Location: Enfield, Halifax County, North Carolina, United States

Surnames/tags: Slavery African-American
Strawberry Hill Plantation
Dr. Cary Whitaker was a physician who inherited Strawberry Hill Plantation[1] in Halifax County, North Carolina, upon the death of his uncle, Cary Whitaker, in 1816. The deceased Cary Whitaker left a life estate to his wife, Sally, which would have left the plantation to his nephew and namesake, Cary, upon her death. In 1818, Sally, having remarried to a Thomas Goodwin, sold her life estate rights to Dr. Cary Whitaker, making him the sole owner.[2]
Slaves Sold in 1851
There is a Bill of Sale from 1851, which indicated Frederick R Cotten purchased 35 named slaves from Cary Whitaker of Halifax County, North Carolina, for $15,000. Dr. Cary Whitaker was Frederick's uncle, and the owner of Strawberry Hill Plantation in Halifax County, North Carolina. The slaves were purchased to work on Frederick's Burgesstown Plantation in Leon County, Florida.[3][4][5] The named slaves included:
- Old Penny
- young Penny
- Wilkes
- Enoch
- Molly
- Sarry
- Sylvia
- Albery
- Nancy
- Rosetta
- Betsy
- John
- Franklin
- Jacob Sr.
- Jacob Jr.
- Jerry
- Frederick
- Penelope
- Lucy
- Jenny
- Lydia
- Guni (?)
- Seaborn
- Susan
- Washington
- Aga (?)
- George
- Martha
- Sarah
- Louisa
- Winna
- Mourning
- Scipio
- Davy
- Parthana
- Margaret
- ↑ Strawberry Hill nomination form for being on The National Register of Historic Places (https://files.nc.gov/ncdcr/nr/HX0014.pdf)
- ↑ Strawberry Hill Plantation (http://www.ncgenweb.us/ncstate/plantations/strawberry_halifax.htm}
- ↑ Space:Slaves_of_Frederick_R_Cotten_at_Burgesstown_Plantation
- ↑ Strawberry Hill Plantation (http://www.ncgenweb.us/ncstate/plantations/strawberry_halifax.htm}
- ↑ Contract for Sale of Slaves (http://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/327675)
- Wikipedia contributors, "Strawberry Hill (Enfield, North Carolina)," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Strawberry_Hill_(Enfield,_North_Carolina)&oldid=1089325390 (accessed July 9, 2022).
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