Location: Moore, North Carolina, United States

Surname/tag: Thomas
Southern Claims Commission
Southern Loyalists (those who were union sympathizers) made 22,298 claims for property losses totaling $60,258,150.44. However, only 7,092 claims (32%) were approved for settlements totaling $4,636,920.69. These loyalists, residing in the twelve states in rebellion at the outset of the US Civil War, who suffered losses during the war, could apply for compensation from the Southern Claims Commission. Often the application process included questions and the mention of many of their neighbors. The original 12 states in rebellion were:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- West Virginia
Applications were accepted between 3 March 1871 and 3 March 1873. Applicants were required to prove that they:
- were loyal to the Union during the Civil War
- had quartermaster stores or supplies taken by or furnished to the Union Army during the rebellion
Contents |
Anderson Thomas Claim No. 19330
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Anderson Thomas (1807-aft.1880) filed a claim with the Southern Claims Commission in 1877 (however he appears to have had at least one prior claim).
Anderson Thomas Moore Co N.C. - Brief
May 17, 1876 - Letter to claimant as to variance between his claim & whether time of the Red Strings and Holden voters were not disloyal in early part of the war.
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Brief in the case of Anderson Thomas of Jonesboro, Moore Co, N.C.
Claimant was 53 in 1861 and was at his farm in Moore Co at the surrender (crossed through) does not say that he was there all the time) (end of crossed through) and was there all during the war - farming - farm consisted of 174 acres - cultivated 40. - had nothing to do with the rebel army - had 5 sons conscripted - and not furnish them with anything - was always opposed to the war and if he had been young would have gone to the Yankees - always thought the Yankee's would whip - tried to keep his sons out of the rebel army as long as possible belonged to the "red Strings" and attended union meetings mostly private - don't think he ever received a pass - Voted for union men all the time - voted for Holden for Governer against Vance did not change one act during the war -
Elias Cox 38 in 1861. farmer Moore Co N. C. lived within 3 miles of claimant during the war and saw him about once or twice a month - often heard him talk he always expressed himself against the war - said it would ruin the Govt - the union men used to meet at the public school about once a month to hold meetings but the rebels threatened them and they had to stop - saw the clmt. there once or twice and he said he was ready for any Unoin principles - over heard any body say anthing but that he was a Unoin man - he waid it was a rich man's war - heard him talk this in public to 5 or 6 persons several times -
Absalom Kelly 44 in 1861 farmer Moore Co N.C. lives 2 miles from clmt. during the war saw him once a week - we were union men and knew each others sentiments - ^ he voted the union ticket all the time have seen him do it - he was a Jackson Democrat but left them in 1861 as he said they made the war and he would not vote with them any more - was punctual in attending union meetings at witness' house - everybody in the neighborhood knew him as a union man - heard the ? curse him for a d - d union man - heard some of his neighbors cursing him for voting for Holden during the war instead of Vance -
- Mule $150-
- 1 Mare $75-
- 25 Bus[hels] of Corn $25-
- 200 lbs. Bacon $40-
- 1000 lbs. Fodder $5-
- ? $50-
Claimant files two claims: the original amounts to $147.75 - the amended to $345-
Claimant says that Sherman's army at the surrender went into camp at Cape Fear River 5 miles from his house and remained two weeks - two soldiers came to his house and asked him where his horses were - he told them in the stable and they put ropes around their necks and led them off toward camp - the next day 3 or 4 soldiers came and slmt saw them to to the smoke house and take 8 pieces of bacon - another gang of 3 or 4 rode by that day and each took a bag of shelled corn one soldier came and got the buggy by himself - the 3d day they came with a 2 horse wagon and took off a large load of fodder then took a load of corn - an officer was present when the corn was taken - the next time they took bacon they took 7 or 8 pieces - they were mounted and tied it to their saddles - the mule was common sized and young - the mare was common sized - 5 years old - there was 8 bus[hels] of shelled corn in ? lbs in the crib (shelled) - they took it all but 8 bus[hels] - they took 5 lbs in ears as near as he can guess - generally killed from 8 to 10 good fat hogs a year - used none - paid tithes - 4 pieces avg 20 to 25 lbs ? had in family - only left 8 pieces ? they took as much as 200 lbs - one stack of fodder - would have weighed 500 lbs. - buggy had been used 3 or 4 years -
Tempey Thomas wife of clmt 47 in 1961 saw them take the mule and mare out of the stable and lead them off - two men were present - the next day some soldiers came and went to the smoke houe and took off 15 pieces of bacon - think they killed 8 hogs that year - saw them take corn in 2 horse wagons 3 wagson came and two took corn and one did not take anuthing - the same day they took a stack of fodder - the mule was in good condition - was 4 years old. [1]
More Documents
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Jacket Cover for Claim No. 19330
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Deposition of Anderson Thomas taken at his house in Jonesboro Township in Moore Co N.C. ? before Jno. S. Smith Special Commissioner June 15th 1877 (pg. 1)
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Page 2 of Deposition
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Deposition of Neighbor
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Statement of Jno. S. Smith, Special Commissioner
- Ancestry Sharing Link - File Cover for Testimonies
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Claim Form
- Ancestry Sharing Link - 2nd page of Claim Form
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Last page of Claim Form
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Examination Record
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Testimony
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Claim Jacket
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Nature of Claim Form
Anderson Thomas Claim No. 12194
This appears on the jacket:
Notice: This claim seems to be indentical in part with claim No 19330 filed by ? Holden
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Jacket of Claim No 12194
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Claim Form
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Page 2 of Claim Form
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Page 3 of Claim Form
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Jacket Cover for Summary Report
- Ancestry Sharing Link - Nature of Claim Form
Further Reading
- "The War Within the Confederacy: White Unionists of North Carolina"
- Southern Claims Commission at FamilySearch (contains links for searching and more information)
- ↑ Barred and Disallowed Case Files of the Southern Claims Commission, 1871-1880; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M1407, 4829 fiche); Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Record Group 233; National Archives, Washington, D.C.; database and digital images, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 22 August 2021).
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