph, Russell, Shelby, St. Clair, Sumter, and Tallapoosa Counties (NARA Series M653, Roll 35)
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860 > Alabama > Sumter > Southern Division > image 53 of 113; Citing NARA microfilm publication M653 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 23 November 2021)
  13. United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860
    Catalog: Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860Alabama, 1860 federal census : population schedules
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860 > Alabama > Choctaw > North Division > image 35 of 65; Citing NARA microfilm publication M653 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 23 November 2021)*1860 North Division, Choctaw Co, AL, A. M. Lewis
  14. 14.0 14.1 Marriage: "Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950"
    Catalog: Will records, 1820-1936Marriage records, 1818-1936 Wills 1820-1898
    Image path: Alabama County Marriages, 1809-1950 > 005330947 > image 541 of 660
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 22 November 2021)*1860, will of Arthur M. Lewis, Item 7, *Tombigbee River was spelled Tombickbee river back then.
  15. Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]: "Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]"
    Catalog: Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, AlabamaMiscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]Miscellaneous records, 1823-1930 [Marengo County, Alabama]] Miscellaneous records no no. (pg. 300-end) 1859
    Film number: 007737730 > image 499 of 921
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 23 November 2021)

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