Location: Dutchess County, New York, United States
Location: Dutchess County, New York, United States
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Settlers of The Beekman Patent, Source List
This is a list of sources used in Frank J. Doherty's The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, Dutchess County, New York. It is alphabetized by the abbreviation used by Doherty.
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- [ALC] American Loyalist Claims, Peter Wilson Coldham, F.A.S.G., National Genealogical Society, 1980.
- [AML] Adriance Memorial Library, Market St., Poughkeepsie, NY.
- [APR] American Prisoners of The Revolution, Danske Dandridge, Charlottsville, VA, 1911. References are to the list of 8,000 men who were prisoners of the British on board The Old Jersey in New York Harbor.
- [ARCh] Records of the Albany Reformed Dutch Church. Excerpted from Year Books of the Holland Society of New York and Published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1978.
- [ARI] Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, John Osborne Austin. Genealogical Publishing Co. 1982.
- [BBCh] Bangall Baptist Church, marriage records of. Published in the The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record (1906) Vol. 37, Page 174
- [BCP] Bristol County, MA Probate Records. Compiled by H.L. Peter Rounds, e.G., in two volumes; 1987, 1988.
- [BRCh] Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Bergen in New Jersey. Edited and translated by Dingman Versteeg and Thomas E. Vermilye, Jr. Excerpted from Year Book of the Holland Society of New York and published by the Gen. Pub. Co. 1976.
- [BLW] Bounty Land Warrants. Bounty land awarded for service in the Revolution, NYR, qv.
- [BTR] Records of Precincts and Towns of Beekman and Pawling; "Dodge Records". Copy in Dutchess County Clerk's office and filmed by FHL. Also in volume one of The Settlers of the Beekman Patent 167-332.
- [BT] Genealogy column of the Boston Transcript Newspaper, 6 June 1898 through 30 April 1941.
- [BTxL] Tax lists for Beekman Precinct 1718-1778 by Clifford M. Buck. Ned Bennett has abstracted the assessments from these lists and we have used his lists for our valuations.
- [CC LofA] Columbia County Letters NY of Administration. FHL MF 479135.
- [CCh] The Records of Christ Church, Poughkeepsie, New York. Edited by Helen Wilkinson Reynolds 1911.
- [CCW] Abstracts of Columbia Co., NY Wills. FHL MF 908922.
- [CEPR] Records of Crum Elbow Precinct, Dutchess County, NY, edited by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Collections of the IXlIS 1940.
- [CMM] Creek Monthly Meeting. Abstracts of records of the Quaker Meeting at Clinton, Dutchess County, NY. Originals at Swarthmore College in PA.
- [CNYHM] Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, Relating to the War of the Revolution. Office of the Secretary of State Albany, NY. Published by Weed, Parsons and Co. Printers, 1868, (in two volumes).
- [ConC] Minutes of the Committee and of the First Commission For Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York. (Committee on Conspiracies). New York Historical Society Collections of 1924 and 1925.
- [CP] Court of Common Pleas in Dutchess County, NY.
- [CSG] Connecticut Society of Genealogists, P.O. Box 435, Glastonbury, CT and family charts in their files:
- [CTN] The Connecticut Nutmegger, published quarterly by the Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc., Glastonbury, CT.
- [D xx:xx] Deeds filed in Dutchess County, NY.
- [DAR] National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington, DC.
- [DBCh] Records of the Dover First Baptist Church, Wingdale, Dutchess County, NY Records located at Adriance Memorial Library, Poughkeepsie, NY.
- [DCHS] Dutchess County Historical Society. Box 88, Poughkeepsie, NY. 12602.
- [DCCBR] Commemorative Biographical Record of Dutchess County, NY. J. H Beers and Co. 1897.
- [GSNY] Gazetteer of the State of New York, J. H. French, 1860.
- [HOC]. History of Dutchess County, by James H. Smith. Originally published in 1882, republished 1980 by Heart of the Lakes Publishing.
