Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Gresham
Original Version copied here from Thomas Gresham (-1721). Spratlin-29 16:20, 14 August 2023 (UTC)
Sorting Out All The Greshams
Early Virginia Gresham Research Notes (Shared by Private Researcher) Posted 23 Jun 2020 by gresham970
"I use this document to trace Gresham’s in the States. I hope it will be of some use to you. It was a real breakthrough when Carlton Wood discovered just a ton of new information on the Middlesex Gresham’s, and in all that new information there was absolutely no contact between the King and Queen Gresham’s and the Middlesex Gresham’s which shows the Middlesex and King and Queen County Gresham’s are not related.
- The Middlesex Gresham’s appear to be from Hurworth on Tees, Durham, England, brought in by Colonel John Washington. That is the 4th family below. The first three families below (Thomas, George and John) are closely related, being the children of Edward, the original immigrant."
(Note: The researcher completely leaves out Edward, one of the 4 Gresham men listed on the 1704 QRR and considered to be a son of Edward Immigrant. The theory of why this happened is below.)
1st Family -
- Thomas Gresham I Hanover/Louisa (1704 QRR); Children are Thomas II (Living on fathers land, Will Louisa 1759), William, Mary (m Robert Johns), and Rachael, last three on deed of Gift below. Thomas II shows up in 1743, one year after his father's death on his father's Land in Louisa (was St. Martin's Hanover). He lives there until his death in 1759, see Will below.
- Deeds below show Thomas Gresham of St. Martins Hanover alive in 1740 but dead by 1742 when wife Mary makes Deed of Gift
- Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800
- DEED BOOK C 1734-1742 page 151
- Aug. 5, 1740. John Rogers of Drysdale Par., King and Queen Co., of the first part; Edward Pigg of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., of the second part; Thomas Gresham of St. Martin's Par., Hanover Co., of the third part, and Robert Johnston and Elizabeth, his wife, and Frances Rogers of St. Margarett's Par., Caroline Co., and Thomas Warren, John Winill Sanders, John Warren, William Warren, Samuel Warren and Richard Couzens of St. Geo. Par.,Spts. Co., of the fourth part. Whereas John Rogers, Peter Rogers, Edward Pigg, John York and Thomas Gresham, pat.525 a., part in Caroline and part in Spts. Co., June 16, 1714, since which sd. Peter Rogers and John York departed this life, since which no legal division made, etc., and by several conveyances, and the last wills and testaments of sd. Peter Rogers and John York, sd. Robt. Johnston and Elizabeth, his wife, Frances Rogers, Thomas Warren, John Winell Sanders, John Warren, William Warren, Samuel Warren, and Richard Couzens are possessed of several parts and parcels of said tract, etc., etc. Witnesses: John Askew, Matthew Brooks, John x Paine Augt. 5, 1740.
- Deed Of Gift - 9 July 1742- Spotsylvania Co., DB “D”, p. 1. Mary Gresham makes deed of gift of livestock and other personal property to “my loving children” Mary Johns, William Gresham and Rachael Gresham. Wit: John Waller, John Gordon and James Allen. Recorded: 7 July 1742. The following is the Will of Thomas Gresham II who lived on part of the 1525 acres of land patented by his father Thomas Gresham I d. 1741 ( listed on the1704 QRR). It had fallen into Louisa County.
- 9 January 1759 - Louisa Co., VA Will Book 1, page 48:
“In the name of God, amen, I, Thomas Greasom of Fredericksvile Parish of the County of Louisa being in a . . . condition but of sound mind and memory shall constitute and ordain this my last will and testament in like manner and form following to wit.
