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Slaves of Ezekiel Pickens 1813, South Carolina

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Anderson, South Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Pickens Slavery Black_Heritage
This page has been accessed 64 times.



This page is to record the enslaved of Ezekiel Pickens who lived in Anderson County, South Carolina. Ezekiel died in 1813. His wife Eliza Pickens continued to live on the Cottage Tract Plantation. She became the next owner of the enslaved on this page. After her death this Cottage Plantation and 48 enslaved persons were to be sold.[1]

Mortgage of Enslaved

Ezekiel Pickens to Paul Tapier, on 14 Mar 1812, for the sum of $1520, mortgaged the following enslaved persons:[2]

This mortgage did not have any notes as to whether it was paid off or not. (often it is noted across the mortgage page that it has been paid off) However we do see the above enslaved being sold from his estate (see below), so we know that the mortgage was probably cleared. This is possibly the Paul Trapier who loaned the mortgage money to Ezekiel.


The 1813 will of Ezekiel Pickens mentions that there were enslaved he was leaving to his wife, but he did not reference any names.[3]

Sale of the Enslaved

On 26 Feb 1816 J. A. Pickens Jr., Executor of the estate of Ezekiel Pickens, sold the following enslaved persons to Dr. Joseph Glover, for $2510:[4]

On 26 Feb 1816 J. A. Pickens Jr., Executor of the estate of Ezekiel Pickens, sold the following enslaved persons to S. Colleton Graves for $1200:[5]

For more information please see the Slaves of Eliza Pickens page.


  1. The Cottage Tract to be sold https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-charleston-mercury-1860-property-of/144367147/ The Charleston Mercury, Charleston, South Carolina, Mon, Oct 15, 1860, Page 3
  2. Mortgage records, 1734-1860; index, 1709-1840: "Mortgage records, 1734-1860; index, 1709-1840"
    Catalog: Mortgage records, 1734-1860; index, 1709-1840 Mortgages, v. NNN-PPP 1808-1816
    Film number: 008616187 > image 425 of 699
    FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-C348-VS9Z-B (accessed 28 March 2024)
    • 1812 mortgage record
  3. Will books, 1791-1907: "South Carolina Probate Re... Bound Volumes, 1671-1977"
    Catalog: Will books, 1791-1907
    Image path: South Carolina Probate Records, Bound Volumes, 1671-1977 > Anderson > Wills, 1791-1834 > image 108 of 729; citing Department of Archives and History, Columbia
    FamilySearch Image: 939L-FX98-PJ (accessed 28 March 2024)
    • will of Ezekiel Pickens
  4. Bill of sales of Negro slaves, 1799-1872, Charleston District, South Carolina: "Bill of sales of Negro slaves, 1799-1872, Charleston District, South Carolina"
    Catalog: Bill of sales of Negro slaves, 1799-1872, Charleston District, South Carolina v. 4I, 4K 1813-1816
    Film number: 008196079 > image 411 of 530
    FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSLV-PZ9P (accessed 28 March 2024)
    • sale of enslaved
  5. Bill of sales of Negro slaves, 1799-1872, Charleston District, South Carolina: "Bill of sales of Negro slaves, 1799-1872, Charleston District, South Carolina"
    Catalog: Bill of sales of Negro slaves, 1799-1872, Charleston District, South Carolina v. 4I, 4K 1813-1816
    Film number: 008196079 > image 468 of 530
    FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSLV-PCR4 (accessed 28 March 2024)
    • sale of the enslaved

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