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Location: North Carolina
Surnames/tags: Jean Jane Avent
Documentation for the Jean family of Northampton, Bute, and Chatham NC that help establish and separate certain lines
Philip Jean William Jean Philip Jean Christopher Jane
YDNA from descendants of Philip Jean of Chatham (2 men), Philip Jean, son of Christopher (1 man), and from Rev William Jean of Stokes (1 man) prove that they all descend from the same person. The majority of those tests were done at Ancestry.com and are not available for viewing at our FTDNA YDNA project. Anyone interested can message me, as I have the charts that show all of those matches.
Because of record loss, there are inadequate documents, such as will and estate records, that might have clearly identified each individual family unit. In absence of that, genealogists use deed, court, and tax documents to help identify family units. We identify neighbors and friends through those records. Elizabeth Shown Mills, coined this type of research as the FAN Principle or FAN Club[1]. FAN stands for Friends, Associates, and Neighbors.
For the purpose of showing the relationship between Philip Jean of Northampton and Philip Jean of Chatham, it is necessary to first show that Christopher Jean, who first owned part of the land in this study, moved to Bute County, NC. It will also show his son Philip was with him in Bute and was not the Philip in Northampton County records.
To understand what is being shown, one has to pay attention to all names in the following documents.
Not every single document that may have the person's name on it has been listed, as it would be too much. The documents that are listed here establish these families lived next to each other or associated with each other in Northampton and Chatham Counties (plus the document Christopher and his son in Bute).
Christopher Jean/Jane
At one time we had thought Philip Jean in Northampton County records was Christopher's son. What follows are records that show that is unlikely.
Surry County, Virginia
In 1743 Christopher Jean was named as a "cousin" of Hugh Davis in Surry County, VA when Hugh gave Christopher land. In 1741 Christopher Jean and John Davis were listed as godfathers to Ann Davis, daughter of Hugh Davis in Albemarle Parish, Surry County, VA If he was a cousin to Hugh, then John Davis was also his cousin. Christopher Jean and John Davis moved across the state line into Northampton County, NC. Christopher's wife was Mary according to the deed when they sold the land in Sussex County.
Northampton County, NC Deed Records
- Book 1, page 266 August 25, 1746 John Avent of Surry Co., VA to Ralph Rachel of Northampton Co. for 30 pounds 105 acres, north side of Roanoke, joining John Davis, and a pocosin, being one half of a tract grant to sd John Avent. Wit: John Pitman, Arthur Pitman[2]. . Proven in court August 1746 Note on Ralph Rachel - son Miles christened in Albemarle Parish, Surry County 174; Christopher Jane, Mary Davis, John Sutherland - godparents.
- Book 1, page 284, July 14, 1746 Edward Crews of Northampton to Thomas Avent of same, 13 pounds, 200 acres on the North side of Roan Oak River Wit: John Moore, William Acock, William Shorter[2]. Proven in court Feb 1746/47
- Book 1, page 267, August 25, 1746 John Avent of Surry Co., VA to John Davis of Northampton Co., 30 pounds, 105 acres north side of RoanOke River, joining Thomas Avent, other lands of sd John Avent and Gaddes[2]. Wit: Thomas Avent, John King, William Acock. Proven in court August 1746
- Book 1 Book I, Page 391, March 3, 1749 George Brewer to Thomas Avent for 30 pounds 200 acres on Beaver Pond Creek[2]. Wit: Joseph Scouls, John Scouls, James Kendall proven in court August 1749
- Book 1, pages 405-406 3 Nov 1749 in Northampton Co., NC. John Moldesby of the province of NC to Christopher Jean of said province - sum of twenty-one pounds ten shillings current money of VA 530 acres, lying in Northampton on the North Side of Roanoak River, joining the North East side of the yourah Pocosin at John Moores corner thence along his line, to a poplar on the upper side of the Long Branch at the mouth of Lick Branch, then down the long branch Hays bounds, to the mouth of the said branch in the aforesaid Pocoson[2] - signed John Moldesley - wit John Moore, Joseph Scouls and John Spann - proven at Nov term 1749 in open court by John Moore
- Deed Book 1, pages 505-506 8 Nov 1751 in Northampton Co., NC. Christopher Jean of Northampton Co. to Joseph Scouls - 8 Nov 1751 - 2 Pounds and 5 Shillings For 40 Acres, joining Long Branch Part of a patent to John Maldesby In 1748[2] - signed Christopher "+" Jean - wit John Moore, William Shorter, and Benjamin Shorter - proven Nov 1751
- Deed Book 1, pages 506-507 Nov 5, 1751 Christopher Jean of Northampton Co. to Philip Jean, 5 Nov. 1751 12 pounds, 150 acres more or less, joining the mouth of Long Branch[2] Wit: Joseph Scouls, John Davies, John Scouls.
