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Slaves of James Madison Hawkins

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] to 1850
Location: Yalobusha, Mississippi, United Statesmap
Profile manager: Amy Garber private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 82 times.

A place to record the slave ownership of James Madison Hawkins (1809-aft.1850).

Estate of James Madison Hawkins

The following enslave persons were included in James Madison Hawkins' estate:

Name Born Died Spouse Father Mother New owner Passed/SoldCountyDoc YrStated Value
Dick 1788 Yalobusha,MS1850$300
Moses1803 Yalobusha,MS1850$550
Dempts 1810 Yalobusha,MS1850 $700
Adolphus 1855 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$900
Leigh 1829 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$850
Lucius 1833 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) PassedYalobusha,MS1850$850
Joe1837 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$750
Sarah 1813 Yalobusha,MS1850$500
Phillis 1815 Yalobusha,MS1850$500
Margrete 1834 Yalobusha,MS1850$650
Martha 1839 Yalobusha,MS1850$550
James1843 Yalobusha,MS1850$350
Molley 1808 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$330
Delia 1834 Mar 1851 Yalobusha,MS1850 $650
Ruphus 1841 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$400
Sarah 1842 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$400
Sally 1839 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$350
Bryant1844 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$250
Virginia 1848 Virginia (Hawkins) Carr (1811-1851) Passed Yalobusha,MS1850$200


  1. http://valgenofindings.weebly.com/yalobusha-records-from-slavery.html#JamesMadisonHawkins

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