Location: [unknown]
Welcome to the Orphaned Profiles Team!
I am delighted to have you on the team; I will add your name to my records. The Orphaned Profiles Team is different from other teams you may have met on WT. Instead of being almost a race to get rid of Unsourced Profiles, or connect up Unconnecteds, or merge as many as possible, the Orphans Team exists purely for YOU. You take it at your own pace and learn how to do various things on WikiTree; it is called the Orphans because you pick an orphaned profile (one without a profile manager) and work on it without fear of someone complaining that you are making a mess of 'their' profile. You can start by going to this link:
and, once you have read it through, click on 1838-1957 to join that group. Read through that page and click on the England Sandbox link near the top. When you get to the Sandbox page, choose your 'orphan', let me know, read the page through, do the case study - and you're off! Don't forget that there are example profiles in the blue box on the Sandbox page so you can see how things are formatted.
The whole point of the Orphans Team is to guide you through some basic steps, as you will see from its page. You need to let me know which profile(s) you pick, so I can keep a record. If you get stuck at any point, or want to ask a question, don't hesitate to contact me.
Welcome to the Orphaned Profiles Team!
Paragraph for first-time Orphan Trailer to warn them about the graphic
Don't be alarmed at the large graphic saying 'Please do not edit' - that doesn't mean you, it means other kind souls who might wander by and tread all over your hard work while you're working!
Nudge email (sent after two weeks with no reply)
I contacted/My colleague contacted you a couple of weeks ago in reply to your request to join the England Project.
Have you given it any more thought? Are you still interested?
Please reply.
Nudge email when they have started the Trail, but faded away 1
It's been a couple of weeks since you started choosing an orphaned profile, yet you seemed so keen when you started.
Are you stuck? Can I help in any way?
Nudge email when they have started the Trail, but faded away 2
It's been a couple of weeks since you did anything to Olive's profile, yet you seemed so keen when you started.
Are you stuck? Can I help in any way?
Time to move on to second group
It is time for you to move on to the next group. Go back to the Orphaned Profiles Team page, and click on 1700-1837. Read its pages, and choose your next orphan from its preformatted search, which is geared towards this time period, as are the new example profiles in the blue-edged table.
When you have chosen, please get back to me.
Learning how to do internal links
Since you have progressed so well so quickly and can already do inline sourcing, perhaps you would like to learn another thing - internal links?
For instance: Ros Haywood is mine. Yours is Susie MacLeod. So that's double square brackets, your Wiki-ID, a pipe symbol (usually found bottom left of your keyboard), then the wording you want to appear on the page (in this case, your name), with double square brackets to close. They appear in the biography narrative, like this:
Charles Edgar Wightman was born in Ipswich in 1878 to Edgar Wightman and Sarah Ann (Wade) Wightman.
I have found a neat trick for finding people's Wiki-IDs without having to click through to their profiles. You hover over the person's name (say, Edgar Wightman) and his Wiki-ID appears bottom left on your browser's taskbar.
Time to move on to third and final group
It is time for you to move on to the third and final group. Go back to the Orphaned Profiles page and click on 1500-1699. Read its pages, and choose an orphan. You will see that the preformatted search has been split into two - I would recommend starting with the 17th century search first, while you settle into the time period.
Please also pay special attention to the link about categories (telling you how to create them), as I will be expecting you to use categories in this group.
Congratulations! you have graduated from the Orphaned Profiles Team. Here is the code for a sticker which you can put on your own profile (not the ones you have worked on):
After completing this section, you are encouraged to apply for your Pre-1500 certification. This is not a self-certification quiz like the Pre-1700; it has to be awarded - and it will be refused if profiles are not up to standard.
Although we encourage you to apply for pre-1500 certification, it is not recommended that you apply within 1 month of graduation. You should tidy up your managed profiles using your skills, give yourself chance to absorb what you have learned and become properly familiar with Wikitree processes.
Thanks for the feedback. I will pass on your name to Wendy Sullivan, our Leader for Integration, who will be contacting you within the next few days, and the two of you can discuss where you think you would like to be involved in the England Project.
Congratulations again!
Welcome to the Orphaned Profiles Team! (Mentor to send to new team member)
We are delighted to have you on the team; your name will be added to the team records. The Orphaned Profiles Team is different from other teams you may have worked with on WikiTree. Instead of being a race to get rid of Unsourced Profiles, to connect up Unconnected profiles, or merge as many as possible, the Orphans Team exists purely for YOU. You take it at your own pace and learn how to do various things on WikiTree; it is called the Orphans because you pick an orphaned profile (one without a profile manager) and work on it without fear of someone complaining that you are making a mess of 'their' profile. You can start by going to this link:
Insert instructions here on how to select a group.
