Location: [unknown]
The purpose of this page is to record the enslaved people owned by William Hughlett (1769-1845), and attempt to connect them to their families.
William Hughlett owned seven people in 1820, fourteen people in 1830, and eighteen people in 1840. They were listed on the census by age and sex but not by name.
- one male under 14
- three males 14 - 25
- two females under 14
- one female 14 - 25
- four males under 10
- three males 10 - 23
- two males 24 - 35
- one male 36 - 54
- two females 10 - 23
- two females 24 - 35
- five males under 10
- five males 10 - 23
- three males 24 - 35
- three females under 10
- two females 10 - 23
William died in 1845. His wife Mary (Richards) Hughlett (1793-1863) owned slaves in 1850 and 1860. It is possible that some of the slaves on this list and her list Slaves of Mary (Richards) Hughlett, Maryland are the same people.
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