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Sligo, Ireland, Hunter Name Study

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Location: Sligo, Irelandmap
Surnames/tags: Hunter Sligo, Ireland
Profile manager: Ian Hunter private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 2,213 times.



Project Details

The aim of this project is to cover all Hunters living in Sligo and eventually, link them together if possible. It's in a constant state of change and research so please double check any relationships yourself.

I am in the process of moving this page to Google Sheets & Overleaf in preparation for publishing a more accessible form of this info.

Please contact Me if you are interested or want to contribute.

Significant Hunter Residences

* Ardagh House * Carrickhenry farm * Washington House



Family Religion Origins Note
Kielty, Carney Church of Ireland  ?  ?
Kilmacowen & Carrickhenry Church of Ireland Scotland?  ?
Retreat & Ballincar  ? , Masons ?  ?
Ardagh & Bellanascarva, Riverstown Presbyterian Scotland (Late 1700s/Early 1800s)  ?
Kiltycooly, Drumcliffe + Formoyle, Calry Methodist  ? ?
Wine St. Methodist  ?  ?
Ballinvoher, Calry Methodist Tyrone (early 1800s)  ?
Dunlowa  ? Fermanagh  ?


Kielty, Carney

Census Link

Family Group: [1]

Thomas Hunter

  1. Mary McVitty
    1. Anne Jane (McVitty) Hunter
    1. William Shaw

Kilmacowen & Carrickhenry

See also: The Hunter Carrickhenry Farm

  1. Unknown
    1. Mary (Ross) Hunter
      1. Sarah Carter
      1. Matilda (Carter) Hunter

Retreat & Ballincar


  1. Kezia Simpson
    1. Sarah Mullen
      1. Elizabeth Anna Blair
        1. Nora Mullane
          • Kenneth Hunter
          • Richard Hunter Jr.
    2. Anne Lindsay
    1. Rebecca Jane (Mullen) Hunter

--- Likely Related, but in Mayo:

  1. Catherine Denison
    • Keziah Hunter
    • Sarah Emily Hunter
    • Mary Kate Hunter


  1. Mary Henry Hunter

Ardagh & Bellanascarva, Riverstown

Possibly came from Scotland in the 1820s/30s Two households in census Riverstown

  1. Mary Unknown
    1. Anne Dell
        1. Elizabeth (Laing) Hunter


Riverstown - Ballyfarnan (Roscommon)

(Not on wikitree yet)

  1. Bridget McTiernan
    • John Hunter (1874-) - Roman Catholic
    • Frances Hunter (11 Oct 1864)
    • Joannes Hunter (M) (~1870/1874)
    • Mariam Hunter (5 Oct 1866) - Roman Catholic

ark:/61903/1:2:93T6-36F ark:/61903/1:2:93TN-RDX

Riverstown, Tivnan Family

  1. Eugene Tivnan
    1. Winifred Tivnan
    2. Mary Tivnan
    3. John Tivnan
    4. Margaret Tivnan

Emlefad / Kilmorgan

  1. Russel Hunter - Died 1838
    1. Henry Bell - Married 1856
    2. Ellen Bell

  • Richard Hunter <1813 - >1834
  1. Mary Hunter <1813 - >1834
    1. Mary Hunter 1834-?

  • John Hunter <1813 - >1834
  1. Marie Forbes <1813 - >1834
    1. Charles Henry Hunter 17 May 1833

Kiltycooly, Drumcliffe & Formoyle, Calry

  1. Unknown
    1. John Parke
    1. Catherine Parke
      1. Unknown
      2. Mary Grace (Henry) Hunter
      1. Jeanette MacFarlane


  1. Ann Unknown


  1. Margaret Unknown



  1. Dolly McCormick
    1. Jane (Lindsay) Hunter
      1. George Graham (m. 14 Dec 1899), (son of Malachi James GRAHAM, Eliza Jane MONDS)
        • James Malachi Graham
        • Dora Margaret Graham

Tyrone / Ballinvoher

  1. William Hunter (bef. 1818)
    •  ?
    1. Robert Hunter (bef. 1839 Knockrow, Tyrone, Ireland, married 1860, Drumcliffe)
      • Mary Jane (Reid) Irwin
      1. Mary Jane Hunter
      2. James Hunter
      3. Sarah Hunter
      4. William Andrew Hunter
      5. Robert Hunter
      6. Margaret Hunter
      7. Ann Hunter


Head of household born in Fermanagh.