- [HHDC] The History of Dutchess County by Frank Hasbrouck, Poughkeepsie, NY. 1909.
- [HMV] Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs. (Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs), Cuyler Reynolds 1911, in four volumes.
- [HNJDRCh] Hackensack, New Jersey Dutch Reformed Church, Holland Society of New York.
- [HPC] History of Putnam County, NY., by William S. Pelletreau. Republished by the Landmarks Preservation Comniittee of Southeast Museum, Brewster, NY (Commemorative Edition) 1975.
- [HRCh] First Reformed Church of Hopewell, NY. Records typed and indexed by Mrs. Jean D. Worden 1981.
- [HSC] History of Stonington, Connecticut, by Richard Anson Wheeler. Published by Gen. Pub. Co., 1977.
- [HT] Hartford Times Newspaper Genealogical Column. [lIT A (xxxx)] indicates an answer. 22 June 1940 through 29 May 1967.
- [HWashC]. History of Washington Co., NY, 1878, republished 1979 by Heart of the Lakes Publishing.
- [HWC] History of Westchester County. In two volumes, by J. Thomas Scharf, 1886.
- [lGI] International Genealogical Index available at Research libraries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and on line.
- [JPC] Journals of the Provincial Congress, Provincial Conventions, etc., of the State of New York, 1775-1777, Two volumes, Albany 1842.
- [KDRCh] Baptismal and Marriage Records of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston, Ulster County, NY. Transcribed and edited by Roswell Randall Hoes. Originally published in 1891 and republished by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1980.
- [KB xxxx] Number of the baptismal record in the Hoes book mentioned above.
- [KM xxxx] Number of the marriage record in the Hoes book mentioned above.
- [KVR] Vital Records of Town of Kent, CT. Available at Kent Town Hall.
- [LAR] Biographical Sketches of American Loyalists, Gregory Palmer, Meckler Publishing Co.
- [LICNY] Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York. Excerpted and reprinted from The Documentary History of the State of New-York, By Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan. Gen. Pub. Co. 1979.
- [LHNENY]Landholders of Northeastern New York, 1739-1802 by Fred Q. Bowman. Gen. Pub. Co. 1983.
- [LOS] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Family History Library and materials found therein. The IGI is compiled by the LDS.
- [LL] Loyalist Lineages of Canada 1783-1983. Volume I published 1984, volume II, parts 1 and 2 published 1991. United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada, Toronto Branch.
- [LIHS] Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn, NY.
- [LRB] Livingston Rent Book; in collections of N-YHS.
- [LofA] Letters of Administration granted on estates in Dutchess and other Counties. Dutchess County Letters are filed in Surrogate Court in Poughkeepsie, NY.
- [M xx:xx] Mortgages filed in Dutchess County, NY.
- [McK] Grenville C. MacKenzie, Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh; 1966; copies in Westchester County Historical Society Library and the NYG&BS.
- [MD] The Mayflower Descendant. Published by the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, Boston, MA.
- [MDDC] Marriages and Deaths 1778-1825 Dutchess County, NY. Compiled and Edited by Helen Wilkinson Reynolds. Collections of the DCHS 1930, republished by Gateway Press, Inc. 1982.
- [MFFG] Mayflower Families Through Five Generations. General Society of Mayflower Descendants.
- [MMM] Quaker History and Genealogy of the Marlborough Monthly Meeting, Ulster County, NY, 1804-1900+. Compiled by Shirley V. Anson and Laura M. Jenkins, 1980.
- [Mosher] Descendants of Hugh Mosher and Rebecca Maxson Through Seven Generations, Revised Edition, 1990. Compiled by Mildred (Mosher) Chamberlain and Laura (McGaffey) Clarenbach.
- [MPF] More Palatine Families, Henry Z. Jones, Jr. Universal City, CA 1991.
- [NAMF] National Archives of the United States microfilms. These films are in several series and are available at field offices of the National Archives.
