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Slaves of Philip Peyre, South Carolina

Privacy Level: Open (White)

Location: Craven, South Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Slavery Black_Heritage Peyre
Profile manager: Naomi Van Tol private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 38 times.

This page's purpose is to record the people enslaved by Phillip Peyre and attempt to connect them to their families.

Phillip Peyre was born around 1705 and died before 25 June 1746 when his will was probated.

On 7 August 1746, his estate inventory was recorded in St James Santee Parish, Craven County, South Carolina, and named 32 enslaved people:[1]

Description Name Valuation
One Negro Man Named Kent 180
One Ditto Cesar 120
One Ditto Robin 130
One Ditto Sampson 180
One Ditto Boston 180
One Ditto Tobit 180
One Ditto Cuffee 150
One Ditto Hector 160
One Ditto York 100
One Ditto Scipio 200
One Ditto Ben 80
One Ditto Brass 160
One Boy Named Bob 120
One Negro Woman Named Clora 140
One Girl Named Phillis 95
One Girl Molly 60
One Woman Named Dianna 120
One Boy Quash 40
One Boy Jack 80
One Girl Nanny 80
One Girl Pathena 55
One Woman Named Dido Valuation obscured
One Boy Peter Valuation obscured
One Girl Riner Valuation obscured
One Girl Hanna Valuation obscured
One Girl Flora Valuation obscured
One Boy Nero Valuation obscured
One Girl Cate Valuation obscured
One Negro Man Named Jonney Valuation obscured
One Ditto Called Dick Valuation obscured
One Negro Woman Named Sarah Valuation obscured
One Girl Called Peggy Valuation obscured


  1. Inventory of Personal Estate: Total Value: £3,028; 7 August 1746 — 32 Slaves of Phillip Peyre "South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964": Charleston Probate Court Estate Inventories, 1746-1748; Estate of Phillip Peyre; pp 27-29. FamilySearch (Images 28-30 of 392).

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