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Sollenberger Y-DNA Tests

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Surnames/tags: Sollenberger Y-DNA
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We will discuss Y-DNA test results from men named Sollenberger (and all spelling variants).

Y-DNA tests prove absolutely that two matching men share a common paternal line ancestor - however, they don't prove who that ancestor was. As more men on a common paternal line test, though, we can greatly narrow down the possibilities.

Existing Sollenberger Y-DNA Tests

As of 24 Jul 2023, only three known Sollenbergers in the world have taken a Y-DNA test. All of them match:

  1. Kit# N10424: Y-67 plus SNP test. Confirmed Y-DNA Haplogroup R-Z43. R1b subclade of R-M269, R-P312, R-U152, and R-Z56.
  2. Kit# 174691: Y-67 plus SNP test. Confirmed Y-DNA Haplogroup R-S47 / R-Z46. Subclade of R-Z43.
  3. Kit# 890471: Big Y-700 test. Confirmed Y-DNA Haplogroup R-BY62110. Subclade of R-Z46.

Sollenberger Y-DNA Haplotree

Although two of the three known tested men did take SNP tests, only one has taken a Big Y-700 test.

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