Location: Roane, Tennessee, United States

Surnames/tags: Brittain Slavery black_heritage
These are the Slaves held by William Brittain of Roane Co. Tennessee and their disposition in his will dated May 1st 1847 [1][2]
Taken from the Will of William Brittain This is a work in progress more info to follow on sale of these enslaved peoples.
- Franny (Polly) King Brittain and Mary "Polly" Gray Brittain.[3]
On page 4 of will is the full inventory of slaves owned.
- Hannah Descends to wife, Polly, (pg. 1, 2, 3, 4) "I direct that the old negro woman named Hanah to live with my wife Polly Brittain until her death, and if she should live longer than my wife Polly to live the remainder of her days with my heirs or be supported by them in proportion to the estate they receive by this my last will and testament."
- Rose age 41 years, Value $350. Went to heirs of Joseph Brittain, guardian of Thomas Roberson. Two children of Rose appear on 26 Jun 1851. To be sold at public auction, Court house in Kinston, Blairs Ferry and one other place to be chosen by commissioner James R. Robinson. Sold to Drury A Bacon (1807-1881) for $705.00 as one lot on 31 Sep 1851 sold at Blairs Port (pg 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 32, 35,36, 37-39)
- Abel/Abram age 6 or 7 yrs. Son of Rose value $250. Date 26 Jun 1851. To be sold public auction Court house in Kinston, Blairs Ferry and one other place to be chosen by commissioner James R. Robinson. Sold to Dury A. Bacon for $705.00 on 09/31/1851 as one lot sold at Blairs Port. (pg 36, 37-39)
- Hayward age 3, Son of Rose. Value $250.00 Date 06/26/1851 To be sold public auction Court house in Kinston, Blairs Ferry and one other place to be chosen by commissioner James R. Robinson Sold to Dury A. Bacon Bacon-9549 for $705.00 as one lot on 09/31/1851 sold at Blairs Port (pg 35, 36, 37-39)
- Joseph age 39 given to wife, Polly and after she passes descends to the grandchildren (the children of Joseph and Robert Brittain). (pg 1, 3)
On 20 Sep 1853 Jo is hired to Hugh Brittain with Blacksmith tools for $3.00. (pg 16)
On 22 Jun 1853 Joe is to be put up for sale. Sold to John Hall at the Lenoir Store for $964. (pg 1, 3, 16, 45, 49, 50, 53)
- Arch aged 46, Value $325. Went to the heir of Joseph Brittain, guardian of Thomas Roberson.
Date: 4 Feb 1851 Arch loses an eye while being hired out.
June 1851 New value $200.
On 26 Jun 1851 To be sold public auction Court house in Kinston, Blairs Ferry and one other place to be chosen by commissioner James R. Robinson. Sold to Samuel A. D'Armond for $206.00 on 3 Sep 1851 (pg 4, 5, 7, 8, 34, 36-41, 50) - Eliza age 26 yrs. and her child Richard, age 3, valued at $550. Went to heirs of Joseph Brittain, guardian of Thomas Roberson (pg 4, 5, 8)
- Richard age 1yr. Son of Eliza valued with mother $550. Went to heirs of Joseph Brittain, guardian of Thomas Robersonpg 4, 5, 7, 8, 32,
- Amana actual spelling (Manda later spelling) age 19. (pg 1, 3, 4) in 1853 there is a court case in Kingston, Tennessee. Re: Soloman, Amanda and Amanda's two children Wiley & Fredrick who are now in possession of Mary Polly Brittain Whalen Billingsly (pg. 32, 33, 34) Polly retains custody of slaves after court battle (pg 31-34)
- George age 15 yrs. (pg 4). Valued at $550. Went to heirs of Joseph Brittain, guardian of Thomas Roberson, (Page 8) New value June 1851: $650.
On 26 Jun 1851- To be sold at public auction Court house in Kinston, Blairs Ferry and one other place to be chosen by commissioner James R. Robinson. Sold to Daniel L. Carmichael for $815.00 sold on 3 Sep 1851 (pg 4, 8, 35-39, 41) - One yellow girl named Dianher (actual spelling) Later spelling Dianah. Age 12, valued at $375. Went to heirs of Joseph Brittain, guardian of Thomas Roberson. New value on June 1851: $550.
