
Sports Legends WWE

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Profile manager: David Randall private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 175 times.

Tonight is SummerSlam, one of professional wrestling's most important annual events. Join us as we celebrate the biggest party of the summer by improving the profiles of WWE's founding family, along with 40 of professional wrestling's all-time greatest athletes.

Our goal is to make each of these profiles a shining star of WikiTree. Some are already pretty close, others not so much.

For ideas on what an ideal profile entails, please see the Completed Profile Checklist.

For those who prefer research over profile building, we also want to increase each of our notables' CC7s, and of course, we want to make sure each is connected to the Big Tree. We'll be updating CC7 numbers on a semi-regular basis in the table below.

Remember, no contribution is too small, so jump in wherever you think you'll have the most fun. Just remember to keep us posted on your accomplishments on the G2G thread.

Photograph Ring Name LNAB Born Died Birth Place Starting CC7 Current CC7 Additions C
Jess McMahonMcMahon18821955New York1315+2Connected
Nature Boy BuddyRohde19211992New Jersey04+4
The Fabulous MoolahEllison19232007South Carolina016+16Connected
Capt. Lou AlbanoAlbano19332009Italy07+7
Bruno SammartinoSammartino19352018Italy769+62
Ivan KoloffPerras19422017Canada0300+300Connected
The Iron SheikAli Vaziri19422023Canada2
Bad News BrownCoage19432007New York077+77
Jimmy "Superfly" SnookaSmith19432017Fiji0
Superstar Billy GrahamColeman19442023Arizona01569+1560Connected
Dusty RhodesRunnels19452015Texas9899+1Connected
André the GiantRoussimoff19461993France2
Mr. PerfectHennig19582003Minnesota0201+201Connected
Junkyard DogRitter19521998North Carolina095+95Connected
Rowdy Roddy PiperToombs19542015Canada59Connected
The AnvilNeidhart19552018California027+27Connected
King Kong BundyPallies19552019New Jersey027+27Connected
Road Warrior HawkHegstrand19502003Minnesota 0261+261Connected
Sensational Sherri MartelRussell19582007Alabama0
Beautiful Bobby EatonEaton19582021Alabama0827+827Connected
Razor RamonHall19582022Maryland364426+62Connected
Ultimate WarriorHellwig19592014Indiana0143+143Connected
Road Warrior AnimalLaurinaitis19602020Pennsylvania0
Bam Bam BigelowBigelow19612007New Jersey013+13
Brain PillmanPillman19621997Ohio015+15
Davey Boy SmithSmith19622002England0106+106Connected
Macho Man Randy SavagePoffo19622011Ohio109Connected
Big Boss ManTraylor19632004Georgia0112+112Connected
Owen HartHart19651999Canada140142+2Connected
Eddie GuerreroGuerrero Llanes19672005Texas9
Chris BenoitBenoit19672007Quebec2
ChynaLaurer19692016New York42Connected
Crash HollyLockwood19712003California0114+114Connected
Viscera/Big Daddy VFrazier19712014North Carolina0
Brian ChristopherLawler19722018Tennessee0245+245Connected
UmagaFatu19732009American Samoa7983+4Connected
Ashley MassaroMassaro19792019New York0


Comments: 3

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Dusty Rhodes LNAB should be Runnels.

posted on WWE Challenge (merged) by Staci (Hadsell) Golladay
Razor Ramon's actual last name needs to be corrected to Hall.
posted on WWE Challenge (merged) by Lori (Beckett) Zukerman
edited by Lori (Beckett) Zukerman
Thanks Lori. I've made the correction.
posted on WWE Challenge (merged) by David Randall