- Deed Book 2, page 53, Feb 13, 1752 John Davis of Northampton to John Davis for love and fatherly affection I bear my son. Adjoining Thomas Avent and Ragland, excepting quiet possession for myself and my wife during our natural lives[2]. Wit: Joseph Scouls, William Burrow, John Scouls.
- Deed Book 2, page 224 on 15 Jul 1755 in Northampton Co., NC. Christopher Jean of Northampton Co. To Henry Watkins - 15 July 1755 - 5 Pounds for 100 acres more or less - situated in Northampton Co, being part of a tract of land granted to John Maldesley in the year 1748 - joining Scouls's line, to a poplar on the upper side of the long branch and up the long branch[2] - Signed Christopher Jean - Wit: John Scouls, Joseph Scouls, Frederick Ragland - Proven at Aug court 1755
That ends the records for Christopher Jean in Northampton
Christopher and his son Philip Jean in Granville County, NC - area that would become Bute County
Tax Lists of Granville County, NC[3]
- 1757 - lists turned in for each district - list of John Martin
- Christopher Jean 1 white poll. page 64
- John Davis is on the same list
- 1757 - list of William Johnson - alpha list of insolvent and exempt persons
- Christ. Jeane 1 white poll. page 76
- 1758 - list of John Martin
- Christo' Jean 1 white poll page 76
- John Maldesley 2 white polls
- 1758 - list of delinquents by Phi' Hawkins alpha list
- Chrispr Jean 1 white poll. page 93
- 1759 list of John Pope
- written as Christopher Green als Geen 1 white poll. page 94
- this list has the same names as all the other lists he is on.
- 1759 List of Delinquents by (unknown)
- Christopher Green 1 white poll page 98
- 1760 - no list for John Pope and Christopher and his neighbors are not on any surviving list.
- 1761 - list for John Pope
- Christopher Gane 1 white poll page 34
- listed in Christophers' household is - Philip Gane 1 white poll
- 1761 "list of men summonds to give in their lists to John Pople, by me William Ferrell"
- Christofer Jean page 36
- 1762 - list for John Pope
- Xopher Gane Senr. 1 white poll page 73
- now beside him but not in his household is Philip Gane 1 white poll
- 1762 insolvent list
- Christ. Gane 1 white poll page 76
- Philip Gane 1 white poll
- 1763 only a few lists for this year, the rest are missing. There is an insolvent list
- Christ Jane 1 white poll page 85
- 1764 - Bute County was formed. Neither Christopher and Philip Jean nor their neighbors are on the Granville list anymore.
Granville County NC Deeds
- Book F page 179-180 December 12 1762 Thomas Pace to Xopher Jane. 25 pounds.162 acres on both sides of Crooked Creek, Bridges line[4]. Wit: Nathaniel Pace, William Reese (Pace and Reese family on deeds and administrations with John and Philip Jane in Charles City and Prince George Counties, VA. Pace were adjoining land owners).
Christopher's son Philip Jean in Bute County
Christopher is not on any surviving record in Bute County and Philip Jean had possession of his land.
- Estate sale of John Modglin (John Modesley in the Northampton deeds - this family's name went from Modesley to Modglin) June 3 1768 - Mary Jean purchased 1 piggin and peck[5]. Mary Jean is most likely the widow of Christopher Jean.
