
Spanish Vital Record Translations 1750-1800

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Surnames/tags: Puerto_Rico Spanish Translation
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Vital Record Translations - 1750-1800

Baptism Record - Mexico

1768 Baptism of Maria Petronila
  • Source Citation:
"México, Durango, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1604-1985," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Jul 2019), entry for Maria Petronila, 1768; citing Durango; Sagrario Metropolitano; Bautismos 1768-1772; image 26 of 529; parroquias Católicas, Durango (Catholic Church parishes, Durango).
Click here for a larger image
Note: The hyphenated words in the record are underlined. The words in the transcription are just as they appeared in the record; an authentic narrative as written by the priest. To see what the abbreviated words stand for, look at the line-by-line translation. The letters that are not bold are the 'missing' letters. Any words that were illegible or undecipherable will be marked as ???
En la Sta[1] Iga[2] Cathl [2] de esta Ciudad
de Durango en cinco de Junio
de mil Seps[3] sesenta y ocho años
yo el Br[4] Dn[5] Juan Joseph Mixa
res Solórzano Thte[6] de Cura deste[7]
Sagrario bautise solemnemte[8] di
bendiciones exorsise, y puse los
Stos[9] oleo y chrisma ãuna niñã
muta[10] libe[11] que nacio el dia treinta
y uno de dhos ãqn[12] puse por nom
bre Ma[13] Petronila hija lexa[14]
de Juan Gregorio Lugo, y de
Mariana. ☩[15] Fueron Padrinos Tho
mas Torres y Ma[13] Dominga
Osorio ã quins[16] adverti el parentes
co espiritl[17] y obligacions[18] de su
cargo, y para qe[19] conste lo firme
En la   Santa      Iglesia Cathedral   a de esta Ciudad
In the Holy (Cathedral) Church Cathedral   of this   City

de Durango en    cinco de Junio
of   Durango on the fifth   of June [in the] (year)

de   mil      Septecientos     sesenta ocho años
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight    years

yo el Bachiller   Don   Juan Joseph Mixares
I the Bachelor   Don   Juan   Joseph Mixares

Solórzano Theniente de Cura deste
Solorzano   auxilliary   priest of this

Sagrario   bautise solemnemente di
Tabernacle baptize solemnly,      gave

bendiciones exorsise,   y puse los
blessings,   exorcised, and anointed

   Santos oleo y chrisma auna niña
with Holy   oil and chrism   a    girl,

mulatta   liberade que    nacio el dia treinta
mulatta and free,   who was born on the thirty-first

y uno    de dichos       [mes y año] ãquien   puse por nombre
first    of the aforementioned [month and year],   Given the name

Maria   Petronila hija    lexitima
Maria   Petronila, daughter legitimate (daughter)

de Juan Gregorio Lugo, y de
of   Juan Gregorio Lugo, and

Mariana. Fueron   Padrinos      Thomas
Mariana. Were [Her] Godparents (were) Thomas

Torres y    Maria   Dominga
Torres and Maria   Dominga

Osorio ã quiénes adverti        el   parentesco
of whom I     warned (about)    the relationships,

espiritl         y obligaciones    de su
spiritual (relationships) and obligations   of their

cargo,    y   para que conste   lo firme
position, and   for the record    I   sign

In the Holy Cathedral Church of this City
of Durango on the fifth of June in the year
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight
I the Bachelor Don Juan Joseph Mixares
Solórzano auxilliary priest of this
Tabernacle solemnly baptize, gave
blessings, exorcised, and anointed
with Holy oil and chrism, a girl,
mulatta and free, who was born on the thirty-first
day of the aforementioned [month], Given the name
Maria Petronila, legitimate daughter
of Juan Gregorio Lugo, and
Mariana. [Her] Godparents were Thomas
Torres and Maria Dominga
of whom I warned about the
spiritual relationships and obligations of their
position, and for the record I sign

Marriage Record - New Spain

1782 Marriage record for Francisco Gallego and Bernarda Martin
  • Source Citation:
"New Mexico Marriages, 1751-1918," database, FamilySearch ( : 3 August 2019), Francisco Gallego and Bernarda Martin, 21 Jun 1782; citing Holy Cross, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico (Santa Fe, Nuevo México, Nueva España), reference ; FHL microfilm 16,972.
Note: The hyphenated words in the record are underlined. The words in the transcription are just as they appeared in the record; an authentic narrative as written by the priest. To see what the abbreviated words stand for, look at the line-by-line translation. The letters that are not bold are the 'missing' letters. Any words that were illegible or undecipherable will be marked as ???

