Location: Charleston, South Carolina, United States

Surnames/tags: slavery black_heritage
This page's purpose is to record the enslaved people owned by Robert Ilderton Limehouse, and attempt to connect them to their families.
Contents |
United States Census Records
1820 - Charleston, Charleston, SC Slaves: 3M <14, 2M 14-25, 2M 26-44, 2F <14, 3F 26-44
1830 - Ward 2, Charleston, Charleston, SC Slaves: 3M 0-9, 1M 10-23, 3M 24-34, 2F 0-9, 3F 10-23, 2F 24-34
1840 - Ward no. 2, Charleston, Charleston, SC Slaves: 1M ,10, 1M 10-23, 3M 24-35, 2F <10, 3F 24-35
Slaves Hired Out To Charleston Orphan House
- Female (name unknown) - 6 months of service (June through Nov 1794) for 7.1 pounds, due Nov 22, 1794.
- Hannah - August 1796
Estate Inventory
6 Oct 1851
- Stafford $300
- Cate $150
- Sally $50
- Lizza and son Paul $550
- Fanny and child Chloe $500
- Blind Eve and Child $150
- Jesse $350
- Joe $350
Total value $2400
Research Notes
- Knight, Felice F. Slavery and the Charleston Orphan House, 1790-1860. 2013. The Ohio State University, PhD dissertation, https://etd.ohiolink.edu/apexprod/rws_etd/send_file/send?accession=osu1374152542.
- Charleston County Wills Vol 45 (1845-51) p. 908
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