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Slaves of Thomas Scott, Georgia

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Georgia, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: slavery black_heritage
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This page has been accessed 166 times.

This page's purpose is to record the enslaved people owned by Thomas Scott (abt.1775-bef.1854), and attempt to connect them to their families.


This Thomas Scott is apparently the Thomas Scott referred to in the Alabama Supreme Court case of 1848 of Scott v. Baber. This court case refers to a bill of sale of slaves between Nathaniel Baber of Abbeville County, South Carolina and Thomas Scott of Randolph County, Georgia (now Jasper County, Georgia) in 1812.

  1. Malinda [1]
  2. James [2]
In 1850, Thomas Scott held 12 slaves in Coosa, Coosa, Alabama[3]
  • 43 F B
  • 35 M B
  • 22 F B - Likely Malinda
  • 17 M B
  • 16 M B
  • 15 M B
  • 13 M B
  • 11 M B
  • 9 M B
  • 6 F B
  • 5 F B
  • 2 M B - Likely James


  1. Will of Mary Scott abstracted by Nell Orr
  2. Will of Mary Scott abstracted by Nell Orr
  3. 1850 Census: "1850 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules"
    The National Archive in Washington Dc; Washington, DC; NARA Microform Publication: M432; Title: Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry ca Record 8055 #90149578 (accessed 13 April 2023)
    Thomas Scott in Coosa, Coosa, Alabama, USA.
  • Nell Orr, Abstract of Chambers County Alabama Willbooks 1 and 2 (N.p.: n.p., n.d.), 143; p. 438. Mary Scott's Will. To dau. Elenor Smith, wife of Wm. Smith, negro Malinda, 28 years old. To grandson William T. Smith, boy James, 7 years old. To son David M. Scott $5. To son Jerry Scott $5. To son Joseph Scott, the ballance of my estate. Exr. Langdon Ellis. 2 April 1855.Signed: Mary "X" Scott. Wit: Elizabeth McClendon, Jno. M. Harrington.p. 439 Proved on oath of John M. Harrington 28 May 1855. Recorded same date. Saml. Pearson, Judge of Probate.

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