Location: Granville, North Carolina, United States

Surnames/tags: Banks Slavery
Thomas Banks (abt.1709-abt.1789) enslaved people in Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia, as described below.
Order books showing unnamed enslaved, Caroline County, VA, 1735
According to a published Banks family genealogy book, there were two unnamed enslaved people found in original records cited as Order Book 1735, page 307 and Order Book 1732-1740 (1735), page 414. These primary sources have not been verified. [1]
- "A Negro belonging to Thomas Banks adjudged 10 years old"
- "A Negro belonging to Thomas Banks"
Tax on enslaved people, Granville Tax Records, NC, 1763-1769
Between 1763-1769, a total of 15 named people plus an unnamed "youth" were enslaved by Thomas Banks. Most of these people were reported two or three times in three different years' tax records.
The following people in 1763 were enslaved by Thomas Banks and Richard Banks, listed as taxpayers under the landowner William Burford.
- Harry
- Sabra
- Jack
- Dickson
- Doll
- Mortillo
- Lilly
- Briant
- John
In 1766, the following people were listed in the tax records as enslaved by Thomas and his sons Richard and Thomas Banks. Granville Tax Records 1747-1887. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSVR-K37K-Y?view=fullText&keywords=Thomas%20Banks&groupId=TH-909-70969-84340-30
Listed a second time, therefore probably duplicating the names from the1763 tax record (see above) -- though uncertain as no ages or other information were given -- were these people:
- Dick
- Doll
- Caroline
- Lyley
- Tom
- Jack
The following new names appear in this 1766 tax record:
- Sary
- Winfor
- Maliler
- Tiler
- Toney
The following people enslaved by Thomas Banks were listed in tax records in Granville County in 1769:[2]
Listed a third time, therefore probably duplicating the names from the1763 and 1766 tax records (see above) -- though uncertain as no ages or other information were given -- were these people:
- Dick
- Tom
- Caroline
- Dol
- Liley
- Tiler
- Toney
The following new name, presumably an adult with an unnamed "youth" appears in the 1769 tax record. It's possible that "Windsor" was the same as "Winfor" (named in 1766, above) but a unique profile is provided for him in case he is a different person.
- Windsor and "youth"
Criminal trial of an enslaved person, Granville, NC, 1764 and 1767
Thomas Banks was among 7 freeholders summoned in 1764 and 1767 for trials involving an enslaved person named Somergency, allegedly for criminal actions. The possibility of execution is mentioned in the document. It's not clear if Thomas Banks was the enslaver, or perhaps one of several enslavers of this man.[3]
- Somergency
Move with Enslaved People to Georgia, 1782
According to the Banks family records, Thomas moved with his son Ralph, (likely) his son-in-law Joseph Blackwell and likely other family members from North Carolina to Wilkes County, Georgia, which later became part of Elbert County, Georgia. It was said that they traveled with 16 enslaved people. It isn't clear who "owned" these people. Also, given Thomas' vast land holdings in North Carolina, it is likely he sold some of them before the move.[4]
- 16 unnamed enslaved people
Will, Granville County, NC, 1781
[Information will be added later.]
28 Oct 1789, Wilkes Co., GA - Richard Banks and Ralph Banks posted bond as executors of the estate of Thomas Banks. Joseph Blackwell, security.[5]
Deed of Gift of Enslaved, Granville County, NC, 1771 and 1779
A "Deed of Gift" was issued in 1781 from Thomas Banks to two of his grandchildren, Dunston and Banks Blackwell, whose father Joseph Blackwell was married to Thomas' daughter. This Deed is made through Joseph Blackwell receiving the sum of "three hundred and thirty-nine pounds four shillings and for divers other causes and considerations," in return for which Joseph Blackwell willed to the two children the following slaves:[6]
- Patt "Negro wench"
- Rose "Negro girl"
- Mary "Negro girl"
- David "Negro boy"
- Shadrach "Negro child"
In 1779, the year of Thomas Banks' death, Joseph Blackwell in Granville County, North Carolina, was granted a deed of gift to his sons Dunstan and Banks Blackwell for the enslaved people listed above.[7]
Another document in 1779 states that Joseph Blackwell gifted his sons "out of love" some "livestock and other property valued at 339 pounds and 4 shillings." This is equivalent to roughly $480 at this time, and it is likely that the "other property" included the five enslaved people listed above.[8]
Land in Caroline County, NC
- Caroline County Order Book 1741-1746 includes mention (date unknown) of land sale to Thomas Banks from William Burdil. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9PC-3S5L?view=fullText&keywords=Thomas%20Banks&groupId=M9F9-XZQ
Land in Granville County, NC
There are numerous records of Thomas Banks' land holdings in Granville County, North Carolina. Some of these (from secondary and primary sources) are listed below. Further research is needed for complete listings of his land.
The published Banks family genealogy book describes the following land transactions in Granville County. [1] Note that after Thomas moved to Georgia in about 1762, until close to the date of his death in 1789, he continued with land transactions in North Carolina.
- The first land transaction on record in Granville county to which Thomas Banks was a party was made in August 1762, and is as follows: This Deed made the 11th day of August, 1762, by William Gray and his wife, of Granville county, of the first part, to Thomas Banks Jr. of St. Margaret's Parish, County of Caroline, of the Colony of Virginia, party of the second part, witnesseth, Etc. The deed called for 253 1/2 acres of land for which 66 pounds 16 shillings was paid. Book E, page 376, Granville county, N.C.
