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Slaves of George M Weatherall

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1820 to 1865
Location: Pontotoc, Mississippi, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: slavery US_Black_Heritage
This page has been accessed 124 times.


Slaves of George M. Weatherall

This page's purpose is to record and try to identify the enslaved people held by George M Weatherall (1788-1852). Note: the censuses cover both South Carolina and Mississippi; George moved sometime between 1830 and 1840.

Enslaved named in Will of Adam Crain Jones

In Adam Jones' will written in 1812 (transcription here), Adam states the following: "I give and bequeath to my grandson George Weatherall, son of my daughter Betsy Weatherall one negro boy named Sam, son of Sam and Prisse and to receive the same at my death." (Presumably this means George is to inherit the boy Sam at the time of the writing of the will (1812), and inherit the parents Sam and Prisse after Adam's death(1815)?)

1820 Census

8 enslaved people in Abbeville, South Carolina [1]
Males - Under 14: 2
Males - 26 thru 44: 2
Females - Under 14: 3
Females - 26 thru 44: 1

1830 Census

4 enslaved people in Abbeville, South Carolina [2]
Males - 10-23: 2
Males - 24-35: 1
Females - 10-23: 1

1840 Census

8 enslaved people in Pontotoc, Mississippi [3]
Males - 10 - 23: 1
Females - under 10: 5
Females - 10- 23: 2

1850 Census / Slave Schedule

21 enslaved people in Pontotoc, Mississippi

Male, 30
Male, 25
Female, 30
Female, 30
Female, 18
Female, 15
Female, 15
Female, 13
Female, 9
Female, 9
Male 6
Male 5
Male, 5
Male, 2
Male, 3
Female, 4
Female, 4
Female, 1
Female, 1
Female, 1


  1. "United States Census, 1820," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHLQ-R2N : accessed 22 May 2021), George Weatherall, Abbeville, Abbeville, South Carolina, United States; citing p. 7, NARA microfilm publication M33, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 118; FHL microfilm 162,021.
  2. This reference goes to Susanna Hill, who is several lines under George on the same census page. I couldn't get the record to come up for him on FamilySearch "United States Census, 1830," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XH5S-4D4 : 20 February 2021), Susanna Hill, Abbeville, South Carolina, United States; citing 21, NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 169; FHL microfilm 22,503.
  3. "United States Census, 1840," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHTX-LK4 : 8 December 2020), George Weatherall, Pontotoc, Mississippi, United States; citing p. 153, NARA microfilm publication , (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll ; FHL microfilm .
  • Damon, Christine Weatherall. Wetherall/Weatherall of the United States. Baltimore : Gateway Press ; Amarillo, TX. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013, sponsored by the Boston Public Library. Weatherall Book, 1984

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