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Sources for Younger Research

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Location: Virginia, North Carolinamap
Surname/tag: Younger
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Virginia Team, US Southern Colonies



Finding Aids

  • Collateral Youngers by Margarette Hutchins, et. al. Primarily concerned with Maryland Youngers, but includes info re: Virginia Youngers as well.

General Sources


North Carolina

South Carolina

Tax Lists

Personal Property Tax lists, Halifax County, Virginia Unindexed, at FamilySearch.

1782-1799 Youngers listed, with image numbers:
  1. Jack -- 900
  2. James -- 89, 161, 222
  3. Jesse -- 19, 27, 46, 77, 88, 132, 191, 261, 371, 394, 414, 497, 535, 674, 766, 809, 900
  4. John -- 73, 161, 191, 261, 371, 394, 414, 497, 535, 600, 674, 766, 809, 900
  5. John G. -- 674, 809
  6. Marcus --73, 132, 191, 261, 371, 394, 414, 497, 535, 600, 674, 766, 809, 900
  7. Samuel -- 371, 414, 497, 535, 600, 674, 766, 809
  8. Thomas -- 19, 26, 89, 132, 191, 261, 371, 394
  9. William -- 14, 18, 27, 32, 46, 52, 69, 81, 89, 100, 132, 161, 191, 222, 261, 295, 331, 371, 394, 414, 438, 497, 535, 560, 600, 627, 674, 698, 724, (& son) 766, 809, 854, 900
1800-1812 Youngers listed, with image numbers:
  1. Anthony -- 1059
  2. Fleming -- 461, 502, 606, 753
  3. Jack -- 49, 124, 262, 301, 461, 502, 606
  4. James -- 916
  5. Jesse -- 124, 262, 301, 461, 502, 606, 753, 916, 937, 1021
  6. John -- 49, 124, 262, 301, 461, 502 (x2), 606 (2x), 753, 916, 937 (x2), 1021
  7. John G. -- 753, 1021
  8. Marcus -- 49, 124, 262, 301, 461, 502, 607, 753, 916, 937, 1021
  9. Patience -- 414, 715, 885, 984, 1059
  10. Robert -- 502, 606, 753, 885, 984, 1060
  11. Samuel -- 49, 124, 262, 301, 461, 502, 606, 753, 916, 937, 1021
  12. Thomas -- 502, 606, 753, 916, 937, 1021
  13. William -- 49, "Est" 124, 169, 227, "Est" 262, "Est" 301, "Est" 461, "Est"502
  14. Williamson -- 124, 262, 301, 461, 502, 606, 753, 937, 1021
1813-1821 Youngers listed, with image numbers:
  1. Anthony -- 46, 238, 288, 434, 492, 638, 734, 858
  2. Jesse -- 120, 194, 384, 539, 589, 686, 778
  3. Joel -- 384, 589, 685, 778
  4. John -- 120 (x3), 194 (x2), 330 (x3), 384 (x3), 539 (x4), 589 (x2), 686 (x2), 778
  5. John G -- 120, 330, 539, 589, 685, 778
  6. Josephus -- 539, 589
  7. Lucy -- 539, 589, 686, 778
  8. Markus --120, (Est) 194
  9. Patience -- 46, 165, 238, 288, 434, 492, 638, 734, 858
  10. Polly --539, 589, 686
  11. Robert -- 46, 165, 238, 288, 384, 589, 686, 778
  12. Samuel -- 120, 194, 330, 384, 539, 589, 686, 778
  13. Susanna --589, 686, 778
  14. Thomas -- 120, 194, 330, 384, 539, 589, 685, 778
  15. Williamson -- 120, 194, 330, "Est" 384
1822-1832 Youngers listed, with image numbers:
  1. Alexander -- 124, 197, 269, 409, 480
  2. Alexander G[ordon] -- 600, 794
  3. Anthony -- 87, 124, 197, 269, 409, 480, 600, 794
  4. Armistead -- 600, 632, 761
  5. James (Young~) -- 451, 730, 839
  6. Jesse -- 43, 125, 197, 269, 339, 409, 480, 600, 632, 761, 794
  7. Joel -- 43, 197, 269, 339, 409, 480, 600, 632, 761, 794
  8. John -- 43, 124---632
  9. John G (d. bef 1827) -- 43, 124, 197, 339, 409, 632
  10. John S -- 124, 197, 269, 339
  11. Josephus -- 43, 124 --- 794
  12. Lucy -- 43, 125, 197, 269
  13. Martha -- 632, 761, 794
  14. Patience -- 87, 162, 236, 309
  15. Rachel --125, 197
  16. Robert -- 43, 125, 197, 269, 409, 480, 632, 761, 794
  17. Samuel -- 43, 125, 197, 269, 339, 409, 480---794
  18. Susanna -- 43, 125, 197, 269, 409, 480, 632
  19. Thomas -- 43, 124, 197, 269, 339, 409 (x2), 480 (x2), 600, 632 (x2), 761(x2), 794, 839
1833-1844 Youngers listed, with image numbers:
  1. Alexander G -- 84, 116, 267, 343, 516, 547, 646, 646
  2. Anthony -- 84, 116, 235, 267, 343, Est 454, --- 516, 547, 646, 677, 789, 823
  3. Armistead -- 343, 547, 646, 677, 789, 824
  4. Fleming -- 116, 236, 343, 454, 516, 547, 646, 677, 789, 824
  5. James -- 53, 163, 208, --- 454, 516, 547, 646 (x2), 789, 823
  6. James F -- 677, 751, 863
  7. Jefferson -- 646
  8. Jesse -- 116, 236, 267, 343, Est 454, ?Est 646
  9. Jesse jr -- 116, 236, 267, 343, 454, 516, 547, 646, 677, 789, 824
  10. Joel -- 84, 116, 236, 267, 343, 454, 547, 646, 677, 789
  11. John -- 116, 235 --- 646, 789(x2), 823(x2), 824
  12. John S -- 677
  13. Josephus -- 84
  14. Martha --116, 236, 267, 343, 516, 547, 646, 677, 789, 824
  15. Robert -- 84, 116, 236, 267, 343, 454, 516, 547, 646, 677, 789, 824
  16. Samuel -- 116, 236, 267, 343, 454, 516, 547, 646, 677, 789, 823
  17. Samuel jr -- 677
  18. Samuel W -- 716, 751, 863
  19. Thomas -- 84, 116, 236, 267, 343
  20. Thomas J -- 316
  21. William -- 516, 547, 677, 789, 824
  22. William S -- 751, 863
1845-1850 Youngers listed, with image numbers:
  1. Anderson -- 132
  2. Anthony -- 94, 132, 259
  3. Anthony jr -- 259
  4. Armistead -- 94
  5. Charles L -- 132, 259, 292, 423
  6. Fleming -- 95, 132, 259, 292, 423, 516
  7. James -- 94, 133
  8. James F -- 58
  9. Jesse -- 95, 132, 259, 292, 423, 516
  10. Joel -- 94, 133, 292, 423, 516
  11. John -- 132, 259, 292
  12. John M -- 259, 292
  13. Josephus -- 58, 183
  14. Martha -- 95, 133, 259, 292, 423, 516
  15. Mary -- 259, 292, 423, 516
  16. Polly -- 133
  17. Robert -- 95, 133, 259, 292, 423, 516
  18. Sally -- 423, 516
  19. Samuel sr? -- 95
  20. Thomas J -- 94, 133, 333, 382
  21. William -- 95, 133
  22. William S -- 58, 183, 224, 333, 382, 472
  23. Vincent -- 516

