Location: Terrebonne, Louisiana, United States
Surnames/tags: black_history slavery Thibodaux
This page's purpose is to record the enslaved people owned by Henry Schuyler Thibodaux, and attempt to connect them to their families.
The following were bought on 23 Apr 1822 from Lazare Hernandez:
- Catherine, 32 years old
- Unnamed child of Catherine, 11 years old
- Griffe, child of Catherine, 2 years old
William, 30 years old, was sold by Henry Schuyler Thibodaux 22 Aug 1822 to Marguerite Belanger Crochet. Thibodaux had purchased him from a Mr. Beauregard "in office of Hugues Lavergne".
Jeanne, a young girl aged 17-18 years old, was sold by Thibodaux to Jean Charles Terriot Sr. on 5 Sep 1822. Thibodaux had purchased her from Jean Nabat. The next day, Jeanne was sold again to Joseph Paul Bourgeois. On 10 Sep 1822, Bourgeois gave Jeanne to his wife Eugenie Thibodaux (daughter of Henry Schuyler). On 21 Apr 1823 Jeanne is again sold, to Jean Charles Terriot. On 13 April 1823 [dates here are weird], Jean Charles Terriot traded Jeanne with Pierre Bertin Roussel for a similarly aged girl named Diana. (Diana is mentioned as having been bought previously from Pierre Martel from New Orleans.) Pierre Bertin Roussel immediately then sold her to Francis M. Guyol.
On 7 Dec 1822 Thibodaux purchased some land from Jacques Verret which included several slaves:
- Lewis
- Cotail
- Tony
- John Lewis
- Jacques
- another Jack
- Davis
- Burr
- Georges
- Rachel
- Catherine
- Babit
- Lilly
- Seraphine
- Antoinette
The same day, Thibodaux sold the following men to Jacques Verret:
- Ness, 30 years old
- Caramany, 30 years old
- Capitain, 50 years old
On 23 Dec 1822 Thibodaux sold a 15 year old girl named Fanny to Hippolyte Simoneaux.
On 6 Jan 1826 Thibodaux bought a 21 year old man named Stephen from Asahel Gross. Gross had purchased him 17 Oct 1821 at Norfolk from John Williamson.
There's a record from 14 Jun 1823 that mentions a girl named Catherine, at that time 16 years old, that had been previously bought from Thibodaux. On 31 Mar 1825 Thibodaux traded a 14 year old boy named Same (Sam?), whom he had purchased in New Orleans from Antoine Morin, to Jean Charles Terriot for a 17 year old girl named Catherine. Same Catherine?
On 21 Apr 1824 Thibodaux mortgaged a 20 year old woman named Pouponne from Alexandre Dupre, who had bought her from Reynaud and Peytarin Jeunes in 1808. The record of her 1808 sale indicates that she came from the "congo nation" and was part of the "cargo" purchased from Paul Lanuse.
On 19 May 1824 Thibodaux bought a 20 year old man named Magloire and an 18 year old woman named Ursule from Joachim Porche.
On 9 Mar 1825 Thibodaux enters into a mortgage agreement with Asahel Gross regarding the following slaves:
- Jack, age 42
- Mingo age 40y
- Bob age 48y
- Easter age 26y
- Baca age 25y
- Milky age 12 y
- Josephine age 2 ½ y
- Matilda age 5y
On 2 Apr 1825 Thibodaux "donated" a ten or eleven year old girl named Mole, whom he had purchased from Mr. Moussier of New Orleans, to Mrs. Jacques VERRET (nee Marguerite Chouastre), to compensate her for the burden of having to move her household due to his land deals.
On 28 Sep 1825 Thibodaux traded an 18 year old girl named Lucinda to Ingor James Dozier for a 20 year old man named Isaac.
On 11 Nov 1825 Thibodaux bought a 23 year old woman named Milite from Jean Gaudet.
On 26 Nov 1825 Thibodaux sold a 30 year old man named Charles and a 26 year old man named Ben to William Roddy and his wife Catherine Thomas and John Clark and his wife Mary Magdalene Roddy.
On 15 May 1826 Thibodaux entered another mortgage agreement with Joseph Monsan for the following slaves:
- Lalie, 24 years old, and her three children, named below
- Noumie (male), 3 years 4 months old
- George, 1 year 3 months old
- Joseph, 2 months old.
