Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Georgia slavery
This page enumerates the slavery history of Richard Oliver Banks (abt.1826-bef.1880)
1850 Slave Schedule Pike County, GA
Age Birthdate Gender Race
- 60 1790 F B
- 50 1800 M B
- 36 1814 F B
- 28 1822 F B
- 26 1824 M B
- 22 1828 F B
- 19 1831 F B
- 19 1831 M B (Seaborn?)
- 18 1832 F B
- 17 1833 F B
- 17 1833 F B
- 17 1833 M B
- 16 1834 M B
- 15 1835 F B
- 13 1837 F B
- 11 1839 M B
- 7 1843 F B
- 5 1845 M B
- 4 1846 M B
- 1 1849 M B
- 3/12 1850 M B
22 Total
1860 Slave Schedule Hancock County, GA
Age Birthdate Gender Race
- 14 1846 F B
- 8 1852 F B
2 Total
From his Father's 1835 Will
"Fifthly I will and bequeath to my beloved son Richard Oliver Banks a negro boy by the name of Seaborn (Jones) now about four years of age."
- 1850 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules
The National Archive in Washington Dc; Washington, DC; NARA Microform Publication: M432; Title: Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 8055 #93393559
Richard O Banks in District 68, Pike, Georgia, USA. - 1860 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules
The National Archives in Washington DC; Washington DC, USA; Eighth Census of the United States 1860; Series Number: M653; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 7668 #91353958
R O Banks in Hancock, Georgia, USA.
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