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Slaves of Sarah Ann Lillington, North Carolina

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Surname/tag: slavery, black heritage
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This page has been accessed 66 times.

The purpose of this page is to record those enslaved by Sarah Ann Lillington and connect them to their descendants.


Sarah's will was probate in 1838 and listed the following slaves[1]

SlaveDescriptionInherited by
Ezekielage 17Alexander Lillington, nephew
Peterage 14George Lillington, nephew
Annagirl with childSamuel Paxton Wallus, nephew
Sopiochild of AnnaSamuel Paxton Wallus, nephew
Georgeage 12Lillington Corbin, son of neice Sarah Corbin
Amyage 5-6Celestia Langdon, daughter of Samuel Langdon
any remaining slavesSarah Black, mother
MatJohn Lillington, brother
Harrietage 15Sarah Corbin, neice
Peggyage 15Eliza A M Lillington, neice
Rachaelage 7Mary Lillington, neice
Lindaage 6Margarett H Lillington, neice
Lauramother of LucyMarietta Watters, sister
Lucychild of LauraMarietta Watters, sister
ZangooldMarietta Watters, sister
Jennymother of threeSarah Ann Lillington Watters, niece
Davidchild of JennySarah Ann Lillington Watters, niece
Jessechild of JennySarah Ann Lillington Watters, niece
Williamchild of JennySarah Ann Lillington Watters, niece


  1. Will: "North Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998"
    Probate Records, 1746-1858; Author: North Carolina. County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions (New Hanover County); Probate Place: New Hanover, North Carolina
    Ancestry Record 9061 #827296 (accessed 11 February 2024)
    Will of Sarah A Lillington of Wilmington, North Carolina, granted probate on 26 Apr 1838.

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