- Deed Book 3, page 249. October 12 1769. Phillip Jean, & Elizabeth, his wife, to Thomas Clifton, all of Bute Co. 25 Pounds. l00 acres on the south side Crooked Creek adj. Young. Wit: William Fish, Cart Cox. Proved by William Fish. Proven in court May Court 1771
- Deed Book 3, page 192. May 11 1770. Phillip Jean, to William Fish, both of Bute Co. 20 Pounds. 75 acres in Bute Co. on the north side of Crooked Creek, adj. John Young. Wit: John Young, Leban Young. Proved by John Young, Proven in court Feb.1771
- Deed Book 5, pare 192. 26 November 1774. Thomas Clifton to John Huckaby, both of Bute Co. 60 Pounds 100 acres in Bute Co. on the south side of Crooked Creek, adj. Farrel & John Young, land which Christopher Jean bought from Thomas Pace, to whom it had been granted 1 March 1762. Cliffton to pay back Quitrents. Wit: William Fish, Miles Rachel. Proved by William fish. Proven in court Feb. 1775. Note - Miles Rachel was the godson of Christopher Jean.=
- August 29, 1778 Land Grant in Bute (the area that became Franklin County) #256 and #257 Philip Jane. 640 acres each. southwesterly of Little River, adjoining Osbourne Jefferies. both assigned to William Jeffries. Note - Bute County only existed from 1764-1769. The section that Philip lived in became Franklin County.
Move to Caswell NC and Spartanburg, SC
- Philip Jean moved to Caswell County about 1784, when he first appears on the tax lists there. From there he moved on to Spartanburg, SC with several of his children. His son Nathan stayed in Franklin County.
The records in Granville and Bute establish that Philip, son of Christopher was in those counties and living in his father's home in 1762 and living beside his father in 1763. They were both on the delinquent or insolvent list and he owed back quit rents on the Bute land when he sold it. It is unlikely that he is the Philip who purchased two tracts of land in Northampton and was in Northampton in 1763. If his home was in Granville/Bute - and it was as he had poll tax there - why would he hold on to land in another county when he was struggling to pay taxes on the land he lived on?
Philip Jean of Northampton County
The first record for him is the deed where he bought land from Christopher, so born before 1731 (give or take a few years). Also remember when reading this all of the neighbors of this land shown above for Christopher Jean, Thomas Avent, and John Davis in Northampton County.
Philip Jean deeds in Northampton County
- Deed Book 1, pages 506-507 Nov 5, 1751 Christopher Jean of Northampton Co. to Philip Jean, 5 Nov. 1751 12 pounds, 150 acres more or less, joining the mouth of Long Branch[2] Wit: Joseph Scouls, John Davies, John Scouls.
- Deed Book 3, page 5-6, Mar 26 1759, Northampton Co., NC. Thomas House of Northampton Co., NC for 35 pounds 220 acres to Phillip Jean on the south side of the Beaver Pond Creek, joining on the county line, it being part of land granted to Richd Moore for 300 acres by patent dated 4 Aug 1741[2] signed Thomas House Wit: Wm "M" House Sr and Peter House - proven in court by Wm House April 1759
- Deed Book 3 page 93 Nov 10 1760 Thomas Williams to Thomas Brantley 50 acres on Cypress Swamp, old country line. Also, another 100 acres adjoining the country line[2]. Wit: Williams-45965, Asa Williams, Chaplan Williams. Note Philip Jean of Orange/Chatham lived with and worked for Burwell Williams. Also Burwell was on an earlier Militia List of Northampton.
- Deed Book 3 page 58 Nov 3 1759 William House of Northampton Co. to Henry Meacham. 35 pounds 200 acres[2]. Willaim House. Wit. Philip Jean, Peter House Proven in court Nov 1760
Tax List undated but dated by the NC Archives(?) as 1762.
- Philip Gean on Anthony Armistead's list with Henry and Charles Chapman, Henry Meacham, Joseph Scouls, Henry Moss. He is also on Joseph Sikes's list, Philip Gean - other men from around them are on this list but not any that we are following for this purpose. There is no acreage listed or no white polls shown - just names - but I believe this is a land tax list. And, that the 2 Philip tracts owned fell into different districts, even though they are close together. Several of the men from Armisteads list are also on the list of Thomas Pace and most of them owned more than 1 track of land (all of the ones I listed with Philip on Armistead's list are also on Pace's list except Joseph Scouls).
