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Sources on the 1753 emigration from Nassau to America

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Location: Wiesbadenmap
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Dr. Adolf Gerber quotes in his book "Die Nassau-Dillenburger Auswanderung nach Amerika im 18. Jahrhundert.", [1] published in 1930, some sources and lists from the Hessian State Archives in Wiesbaden. These are of interest for all research projects dealing with the fate of individuals from the former Nassau counties. This also applies to the attempt currently being made here on Wikitree under the name "Rowand Project" to identify the passengers of the emigrant ship "Rowand" and to clarify their connection to each other. To this end, these data, which are often cited in subsequent publications as "Nassau-Dillenburg lists", are reproduced here. Unfortunately, the author does not give an exact indication or signature of the location of the files in the Wiesbaden archives. For this reason, the correct transcription of the names cannot be verified. The author himself also says that there is a lot more information in the records. It would therefore certainly be worthwhile finding them in the archives. Initial research has revealed the possibility that a set of files stored under the shelfmark HHStAW Fonds 3036 No KHA Inv. C08-5 with the title: "Stukken betreffende menigvuldige Emigraties van Onderdanen van Nassau naar de Amerikaanse Kolonies" could be involved. Further research is necessary.

The Nassau-Dillenburg Lists

A collection of tables ordered in 1753 by the government to be made in every village and town, collecting the names and status of people, who have left recently or are willing to leave their homes to emigrate to America. The reason for this order was the suspiciously increasing number of applications from Nassau subjects, who asked to be allowed to sell their lands and leave the country. The government was concerned and started an investigation that also led to the imprisonment of a certain "Johann Christian Schmitt", who was questioned. The lists that came back were collected and analysed, probably to see what influence his recruitment had on the Nassau subjects. The lists are sorted by district and village. Given here are the names of the household head and the number of family members, who belonged together.