- [NBL] New Brunswick Loyalists, A Bicentennial Tribute, Sharon Dubeau, Generation Press, Agincourt, Ontario, 1983.
- [NEBG] Burying Grounds of Sharon, Ct. Amenia and North East, NY, L. Van Alystyne. Originally published 1903 and republished with an index by Heart of the Lakes Publishing 1983.
- [NGSQ]. National Genealogical Society Quarterly. Most references are to two articles (1985 and 1986) by Kenneth Scott, F.A.S.G, about the patrons of the Denkermill, 1735-72, and the Mabbett store, 1761-1763, the latter in the Town of Washington, DC.
- [NHRCh] The Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Hackensack, Dutchess County, New York. Collections of the Dutchess County Historical Society 1932, Vol. V.
- [NMWGR] The Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record
- [Noxon] The Noxon Family in America, France Forrester Walker Stenberg, 1990, and Supplement, 1991.
- [NYWF] Calendar of Wills on file and recorded in the Offices of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Albany and of the Secretary of State, 1626-1836. Berthold Femow 1896. Cites are to numbers of the wills in this volume, not the original libers.
- [O.C.] Orders in Council. Land Grants to descendants of Loyalists from the Council of Upper Canada. See Loyalists in Ontario, William D. Reid, p. v., for more on these Orders.
- [OCGS] Orange County, NY, Genealogical Society. Goshen NY.
- [OCW] Orange County, NY wills. Abstracts published by Orange County Genealogical Society, 1991.
- [OGDC) Old Gravestones of Dutchess County, New York collected and edited by J. Wilson Poucher, M.D. and Helen Wilkinson Reynolds. Collections of the Dutchess County Historical Society, 1924, Vol. ll.
- [OGCC] Old Gravestones of Columbia County, NY. Arthur C. M. Kelly, Rhinebeck, NY, 1996.
- [OGPC) Old Gravestones of Putnam Co. NY. By Barbara Smith Buys, Gateway Press 1975.
- [OGUe] Old Gravestones of Ulster County, New York: Twenty-two Thousand Inscriptions., Wilson Poucher, M. D., and Byron J. Terwilliger. Collections of the Ulster County Historical Society, Vol. I, 1931.
- [OMM] Records of the Friends Monthly Meeting in the Oblong, Pawling, Dutchess County, NY. Records have been microfilmed by LDS and are also available at Swarthmore.
- [OUELL] The Old United Empire Loyalist List, published by the Centennial Committee, Rose Publishing Company, 1885. Republished by the Gen. Pub. Co., 1984.
- [PFNY] The Palatine Families of New York, Henry Z. Jones, Jr. Universal City, CA 1985, in two volumes.
- [PJ] Poughkeepsie Journal Newspaper. Published daily at Poughkeepsie, NY.
- [PLBQ] Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte. With an introduction by William F. E. Morley, originally published in 1904 and republished by Mika Publishing Co., Belleville, Ontario, ca. 1983.
- [PRJ] Pearce Records in the manuscript collections of the New England Historical and Genealogical Society. [SG/ASP 2-49]. A. A. Aspinwall copied part of two books owned by descendants of the Pearce family of Pawling which· contain many vital records for the Pawling area.
- [PRCh] Records of the Poughkeepsie Dutch Reformed Church. Marriage records published in the 1942-44 and baptismal records located in the Adriance Memorial Library.
- [pVPCh] First Presbyterian Church of Pleasant Valley, NY. Records at Adriance Memorial Library, Poughkeepsie, NY.
- [RCW] Abstracts of Wills, Rensselaer Co., NY. From microfiche atNYSL. Numbers refer to abstract numbers on fiche. [H974.741 qAp].
- [RECORD or REC.] The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Published quarterly by the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 122 E. 58th St, NY, NY.
- [REGISTER] The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Published quarterly by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, 101 Newbury'St., Boston, MA. Now available on line at their website.