- In Book G, page 371, with date of November 22, 1763, is found where Thomas Banks purchased 75 acres of land "near Cannaday's [Dannady's?] Mill, adjoining his other tract.
- Deed Book O, page 310, March 31, 1784: Thomas Banks to George White, both of Granville county, 1,100 acres of land , where Thomas Banks now lives. George White a brother of Betty, Thomas' second wife.
- Thomas sold his home tract in March 1784. Recorded in Book O, p. 409.
- On March 20, 1785, Thomas -- by then in Georgia -- sold to Louis Taylor a tract of land in NC "on Quicksand Creek, both sides, beginning on Hornsby's line and George White's corner poplar in a branch." 1500 acres. This deed was executed in Wilkes County, GA and certificate sent to Granville County, N.C.
- In Book O, p. 442, March 14, 1786: Thomas and his wife Susannah sold to Alexander Carter 400 acres in Granville County, N.C.
Granville Co., NC, DB O, p. 442, 14 Mar 1786 - Thomas Banks and wife, Susanna, of the State of Georgia sold land in Granville Co. to Alexander Carter of Granville Co. [9]
File No. 98, Thomas Banks (Warrant No. 414), 1780, 1782 Tennessee, Sullivan County
- Acres: 479
- Grant No.: 109
- Issued: Oct. 23, 1782
- Entry No.: 414
- Entered: Apr. 14, 1780
- Book: 43
- Page: 290
- Location: Beg. at a Chestnut tree
File No. 1191, Thomas Banks, 1779, 1780 Granville County, North Carolina
- Acres: 675
- Grant No.: 354
- Issued: Mar. 1, 1780
- Entry No.: 391
- Entered: Aug. 5, 1779
- Book: 35
- Page: 285
- Location: On both sides of Mirey Branch
File No. 1467, Thos. Banks, 1779, 1783 Granville County, North Carolina
- Acres: 624
- Grant No.: 444
- Issued: Oct. 15, 1783
- Entry No.: 397
- Entered: Aug. 5, 1779
- Book: 50
- Page: 317
- Location: On the Beaverdam Creek beg. at Thornton's and Hookers corner
File No. 1266, Thomas Banks, 1778, 1779 Granville County, North Carolina
- Acres: 741
- Grant No.: 58
- Issued: Sept. 24, 1779
- Entry No.: 107
- Entered: May 29, 1778
- Book: 39
- Page: 168
- Location: On the So. side of Tar River at said Barnes corner
File No. 1040A, Thomas Banks, 1778, 1780 Granville County, North Carolina
- Acres: 437
- Grant No.: 203
- Issued: Mar. 1, 1780
- Entry No.: 108
- Entered: May 29, 1778
- Book: 35
- Page: 134
- Location: North side of Tar River
Banks, Thomas. Granville Co., 1762, 1763 Granville County, North Carolina
- Warrant: 1762 April 13. 700 acres.
- Descriptive references for land: Miry Branch, Phil. Bradford,
- Ebenezer Wilson Deed: 1763 April 1
Possible Land Purchases in Other Areas
A Thomas Banks purchased land in other areas during the years of his life, without biographical information that he lived in these areas. This may have been a different Thomas Banks, or this Thomas whose land holdings extended beyond his residences.
- Land records in Halifax County, Virginia, show that a Thomas Banks in 1770 purchased a parcel of land there.
Deed Book 7, Halifax County, VA https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS4V-5S26-9?view=fullText&keywords=Thomas%20Banks%2CThomas%2CBanks%2CVirginia&groupId=M9NT-CY9
- Thomas Banks in 1752 purchased land in Norfolk County, VA. Deed Book 15, Norfolk County VA 1750-1752. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9GY-Q7DV?view=fullText&keywords=Thomas%20Banks%2CVirginia&groupId=M9V2-G7T
Research Note
Considering Thomas' large land holdings in Caroline County, North Carolina Georgia, and possibly elsewhere, it's recommended that further research be done to find records of people he enslaved.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Banks, Elbert Augustine; Young, Georgia Butt; Franklin, Sarah Banks, The Genealogical Records of the Banks Family of Elbert County, Georgia. Second Edition, 1937
- ↑ Granville Tax Records 1747-1887. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSVR-K372-X?view=fullText&keywords=Thomas%20Banks&groupId=TH-909-70969-84340-30
- ↑ Granville Enslavement Records 1754-1875, 1764-1876
- ↑ “The Story of Thomas Banks,” by Ed Jackson of the Banks Family Association, on YouTube [1] Transcription: [2]
- ↑ Wilkes Co., GA, WB 1810-1816 (written inside "Will Book HH"). A record of bonds posted is at the end of this will book. Digital image at Ancestry.com - https://preview.tinyurl.com/y23wdrnw
- ↑ Banks, Elbert Augustine; Young, Georgia Butt; Franklin, Sarah Banks, The Genealogical Records of the Banks Family of Elbert County, Georgia. Second Edition, 1937, p. 21 (see images for pages 20-23 attached on this page)
- ↑ Granville. Wills 1772-1787 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89GW-Y9SM-8?view=fullText&keywords=Thomas%20Banks%2CNorth%20Carolina%2CGranville&groupId=TH-1961-47007-28146-36
- ↑ Granville. Wills 1772-1787 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C956-FSSQ-J?view=fullText&keywords=Thomas%2CBanks%2CNorth%20Carolina%2CGranville&groupId=TH-909-49005-54677-29
- ↑ Gwynn, Zae Hargett, “Kinfolks of Granville County, North Carolina, 1765-1826,” published by Joseph W. Watson, Rocky Mount, NC, 1974,p. 68
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