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Location: [unknown]
Slaves of Green Wood. These individuals were born in Alabama, Georgia, and Texas.
Greenwood Plantation was first located Montgomery, Alabama. In 1850, Green Wood moved the plantation to northwest of what is now Willis, Montgomery County, Texas. In his account books are found the names and birthdates/deaths of many of the enslaved on his plantation.
(as listed in the plantation accounts)
Record of the Ages of Guilford & Leah's Children
- 1st Mariah born February 21st 1825
- 2nd Julia born October 21st 1826 died 1842
- 3rd James Monroe born July 16th 1828
- 4th Laten born March 7th 1830
- 5th Patsey born March 9th 1832
- 6th Guilford born March 1834
- 7th Chloe born January 21st 1836
- 8th Archable born December 25th 1837
- 9th Hampton born August 1840
- 10th Cora born March 15th 1841 died 1843
- 11th One born August 1842 and died soon
- 12th Abram born October 20th 1843
- 13th Jefferson born October 1845
- 14th Dallas born August 28th 1847
- 15th Lewis born June 1849
- 16th Curtis born in Texas June 14th 1851
- 17th Phillis born in Texas March 22nd 1853
Record of the Ages of Dave & Hannah
- 1st Stephen born in Georgia about 1810
- 2nd Bob born in Georgia 1812
- 3rd Warren born in Georgia 1814 died moving to Texas
- 4th Granville 1816
- 5th Darcas 1820 died on the road to Texas
- 6th Joseph born November 12th 1823
- 7th Pleasant born November 16th 1826
- 8th Racheal born February 18th 1830
- 9th Taman born August 6th 1831 died 1834
- 10th Lucky born December 30th 1833 died 1834
- 11th Ephraim son of Toby February 24th 1838
Anaky Children
- 1st Caroline born in Georgia 1818
- 2nd Jinney born in Alabama September 10th 1830
- 3rd Ben Son of Peter Quarles born June 1834
- 4th Lewis son of Peter Quarles born May 1836, died
- Son Aron born December 14th 1828, died
Darcas's children
- 1st Toney son of Peter born July 4th 1840, died soon after
- 2nd Nelson son of Peter born March 1843, died 1844
- 3rd Dilcey son of Peter born March 21st 1845
- 4th Charity son of Peter born November 25th 1846
- Darcas died moving to Texas
Record of the Ages of Mary's Children
- 1st William born in Georgia 1825, died moving to Texas
- 2nd Jerry son of Daniel born November 6th 1833
- 3rd Morris son of Jack born February 7th 1836
- 4th Susan daughter of Jack born August 2nd 1837
- 5th Rhoda daughter of Jack born April 16th 1840
- 6th Jane & Betty Hansels twins born May 1842, died at 1 year
- 7th Collin Hansels son born April 28th 1844, died 1848
- 8th Wesley Hansels son born May 5th 1846
- 9th Jane Hansels daughter born February 4th 1848
- John Son of Jack born May 1830
- Tom son of Jack born July 1833
Big Bob and Kizzy's Children
- 1st King born November 7th 1837
- 2nd Lucy born January 22 1840
- 3rd born dead 1842
- 4th Augustus born August 31st 1843
- 5th Cummings born April 1st 1846
- 6th A child born dead October 13th 1848 Kizzy was in good health and had lay up 4 months before its birth
- Big Ben son of Kizzy bought at the sale of John Anderson Montgomery 1836 about four years old
- Matilday bought at the same time about 4 months old
Bill and Margarett's Children
- 1st Smith born April 1834
- 2nd Harriet born May 27th 1836
- 3rd Rose born May 19th 1838
- 4th Daughter born February 26th 1840 not named died 1840
- 5th Anderson born June 5th 1841 died
- 6th Amanda born August 7th 1843
- 7th Len son of Stephen September 27th 1846
- 8th Frances son of Stephen born September 25th 1849
- 9th Cornelia daughter of Stephen born February 23rd 1861
Clarisey's Children
- 1st Celia born May 1835 died August 1836
- 2nd George born February 1st 1837 died the 17th of November 1862