- First, I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of my Almighty Creator and my body to be buried in a decedent and Christian like manner . . . and appointment of my beloved wife in hopes a joyfull resurrection through Jesus Christ my Redeemer and as to my worldly goods dispose of them . . .beneath as Jan first (?) I will and give all my moveable to my beloved wife, Mary Gresham to do with as she shall think fit. Item . I give my hole dividend of land with Manner Plantation whereon I now live containing by three hundred acres more or less be equally divided among my three sons to witt: Benjamin Greasome, John Gresham and Richard Gresham the plantation whereon Benjamin Greasom dwells to take with his part and the Manner Planation Richard Gresham to have with his part and John Gresom to have it other hundred from his . . . desire that my wife dwell on the Plantation whereon I dwell . . . without being interrupted. I do appoint my loving wife, Mary Gresham whole executor of this my last will and testament as witnessed whereof I have here fixed my hand and seal this night day of January 1759.
Thomas Gresham (His seal) Signed Sealed in Presents of: Waddy Thompson) . . . held for Louisa Benjamin Gresham )Co. On the 25 Day of Richard Gresham )March 1760. Mary Sears)
- This will was this day proved in open court by the oathe of Waddy Thompson, Benjamin Gresham, Richard Gresham & Mary Sears Witnessor. Thereto & by the Court Admitted to record & is recorded.”
Will probated 1759.
- Here Richard Gresham sells land he inherited in above Will, granted to Thomas Gresham I from patent.
- 26 October 1774 - Louisa County Deed Book E, 191: Richard Gresham of Louisa County sells to James Erwin of Granville Co., NC, same time sells land to Currin. To James Erwin - Land on Northeast Creek, from part of land formerly granted to Thomas Gresham from pattent . . . (GRANTED TO THOMAS GRESHAM FROM PATENT)
Wit: Richard and Anne Gresham, . . . Sears
- Book: E, Page: 194, Grantor: Jos. Currin and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: David Lanard, Date: 13-Oct-1777
- Jos. Currin and Elizabeth his wife of Granville Co., Carolina to David Lanard of Louisa #12 on North East Creek containing 100 acres being the old plantation where Thos. Greshman dec'd. lived adjoining Estes, McCarthy and Jane Rowe, Benj. Gresham. James Currin and Elizabeth (X) Currin. Rec. 13 Oct 1777
- Both Benjamin and Richard sold their inherited shares and migrated to NC.
2nd Family -
- George Sr. Witnessed 1684 Deed. Most of these children stayed in King and Queen longer than the other families. Children to be allocated can be connected as brothers, by various Wills and Deeds. Children are George (married Sarah 1732, probated Lawrence’s Will 1761 below), Henry, Ambrose, Lawrence, James Gresham (m. Elizabeth Williams), John (married Christina Edmondson). Proof: George administered Lawrence Gresham’s Will; John Gresham’s son Anthony moved adjacent to William Gresham (son of George & Sara) in Halifax Co. and witnessed at least one deed for him; George and Henry linked in the Thomas Bridgeforth Will below; James Gresham living in King and Queen (with one of his older siblings) in 1746, before moving to lickinghole Creek in Goochland Co. with wife Elizebeth Williams.
(Note: George Gresham is Lawrence Gresham's atty and may or may not be his brother. They may have been 1st cousins.)
- Litigation showing George Gresham to be brother of Lawrence Gresham.
- Tuesday, 4 August 1761 – Midd’x Co., VA OB Reel #23, p. 219. “On Petition: George GRESHAM Exe’r of Lawrence GRESHAM, Plt. against James Keasor, Deft.. This day came the Plt. by his attorney and by consent of the Parties It is considered that the Plt. recover against the sd. Deft. his Costs by him in this behalf expended and a Lawyers fee”.
- George, Henry and Ambrose Gresham above are on the Bird’s Bridge Petition proving they are the only three Gresham’s owning land in King and Queen County in 1744. (Note: There may have been other Greshams owning land in 1744 that were not influenced by this petition) James Gresham (married Elizabeth Williams) was living with one of the three for the two years until he left King and Queen and patented land on Lickinghole Creek (Goochland Co.) in 1746, indicating a fraternal relationship to the three above.