Margin Notation: Francisco Gallego con Bernarda martin; Chimayó
En Veinte y un dias del mes de Junio de mil sets ochenta y
dos. Yo Fr Ramon Anto Gonzz mtro [20] de la Cañada después
de haver [21] precedido las tres amonestaciones que man
da el Sto Concilio de Trento, [22] en tres distintos dias, festi
vos[23] inter missarum Solemnia, [24]Examinados de la Doctri
na Cristiana[25], Confessados, [26] y Comulgados, echas[27] las diligs [28]
necessias [29] y no resultando impto[30] alguno Canonico, Cassé [31]
y Velé infacie Eclesie [32] a Franco Gallego Vo[33] de Abiquiu
con Bernarda martin Vca [33] de Chimayó: Fueron
Padrinos Bernardo mascareñas y Juana Jose
fa Vs [33] de Chimayó. Siendo Testigos, Antonio martin
Do[34] Potrero, y xavier de Herrera Vo[33] de la Cañada
y para qe[19] conste[35] lo firmé.
Fr Ramon Gonzalez
Margin Notation: Francisco Gallego with Bernarda martin; Chimayo

En    Veinte y un dias del mes de Junio   de mil setecientos        ochenta y
On the   twenty-first      of June    of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two

dos.   Yo Fr Ramon Antonio Gonzalez  ministro de la Cañada     después
two.   I, Fray Ramon Antonio Gonzalez,  Minister of "la Cañada",

de haver precedido        las tres amonestaciones                         que manda
having been previously read   the three banns      (having been previously read)   as mandated

  el Santo Concilio de Trento  en tres distintos  dias,   festivos
by the Holy Council of Trent    on three different  daysnon-working (days), [and]

inter missarum Solemnia,  Examinados          de la Doctrina
during Mass,             tested [the bride and groom]  in the Doctrine

Cristiana,            Confessados,   y    Comulgados,            echas       las      
Christian (Doctrine);   their having Confessed,   and taken Communion, [and as]   performed  the

diligencias necessarias     y no resultando   impedimento alguno Canonico,    Cassé
necessary diligences (performed)   uncovered       no canonical impediments,     I married

y Velé         infacie Eclesie               a   Francisco Gallego   Vecino de Abiquiu
and veiled,   in the presence of the congregation,   Francisco Gallego,  Neighbor of Abiquiú,   [along]

con Bernarda martin  Vecina de Chimayo:  Fueron
with Bernarda Martín,   Neighbor of Chimayo.  were The

Padrinos                       Bernardo mascareñas y Juana Josefa
Best Man and Matron of Honor (were)  Bernardo Mascareñas and Juana Josefa,

Vecinos de Chimayo.   Siendo Testigos,     António martin
Neighbors of Chimayo, the Witnesses being   Antonio Martín,

Domingo Potrero,   y xavier de Herrera   Vecino de la Cañada
Domingo Potrero,   and Xavier de Herrera,   Neighbor of "la Cañada"

y para que conste   lo firmé.
and for the record   I signed

Fr   Ramon Gonzalez
Fray Ramon González

On the twenty-first of June of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two
I, Fray Ramon Antonio Gonzalez, Minister of "la Cañada",
the three banns having been previously read, as mandated
by the Holy Council of Trent, on three different non-working days
during Mass, tested [the bride and groom] in the
Christian Doctrine; their having Confessed, and taken Communion, [and as]
the necessary diligences performed uncovered no canonical impediments, I married
and veiled, in the presence of the congregation, Francisco Gallego, Neighbor of Abiquiú, [along]
with Bernarda Martín, Neighbor of Chimayo. The
Best Man and Matron of Honor were Bernardo Mascareñas and Juana Josefa,
Neighbors of Chimayo, the Witnesses being Antonio Martín,
Domingo Potrero, and Xavier de Herrera, Neighbor of "la Cañada"
and for the record I signed
Fray Ramon González (Signature)

Death Record - Mexico

1761 Death of Carlos de los Santos Manzanares
  • Source Citation:
"México, Durango, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1604-1985," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 August 2019), Mapimí; Santiago Apóstol; Defunciones 1760-1775, 1802-1815, 1832-1847; image 14 of 726; parroquias Católicas, Durango (Catholic Church parishes, Durango).
1761 Death of Carlos de los Santos Mendosa
Note: The hyphenated words in the record are underlined. The words in the transcription are just as they appeared in the record; an authentic narrative as written by the priest. To see what the abbreviated words stand for, look at the line-by-line translation. The letters that are not bold are the 'missing' letters. Any words that were illegible or undecipherable will be marked as ???
Margin Notation
Calos [36] de los Santos Mendosa [37]
En veinte y seis dias del mes de Junio de
mil setecientos sesenta y un años, se le dio
Sepultura en esta Parrochia [38] a Carlos de
los Santos Manzanares, [39] Viudo por muer
te de Agustina de Calidad Indio mu
rio con todos los Sacramentos, y absolu
siones, [40] y para que conste lo firmé.
Josseph Joachin [41] Mixares [42] Solorzano