BeilsteinArbornHenrich Hild6
BeilsteinArbornChrist Klein6
BeilsteinBachJoh. Henrich Wiederstein2
BeilsteinBretthausenJohann Christ Rehi5
BeilsteinEichenstruthMathäus Schütz41753Rowand
BeilsteinEmmerichenhainPeter Flick61751Neptun
BeilsteinEmmerichenhainJohann Jost Krum's widow8
BeilsteinEmmerichenhainGerlach Stalp41753Rowand
BeilsteinEmmerichenhainJohann Wilhelm Stalp7
BeilsteinEmmerichenhainJost Stalp4
BeilsteinErbachChrist Henrich Greb61753Rowand
BeilsteinErbachHenrich Deissingle
BeilsteinErbachJohann Deissingle
BeilsteinHaiernJohann Peter Stahl3
BeilsteinLangenbachJohann Christ Lindorffw/o family1751Neptun
BeilsteinLangenbachJohann Daniel Pfeifferw/o family1751Neptun
BeilsteinLangenbachConrad Graa61753Rowand
BeilsteinLangenbachJohann Christ Rübsamen4
BeilsteinLiebenscheidPeter Höchst9
BeilsteinLiebenscheidChrist Kupfer8
BeilsteinMarienbergJohann Christ Mann31753Rowand
BeilsteinMarienbergJohann Peter Leys??1753Rowand
BeilsteinNenderothWilhelm Becker5
BeilsteinNenderothChrist Hild9
BeilsteinNenderothPeter Hild7
BeilsteinNenderothJohann Köhler6
BeilsteinNenderothJost Ludwig6
BeilsteinNenderothFriedrich Michel5
BeilsteinNiedershausenJohann Peter Russ
BeilsteinNiedershausenConrad Michel7
BeilsteinObershausenConrad Becker6
BeilsteinOberrossbachPhilipp Kring5
BeilsteinPfuhlJohann Christ Schmidt7
BeilsteinPfuhlPaulus Krum51753Rowand
BeilsteinPfuhlChrist Mann71753Rowand
BeilsteinPfuhlJohannes Zehrung61753Rowand
BeilsteinReheJohannes Diehlsingle
BeilsteinReheJohann Christ Jung5
BeilsteinSalzburgMaria Elisabeth Göbelsingle
BeilsteinSalzburgJohann Engel Weller5
BeilsteinStockhausenJohann Jacob Hass4
BeilsteinStockhausenPeter Weyel41753Rowand
BeilsteinStockhausenJohann Henrich Widderstein6
BeilsteinStockhausenMathäus Zimmermann61753Rowand
BeilsteinUnnauMartin Buchener71753Rowand
BeilsteinUnnauTheis Lauer61753Rowand
BeilsteinWaigandshainJohann Jacob Fischbach9
BeilsteinWaigandshainJohann Christ Stahl6
BeilsteinWillingenJohann Christ Reyss3
BeilsteinWillingenJohannes Peter Reyss4
BeilsteinZinnhainJacob Schütz5
DiezAltendiezPeter Löwenzöller8
DiezAltendiezJohann Georg Minck6
DillenburgDillenburgJohann Henrich Beckerwidower
DillenburgDillenburgPhilipp Wilhelm Otterbeinsingle1752???
DillenburgDonsbachJohann Conrad Scheltwife + 3 ch
DillenburgOberscheltJohann Jacob Nickelwife + 2 ch
DriedorfDriedorfJohann Henrich Hardtwife + 1 ch
DriedorfHeisterbergChristoph Betzledig
DriedorfHeisterbergJohann Christ Theiswife + 8 ch
DriedorfHohenrothJohann Peter Rumpffwife + 2 ch
DriedorfHohenrothJohann Georg Theiswife + 3 ch
DriedorfMademühlenJohann Jost Claaswife + 2 ch
DriedorfMademühlenJohann Georg Göbelwife
DriedorfMademühlenJohann Adam Stahlwife + 2 ch
DriedorfMademühlenJohann Henrich Stahlwife + 3 ch
DriedorfMademühlenJohann Peter Stahlwife + 3 ch
EbersbachEbersbachJohann Daniel Beckerfamily1751Two Brothers
EbersbachEbersbachWitwe Giersbach and son ?1751Two Brothers
EbersbachEbersbachJohannes Heintzfamily1751Two Brothers
EbersbachEbersbachDaniel Hoffmann1751Two Brothers
EbersbachEibelshausenJohannes Orth1751Two Brothers
EbersbachMandelnJohannes Franck
EbersbachRittershausenJohann Henrich Haynfamily1751Two Brothers
EbersbachRittershausenJohannes Haynfamily1751Two Brothers
EbersbachRittershausenJohann Georg Henrichledig1751Two Brothers
EbersbachRittershausenJohannes Henrichledig1751Two Brothers
EbersbachBergebersbach Johann Daniel Schlappig1753Edinburgh
EbersbachBergebersbachJohann Jost Schlappig1753Edinburgh
EbersbachEbersbachJohannes Aurand1753Edinburgh
EbersbachEbersbachAnna Christina Giersbach
EbersbachEbersbachJohannes Gräff1753Edinburgh
EbersbachEbersbachHenrich Müller
EbersbachEbersbachJohannes Müller junior
EbersbachEbersbachGeorg Schäffer1753Edinburgh
EbersbachEibelshausenPhilipp Wagener
HadamarOberzeuzheimJacob Schmiedtfamily
HadamarBellingenPeter Balduswife + 5 ch
HadamarDreisbachMerten Hilsenhäuserwife + 4 ch1753Rowand
HadamarDreisbachPeter Müllerwife + 2 ch1753Rowand
HadamarHahnJohann Best Weberwife + 2 ch
HadamarTodtenbergJohann Henrich Balduswife + 3 ch
HadamarWaldmühlenChrist Schützwife + 2 ch
HaigerAllendorfJost Henrich Weyelfamily
HaigerLangenaubachHans Jacob Herwig??
HaigerLangenaubachJohann Wilhelm Schmit??
HerbornHerbornJohann Zeppenfeldt??
SiegenEiserfeldJohannes Güding
SiegenMüsenJohann Brummbach's widow Anna Julianaand children
SiegenNiederndorfThielman Weissgerberwife and children1750Nancy
SiegenNiederndorfJohannes Gitting1750Nancy
SiegenNiederndorfJohann Jacob Br.[umbach]?1750Nancy
SiegenNiederndorfDilmanus W.
TringensteinEyershausenJost Henrich Becker


  1. Gerber, Dr. Adolf: Die Nassau-Dillenburger Auswanderung nach Amerika im 18. Jahrhundert: Das Verhalten der Regierungen dazu und die späteren Schicksale der Auswanderer.; Flensburg 1930.

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