- 17 December 1764 – Essex Co., VA OB 26, p. 3. “On the motion of John Rouzee and Robert Brooke Gent. Executors Estate of Thom’s Bridgeforth deceased. It is ordered that Henry GRESHAM, George GRESHAM, Robert Lumpkin and Edmond Byne or any three of them (being first sworn according to Law) do value the Slaves and personal Estate of the said dece’d in King and Queen County also that part thereof as is in the . possession of Titus Farguson in Current money and that the Executors return an Inventory thereof to the Court”.
- Book 14, page 279, December 27, 1787 from Hilkiah Tally (Talley) of Halifax, to “William Gresham” of Halifax, for 30 pounds, about 47 acres in Halifax, bounded by Standley, Hide, Obadiah Overbey, Patan Talley. Signed - Hilkiah (X his mark) Talley. Witnessed – “ANTHONY GRESHAM”, Nimrod Overbey, John Williams, Robert Childers, Natha Childers. Recorded June 23, 1788.
3rd Family – (my line)
- The Willis River Gresham’s, who are the children of the John Gresham (on 1704 Quit Rent Rolls) that patented land on Willis River 1744, then disappeared. They are: Edward Gresham (Willis River/Amelia Co.), Robert Gresham (Willis River/Amelia Co.), Thomas Gresham (Willis River/Hornquarter Creek/Pittsylvania Co. Va.) died 1797 (Carlton’s line), Mary Gresham Lee (Married Richard Henry Lee), Rhoda Gresham (Married Joel Watkins), Luvenia Gresham (married William Forrest), female Gresham (married Mr. Farrell) and Phillip Gresham (Halifax/Orange Co. N.C./Chester Co. S.C.), Phyllis’ line.
- This information eliminates all the John Gresham’s leaving the John Gresham of Willis River to be one and the same as John Gresham on the 1704 Quit Rent Rolls, son of Edward Gresham (original immigrant). Note: The birth date of Rhoda Gresham abt 1736 because she was underage in 1752 when Barbara Holcombe Gresham gave consent to marry Joel Watkins.
(Note: Rhoda Gresham b. abt 1736 is now believed to be the dau. of John Gresham d. aft 1744 and Barbara Holcombe. Barbara Gresham gave permission for Rhoda Gresham to marry Joel Watkins in 1752 so she would be under age 18. It seems like John Gresham d. 1744 would have been born about 1710, not about 1670 when "Old John" of the 1704 Rent Roll was probably born. It seems that John Gresham of the 1744 Patent in Goochland, husband of Barbara and father of Rhoda b. 1736 was the brother of all the siblings listed and theorized by the Willis Clan and not their father. Many of the early Gresham men died very young.) There was a Barbara Holcombe with a son born out of wedlock that did marry a Joseph Rash in Fredericksburg Parish, Spotsylvania/Louisa about 1754. Barbara Gresham did give consent for her son Grymes Holcomb to be apprenticed to Joseph Gresham of Albemarle in Nov 1763 in the North Farnham Parish Records to learn the carpenter trade. Grymes was noted in the records as a "bastard child" of the wife of Joseph Rash. It looks like Barbara Holcombe Gresham had 1 possibly 2 out of wedlock sons after John Gresham died and before she married Joseph Rash.
- All the John Gresham’s of the late 1600’s and early to middle 1700’s (early generations) in and around King and Queen Co. have been accounted for.
- The John Gresham adjacent to William Smith 1617 of Lancaster, Caroline and Essex Counties, wasn’t even a Gresham, he was a Grayson. His children and Grandchildren spelled their name Grayson.
- The John Gresham that married Christian Gregory Edmondson moved to Brunswick County and died there.
- John Gresham son of Thomas (died 1721, of Middlesex) married 1st Ann Carnen and 2nd Ann Deagle, and then died in Middlesex 1752.
- John (born 1719, son of John Gresham & Ann Carnen), see below.