- 3rd Justice born March 31st 1840 died 26th June 1841
- 4th Emma born December 17th 1843 died 1844
Fanney's Children
- 1st Laurens (son of Laurens) born August 19th 1838
- 2nd Celia daughter of Ned born April 8th 1840, died
- 3rd Sylvey daughter of Ned born March 4th 1842
- 4th Murphy born January 24th 1844, died 1847
- 5th Lawson born 9th June 1846, died 1848
- 6th born dead and the mother died
Record of the Ages of Ferba's Children
- 1st Daniel the son of McLemore, Ben born February 10th 1836
- 2nd Miley daughter of Little Sam born 27th July 1839 died October 5th 1841
- 3rd son born September 10th 1841, died
- Nelus born 1841 died 1842
- 4th Beverly daughter of Little Sam born September 1844
- 5th Alfred son of Little Sam born December 11th 1846,
- 6th Elbert born December 16th 1848, died moving to Texas
- 7th Ellen daughter of Ben born February 13th 1851 in Texas
- 8th Murphy son of Ben born November 27th 1852 in Texas
- 9th Jesse son of Ben born November 1st 1854
Creacy's Children
- 1st Andrew son of Hansel born April 28th 1837
- 2nd Sarah daughter of Hansel born March 11 1839
- 3rd Charles son of Hansel born March 12 1841
- 4th Sandy son of Henry born November 22nd 1843
- 5th Mahaley daughter of Henry born December 16th 1846
- 6th Easther daughter of Henry born September 5th 1849, died moving
- 7th Alesey child of Henry born April 19th 1851
Sarah the daughter of Creacy & wife of (?owned by? G.M. Wood) Daniel
- first child a daughter named Nancy born the 16th of May 1857
- 2nd child a daughter born 20th March 1859 named Fanney, Fanney died October 24th 1859 7 months & 4 days
Record of the Ages of Little Bob & Eliza
- 1st Leroy born April 1838, died
- 2nd Louisa born April 4th 1841, died 1842
- 3rd Robert born August 28th 1843, died 1844
- 4th Frank born September 4th 1845
- 5th Alexander Bill born November 20th 1847
- 6th David born November 7th 1849, died by burn
- 7th Warren born September 15th 1851
- 8th Martha born March 30th 1854
- 9th Lucretia born March the 8th 1856
- 10th Delia born November 31st 1859
- 11th Bolling born April 23rd 1863, Bolling died about 11 months old
Eamon and Alesey's child Alesey died moving to Texas
- 1st Richmond born July 1842, died 1843
Eamon & Mariah
- 1st Isaac born October 2nd 1852
- 2nd Betty Born Sept 3rd 1858
Mariah's Children bright mulattoes
- 1st Martha ? born September 24th 1842, died 1844
- 2nd Cook born December 31st 1844, died 1845
- 3rd Ann Cook born April 25th 1846
- 4th Obediah, called Cass son of Lantern born October 26th 1848
Record of the Ages of Rachael's Children
- 1st son born 28th September 1846 & died 7th October 1846
- 2nd Lucky born September 28th 1847
- 3rd Toby born November 22nd 1849, died 1857
- 4th Emma (John's) born December 7th 1851, died 1859
- 5th David (John's) born August 2nd 1853
- 6th Wilson son of Peter born March 21st 1855
Pleasant's Children
- 1st Lewis son of Neptune born April 16th 1844, died 1845
- 2nd Richmond son of Neptune born September 14th 1846
- 3rd Butler son of Neptune born August 24 1848, died moving to Texas
- 4th Darcas daughter of Black Eamond born August 26th 1857
- 5th Neptune (negro mulatto) born May 11th 1854
- 6th Tamar born Sunday 4th May 1856
Record of Jinney's Children
- 1st Cora (mulatto) born December 9th 1847
- 2nd Colbert son of Angus born March 26th 1850 the first born in Texas
- 3rd Anaka daughter of Angus born March 29th 1852
- 4th Jane (full negro) born February 16th 1854 (turned negro)
- 5th Anderson born April 19th 1856
- 6th Milton born January 12th 1858, died of Flux
- 7th born 30th January 1860 overlaid & died 7th February
- 8th Angus a son born on the 22nd February 1861
