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Slaves of Sarah Hopkins Adams, South Carolina

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Surnames/tags: Adams slavery
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This page's purpose is to record the people enslaved by Sarah Hopkins Adams (abt.1806-1848) and attempt to connect them to their families.


1841 Division of Slaves from Father's Will[1]

March 1, 1841
Bill blacksmithSarah H Adams$1,000
old HarrySarah H Adams$400
mill JackSarah H Adams$600
golden JohnSarah H Adams$400
house JohnSarah H Adams$500
SamSarah H Adams$400
yellow GeorgeSarah H Adams$500
WallaceSarah H Adams$350
LyraSarah H Adams$450
MilaSarah H Adams$100
BeckSarah H Adams$300
WadeSarah H Adams$100
OrangeSarah H Adams$250
Lyras HarrySarah H Adams$250
RoyalSarah H Adams$300
NelsonSarah H Adams$200
FloraSarah H Adams$100
JulianSarah H Adams$175
GraceSarah H Adams$250
old RoseSarah H Adams$100
old AilseSarah H Adams$100
old JimSarah H Adams$0
big GeorgeSarah H Adams$700
AllenSarah H Adams$600
NoahSarah H Adams$700
Harry, son of CaesarSarah H Adams$700
GastonSarah H Adams$700
AaronSarah H Adams$700
SylvySarah H Adams$500
Beck daughter of SylvySarah H Adams$500
HannahSarah H Adams$450
Mary oof MariaSarah H Adams$500
little DollySarah H Adams$400
PhillisSarah H Adams$500
house PaulSarah H Adams$800
house DinahSarah H Adams$500
MariahSarah H Adams$500
little SylvySarah H Adams$200
Ailie daughter of SylvySarah H Adams$100
house PeterSarah H Adams$800
SarahSarah H Adams$600
LouisaSarah H Adams$400
EllenSarah H Adams$250
PollySarah H Adams$200
ChildSarah H Adams$100
Milly daughter of SylvySarah H Adams$400
EmilySarah H Adams$350
AnnetteSarah H Adams$350
ChanceSarah H Adams$300

Sarah signed her will on December 25, 1844, in which she left her estate to her two brothers, Joel and James Adams. The will was proved on November 7, 1848.[2]

Research Notes

The inventory of her estate needs to be transcribed, 72 slaves were identified. It was completed on January 30, 1849.[3]


  1. Will: "South Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980"
    Richland County, South Carolina Miscellaneous Estate Records, 1799-1955; Author: South Carolina. County Court (Richland County); Probate Place: Richland, South Carolina
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 9080 #283464 (accessed 14 December 2023)
    Will of James Adams of Richland, South Carolina, USA, granted probate on 11 Jul 1840.
  2. Probate: "South Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980"
    Richland County, South Carolina Miscellaneous Estate Records, 1799-1955; Author: South Carolina. County Court (Richland County); Probate Place: Richland, South Carolina
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry ca Record 9080 #957794 (accessed 27 December 2022)
    Sarah H Adams probate.
  3. Probate Inventory Image: "South Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980"
    Richland > Estate Papers, Box 35, Packages 851-875, 1799-1955
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 14 December 2023)
    Sarah H Adams.

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