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Slaves of Mary Parsons (Carroll) Brooks - Slavery Documentation Page

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Edgefield, South Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Black_History Enslaved_Ancestry
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Slaves of Mary Parsons (Carroll) Brooks (1800-1870)


Links to Slave profiles are below the list of sources
1-52 Edgefield, South Carolina, U.S., Slave Records, 1774-1866 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014, Edgefield County Historical Society, 2010; Edgefield, South Carolina; Slave Records of Edgefield County, South Carolina; Author: Lucas, Gloria Ramsey, Name: Mary P. Brooks, Role: New Owner, Enslaved Person:
1-6.....Enslaved Person: Bosley, Joe, Bryant, Cicero, Clarissa, Gay. Ancestry Sharing Link Inherited from husband Whitfield Butler Brooks Sr. (1790-1851)
7-27....Enslaved Person: Billy, Eban, Ed, Ellie, Garland, Julia, Lewis, Lilily, Lou, Lucy, Unnamed, Lydia, Martha, Mary, Unnamed. Nancy, Primas, Richard, Tom, Wesley, Willis. Ancestry Sharing Link Bought from husband Whitfield Butler Brooks Sr. (1790-1851)
28-30 ....Enslaved Person: Jincy, Sampy, Shelton. Ancestry Sharing Link Bought from husband Whitfield Butler Brooks Sr. (1790-1851)
31.....Enslaved Person: Prince. Ancestry Sharing Link Bought from son Preston Smith Brooks (1818-1857)
32-33....Enslaved Person: Judy, 5 Unnamed. Ancestry Sharing Link Bought from son Preston Smith Brooks (1818-1857)
34-37 ....Enslaved Person: Amelia, Bell, Berry, Edd. Ancestry Sharing Link Bought from Edmund Brooks
38-52....Enslaved Person: Frank, Franky, Unnamed, Grace, Jim, Josh, Lizzie, Unnamed, Louisa, Unnamed, Patty, Peter, Sally, Sally, Wilson. Ancestry Sharing Link Bought from Edmund Brooks
53 Edgefield, South Carolina, U.S., Slave Records, 1774-1866 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014, Edgefield County Historical Society, 2010; Edgefield, South Carolina; Slave Records of Edgefield County, South Carolina; Author: Lucas, Gloria Ramsey, Name: Mrs. M.p. Brooks, Role: New Owner,
53....Enslaved Person: Saluda. Bought from Preston Smith Brooks
  1. Bosley Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  2. Joe Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  3. Bryant Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  4. Cicero Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  5. Clarissa Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  6. Gay Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  7. Billy Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  8. Eban Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  9. Ed Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  10. Ellie Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  11. Garland Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  12. Julia Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  13. Lewis Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  14. Lilily Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  15. Lou Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  16. Lucy Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  17. Unnamed child of Lucy Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852) $800.00
  18. Lydia Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  19. Martha Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  20. Mary Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  21. Unnamed child of Mary Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852) $750.00
  22. Nancy Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  23. Primas Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  24. Richard Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  25. Tom Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  26. Wesley Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  27. Willis Brooks (bef.1851-aft.1852)
  28. Jincy Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  29. Sampy Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  30. Shelton Brooks (bef.1852-aft.1852)
  31. Prince Brooks (bef.1857-aft.1857)
  32. Judy Brooks (bef.1857-aft.1857)
  33. 5 unnamed children of Judy Brooks (bef.1857-aft.1857)
  34. Amelia Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  35. Bell Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  36. Berry Brooks (aft.1850-aft.1850)
  37. Edd Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  38. Frank Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  39. Franky Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  40. Unnamed child of Franky Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  41. Grace Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  42. Jim Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  43. Josh Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  44. Lizzie Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  45. Unnamed child of Lizzie Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  46. Louisa Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  47. Unnamed child of Louisa Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  48. Patty Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  49. Peter Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  50. Sally Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  51. Sally Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  52. Wilson Brooks (bef.1850-aft.1850)
  53. Saluda Brooks (bef.1857-aft.1857)



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