- Deed Book 3 _ Nov 2 1762 Henry Meacham to Jesse Peebles 200 acres (no adjoining landowners or watercourses mentioned[2]). Wit: Philip Jean, David Peebles. Proven in court by Philip Jean May 1763
- Deed Book 3 page 245 Nov 15 1762 Henry Meacham to John Morgan 200 acres Rocky Branch, Country Line, Ready Branch, Meacham's line[2]. Wit: Philip Jean, Robert Morgan. Proven in court by Philip Jean May 1763
- Deed Book 3 page 329 - Jan 23, 1764 Joseph Scouls of Northampton Co. to Henry Meacham of same. 50 pounds. 140 acres adjoining John Moore, Philip Jean, and along Jeans line to a branch called Long Branch, Williams line to Brusces pond by his house. which was part of land that had belonged to Capt Moore and Christopher Jeans. Joseph Scouls[2]. Wit: Thom Short, Henry Chapman. Proved by Joseph Scouls August court 1765.
- Deed Book 3 page 394 Aug 13 1765 John Avent of Northampton to Wm Short for 100 pounds, 175 acres adjoining Thomas Avent & William Avent, Davis's then a dividing line Richard Moore and Thomas Avent, Samuel Clerk's old line. Land given to John Avent by the will of William Avent, dec'd[2]. Wit: Jas. Dancy, Henry Clerk. Mary Avent relinquished dower Aug court 1765.
Those are all of the records we have for Philip Jean in Northampton. There are no court records or estate records from this time (there are a few wills but not probate records). The deed records are complete, though. There are no deeds where Philip Jean sells the 2 tracts of land he owned.
Since the deed above from Joseph Scouls to Henry Meacham lists Philip Jean as an adjoining land owner (not Philip Jean dec'd or formerly Philip Jean's), it is safe to say that Philip was alive in January 1764.
Joseph Avent was in Orange County by 1761. John Avent along with his sister and her husband Sarah and William Ragland left Northampton around the time that John Avent sold his land in August of 1765. There are also no other records for Burwell Williams in Northampton and he appears on the Orange County, NC road crew lists at the same time as John Avent.
In 1768 William Jean owned and sold Philip's land
- Deed Book 4, page 223-225, Mar 1768, Northampton Co., NC. William Jean of the province of NC and Christopher Moss of the same - sum of 18 pounds - tract of land containing 150 acres more or less - beginning at a pine on the edge of the Long Branch - Wm stated he is the lawful owner and lawfully seized and possessed said land as his own proper right as good, perfect & absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple and have in my self good right full dower and lawfull authority to grant, bargain, sell, etc said premises in the manner above[2] - signed William Jean, by her mark Else "x" Jean and by her mark Olive "x" Jean - wit Robert Horton, Wm Moughon Junr and by her mark Mary "x" Davis - proven in court Mar 1769 - Olive Jean relinquished her dower. - registered 4 May 1769
As stated, no deed was filed that transferred this property to William Jean. William Jean also owned Philip Jean's other tract of land. In Colonial America, if you died without a will your real property went straight to your eldest son without any need for court action[6]. Personal Property was divided amongst all of your children and your wife had dower rights but real property did not get split up if there was a living male child. No deed would have been filed to transfer it. Widows had dower, rights for their lifetime, to 1/3 of the land.
Analysis of the William Jean Deed
There is no doubt that the land William sold in 1668 was the land that Philip Jean had purchased from Christopher Jean. Of the three people who sign the deed, William is the only one listed in the body of the deed as the rightful owner "in fee simple". That means absolutely his and his heirs alone. But, two women sign with him. Else Jean signed but Olive Jean came into court and relinquished her dower. Actually, his mother and his wife had dower rights to this land. So which is which?
I turned to Judy Russell (legalgenealogist.com). Asking about the women on this deed. Judy is a lawyer and a genealogist. She says that if it was the case that William had inherited the land from his father, then Else would have been his mother and Olive would have been his wife[7]. If Angela is right, and the seller is the oldest son who inherited this land, his mother would have had an already-existing life estate in one-third of that land — that’s her dower. Her life estate began automatically on the death of her husband, the seller’s father. So yes, the son owned the land in fee simple, but subject to his mother’s life estate.
In essence, the seller and his mother jointly owned all the then-existing rights in the land and, signing together, they could sell all the rights in the land as of that moment.
But the wife had this potential future interest, her dower right that would come about if she outlived her seller-husband. And the law said she had to be first privily examined … whether she doth voluntarily assent” to giving up that potential future interest."
There would be no reason for 2 women to be on this deed with William if one were not his mother. He didn't own it jointly with a sister, or her name would be in the deed as an owner. They don't say they are selling it as heirs of an estate. He also doesn't appear to have purchased it, as no deed was filed and from the records above for Philip, he filed his deeds, witnessed others, and even proved those in court. William Jean files all other deeds and witnesses deeds.