  1. Unknown
    1. Margaret McElroy
      1. Maria L (Unknown) Hunter

Wine st.


  1. Maria Warren
    1. Edward Dormer
    1. William Copeland Bracken
    • Anne Clementine (Hunter) Hynes
    1. Martin Hynes
    • Mary Jane (Hunter) Solomon
    1. Edward Solomon

Unlinked Native Individuals

Plantation Soldier

William Hunter

Wolfe Tone Street

John P Hunter - In Doc.

Knox Street

Edith Hunter - In Doc.


Mary Anne Hunter (widow) https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/deaths_returns/deaths_1881/06440/4850433.pdf

Ratcliffe Street

  • Unknown
  1. Unknown
    • George Hunter (->1898)
    1. Katie Hunter (-1898)
    • John Hunter, Belfast


Josiah Hunter (1764)

Unsure , possibly non-native to Sligo


Francis Hunter (riverview), Mary kenefic

Thomas Hunter - Margaret Grier Marriage Drumcliffe, 1806

Alexander Hunter - Catherine Wallis - Marriage Drumcliffe - 1 Sep 1817

Joseph Wethers - Anne Hunter - 20 jan 1822 - Drumcliffe- Marriage

Mary Hunter (RC) - Patrick Judge - 06 Jul 1834 Drumrat

WiIliam Hunter - Mary Mary Gallagher - 3 mar 1840 - drumrat

Potential Connection: Margaret Hunter - Eugene Tivnan 17 Feb 1840- Riverstown Ardagh Hunters

Kathleen Delia + John Hunter [1] Mary Kelly Hunter + almond Edward dowling[2]

  1. https://en.geneanet.org/archives/ouvrages/?action=detail&book_type=livre&livre_id=5938306&page=78&name=HUNTER&with_variantes=0&tk=9d40c35b3dcbb828
  2. https://en.geneanet.org/archives/ouvrages/?action=detail&book_type=livre&livre_id=5938306&page=78&name=HUNTER&with_variantes=0&tk=9d40c35b3dcbb828

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Comments: 27

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posted by Ian Hunter
edited by Ian Hunter

or https://archive.org/details/historyofcountyo01reviiala/page/366/mode/2up?q=Hunter

> Senator Fisher is a man [..] His father, Robert Fisher, of Devonshire, England, settled in Paris, in 1832 and was married to Mary Ann Hunter, of Sligo, Ireland. It is to the maternal side therefore that the Senator owes many of his characteristics.

posted by Ian Hunter
edited by Ian Hunter
John Hunter, address Killycoola, Sligo, owned 7 acres in Co. Sligo valued at 9 pounds. https://sites.rootsweb.com/~irlsli/landowners.html
posted by Ian Hunter
One mary hunter was born irwin, widowed and then married Burrows
posted by Ian Hunter
Robert Hunter started the Sligo Impartial Reporter
posted by Ian Hunter
Deaths from Rootsireland:

Church of Ireland John Hunter - 1805 (71) Drumcliffe Joshua - 1808 (37) Calry Hannah - 1810 (70) Drumcliffe Mary - 1812 (33) Drumcliffe Unnamed - 1815 Death at 1, Ballycooley Anne - 1815 (60) Drumcliffe John - 1817 (50) Drumcliffe John - 1818 (56) Drumcliffe Robert F Hunter - 1819 (102) St. Johns Alex Hunter 1827 (79) Drumcliffe William 1832 (75) Drumcliffe Anne Hunter 1838 St. Johns Russel Hunter 1838 Emlefad&Kilmorgan Wife/Widow - Ballinvoher - 1839 (78) Robert Hunter (Maybe bro/relative to Thomas Hunter) - Kielty 1842 (84)

- Hunter (35)1828 Drumcliffe - (Married) Hunter 21+ 1832 St. Johns



Maria Hunter (RC)- Thomas Wynne - 1890 dau/ John Hunter

posted by Ian Hunter