Please note these profiles will not be linked within the email so as to prevent security issues (such as anti-spam programs deleting an email with six links in it!)
Don't forget that there are example profiles provided. (need to be created) Please email your mentor and let them know which profile you've chosen.
The whole point of the Orphans Team is to guide you through some basic steps, as you will see from its page.
Welcome to the Spain Orphan Profiles Team!
Paragraph for first-time Orphan Trailer to warn them about the graphic
Don't be alarmed at the large graphic saying 'Please do not edit' - that doesn't mean you, it means other kind souls who might wander by and tread all over your hard work while you're working!
Nudge email (sent after two weeks with no reply)
I contacted/My colleague contacted you a couple of weeks ago in reply to your request to join the England Project.
Have you given it any more thought? Are you still interested?
Please reply.
Nudge email when they have started the Trail, but faded away 1
It's been a couple of weeks since you started choosing an orphaned profile, yet you seemed so keen when you started.
Are you stuck? Can I help in any way?
Nudge email when they have started the Trail, but faded away 2
It's been a couple of weeks since you did anything to Olive's profile, yet you seemed so keen when you started.
Are you stuck? Can I help in any way?
Time to move on to second group
It is time for you to move on to the next group. Go back to the Orphaned Profiles Team page, Space:England_Orphaned_Profiles_Team and click on 1700-1837. Read its pages, and click the link to take you to the sandbox Space:England_Sandbox_1700-1837
Follow the instructions and choose your next orphan from its preformatted search, which is geared towards this time period (as are the new example profiles in the blue-edged box).
This is a little different to the last stage where Ros preselected suitable profiles for you. This search is geared towards the time period, but has many profiles that aren’t eligible for the trail. Make sure you read the necessary criteria before you select a profile.
A tip would be to use the wikitree+ link on the page, select to open in a new tab, in that open tab at the top keep extending the number of profiles to several thousand... the ones nearer the beginning are often sourced.
When you have chosen, please get back to me and I’ll set up your chosen profile.
Learning how to do internal links
Since you have progressed so well so quickly and can already do inline sourcing, perhaps you would like to learn another thing - internal links?
For instance: [[Haywood-41|Ros Haywood]] is mine. Yours is [[MacLeod-1797|Susie MacLeod]]. So that's double square brackets, your Wiki-ID, a pipe symbol (usually found bottom left of your keyboard), then the wording you want to appear on the page (in this case, your name), with double square brackets to close. They appear in the biography narrative, like this:
Charles Edgar Wightman was born in Ipswich in 1878 to [[Wightman-5|Edgar Wightman]] and [[Wade-10|Sarah Ann (Wade) Wightman]].
Charles Edgar Wightman was born in Ipswich in 1878 to Edgar Wightman and Sarah Ann (Wade) Wightman.
I have found a neat trick for finding people's Wiki-IDs without having to click through to their profiles. You hover over the person's name (say, Edgar Wightman) and his Wiki-ID appears bottom left on your browser's taskbar.
Time to move on to third and final group
It is time for you to move on to the third and final group. Go back to the Orphaned Profiles page and click on 1500-1699. Read its pages, and choose an orphan. You will see that the preformatted search has been split into two - I would recommend starting with the 17th century search first, while you settle into the time period.
Please also pay special attention to the link about categories (telling you how to create them), as I will be expecting you to use categories in this group.
Congratulations! you have graduated from the Orphaned Profiles Team. Here is the code for a sticker which you can put on your own profile (not the ones you have worked on):
{{England Orphan Team}}
After completing this section, you are encouraged to apply for your Pre-1500 certification. This is not a self-certification quiz like the Pre-1700; it has to be awarded - and it will be refused if profiles are not up to standard.
Although we encourage you to apply for pre-1500 certification, it is not recommended that you apply within 1 month of graduation. You should tidy up your managed profiles using your skills, give yourself chance to absorb what you have learned and become properly familiar with Wikitree processes.
Thanks for the feedback. I will pass on your name to Wendy Sullivan, our Leader for Integration, who will be contacting you within the next few days, and the two of you can discuss where you think you would like to be involved in the England Project.
Congratulations again!
Special thanks to Ros Haywood for creating the template for this page.
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)