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South Leigh, Oxfordshire Memorial Inscriptions

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: South Leigh, Oxfordshiremap
Profile manager: Ruth Gavin private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 67 times.
This profile is part of the South Leigh, Oxfordshire One Place Study.

WWI Inscriptions


To The
Glory of God
& in grateful
of the men of
this parish who
gave their lives
for Justice
King & Country
in the
Great War
“May they rest in Peace”


CapT Alex. M. Wallace
Northhants Mar.12

Pte Frederick Orpwood
Oxon & Bucks Apr. 6

Pte John Henry Smith
Oxon & Bucks June 5

C.Q.M.S. Lionel Robt. Penson
26th R. Fusiliers Aug. 6

Pte George Wm. Claridge
Oxon & Bucks Aug. 6

Pte Herbert Green
Oxon & Bucks Aug. 22

Pte Arthur Wm. Snoshill
Worcesters Aug 6



Pte Charles Radbone
North Staffs Apr. 16

Lt. Cyril Walter Wallace
47th Sikhs Mar. 8

Sgt Fredk. Albert Wilkins
Queen's Own Ox. Hus. Apr. 26

Stkr 1Cl. Hubert C. Claridge
H.M.S. “Indefatigable” May 31

Bmd Harold Guy Penson
Royal Field Artlry May 15

Pte Frank Edmund Smith
Royal Warricks Aug, 25

Pte William Alfred Cox
Oxon & Bucks Jun. 15

Ger Arthur Robert Hoare
Royal Field Artlry Nov. 21


Pte Claud Wm. Church
King's Royal Rifles Feb. 11

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