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Slaves of Samuel Augustus Pack Jr, Virginia

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Location: Monroe, Virginia, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Slavery Black_Heritage Pack
This page has been accessed 158 times.

This page's purpose is to record the people enslaved by Samuel Augustus Pack Jr and attempt to connect them to their families.

Samuel Augustus Pack Jr was born in Augusta County, Virginia, in 1760 and died circa 1833 in Monroe County, Virginia, which is now located in West Virginia.

He named a number of enslaved people in his 1833 will:[1]

  1. Sally (described as a girl bequeathed to Elizabeth ("Betsy"))
  2. Nancy (described as a girl bequeathed to Jacob Dickason)
  3. Meshack (described as a boy bequeathed to Bartlet "Bartley" Pack in addition to the plantation)
  4. Charles (described as a boy bequeathed to Bartlet "Bartley" Pack in addition to the plantation)
  5. Livey (described as a girl bequeathed to son named William Pack)
  6. Nancy (described as a girl bequeathed to Virginia J. "Jennie" (Pack) Morris)
  7. Tom (described as a man bequeathed to Anderson Pack)
  8. Abram Jr. (described as a man bequeathed to Anderson Pack)
  9. Shed (described as a boy bequeathed to Anderson Pack)
  10. Clara (described as a girl bequeathed to Samuel's granddaughter Mary Polly (Pack) Shanklin, with the express limitation that Clara not be sold out of the family)
  11. Aggy (described as a girl bequeathed to Samuel's granddaughter Virginia, daughter of Anderson Pack)
  12. Joe (described as a man bequeathed to Samuel's widowed daughter-in-law Jane (Hutchinson) Pack with the express condition that if she remarried then she would relinquish Joe to his grandson Rufas, possibly Rufus J. Pack)
  13. Amey (described as a woman bequeathed to sons Anderson Pack and Loammi Pack, with "a sincere request that they will grant her more than usual privalege and treat her well for her kindness to myself and worthy companion that has gone before me")
  14. Jimey (described as a woman bequeathed to Anderson Pack)
  15. Henry
  16. Harris
  17. Hampton (described as a boy bequeathed "to my grand son Samuel and Archibald Pack jointly")

Will of Samuel Pack

WILL OF SAMUEL PACK, Jr., May 28, 1833 - In the name of God amen, I Samuel Pack of the County of Monroe and State of Virginia calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my first last will and testament and first of all I bequeath my soul into the hands of God who gave it and my body recoin mind to the dust to be buried in a Christians like manner at the description of my escextitors nothing doubling but at the general reservation I shall receive the same again by the mighty and power of God and us touching my worldly Estate as it had pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and bequeath in the more following to wit:

1st I give and bequeath my son Samuel Pack thirty two dollars fifty cents it being the balance he owes to me to him and his heirs forever

2nd I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Rachell Pack $150 to be paid out of my Estate to her and her heirs forever

3rd I give and bequeath to my daughter Betsy my negro girl Sally with all her increase to her and her heirs forever

4th I give and bequeath to my son in law Jacob Dickerson my negro girl Nancy to him and his heirs forever

5th I give and bequeath to my son Matt Pack the whole of the track of land on which he now lives containing 135 acres with this reserve that there is a boat landing constantly kept up on said land to him and his heirs forever

6th I give and bequeath to my grand son Samuel Pack son of Matt's one hundred dollars to be paid either in money or property out of my Estate to his and his heirs forever

7th I give and bequeath to my son Bartley Pack one negro boy called Meshack and my negro boy called Charles----also a certain part of my old plantation that he now lives upon beginning at the mouth of a branch where I formerly had a still house near where Jacob Dickerson did live and with the medders of said branch to the back line and with the back line to include all the lower part of said plantation now occupied by him with one reserve that is a burying place lay one half acre of ground that I chose out for that purpose which burying place I give and bequeath to heirs jointly and their heirs forever and the balance to him and his heirs forever with this reserve that the re-bequeath and claims that he may have against me by note or otherwise

8th I give and bequeath to my son William Pack my negro girl Livey to him and his heirs forever I also give him all my stock of cattle that he has now no hand also all the money that he owes me to him and his heirs forever

9th I give and bequeath to my daughter Jennit my negro girl called Nancy with all her increase to her and her heirs forever also $400 which I paid towards the track of land on which she now lives to her and her heirs forever

10th I give and bequeath to my son Anderson Pack miller track of lands containing 216 acrese by survey with all its appestinances--also my interest in two copper stills with this reserve of one acre of ground at same suitable place on said land for the purpose of building a new meeting house in which all denomination may preach without interruption also my home place on which I now live adjoining the track that I have deeded to my son Loammi to him and his heirs forever with this reserve that he makes a good and sufficient title to the track of land known by the name of the Hulls track the right to be made to my grand son Bartley Pack, son of Loammi to him and his heirs forever. I also bequeath to my son Anderson my two negro men called Tom and Abram Jr. also my negro boy Shed to him and his heirs forever with this reserve that he also gives me in return one yellow negro boy called Haris. I also give and bequeath to my son Anderson the choice of all my beds and furniture to him and his heirs forever.

