Location: [unknown]
Other: Switzerland Sources
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The Source Title
B XIII 538 Kopulationen der Bernburger und Geistlichen zu Bümpliz 1585 - 18. Jh.
- Author: unknown
- Publisher: Staatsarchiv des Kantons Bern
- WikiTree Profiles that use this source
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WikiTree Syntax
Staatsarchiv des Kantons Bern. Online-Inventur. B XIII 538 Kopulationen der Bernburger und Geistlichen zu Bümpliz 1585 - 18. Jh.
in line (first citation)
<ref name=BXII538>[[ Space:Source:Kopulationen_der_Bernburger_und_Geistlichen_zu_B%C3%BCmpliz_1585-19.Jahrhundert |Staatsarchive des Kantons Bern]]. Online-Inventur. ''B XIII 538 Kopulationen der Bernburger und Geistlichen zu Bümpliz 1585 - 18. Jh.'' [http://www.query.sta.be.ch/detail.aspx?ID=221399 Online-Inventur des Staatsarchivs des Kantons Bern]</ref>
in line (following citations)
<ref name=BXII538 />
This "source profile" is an attempt to implement [WikiTreeHelp:sources] and [Source Free-Space Guidelines]. It is currently a WORK IN PROGRESS by Gary M. Garrettson. Your comments are WELCOME!
- 2023-08-04 Gary M. Garrettson I had difficulty figuring out how this source is organized. There seem to be many new chronologically organised subsections. It seems that there are TWO SEPARATE PARTS, each sorted first alphabetically, then by date. I'm still not sure what it is that is being sorted alphabetically...
- 2023-08-04 Gary M. Garrettson This is obviously a list created sometime after 1 May 1680, and I have not yet discovered any indication of who the author might have been. I trust it can nevertheless be consider a "reliable source".
- 2023-08-05 Gary M. Garrettson - tried to re-format according to Guidelines, but Sources-Switzerland doesn't seem to exist, and the links to profiles isn#t working, either.
- Hans Joachim GULDIN appears in Bern by March 3, 1634, when he married Susanna TRIBOLET in Bumpliz. (the last three of these profiles had yet been added in WikiTree when this profile was created)
- Guldin-28
- Guldin-59
- Koch-5087
- Tribolet-31
- thanks to I. Caruso for this comment in https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1335954/do-you-have-families-from-canton-bern?show=1618006#c1618006 (03 August 2023)
- Here is a link to the main page for genealogy of Staatsarchiv of Canton Berne, where you will find the link to the church books of Canton Berne. The books for Bümpliz are under Bern, but the ones for marriages (Eherodel) only start with volume 3 in 1783. The volumes before are somewhere else in the Staatsarchiv Bern, thus the digitalisations are somewhere else, see [here (thanks to geneal-forum for this hint).
- The church books for St. Gallen are online too, see here.
I hope this helps.
- Thanks also to Rick Pierpont. It took me a while to find out that he had done so much work establishing guidelines for this sort of open space source profile. Wish it had been prominently mentioned in the intro Help.
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