Philip Jean of Northampton County, NC died between January 1764 and March 1768. He was married to Else and his eldest son was William Jean Sr of Northampton. Philip of Northampton was not the son of Christopher Jean. He could have been a brother or nephew, though.
The Children of Philip Jean of Northampton
William Jean Sr of Northampton County
As shown above, William Jean came into possession of Philip Jean's land prior to August 1768. He also had the other tract of land that had belonged to Philip.
- Deed Book 6, page 70-71, Jan 24,1775, Northampton Co., NC. Wm Chapman of Northampton Co., NC - 32 poundss and 10 shillings to Wm Jean of same - tract of land lying in said county containing 45 acres more or less, on the south side of Beaver Pond Creek, thence east along Jeans line, along Henry Chapman's line, adjoins Jno Michels line, along Charles Chapman's line - signed Wm Chapman - wit Wm Mitchell, Travis Weaver, and Saml Garner - proven in Sept 1775 on oath of Wm Mitchell - registered 7 Jan 1776
- Deed Book 8, page 333-334, Feb 16 1791, Northampton Co., NC. William Jean of Northampton Co., NC of the one part and Francis Dancy of same of the other part - sum of 200 pounds - 3 acres more less, lying in said county on the South side of the Beaver Pond Creek, "to a drean in the Milk Pond", including land and premises - signed Willam Jean - wit William Johnson, Richard W. Freear (?) - proven at March Court 1791 by William Jean
- Deed Book 8, page 338-339, Feb 26 1791, Northampton Co., NC. William Jean of Northampton Co., NC for and in consideration of the sum of 100 pounds to Benjamin Glover of same - 60 acres more or less - beginning at the county line joining Drury Lees line, then along Leas line, along the county line - signed William Jean - wit William Johnson, Drury Lee, William Jean Junr - proven Mar 1 1791 by William Jean
- Deed Book 9, pg 216-217, Aug 281792, Northampton Co., NC. William Jean Senr of Northampton Co., NC of the one part to William Jean Junr of the same of the other part - 60 pounds - tract of land lying in said county containing by estimation sixty acres more or less - mouth of the Spring Branch on Benjamin Glover's line, thence south to John Benford's (?) line - William Jean Senr's wife Mary relinquished her dower - signed William Jean and by her mark Mary "x" Jean Wit: Payton Monghon and Charles Hodges - proven Sept 1792 - on oath of Peyton Monghan
Philip Jean of Chatham County
His nearest neighbors and the men he was most closely associated with all came from Northampton County. Court records indicate that Joseph Avent, and Burwell Williams, were the first of those families that left Northampton and located on or near the Cape Fear, near Braswell's Ferry.
David Chapman Sr had lived in Halifax County but was from the Northampton County Chapman family. A deed in Halifax in 1765 when he was "of Orange County" states he had purchased the Halifax land from John Moore and Richard Moore in 1744 (deed book 10 page 162). The same Moore family mentioned in the Northampton deeds above.
John and Joseph Avent were the sons of William Avent of Northampton County. William and his brother Thomas are in the deeds above.
Burwell Williams was somehow related to Thomas, Chaplan, and Asa Williams of Northampton and shown on the Thomas Williams deed above.
- 1761 Orange County, NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, 1752-1766, 47-231, Feb 1761, Ordered that the following persons be appointed to lay out a road.. from the county line near Andrew Shepard's to Henry Braswell's and thence to the Johnston County line - Richard Cheek, Joseph Evans (Joseph Avent), Sampson Williams, Valentine Braswell, William Yarborough, Joseph Mims, Robert Jones, Charles Brum (Broom), Randall Cheek, John Booker, Henry Braswell, John Bohannon, Thomas Saymore, Richard Braswell, Wm Braswell, Isaac Cooper, James Stringfield, & William Cone. Sampson Williams named overseer on south side of the river, Richard overseer on the north side of the river.
- 1765 Orange Co., NC Minutes, 1762-1766, pg 2, May 1765, Orange (Now Chatham) Co., NC May 2, 1765. The jury appointed to lay out a road from William Braswell's Ferry on Cape Fear to Hamilton's Store on Crabtree Creek: DAVID CHAPMAN, Richard Cheek, BURWELL WILLIAMS, JOSEPH AVENT, Robert Jones, Drury Mims, John Tally, Henry Day, VOLINTINE BRASWELL, WILLIAM ASLEY, Samuel Jetman, THOMAS SEAMORE, and HENRY BRASWELL."