- [Rev. Pens.] United States Revolutionary War Pension Records, available from the Military Service Branch (NNMS) National Archives and Records Service, Washington, DC. Sources used are the original files which are on microfilm; Revolutionary War Period Bible Family & Marriage Records Gleaned from Pension Applications, Helen Lu, as continued by Chan Edmundson 1980-1995; Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files, Virgil D. White, 1991-92. Also on line at Heritage Quest.
- [RIGR] Rhode Island Genealogical Register, published by Rhode Island Families Association, East Princeton, MA. Alden G., Beaman, Ph.D., Editor.
- [RPCh] Records of the Rombout and Poughkeepsie Presbyterian Churches. Published in the 1937-1938.
- [RWVCC] Revolutionary War Veterans Buried in Columbia County, NY. Two volumes compiled by Esther Griswold French and published by Hendrick Hudson Chapter NSDAR. Hudson, NY1973, 1978.
- [SAR] SAR Patriot Index, 1998 edition, CD. Published by Progeny Publishing in cooperation with the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
- [SBP] Settlers of the Beekman Patent, by the compiler of this book. SBP 1 refers to volume I, Historical Records, published 1990; SBP II refers to Beekman families Abbott to Burtch, published 1993, SBP III refers to Beekman families Burtis to Dakin, published 1995, SBP IV refers to Beekman families Darbyshire to Everitt, published 1997, SBP V refers to Beekman Families Fackert to Haas, published 1999, SBP VI refers to Beekman Families Hadden to Hunt, published 2001, and SBP VII refers to Beekman Families Hunter to Leavens, published 2003.
- [SCP] The Susquehanna Company Papers, Wyoming Historical & Geological Society, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1930.
- [SRCh] Records of the Schaghticoke Dutch Reformed Curch, Rensselaer County, NY. Published in the 1928-1934.
- [TAG] The American Genealogist, published quarterly by Ruth Wilder Sherman, F.A.S.G., Warwick, RI.
- [TO] The Dutchess, the quarterly publication of the Dutchess County Genealogical Society, Poughkeepsie, NY Most references are for newspaper notices of deaths 1826-1871 which were published alphabetically.
- [TT] Tree Talks, the quarterly publication of the Central New York Genealogical Society, Syracuse, NY. Most references are for wills and Letters of Administration of intestate estates.
- [VEL 2nd] United Empire Loyalists. Second Report of the Bureau of Archives For the Province of Ontario. 1904.
- [UELL] United Empire Loyalist Links, compiled by Russ Waller, U.E., Kingston, Ontario, CN, 1990.
- [USNY] Upstate New York in the 1760s. Tax Lists and Selected Militia Rolls of Old Albany County 1760-1768. Florence Christoph, Picton Press, 1992.
- [VRML]. Van Rensselaer Manor Leases, SC 7079, New York State Library, Manuscripts and Special Collections. Our notes are from rent ledgers for East Manor and West Manor. The ledgers A -D are on seven rolls of film and our references are to EM (East Manor) and WM (West Manor), the ledger letter and page.
- [WCHS] Westchester County Historical Society. Located in Elmsford, NY.
- [WFT] World Family Tree Pedigree from Broderbund Software. CD Family Tree Maker series.
- [WN-YHS] New York Wills. Abstracts of wills published in 17 volumes by the New-York Historical Society 1892-1908. Cites are to these volumes, not to original libers. This collection is now available on CD.
- [WP] Westchester Patriarchs, A Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester County, New York, Families Prior to 1755. Noonan Davis 1988.
- [yy] Yesteryears, A Quarterly Magazine for the Appreciation and Study of New York Regional History. Scipio Center, NY.
- [ZLCh] Records of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Athens, NY., transcribed, indexed and published by Arthur C. Kelly, 1974. Many baptisms recorded in this church book were actually performed in Beekman. Whenever family names such as Lossing, Emigh, etc. are noted one can assume the service was in Beekman.
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