- 9th daughter Catherine born 22nd October 1862
- 10th daughter born 30th October 1864 named Cherry
Record of Sue's Children of the Estate of Willis B Wood
- a daughter born June 29th 1855 named Henrietta
- Emma born 27th February 1864
Record of the Ages of Patsey's Children
- 1st Flora mulatto born February 11th 1849, died moving to Texas
- 2nd Hardy mulatto born September 11th 1852
- 3rd William Henderson son of Lewis born April 3rd 1854
- 4th Walter Jackson son of Lewis born December 29th 1855
- 5th John Earnest son born 20th of September 1857
- 6th Alice born January 10th 1860
- 7th Randle a son born February 22nd 1862
- 8th Guildford a son born October 25th 1863
- 9th Louis a son born 4th December 1865
Record of ages of Cloe's Children
- 1st a daughter named Julia born July 21st 1856, died Sept 18th Sunday 8 years old
- 2nd a son born January 26th named Nelson 1859, died October 20th 1859 to pneumonia
- 3rd a son born July 18th 1860 named Mosses
- 4th a son born October 29th 1861 name Rices
- 5th a daughter named Leah born January 13th 1864
Record of the Ages of Children of Ned & Harriett
- 1st son born dead July 15th 1851, dead
- Anderson born November 39th 1852, died
- 3rd Milley born December 18th 1853
- 4th Candace born March 25th 1856
- 5th Perry born February 7th 1858, died 17th July 1858
- 6th March born the 4th of July 1859
- 7th a son born 23rd Sept 1861, died 29th sept 1861
- 8th a son Bill born 25th October 1862, named Bill
Record of the Ages of Rhoada's Children of the Estate of Willis B. Wood.
- 1st named Jack, her first child son of Big Ben 7th of December 1856
- 2nd a son named Collien born 28th of June 1859
- 3rd a son named Elie born 9th of January 1861, Elie died suddenly 22nd August
- 4th child born 17th Nov 1862, died 22nd with lockjaw
- 5th son named Morrice born 17th August 1864
Record of the Ages of the Children of Laten & Matilda
- 1st Louisa born May 8th 1853, died June 1854 teething
- 2nd Hilliard born October 30th 1854, Monday morning
- 3rd Antony born September 9th 1859
- 4th Washington born 18th June 1861
Record of the ages of the Children of Jim & Lucy
- 1st Louisa born October 1857
- 2nd a daughter named Molly born August 31st 1859
- 3rd a son birth the 9th of September 1861 named Lucian
- 4th a son named Silas born 23rd November 1863
- 5th a son named James Monroe born 8th November 1865
Record of the Ages of Rose's children
- her first son named Lee was born 22nd of July 1854 a mulatto
- Joe & Rose's child named Nelly was born the 30th of April 1857
Amanda's children
- Amanda's first child was born 4th of August 1857 named Leanti, called since Juda. May 29th 1859 the above named child died suddenly with spasms.
- Amanda's second child born 28th of September 1864 named Polly
Record of the Ages of Polly & Charles' Children"
- 1st a son born 28th Sept 1861 named Davis, died the 29th January 1862 the child above named died.
- Polly died 5th of November 1862
Record of the Age of Diley's children
- 1st a son named David born 27th February 1862
- 2nd a son named Bird born in May 1864
Record of the age of Sylvey & Smith's children
- 1st born 1st of August 1862 died the 9th of August of lockjaw or
- 2nd born 10th January named Rena
All families have been listed from the lists of births on pages 47-59 in the following source.
Wood, Green. [Greenwood Plantation Accounts: Miscellaneous Financial Records 1855-1866 and Family Records of Slaves], book, 1855/1866; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth636774/: accessed March 2, 2022), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Private Collection of Elsa Vorwerk.
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