- That leaves the old John (1704 Quit Rent Rolls) the same John Gresham that patented land 1744 on Willis River. They are the same person. (this is in dispute) He would have to be the John Gresham that patented land in Goochland Co (became Albemarle, then Cumberland), June 16, 1744, on North Branch Willis River (Tributary called Hornquarter Creek) adjoining lands of Henry Cary (land originally purchased from Alexander Trent, by Cary). John Gresham was on his Willis River Patent long enough to Patent, but then he disappeared after 1744, after the patent was executed but before fulfilling patent requirements, and sons Edward Gresham, Robert Gresham and Thomas Gresham appeared on this same land (North Branch Willis River, Tributary called Hornquarter Creek) in succeeding years 1745, 1746 and 1747.
- Edward Gresham then sold (probably John’s Land) land to Alexander Trent one year later 1745. John Gresham’s patent was adjacent to Henry Cary’s land. Alexander Trent sold Henry Cary his (Cary’s) land, and also sold Joel Watkins his land on Fishpond Crk adjacent to Richard Henry Lee in Goochland County.
(Note: Was it or wasn't it part of the 1744 patent of John Gresham?)
- Edward and Robert then moved to Amelia County in 1746 & 1747 respectively, adjacent to each other on the Tax List for 1747.
- Barbara Holcombe Gresham (wife of John), Rhoda and Mary Gresham (m. Richard Henry Lee, proven sister to Rhoda by the George lee letter) followed Edward, or he (Edward) brought them with him to Amelia Co. Va., where Rhoda married Joel Watkins and Mary Gresham married Richard Henry Lee. Richard Henry Lee, living in Goochland, “found Mary Gresham living across the Appomattox River (married her) and brought her home” to Goochland. Amelia County (where Edward lived) is directly across the Appomattox from Goochland, and is the boundary for both counties.
- If the John Gresham (b 1719) son of John Gresham and Ann Carnen was the John Gresham (born 1719) that patented land on Willis River 1744, he would have been about the same age as Edward. We are looking for an older John. Secondly, Barbara Holcomb Gresham signed consent when Rhoda married Joel Watkins 1751. It is proven that Rhoda is sister of Mary Gresham Lee by the George Lee letter to his son Abner when he (George) called Rhoda, “Old Aunt Rhody Watkins”. Rhoda was under 18 Yrs of age when married in 1751. 1751-17 = 1734 birth date. John Gresham son of John Gresham & Ann Carnen would be 1734 – 1719= 15 yrs old when Rhoda was born. Mary Gresham Lee was much older. Barbara Holcombe Gresham was probably the mother of Rhoda Gresham and stepmother to the rest of the Willis River Gresham’s. Her husband John, was much, much older.
- SEE EDWARD GRESHAM TIMELINE FURTHER BELOW. The George Lee (son of Richard Henry & Mary Gresham Lee) letter is below the timeline. In it he references “Old Aunt Rhody Watkins” proving Mary is sister to Rhoda Gresham Watkins. See also: Proof: Willis River Gresham's below.
4th Family -
- Thomas Sr. with children: Charles, Thomas , John, Frances, and Amy.
- I thought possibly that the father of these children, Thomas Gresham Sr. d.1721 “of Middlesex Co.” may have been the only son of Edward Gresham Jr. (1704 Quit Rent Rolls), but it is a certainty now that he was brought into the Va. Colony by Colonel John Washington Oct. 2 1671.
- Christopher Gresham came Aug. 30, 1676 by the ship “The Newcastle”. Captain Edward Robinson became an infamous pirate, and a proficient one for many years, until he was captured by the Crown and hanged.
- Christopher and Thomas appear to be brothers and Children of Ninian Gresham and Cathrine Nee, of Hurworth on Tees Durham, England.
- 1. Christopher GRESHAM b: 1654 in hurworth
- 2. Thomas GRESHAM b: 1657 in hurworth
- 3. Jieronimus GRESHAM b: 1661 in hurworth
- 4. Franc GRESHAM b: 1664 in hurworth.
- This is the only Christopher Gresham of the right age. Hurworth is about 60 miles south of Newcastle from whence Christopher departed. If this is correct the Middlesex Gresham’s may not be related to the King and Queen Gresham’s at all. There was absolutely no contact between the two groups. It is astonishing, but appears all but certain.