On 3 June 1826 Thibodaux entered another mortgage agreement with William Watkins for the following:
- John 30 years old
- Francoise, 30 years old
- Unnamed boy, 19 years old
- Daniel, 15 years old
- Alette, 23 years old
- Geny, 12 years old
- Marie Jeanne, 14 years old
On 31 Jul 1826 Thibodaux sold a 12 year old girl named Francoise to Paul Dupre Terrebonne.
On 14 Dec 1826 Thibodaux sold a 45 year old woman named Therese and her 14 year old daughter Lirette to Ann Ple, wife of Samuel Sturges. He had bought them in May of the same year at a sheriff's sale in Lafourche Interior Parish. The same day there's another record that Ann Ple "remunerated" to H.S. Thibodaux a 13 year old girl named Francoise and an 8 year old boy named Severin, also bought by Thibodaux at the sheriff's sale. I'm not sure what this means - perhaps that he bought them previously, but only this day received them? Thibodaux immediately sold Severin to I.J. Dozer, as well as a 22 year old man named Isaac. Also on this day, Thibodaux bought a 22 year old woman named Patsy from Abram Griffin.
On April 2, 1827 Thibodaux purchased the following from Ingo James Dozer:
- Isaac, about 23 years of age
- Helen, about 18 years of age
- Lucinda, about 20 years of age
- Lucinda's child Henry, about 13 months of age
- Louisa, about 12 years of age
- Severin, about 10 years of age
- Terrebonne Parish Land Conveyance Records (accessed at http://www.lagenweb.org/terrebonne/court/conveyance.html):
- No. 8 Pg. 12 On April 23, 1822 Lazare HERNANDEZ sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX a certain yellow woman or Mulatto “Catherine” 32 years old, with child 11 years old, and another female child “Griffe”, dark in color, 2 years old, said mulatto purchased of Francisco MACHIAVO. $1,500.00. Witnessed by Jean Pierre LEDAY and Joseph ROGER.
- No. 34 Pg. 65 On August 22, 1822 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold Widow Julien CROCHET nee Marguerite BELLANGER, a certain black man named William aged about 30 years. Same negro Henry S. THIBODAUX purchased from Mr. BEAUREGARD in office of Hugues LAVERGNE for $700.00. Witnessed by Leandre B. THIBODAUX and Hubert BELLANGER.
- No. 62 Pg. 109 On September 5, 1822 Slave sale by H. S. THIBODAUX to Jean Charles TERRIOT Sr., a young negro girl named "Jeanne", 17 to 18 years old, which was purchased from Jean NABAT for $800.00. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Hubert BELLENGER.
- No. 63 Pg. 110 on September 6, 1822 Slave sale by Jean Charles TERRIOT Sr. to Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS a young negro girl named “Jeannie”, 17 to 18 years old, which was purchased from H. S.THIBODAUX (financed over several years). Witnessed by Hubert BELLENGER and L. B. THIBODAUX.
- No. 64 Pg. 111 September 10, 1822 Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS and wife Eugenie THIBODAUX, daughter of Henry S. THIBODAUX, Where as Joseph BOURGEOIS sold to Gabriel ARSENAUX (No. 15 Pg. 27) for $600.00 and another tract of land to Marie Carmelote his daughter by deed dated September 3, 1822 for $400.00 (two tracts form whole of a certain one, to the said Eugenie by her father Henry S. THIBODAUX, as her share of a certain division by him, made between his children is a Parapharnelia or extra Dotal Property, that said Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS is bound to replacing her Hereditary or Proper Effects by him Alienated. Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS gave to his wife slave girl named "Jeanne" he had purchased September 5, 1822 from Jean Charles TERRIOT plus another $100.00 to his daughter Marie Carmelite BOURGEOIS. Witnessed by H. S. THIBODAUX and L. B. THIBODAUX.
- No. 84 Pg. 147 On December 7, 1822, Jacques VERRET sold for $2500.00 to Henry S. THIBODAUX to wit, 10 Arpens, fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, having ordinary depth of concession, five miles from Bayou Lafourche, bounded above or North by land of heirs of Walker GILBERT, now presently belonging to Gabriel WINTER and below or South by land of Elmire THIBODAUX. Sold buildings, belongings and slaves, Lewis, Cotail, Tony, John Lewis, Jacques, another Jack, Davis, Burr and Georges. Female slaves Rachel, Catherine, Babit, Lilly, Seraphine and Antoinette. Witnessed by John Claudius MICHEL and Joseph MONSON.
