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Austrian Genealogy Resources

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Surnames/tags: Austria Austrian_Roots Österreich
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Austria Genealogy Resources

Beside from the digitizing project of the mormons (see Secondary Sources below), image copies of almost all parish registers are available online for free. They are not transcribed nor digitally indexed and therefore not easily searchable, but with birth/marriage/death place and a rough estimation of the date one can get a copy of the original parish register entries very quick.

Be warned,

  • these registers and books are mostly written in "Kurrent"[1], an old form of german handwriting. If you need help transcribing them, you may ask in the G2G Forum. Providing a link to the image in question and proper tagging will help both sides a lot!
  • due to the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the german language, transcribed and indexed data from the digitizing project of the mormons may be incorrect (names, confessions, etc.). Have a look in the original sources and check the spelling and consistency of data, especially if you got stuck on an ancestor. Within the original (non-transcribed) sources, there may also be more data available (godparents, house numbers, place of origins, etc.).

Primary resources

The main source is

which contains scans of the pages of the baptismal, wedding and death records. The sources are divided according to confession (Roman-catholic Church[2], Evangelical Church of the Helvetic Confession[3], Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession[4], Greek Orthodox[5]) and geographical regions (dioceses), with the dioceses corresponding to today's geographical status.

Although not primarily for Austria, there are also some resources from surrounding dioceses or dioceses of the former Crown Lands of the Habsburg Monarchy:

Secondary resources

Upper Austria: DORIS

Source types:

  • Old land register ( 1790-93 created, original and digital in the State Archives): Judicial district, manuscript no., Old volume no., Old page no., Image no. the digital version, rustic version no., Parish, town, house number, owner, farm name, fair ownership, hope.
  • Josephinian diary ( 1787, original in the State Archives): Quarter, manuscript no., Tax community ( = Cadastral community), extract no. (contains all the reasons that belonged to an estate), parish, town, house number, owner, farm name.
  • Theresian Gültbuch ( 1750, created in the Innviertel 1780, original and partly digital in the State Archives): Manuscript no., Manuscript part no., Page, picture no. the digital version, district, parish, town, house number, owner, profession, court name, landlord, office, fairness, hope.

For goods in the "Innviertel" only:

  • Court investment book (1760; Microfilm in the State Archives): Regional court, lower jurisdiction, office / obmannschaft / Hofmark, manuscript no., Page, number, town, owner, profession, court name, fair ownership, Hoffuß
  • Goods description ( 1752; Microfilm in the State Archives): Manuscript number, page, number, town, owner, farm name, fair ownership, hope.

It can be used finding Faith community records (Glaubensgemeinschaften) that are not included on Matricula Online. The URL for the faith communities is - the 'Bilt' number is important to include with the sourcing. It is more difficult to use than Matricula but produces excellent results.


Death registers often have a column titled "Versehen". This specifies whether a person has been administered with the sacrament of death.[6]

  1. Wikipedia contributors, "Kurrent", Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
  2. Wikipedia contributors, "Catholic Church," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, .
  3. Wikipedia contributors, "Reformed Church in Austria," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, .
  4. Wikipedia contributors, "Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Austria," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, .
  5. Wikipedia contributors, "Greek Orthodox Church," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, .
  6. Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv, 129. Band, (Dritte Folge, Einundsechzigster Band, 2009), Seite 93, Fußnote 227, Verlag Herder Freiburg.


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Hi! You probably already know about it but I find the ANNO Historische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften (Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek) at very useful and easy to use even for people like me who only know a bit of german. Maybe it should be listed in this page.
posted by Cristina Corbellani
Yes, indeed. I have done that, thanks.
posted by Jochen Oberreiter

I removed the transclusion to the category, which is not allowed. I linked, instead, to this page.

Natalie, Categorization Project

posted by Natalie (Durbin) Trott