11th I give and bequeath to my daughter Polly one hundred dollars to be paid out of my estate to her and her heirs forever the lot of my beds and furniture I give and bequeath to my three daughters both Polly and Jennit to them and their heirs forever

12th I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Polly Pack and now Polly Shancklin my negro girl called Clara to her and her heirs forever -- with this reserve that she is not to be sold out of the family

13th I will and bequeath my fery boat landing on each side of the river together with the land adjoining Billy Pack's line then east to Bartlet's line running to the back line to my son Bartlet who is to charge of old Abram and Fanney his wife to let them remain on it during their natural life

14th I give and bequeath to my friend John Walker one square acre ground laying near Peterstown to commence at a certain spring near the old road to the line to be run so as to include a part of the spring to run from the spring to the back line on Brush Creek and thence round again to make a square acre to him and his heirs forever. With the exception of this said Walker is not to sell it out of the family.

15th I give and bequeath to my son Anderson his choise in my interest in all the lots and houses in Peterstown also I give and bequeath to him all my interest in all the lots I claime in Peterstown with the exception of three which I give and bequeath to my three grandsons Augustus B. Browles, Milton and Samuel sons of my daughter Jininet---I also will and bequeath to my son Anderson all my interest in the out lands adjoining Peterstown I also give and bequeath to my sons William and Anderson the other half of my claim of land laying in the State of Ohio to them and their heirs forever

16th I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Virginia daughter of my son Anderson my negro girl Aggy to her and her heirs forever

17th I give and bequeath to my daughter-in-law Jane Pack (widow of my son Johns) my negro man Joe during her natural life or weddowhood but at her death or marriage to return to my grand sons Rufus Pack to him and his heirs forever

18th I give and bequeath to my son Anderson and Bartley my negro woman Amey to them and their heirs forever with a sincere request that they will grant her more than usual privalege and treat her well for her kindness to myself and worthy companion that has gone before me. To also give and bequeath to my son Anderson my negro woman Jimey with all her increase to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my son Loammi one black boy called Henry and also one yellow boy called Haris to him and his heirs forever

19th I give and bequeath to my grand son Samuel and Archibald Pack jointly my black boy Hampton also jointly one half of my claime of land in the State of Ohio to them and there heirs forever

20th I give and bequeath all my plantation utensils to all my household and kitchen furnature exept what I have specially bequeath to my son Anderson to him and his heirs forever

21st I disere that all my hogs sheep cattle and horses to be sold and after paying my funeral expenses and all my last debts I disire that all the money have on hand and all that is due me by Bond Accout or otherwise to be either paid out in land in the western Country or put out at legal usury untill the children here mention shall become of lawful age to with my grand daughter Virginia -- my grand sons Josephus son of Bartlet, my great grandson John P Dunlap son of Rebecca, my great grand son John Pack son of Samuel

22nd I desire that my son Bartley may pay to my grand daughter Polly Pack daughter of Bartley two hundred dollars for the consideration of the boat landing port and land attached thereto and also that would be $100 in property to Matt Pack's son Samuel to them their and heirs

23rd I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Anderson Pack and Richard Shanklin esectutors to my last will and testament hereby revoking all other by me made

24th If any of my heirs to whom I have given property shall disagre or try to break my will then my desire is that they may forefit their part of what I have given them

Signed Sealed and acknowledged deliverd in the presents of this witnesses Given under my hand and seal this 28th of May 1833 Samuel Pack (Seal) Witnesses John W. Walker John Thompson Henry Hull Henry White In Monroe, July Court 1833 This last will and testament of Samuel Pack deceased was presented in court and proved by the oaths of John W. Walker and Henry White subserving witnesses thereto and the same is ordered to be recorded and on motion of Anderson Pack and Richard Shanklin esecutors named in the said will who made oath as such and together with Richard Thomas, John Karns, John H. Vawter, Dilaney Swinney, Mordicai Boles, John Syms, Richard Shanklin and Robert Shanklin their sureties entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of three thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs certificate for attaining probat thereof in due form as granted them.

Research Notes

  • This text contains a large amount of additional information on the people enslaved by the Pack family: "Pack Slaves of Upper New River West Virginia and Their Families" by John F Valentine. Springville, Utah 2002. Free FamilySearch Link to Full Text.


  1. Will of Samuel Augustus Pack Jr - Monroe County, Virginia, 28 May 1833. Will of Samuel Pack.

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