Bible Records

Compiled Genealogies

  • Chatham, Anne Bassett Stanley, Tidewater Families of the New World & Their Westward Migrations, Case Studies in Southern States Research. Austin, TX, Historical Publications, Inc. 1996. (Alexander Younger ancestors and descendants, Pp. 352-354; Rebecca Mills ancestors, 2nd husband, and marriage of daughter Ann Younger, Pp. 354-357. Available at some libraries. L Sauls borrowed it through interlibrary loan.)
  • "YOUNGER/MORGAN Family Homepage: Information about Alexander Younger" on Contains two transcribed letters written by Edward Eugene Younger to his daughter Ellen in 1977 & 1978. The letters trace a line from Alexander Younger through his son James and several generations to the author of the letter. There are links on the page to Alexander's children.

Sources for Specific Youngers

  • FamilyTree DNA Younger Surname Group. Six distinct Younger Y-DNA lines. ("The initial question among the Younger families is whether or not the Younger Gang and the Younger family from Virginia were descended from a common ancestor. We have had that answer for some time now and it is unquestionably “no”. They are not the same family.")
  • "The Roots of Appalachian Christianity: The Life and Legacy of Elder Shubal Stearns" by John Sparks. University of Kentucky, 2005. (Several mentions of James Younger, son of Alexander.)
  • Edgefield County, SC Deeds 1797: Jack Younger, grandson of Marcus Younger. Image 202 Friends of the Youngers Research.
  • William Younger, carpenter. 1773 Halifax county, VA. Image 224, Friends of the Youngers Research.
  • Jesse Younger to sons John & Fleming 1805 Halifax county, VA. Image 226, Friends of the Youngers Research.
  • Susannah Younger. Marcus Younger, dec'd 1815, Halifax County, VA, Image 228 & 229 Friends of the Youngers Research
  • Marcus Younger descendants through his son John 1823 Halifax Co, VA. Image 232 Friends of the Youngers Research.



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