On 26 Jun 1851 To be sold public auction Court house in Kinston, Blairs Ferry and one other place to be chosen by commissioner James R. Robinson. Sold to James H. Johnson for $750.00 sold on 3 Sep 1851 (pg 3, 4, 5, 8, 35, 37-39, 41) - Joseph age 10 yrs. Valued at $375 Went to heirs of Joseph Brittain, guardian of Thomas Roberson. New value on June 1851: $500.
On 26 Jun 1851 To be sold public auction Court house in Kinston, Blairs Ferry and one other place to be chosen by commissioner James R. Robinson. Sold to Benjamin Huffine $715.00. sold on 3 Sep 1851 (pg 3, 4, 5, 8, 35, 36-39, 41) - Balaam age 8 yrs. {pg 4) Valued at $325 went to Joseph Brittain son of Robert Brittain (pg 4, 6)
- Sarah age 6 yrs. (pg 4) valued at $230 went to William Brittain son of Robert Brittain (pg 4, 6)
- Able/Abram age 3 yrs. (pg 4) Value at $125. Went to heirs of Joseph Brittain, guardian of Thomas Roberson. (pg 4,5, 7, 35)
- Mahala age 18. (pg 4). Valued at $500., Willed to Margaret Peggy (Cain) Brittain guardian of minor heirs of Robert Brittain. (One negro girl listed at top of property on pg 7 is Mahala). Items purchased for Mahala (pg 16), that is hired to Mea for Mr. Brittain. Wm. Brittain petitions for Mahala to be sold (pg. 16). Now valued at $600 in 1850. Now sold at public auction 2 Nov 1850 at the court house of Roane and Kingston. Sold for $650/100 to Thomas C. Center Jan. 1 1851 signed Thomas C. Center W.I. (pg 4, 7,16, 17)
- Solomon age 10 yrs (yellow complexion), Descends to wife Polly (pg 1, 3, 4)
In 1853 there is a court case in Kingston Tennessee. re: Soloman, Amanda and Amanda's two children Wiley & Fredrick who are now is in possession of Mary Polly Brittain Whalen Billingsly (pg. 32, 33, 34) A court battle ensues and Mary Polly Whalen Billingsly retains custody of Soloman, Amanda, Wiley and Fredrick. - Dorcas age 5. b. Feb 1842 Goes to wife Polly Brittian until said girl arrives at the age of 25 years, then the said girl is to be set free. NOTE to be freed in 1867. (page 2, 4)
- ↑ Roane Co. Tennessee Loose Papers Pertaining to William Brittain, his Family and Heirs 1827-1858: 78 pages: transcribed by grandson Joseph F. Brittain, dated 09/15/1998, Address: 17952 Avenida Alozdra, Sandiego, CA, Email jbrit-rb @worldnet.att.net: Found in East Tennessee History Center: Calvin M. McClung Historical Collection Address: Third floor, East Tennessee History Center.
- ↑ Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927 Roane Settlements, Wills, 1847-1855, Vol. E, image 45
- ↑ Roane Co. Tennessee Loose Papers Pertaining to William Brittain, his Family and Heirs 1827-1858 transcribed by grandson Joseph Brittain: Found in East Tennessee History Center: Calvin M. McClung Historical Collection Address: Third floor, East Tennessee History Center 601 S. Gay Street, Knoxville
All the sources are from Will of William Brittain dated May 1847 unless otherwise stated is the following: Roane Co. Tennessee Loose Papers Pertaining to William Brittain, his Family and Heirs 1827-1858: 78 pages: transcribed by grandson Joseph F. Brittain, dated 09/15/1998, Address: 17952 Avenida Alozdra, Sandiego, CA, Email jbrit-rb @worldnet.att.net: Found in East Tennessee History Center: Calvin M. McClung Historical Collection Address: Third floor, East Tennessee History Center 601 S. Gay Street, Knoxville
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