- No. 85 Pg. 149 An exchange on December 7, 1822 Henry S. THIBODAUX to Jacques VERRET, 3 Arpens on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, to ordinary depth of concession, bounded above by land of Emire THIBODAUX and below by land of Leufroy BARRAS. Sold to Jacques VERRET, for $4000.00, 3 negro men, Ness, 30 years old, Caramany, 30 years old and Capitain, 50 years old. Witnessed by John C. MICHEL and Joseph MONSON.
- No. 98 Pg. 11 On December 23, 1822 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold a slave to Hyppolyte H. SIMONEAUX to wit; a negro named “Fanny”, 15 years old. Witnessed by Wm. S. WATKINS and Caleb B. WATKINS.
- No. 119 Pg. 39 On April 21, 1823 Eugenie THIBODAUX, wife of Joseph P. BOURGEOIS, and Joseph P. BOURGEOIS sold to Jean Charles TERRIOT a certain negro woman “Jeanne” 18-19 years old, being the sarne negro woman that the Eugenie purchased of her husband # 64 for $800.00. Witnessed by Louis DARBOIS and Ambroise DUGAS.
- No. 127 Pg. 54 On April 13, 1823 Jean Charles TERRIOT Sr. sold or exchanged with Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL a.certain mulatto girl, of the age about 18 years, named Jeanne, she being the same slave he sold to Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS # 119, exchanged for a certain negro girl, of the age of about 19-20 years, named Diana. Same slave Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL purchased of Pierre MARTEL from New Orleans. Witnessed by Louis DARBOIS and Ambroise DUGAS.
- No. 139 Pg. 76 On June 16, 1823 Jean Charles TERRIOT pere sold to Aubin B. THIBODAUX a certain negro girl., of the age of about 30 years, named Zemire, she being same purchased from Pierre MOLAISON, of the parish of Lafourche Interior, by deed dated June 14, 1823 exchanged for a certain negro girl of the age of about 16 years, named Catherine, being the same purchased of Henry S. THIBODAUX of this parish. Witnessed by Caleb B. WATKINS and Ambroise DUGAS.
- No. 202 Pg. 190 On April 21, 1824 Alexandre DUPRE mortgage to Henry S. THIBODAUX for $450.00 to wit; a certain negro woman, at age of about 20 years named Pouponne, which same was bought of RENAUD fils, as bill of sale shown below. Witnessed by Florentin BLONDEAU and Ase. DUGAS. We Reynaud and Peytarin JEUNES sold to Alexandre DUPRE a young negress, congo nation, arising from the cargo we bought from Mr. Paul LANUSE for $500.00, payable March 1, 1809. Signed Aux BOUMAS, comte d'acadie, this July 7, 1808, Reynaud and Peytarin JEUNES. Witnessed by Simon BRAUD, COCHETE and Judge L. BARRAS.
- No. 210 Pg. 201 On May 19, 1824 Joachim PORCHE sold to H. S. THIBODAUX for $1120.00 payable last day of March 1825 to wit, a certain negro man named Magloire, of the age of about 20 years and a black woman named Ursule, about the age of 18 years. Witnessed by Ambroise DUGAS and L. DARBOIS.
- No. 249 Pg. 259 On March 9, 1825 – Deed of Mortgage – by Asahel GROSS to Henry S. THIBODAUX, whereby he mortgage slaves, Jack age 42y, Mingo age 40y, Bob age 48y, Easter age 26y, Baca age 25y, Milky age 12 y, Josephine age 2 ½ y and Matilda age 5y Witnessed by J. DELAPORT and August VERRET.
- No. 260 2/208 On March 31, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Jean Charles TERRIO, a certain negro boy named Same, about 14 years old, being same purchased form Antoine MORIN in New Orleans. The consideration of this sale is a negro girl named Catherine, of the age of about 17 years. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Auguste VERRET.
- No. 264 2/211 On April 2, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX donated to Mrs. Jacques VERRET (Marguerite CHOUASTRE) a small negress named Mole, about age 10 or 11 years, being the same he bought from Mr. MOUSSIER at New Orleans, to compensate her for the inconvenience of moving her house hold, due to Recision of a sale executed between himself and Jacques VERRET. Witnessed by DELAPORTE and L. B. THIBODAUX.
