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Location: Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolina
Surnames/tags: Seabrook Slavery Black_Heritage
This page is to record the enslaved of Ephraim Mikell Seabrook (1797-1846) during his life, to help the descendants of those enslaved to find their families and connect to their ancestors. It is unknown which plantations they lived on.
Ephraim Mikell Seabrook Sr. died in 1846.[1] His probate inventory states there were 175 slaves in the inventory, however none were named and listed in the probate papers.[2] In 1850 there was a court record about Seabrook's estate. This record showed that the enslaved were put in Lots and the family selected by draw which lot each would receive. The following are those 171 enslaved persons listed in their Lots, and who each lot went to in 1850:[3]
The "O." most likely notes that the person was old.
For more information please see:
- Sea Cloud Plantation
- Brookland Plantation
- Fenwick Island Plantation
- Mikell Plantation, became part of Laurel Hill Plantation
- George's Plantation, became part of Laurel Hill Plantation
- Racoon Island Plantation
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Wills and miscellaneous probate records, 1671-1868:
"South Carolina Probate Re... Bound Volumes, 1671-1977"
Catalog: Wills and miscellaneous probate records, 1671-1868 Wills v. 44-45 1845-1851
Image path: South Carolina Probate Records, Bound Volumes, 1671-1977 > Charleston > Wills, 1845-1851, Vol. 044 > image 51 of 955; citing Department of Archives and History, Columbia.
FamilySearch Image: 939L-JFC6-2 (accessed 27 February 2023)- 1846 will of Ephraim Mikell Seabrook
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South Carolina Probate Re... Bound Volumes, 1671-1977:
"South Carolina Probate Re... Bound Volumes, 1671-1977"
Catalog: Charleston County, South Carolina inventories, appraisements & sales, ca. 1834-1867 ca. 1834-1850
Image path: South Carolina Probate Records, Bound Volumes, 1671-1977 > Charleston > Inventories, Appraisements, Sales, 1844-1850, Vol.B > image 478 of 636; citing Department of Archives and History, Columbia.
FamilySearch Image: 939L-JD9C-XH (accessed 27 February 2023)- 1846 probate inventory
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Bills of complaint, 1800-1863; indexes, 1721-1868:
"Bills of complaint, 1800-1863; indexes, 1721-1868"
Catalog: Bills of complaint, 1800-1863; indexes, 1721-1868 Bills of complaint, no. 37-69 1850
Film number: 008617282 > image 262 of 875
FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-C34X-5972-W (accessed 7 June 2023)- Bills of Complaint, loose papers, 1850 No. 48
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