En    veinte y seis     dias del mes   de Junio  de
On the   twenty-sixth                of June    in

mil       setecientos     sesenta y un años,   se le dio
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-one,       we

Sepultura   en esta Parrochia   a Carlos de
buried,     in this Parish,      Carlos de

los Santos Manzanares   Viudo    por muerte
los Santos Manzanares   a Widower of the deceased

de Agustina,   de Calidad Indio      murio
  Agustina,   an indigenous man (who) died

con todos   los Sacramentos,   y absolusiones
with all      the Sacraments,   and absolutions

y para que conste   lo firmé.
and for the record,   I signed.

Josseph Joachin Mixares Solorzano
Josseph Joachin Mixares Solorzano

On the twenty-sixth of June in
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-one, we
buried, in this Parish, Carlos de
los Santos Manzanares a Widower of the deceased
Agustina, an indigenous man (who) died
with all the Sacraments, and absolutions,
and for the record, I signed.
Joseph Joachin Mixares Solorzano (Signature)


  1. Santa=Saint or Holy depending on the use. In this case it means Holy.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Iga = Iglesia = Church
  3. Seps=Septecientos=Setecientos=Seven hundred
  4. Br=Bachiller = Bachelor, graduate. At that time the person that had completed basic university studies.
  5. Dn=Don = A title; equivalent to Sir or Mister
  6. Thte=Theniente...=Teniente = Teniente, or Lieutenant, auxiliary priest who helped the "Cura Rector", or Pastor, in his duties.
  7. desta, deste = "de esta", "de este" = "of this", commonly contracted into one word at the time
  8. solemnemte=solemnemente=solemnly
  9. Stos=Santos=Holy
  10. Mulatta= Mulatta; A niña Mulatta is a female Mulatto child. See the Glossary regarding Racial Terminology.
  11. libe=liberado=A free person, not a slave; liberated (if indicated in the record).
  12. qn=quién=whom
  13. 13.0 13.1 Ma=Maria=Maria
  14. lexa=legitimo=legitimate
  15. : This symbol, or variations of it, is usually seen as a 'mark' for those wanting to 'sign' the document but they weren't taught to write. For some reason the priest put this up by the word 'Godfather' (or the Godfather signed there instead of the bottom).
  16. quins=quién es=whom
  17. espiritl = espiritual = spiritual
  18. obligacions=obligaciones=obligations
  19. 19.0 19.1 qe=que= what, used as 'the' here. Para que conste se firma or Para que conste lo firme= For the record I sign it; In witness thereof I sign.
  20. Ministro = Minister
  21. haber = from "despúes de haber", "after having", spelled with a "v" in the original
  22. See Wikipedia: Council of Trent
  23. en tres distintos dias, festivos = For Catholic marriages it was required for the banns to be run. This means the upcoming marriage was posted in public for three consecutive non-working days ("festival" days, typically a Sunday) to give others a chance to protest.
  24. inter missarum solemnia= in, during Mass
  25. Doctrina=The Christian Doctrine was composed of twenty 'truths.' To prove their faith a Christian was supposed to be able to answer the 20 questions based on the Christian faith.
  26. Confessados = Confesados, spelled with two "s" in the original. Double letters were commonly used in early records, whereas the modern spellings don't use them.
  27. hechas= done, performed, from the verb "hacer" spelled without an "h" in the original.
  28. diligencias = diligence(s).
  29. necesarias = necessary, spelled with two "s" in the original
  30. impedimento = impediment
  31. Casse = Casé= I married
  32. infacie eclesie= in the presence of the congregation
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Vecino = Neighbor (masculine singular), also appears as V.a, Vecina (feminine singular), V.s, Vecinos,as (plurals)
  34. Do = Domingo = a surname
  35. para que conste = for the record /or/ to keep the record straight (per the Spanish Law Dictionary; Peter Collin Publishing)
  36. Calos= "Carlos" = "Charles"
  37. Mendosa= "Mendoza" = a surname, thought to have originated in Álava.
  38. Parrochia= "Parroquia" = "Parish"
  39. Manzanares= what happened to Carlos de los Santos Mendosa in the left hand margin? The priest seems to have had a momentary lapse & as a result, we'll never know if the Carlos who went to his grave nearly 260 years ago was los Santos Mendosa or los Santos Manzanares
  40. absolusiones= "absoluciones" = "absolutions", incorrectly spelled with an "s" in the original
  41. Joachin= "Joaquín" = "Joachim", a first name
  42. Mixares= "Mijares" = a surname
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