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Slaves of Susannah (Maddox) White, Georgia

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Coweta, Georgia, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: slavery black_heritage
Profile manager: Stacey Martin private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 88 times.

The purpose of this page is to record those enslaved by Susannah White in an effort to connect them to their descendants.


Father's will

In 1822 Susannah inherited one slave from her father, a man named Stephen. [1]

Husband's Estate Settlement

Susannah got the following slaves from the settlement of her husband's estate: [2] The last two columns are from the distribution of the estate.[3]

SlavedescriptionAssessed ValueInherited/Bought byPrice
Ephraim man $150Susannah White$45
Resseman$300Susannah White$99
Marchman$500Susannah White$50
Ephraimman$500Susannah White$50
Sawnyman$400Susannah White$26
Benn man$150
Chany (China) woman $300Susannah White$45
Jinny woman $400Susannah White$60 (with 5 children unnamed)
Eliza woman $500Susannah White$25 (with 3 children unnamed)
Nana (Maria?)woman $500Susannah White$50
Flora woman $400Susannah White$41
Hulda woman $425Susannah White$41
Milly woman $250
Mary woman $137.50
Dinah woman $100
Caroline woman $100

There is one man, Phil, who is listed in the distribution, sold to Susannah White for $126, who is not listed on the inventory. Was this actually Mack? He is otherwise unaccounted for. There was a boy named Bishop also sold to Susannah for $20 who does not have an exact match

I believe Milly, Mary, Dinah, Caroline, June, Cesar, Benn, and Cudd were likely the 8 unnamed children sold with Ginny and Eliza.

See Slave of Levi White for full inventory.

Probate Inventory

The following slaves were listed on Susannah's probate and sold. (the first three columns are from the inventory[4] and the last two from the sale.)[5]

SlavedescriptionAssessed ValuePurchasedPrice
Buck man$750 J C White $810
Stephen man$100 J C White $62
Eliza & Sinae woman & youngest child$550 Robert White $466 & $163 - might be another child in sale
Sally girl$200 Edward White $200
Anne girl $300 E White $317
Bill boy $400 Askin Upshaw $493
Esther girl$400 G W Maddox $502


  1. Father's Will: "Georgia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1742-1992"
    Wills, 1786-1921; Author: Georgia. Court of Ordinary (Greene County)
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 8635 #1308599 (accessed 4 April 2023)
    Susannah White probate in 1786-1877.
  2. Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990: "Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990"
    Catalog: Coweta County, Georgia probate records Inventories & appraisements, bills of sale v. A-B 1828-1854
    Image path: Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990 > Coweta > Inventories and appraisements 1828-1854 vol A-B > image 49 of 552; citing Houston County Probate Court Judge, Georgia.
    FamilySearch Image: 3QSQ-G9QM-XYDR (accessed 4 April 2023)
  3. Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990: "Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990"
    Catalog: Coweta County, Georgia probate records Record of wills v. A-B 1828-1892 -- annual returns 1829-1838
    Image path: Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990 > Coweta > Wills and returns 1828-1892 vol A-B > image 159 of 522; citing Houston County Probate Court Judge, Georgia.
    FamilySearch Image: 3QS7-89QM-2G6Z (accessed 4 April 2023)
  4. Probate Inventory: "Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990"
    Catalog: Coweta County, Georgia probate records Inventories & appraisements, bills of sale v. A-B 1828-1854
    Image path: Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990 > Coweta > Inventories and appraisements 1828-1854 vol A-B > image 275 of 552; citing Houston County Probate Court Judge, Georgia.
    FamilySearch Image: 3QSQ-G9QM-XB89 (accessed 4 April 2023)
  5. Probate Sale: "Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990"
    Catalog: Coweta County, Georgia probate records Inventories & appraisements, bills of sale v. A-B 1828-1854
    Image path: Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990 > Coweta > Inventories and appraisements 1828-1854 vol A-B > image 328 of 552; citing Houston County Probate Court Judge, Georgia.
    FamilySearch Image: 3QS7-99QM-XYD1 (accessed 4 April 2023)

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