- Oct. 2, 1671 Col. John Washington received 560 acres on the Rappahannock for transporting to Virginia William Gerley, Mary Jones, Wm. Grant, George Gregory, Grace Langley, Wm. Gray, James Bryant, Thomas Gresham, Martin Gardner, Wm. St John, Anthony Glover, John Thorpe.
- On August 30, 1676, Christopher Gresham was bound from Newcastle for Virginia, shipper by the Concord of Newcastle, Mr. Edward Robinson. (Public Record Office, reference numbers of document: E190/196/6). This was recorded in The Complete Book of Emigrants 1661-1699 by Peter Wilson Coldham.
- Here Thomas and Christopher appear to have committed a slight infraction and Thomas Ware is the beneficiary. There is a record stating that Thomas Ware paid Christopher and Thomas Gresham money he owed them later that same year.
- In the 1984 issue of GAWYSI, Vol. 1, No. 2, page 10, we find the following on a Christopher Gresham: Patent Book 9, page 57, Thomas Ware, 620 acres, in Pamunkey Neck, on Nicaty Wance SW; beg: At south of Cannoo Br. To Morris Roberts, &C; 1 April 1702, page 435, part of land laid out for the Pamunkey Indians &c (as above), Transporting of 13 persons (including) Thomas Gresham and Christopher Gresham. Note: 11 rights paid to Wm. Byrd, Esq. Auditor. This was from Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Grants 1623-1800 by Nell M. Nugent, Volume 1.
Proof: Willis River Gresham's
- Philemon Gresham moved from Antrim Parish Halifax Co. Va. to Orange County NC, and purchased 400 acres from William Grayson.
- Ed Grisham was a Juror in 1763 Orange Co. NC, and Phillemon Gresham was a grand Juror in 1764, Orange Co, North Carolina.
- 1765 MAY 14 -WILLIAM GRAYSON SOLD TO PHILLIP GRESSOM 300 ACRES Orange Co NC. OCNC Registry of Deeds. Sometime later Phillip moved on to Chester S. C.
- It is a certainty now Robert Gresham moved from Amelia in 1757 to live with Phillip Gresham in Antrim Parish because he was either sick or not doing well. He left no records at all in Antrim Parish. Philemon (Phillip) Gresham and Robert Gresham were brothers and children of John Gresham patented land 1744 Willis River.
- 1747 Amelia Co. Va. Edward Gresham patented land on Harris Creek adjacent to Edward Harris.
- 5 September, 1747 Amelia County, Virginia, Patent State Office. Patent Bk. 27, page 346. Edward Gresham patented 380 acres Upper side of Harrison (Harris) Creek
- Cavaliers and Pioneers by Nugget 1741-1749 and , FH 29309
Edward Gresham sold 80 acres to Robert Gresham and 300 acres to a William Macklewee
- 1755, 4 February, (Amelia Co. became Prince Edwards County, Virginia), D. Bk. 1, page 47. 18 pounds of current Virginia money for 80 acres. Edward Gresham Grantor--Robert Gresham Grantee. Grantee on Harris Creek is adjoining Holmes and Miller. Witness J. LaNeve, Richard Lee, John Green. . Recorded 11 March 1755.
- Then 1757 below Robert Gresham moved to Halifax and he moved very close to Philemon Gresham, because Philemon Gresham and William Wynne and Abraham Little below and others in the supporting documentation below lived in sections 13A & 14D. Thomas Wynne was son of William Wynne and lived adjacent to his father William Wynne. This became even more significant when Harris Gresham son of Robert Gresham, was indentured to William Wynn proving Robert Gresham moved to Antrim Parish, Halifax Co. Va. to live near, or more likely, with Phillip (Phillamon) Gresham.
