
Source Data of Gordon Hall Rutherford

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Source Data of Gordon Hall Rutherford

Gordon Hall Rutherford - Birth
Laura Minerva Burk in entry for Gordon Hall Rutherford, "Ontario Births, 1869-1912"
Name: Gordon Hall Rutherford
Event Type: Birth
Event Date: 01 Sep 1900
Event Place: Blenheim, Kent, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Father's Name: James Rutherford
Mother's Name: Laura Minerva Burk
Registration Year:
Registration Number:
GS Film number: 2056565
Digital Folder Number: 004656985
Image Number: 00661
Citing this Record
"Ontario Births, 1869-1912," index, FamilySearch ( :
accessed 28 Nov 2013), Laura Minerva Burk in entry for Gordon Hall Rutherford, 1900.[1]

Gordon Hall Rutherford - Attestation
Gordon Hall Rutherford in the Canada, Soldiers of the First World War, 1914-1918
Name: Gordon Hall Rutherford
Birth Date: 1 Sep 1898 (RPB Note: he lied about his age to enlist. His actual birthday was September 1, 1900)
Birth Location: Blenheim, Kent County, Ontario, Canada
Residence: Blenheim, Ontario, Canada
Relative: James Rutherford
Relationship: Father
Regiment Number: 334098
Original data: Canada. "Soldiers of the First World War (1914-1918)." Record Group 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 4930 - 35. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa. [2] [3] [4] [5]

Gordon Hall Rutherford - Regiment Number
Canada, Soldiers of the First World War, 1914-1918
Regimental number 334098
NAME: Gordon Rutherford
BIRTH: Blenheim, Kent County, Ontario, Canada
RESIDENCE: Blenheim, Ontario, Canada [6]

Gordon Hall Rutherford - 1921 Census
1921 Census of Canada about Gordon Hall Rutherford
Name: Gordon Hall Rutherford
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Age: 20
Birth Year: abt 1901
Birth Place: Ontario
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: James Rutherford
Father Birth Place: Scotland
Mother's Name: Minerson Rutherford
Mother Birth Place: Ontario
Racial or Tribal Origin: Scotch (Scotish)
Province or Territory: Ontario
District: Kent
District Number: 93
Sub-District: Blenheim (Town)
Sub-District Number: 83
City, Town or Village: Blenheim Town
Parish or Township: Talbot St
Municipality: Ward 1
Occupation: Student
Household Members:
Name Age
James Rutherford 69
Minerson Rutherford 59
Jessie Irene Rutherford 33
Wilfred Burk Rutherford 30
Gordon Hall Rutherford 20
John M Rutherford 17
Source Citation: Reference Number: RG 31; Folder Number: 66; Census Place: Blenheim (Town), Kent, Ontario; Page Number: 10.
Original data: Library and Archives Canada. Sixth Census of Canada, 1921. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada, 2013. Series RG31. Statistics Canada Fonds [7]Ancestry Record CanCen1921 #861246


  2. don+hall&gsfn_x=1&gsln=rutherford&msbdy=1900&msfng=james&msmng=laura&mssns 0=Thumb&MSAV=0&uidh=m7y&pcat=CANADIAN_COLLECTIONS&h=494846&recoff=6+7+8+31 &db=CanSoldierWWI&indiv=1&ml_rpos=4
  3. RutherfordGordonHallAttestation28Nov1914Pg1of2.jpg
  4. RutherfordGordonHallAttestation28Nov1914Pg2of2.jpg
  5. RutherfordGordonHallBirth1Sep1900.jpg

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