Location: South Leigh, Oxfordshire

WWI Inscriptions
| To The |
CapT Alex. M. Wallace | Pte Frederick Orpwood | |
Pte John Henry Smith | C.Q.M.S. Lionel Robt. Penson | |
Pte George Wm. Claridge | Pte Herbert Green | |
Pte Arthur Wm. Snoshill |
| |
| Pte Charles Radbone | |
Lt. Cyril Walter Wallace | Sgt Fredk. Albert Wilkins | |
Stkr 1Cl. Hubert C. Claridge | Bmd Harold Guy Penson | |
Pte Frank Edmund Smith | Pte William Alfred Cox | |
Ger Arthur Robert Hoare |
| |
| | Pte Claud Wm. Church |
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