- Thomas Wynn’s 360 acre survey (24 March 1757-SW) adjoined Robert Wynn’s 376 acre tract (13 Nov. 1764) on the latter’s north boundary while part of William Wynn’s 1,810 acre survey (19 March 1756-RW) adjoins Robert Wynn’s on the latter’s east boundary. There appear to be some tracts on Section 13A that George Dodson could not be placed.
Also who witnessed the deed. This is the same 80 acres Robert Gresham purchased from Edward Gresham in 1755.
- 28 Jan 1757. Robert Gresham of Halifax Co (Robert had moved to Halifax) sells to John Spencer of Prince Edward Co 80 acres on Harriss’ Creek in Prince Edward Co, bounded by Miller’s Spring Branch, Locket, Holand and Austin. Wit: Danl Bowman, Jabe Green, EDWARD GRESHAM, RICHARD HENRY LEE (wife Mary Gresham Lee). Rec: 8 Mar 1757. Prince Edward Co, VA. Deed Book 1, p85b.
- VOL XIII - No. 4 - GAWYSI - Oct. 1998 - Newsletter
- Harris Grissum, son of Robert Grissum Halifax Co., VA
- Bound Children/ Orphans
- Halifax Court Pleas 1763-64 - May 1763
- Ordered that the Church Wardens of Antrim Parish, bind out Harris Grissum, son of Robert Grissum to Wm. Wynn. . .
- 1763 by order of the Albemarle Court. Grymes Holcombe bound to Joseph Gresham. Grymes Holcombe was the out of wedlock son of Barbara Holcombe in the court records.
- Phillip Gresham, Thomas Wynne, Robert Wynne and William Wynne were all neighbors with adjoining properties on Rutledge’s Creek in Halifax. Phillip Gresham and William Wynne, to whom Robert Gresham’s son Harris was bound to, lived within spitting distance of each other.
- Col. William Wynne built a grist mill on Rutledge's Creek which was in operation in 1754.
- Edward Gresham, Thomas Gresham and Richard Lee (wife Mary Gresham) went down on the same day in Halifax Co and patented land. Richard Henry Lee’s 400 acres adjoining Edward’s new land on the upper line in Present day Patrick Co. Va.
- 8 Oct. 1753- Halifax Co. (later Pittsylvania) ER Bk, p. 200. Thomas Gresham 400 ac. beginning on Kennons lower line on Sandy River thence down the same on both sides.
- Both Edward Gresham’s and Richard Henry Lee’s new 8 Oct. 1753 patents were on Stone Creek Patrick Co. Va. and adjoined on the upper line. The patents were never settled, probably because of Indian troubles. It is interesting that Joel Watkins and Benjamin Watkins both patented over 40,000 acres in this area and this could have been part of this land. See below.
- 8 Oct. 1753- Halifax Co Edward Gresham 400 ac. on Stone’s Creek. (probably Stones Creek or Branch located in present Patrick Co., then part of Halifax Co.) beginning at a small beech blazed 4 ways on a branch that makes out on the North side of the said Creek thence up and down.
- 8 Oct. 1753- Halifax Co Richard Lee . P 201 (Albemarle Co) 400 acres adjoining upper line of Edward Gresham’s’ foregoing entry. P 202 2nd Joel Watkins was a very wealthy man and left Rhoda Gresham a wealthy widow).
- From "Entry Record Book, 1737-1770" by Marian Dodson Chiarito:July 5, 1750: p. 97- Entry Book page 122
*35. "Benja. Watkins, Paul Chiles, Joel Watkins, Jas, Johnston & Henry Chiles had leave 1st May 1740 to take up 12,000 Acres of Land to begin: at the upper-most fork of the town fork of Smiths River Running North & South under the Great Mountains & up and down the branchs of Smiths River".
- 36. "The aforesaid persons had leave 1st May 1750 to take up a Survey 40,000 Acres of Lands to begin: at the upper Most fork of Dan River Running up & down the forks of said River & over to New River & up and down the Branches of that River."
- July 6, 1753: Thomas Gresham, and Ed Grisham was a Juror in 1763 and Phillemon Gresham was a grand Juror in 1764. Orange Co, North Carolina
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