- No. 305 2/229 On September 28, 1825 an exchange by Ingor James DOZER of Thibodeauxville, un to Henry S. THIBODAUX, a male negro named Isaac, about 20 years of age, for a negro girl, Lucinda, about 18 years of age. Witnessed by DELAPORTE and Henry KAR.
- No. 310 2/236 On November 11, 1925 Jean GAUDET sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX, 1 negress named Milite 23 years old, for $700.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Jacques VERRET.
- No. 319 2/242 On November 26, 1825 H. S. THIBODAUX sold land to William RODDY, Catherine THOMAS (his wife), John CLARK and Mary Magdelen RODDY (his wife) to wit: about 13 miles from Bayou Lafourche on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, 10 arpens front, with depth as certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and below by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and slaves Charles 30 years old, Ben 26 years old, for $4000.00. Witnessed by A. GROSS and John REIDT.
- No. 341 John WILLIAMSON sold to Asahel GROSS a negro man about 21 years old named Stephen at Norfolk, October 17, 1821. “Bayo Taarbon December 14 th 1821” I, A. GROSS, have sold on to Henry S. THIBODAUX Esq. a negro man about 21 or 4 years old for $1000.00. Signed by A. GROS. Recorded January 6, 1826.
- No. 369 1/55 On May 15, 1826 Joseph MONSAN mortgage to H. S. THIBODAUX for $600.00, slaves Lalie Negress 24 years old and her 3 children, Noumie Negro 3 years 4 months old, George small mulatto 1 year 3 months old and Joseph mulatto 2 months old. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
- No. 373 M. 1/56 On June 3, 1826 a mortgage from Wm. WATKINS to H. S. THIBODAUX for $4,000.00- slaves, Negro man John 30 years old, Negro girl Francoise 30 years old, boy 19 years old, boy Daniel 15 years old, girl Alette 23 years old, Geny 12 years old and Marie Jeanne 14 years old Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
- No. 389 2/290 On July 31, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Paul Dupre TERREBONNE, for $400.00, a small Negress named Francoise of about 12 years of age. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
- No. 402 2/298 On December 14, 1826 H. S. THIBODAUX sold two slaves to Ann PLE, wife of Samuel B. STURGES for $233.00 to wit: a Negro girl, Therese, aged about 45 years, with child named Laurette of about 14 years of age, which slaves are the same that H. S. THIBODAUX bought at Sheriff’s sale in the Parish of Lafourche Interior on May 31, 1926. Witnessed J. J. DOZER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
- No. 403 M. 1/66 On December 14, 1826 Mrs. Ann PLE, wife of Samuel B. STURGES Remuneration to H. S. THIBODAUX slaves Francoise age of about 13 years and Soverin of about 8 years, bought by H. S. THIBODAUX at Sheriff’s sale May 31, 1826 in the Parish of Lafourche Interior. Witnessed by J. J. DOZER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
- No. 404 2/299 On December 14, 1826 Abram GRIFFIN sold to H. S. THIBODAUX, for $600.00 a certain Negro girl named Patsy, aged of about 22 years, which slave A. GRIFFIN shall warrant. Witnessed by J. J. DOZER and E. G. COLLINGSWORTH.
- No. 405 2/300 On December 14, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to I. J. DOZER for $166.50 a Negro boy named Severin, of about 8 years of age, which same Henry S. THIBODAUX bought at public sale by the Sheriff of the Parish of Lafourche Interior, on May 31, 1826. Witnessed by E. G. COLLINGSWORTH and Abram GRIFFIN.
- No.406 2/301 On December 14, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to I. J. DOZER for $550.00 a Negro boy named Isaac, of about 23 years of age. Witnessed by E. G. COLLINGSWORTH and Jh. DELAPORTE.
- No. 436 2/315 On April 2, 1827 Ingo James DOZER sold slaves to H. S. THIBODAUX for $2,700.00 to wit: Isaac, about 23 years of age, Helen, about 18 years of age, Lucinda, about 20 years of age, and her child Henry, about 13 months of age, Louisa, about 12 years of age, and Severin, about 10 years of age. Witnessed by A. RIVIERE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
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