- Northampton County Deed Book 3 page 394 Aug 13 1765 John Avent of Northampton to Wm Short for 100 pounds, 175 acres adjoining Thomas Avent & William Avent, Davis's then a dividing line Richard Moore and Thomas Avent, Samuel Clerk's old line. Land given to John Avent by the will of William Avent, dec'd. Wit: Jas. Dancy, Henry Clerk. Mary Avent relinquished dower Aug court 1765.
- 1769 May Orange County, NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Richard Cheek came into court and proved by the oath of Joseph Avent that his right ear was bit off by Henry Braswell sometime in August last.
Chatham was formed from Orange County in 1771. There had been a petition in 1768 to form Chatham that was not acted on. In 1770 the citizens signed another petition to create Chatham County.
Some names from the second column[8]
- 7 Richard Hill
- 11 Vaulintine Bracewell
- 13 Joseph Hinton
- 14 Thomas Wicker
- 15 Jno Brantley
- 16 William Riddle
- 17 Francis Drake
- 19Thomas Mathis
- 21 Henry Bracewell
- 26 John Avent
- 27 Philip Jean (same signature as the 1781 Rev War Pay Voucher)
- 1 Joseph Avent (first name on the next page)
1772 Chatham County Militia
Burwell William was listed as an officer "Lt Burrell Williams"
List of Elisha Cain
- David Chapman Jun'r, "Corpril
- Richard Cheek, Jun'r
- Benjamin Chapman
- Isom Daniel
- Peter Avent
- Philip Jean
- Richard Hill
- John Sotherlin
- John Tully
1775 Philip was living with and working for Burwell Williams before the war started and until he built a house on his land. From Philips Rev War Pension file - Jesse Ausley - that he worked with Burwell Williams and Philip Gean, after the crop was layed by this deponent, he had the privilege of working one month for himself. That month he helped Philip Geane build the house in which he lived and left his family at the time of his death
Governor Martin, as directed by the King, ordered all land offices to close June 28, 1773. Entries and warrants that were dated before that date still went through, but any new entries or warrants were denied. The last grants under the British Crown were completed in 1775. The first session of the General Assembly was created in 1777 and one of their first duties pass an act in November 1777 that allowed men who took an oath of allegiance to the state to purchase land.
- 1779 Philip Jane made an entry for a land. #241 Survey dated August 17, 1779, 200 acres on the North side of Lick Creek, waters of the Cape Fear River, Archibald Brown's line, Hinton's line. Chain Carriers - Joseph Avent, David Jane
- 1779 Joseph Avent #231 Survey dated August 17, 1779, 100 acres East side of Lick Creek joining Joseph Hinton's. Chain Carriers John Avent, Matthew Parham
- 1779 Joseph Avent # 365 Survey dated August 17 (or 19), 1779 West side of Lick Creek, waters of the Cape Fear, Joseph Hinton's line, Benjamin Wickers line, Avents old line, across the creek, on cross creek road, John Wickers line
- 1779 Philip had some type of partnership with John Avent in what became known as Avent's Ferry. This place had first been Braswells Ferry. The NC Revolutionary War Army Accounts show that "John Evin & Philip Jean for a horse & mare & c " were owed 5405 pounds, 6 shillings[9]. November 1780 list shows "John "Erwin" and Philip Jean for a horse & mare & ferriages" were owed 5405 pounds, 6 shillings (so the same as the first one) On the same list, Philip Jean was owed 660 pounds for beef & c. He was paid 660 pounds on July 9th, 1781. Philip signed the back of the payment voucher, as did Solomon Chapman.
- August 12th, 1779 The order of the last court for laying out a road from Mathew Drakes old store to the county line be renewed and that any twelve of the following persons be a jury to lay the same out Viz. Joseph Brantley, Abner Hill, Isaac Mathis, Henry Braswell, John Chapman, Joseph Avent, Richard Bohannon, John Wommack, Frederick Cobb, John Burt Sen'r, William Ragland, Moses Durden, John Avent, Thomas Griffis, Richard Worthen, David Champman Jr, Benjamin Chapman, Thomas Partridge, Burwell Williams, and Philip Jane
- September 13, 1781, Martha Williams Snipes daughter of Burwell Williams - May 1847 statement given in the Revolutionary War Pension case of Philip Jean - She also very distinctly recollects that during the Revolutionary war there was a call for men to go into the service – that this deponents father, her uncle David Chapman, John Avent, and Philipe Geane with several others from the neighborhood were drafted and went.
