Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Ross-31247
All my life every dog our family owned was "Mom's Dog". Spot was a gift to Mom (Hardison-799) from Kandie and Ben. He was a rescue, a very cute little puppy who grew to be a very smart devoted companion for Dad (Ross-31247). Animals just naturally seemed to gravitate to her - except Spot. He was Dad's dog from the start, and I think Mom was a bit jealous of the relationship. She would gripe and fuss at him, but he and Dad were buds.
As Mom's health failed, Dad did everything - the shopping, keeping doctor appointment schedules, cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. I think Spot was sent to Dad because God knew he was going to be taking Mom home to heaven soon and in his wisdom, he knew Dad was going to need something or someone else that he could take care of once Mom went home to heaven. Subsequently, Dad doted on Spot. The scar on his leg was a $5000 knee repair. Spot blew his knee out swimming across the lake at Sleepy Hollow - trying to follow Dad in a boat. So much for an inexpensive rescue dog.
Cookies and Milk. |
Wherever Dad was, Spot was only a couple of steps behind. When Dad passed in 2004, I think God knew that I could not bear to let Dad go. Dad joined Mom in heaven on May 14, 2004. One of the last things I whispered to Dad as he lay, unconscious in his hospital bed was to not worry because I would take care of Spot for him. I think it brought him peace.
And that is how Spot came to live with us (Brewer-13736) in Savannah with our other two pets - Double and Cracker. We were privileged to take care of Spot for six more years before he passed - I guess I take after my Dad when it comes to needing a LOT of healing before I let things go. Spot was a good dog and he helped me through the worst part of losing Dad. We shared cookies and milk - not every night. But when I missed Dad the most, I could always count on Spot to share a cookie and milk with me and bark when I pointed a finger at him.
There is some debate as to whether animals go to heaven. I for one cannot imagine a heaven without them. When the time came, we buried Spot at Sleepy Hollow on the hill looking out onto the Lake and I am certain Spot is in heaven – just one or two steps behind Dad.
Spot sunning at his favorite spot - Sleep Hollow. |
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