Philip was killed in the Battle at Lindley's Mill (above mentioned). There is no estate record or will. His eldest son, William, inherited his father's land (again Primogeniture). It was stated by Bird Gean in the Rev War pension file that Philip left living brothers and sisters - both plural.
Jesse Jean of Chatham County
- Named as [[Philip's brother by Andrew Peddy in the Revolutionary War Pension Application for Philip Geane[10]. "He further sayeth that the neighbors who were all Quakers collected and buried the dead and took care of wounded and he further sayeth that he set out for home and on his way, he met Mourning Geane, the wife and widow of Philip Geane, and Jesse Geane the brother of Philip on their way for the purposes of collecting his body for interment."
- He was the administrator of the estate of David Jean in Chatham County in 1789[11].
David Jean
- Was the chain carrier for Philips 1779 land grant survey[12].
- Died about 1789. Jesse Jean was the administrator of his estate.
There is little room for doubt that Philip came from Northampton County, NC. He lived with and worked for Burwell Williams. He lived next to Joseph Avent and Joseph was a chain carrier when Philip's land was surveyed. Joseph's wife continued a close relationship with the Jean family - she may have been Philip's sister Julie Ann Jean. Philip was in a partnership with John Avent. There was no other known Jean man in Northampton County at the time.
- ↑ https://www.evidenceexplained.com/content/quicklesson-11-identity-problems-fan-principle
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Northampton County, NC Register of Deeds; https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/296804?availability=Family%20History%20Library
- ↑ Granville County, NC Tax Lists 1755-1809 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSLF-D9YL-R?mode=g&cat=353959
- ↑ Granville County, NC Record of Deeds 1746-1923; https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/360398?availability=Family%20History%20Library
- ↑ Bute County, NC (under Franklin County) Land and probate records, 1760-1800: Wills & inventories, 1760-1800 Deeds, 1764-1767. Mary Jean, image 321. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L98M-VCFK?i=320&cat=289746
- ↑ https://genfiles.com/articles/primogeniture-succession/
- ↑ https://www.legalgenealogist.com/2022/02/08/time-and-place/
- ↑ State Archives of North Carolina; North Carolina Digital Archives: North Carolina General Assembly Session Papers; Session of December, 1770-January, 1771: Bills; January 14, Bill re establishing a new county to be called Chatham County. Image 5 https://digital.ncdcr.gov/digital/collection/p16062coll36/id/3393
- ↑ North Carolina Archives. North Carolina State Treasury Record Group, Revolutionary War Army Accounts. Call NO Volumes 40-66 (Mars id: 13.30.29802) Volume A page 68; Philip Jean & John Avin. Volume B page 265 John "Erwin" & Philip Jean 1 other pay document listed for Philip Jean (on Chatham lists) Volume A page 69.
- ↑ Revolutionary War Pension file Philip Grane (Geane) #4188. Statement of Andrew Peddy. Can by viewed on Philip's profile or at: Transcribed - http://www.ncgenweb.us/chatham/revpensn.html Transcribed - https://revwarapps.org/r4188.pdf Original at: https://www.fold3.com/image/21548608?terms=war,us,revolutionary,united,america,grane,states,philip
- ↑ Probate: "North Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998" Wills and Estate Papers (Chatham County), 1663-1978; Author: North Carolina. Division of Archives and History (Raleigh, North Carolina); Probate Place: Chatham, North Carolina Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 9061 #268361 (accessed 19 November 2022) David Jean probate in 1789.
- ↑ Land Grant Survey: "North Carolina, U.S., Land Grant Files, 1693-1960" North Carolina Land Grants. Microfilm publication, 770 rolls. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 60621 #159300 (accessed 19 November 2022) Name: Phillip Lane [Phillip Jane]; Issue Date: 31 Mar 1780; Residence Place: Chatham, North Carolina, USA; Certificate Number Range: 376-691; Description: Chatham 376-691.
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