Location: Islandmagee, County Antrim

This page is part of the Antrim Cemeteries Team.
Cemetery name: St. John C.O.I. Cemetery
GPS Co-Ordinates: 54.808553, -5.724117
This info was obtained fom Irish Geneology Web Site
St. John's Church of Ireland Church, in the townland of Ballyharry and parish of Islandmagee, lies on the Low Road 3 1/2 miles north of Whitehead. Dating from 1595 , it combines in a typical early planter fashion, late Tudor windows with a semi-circular-arched Renaissance classical door. The exterior with massive buttresses has changed little since the church was built, but within the three-foot thick walls various refurnishings have occurred; the latest in 1965 introduced an oak altar, reredos, prayer desk and chairs of the early 17th century, brought from various churches in the south of Ireland. There are no memorials in the church.
When the church was built Islandmagee was still divided into many parishes but these were finally united in 1638. The original parish registers were destroyed in 1922 and the oldest registers now date from 1878. However, the baptismal and marriage registers of First Islandmagee Presbyterian Church go back to 1829.
The graveyard is rough and surrounds the church, the oldest stones being nearer to the church and on its north side. All demoninations have used the graveyard, but since the "Island" is largely Presbyterian, most of the stones are of Presbyterians. The oldest dates from 1752 and all stones with dates of death before 1899 have been copied.
Ref No. | Name | Inscriptions | |
1 | Agnew | Erected by Andrew (Agn)ew in memory of (his belove)d (wife) Anne (Ag)new, who departed (this life)…. 1871…years. Also …Anne A(g)… (3) … | |
1a | Aiken | See- Esler Ref No 72 | |
2 | Allen | See- Duff Ref No 66 : Johnston Ref No 121 | |
3 | Armour | Erected by Archie George. Erected by Mary E. Armour in memory of her husband Samuel Armour who died 21 Jun 1897 aged 58 years. | |
4 | Arthurs | In loving memory of Sarah B. McMaster, the beloved wife of A.M. Athurs, died 23 May 1890 aged 27 years. Also his son Robert Thomas who died 10 Mar 1903 aged 5 months. Also his daughter Sarah who died 11 May 1906 aged 18 years. The above named A. M. Arthurs died 03 Jul 1934 aged 72 years. Also his dear wife Elizabeth who died 27 Nov 1956 aged 79 years. Also his son Arthur Magowan who died 28 Nov 1957 aged 57 years. | |
5 | Arthurs | In loving memory of John son of James Arthurs who died 12 Jul 1894 aged 9 months. Also Annie his daughter who died 14 May 1905 aged 1 year & 10 months. Also his wife Abigail Arthurs who died 08 Mar 1937 aged 75 years. The above James Arthurs died 02 Oct 1943 aged 83 years. | |
6 | Auld | Erected by Agnes Auld in memory of her husband James Auld who died 12 Jan 1887 aged 53 years. Also their son William who died 22 Jan 1867 aged 2 years. And an infant son 05 Oct 1868. Also their son David who was drowned at Quebec 04 Jul 1901 aged 26 years. "in the midst of life we are in death". Also the above-named Agnes Auld who died 08 Sep 1921 in her eighty sixth year. Also their younger daughter Isabella who died 18 Jan 1938 aged 66 years. And their eldest daughter Annie who died 24 Nov 1941 aged 75 years. | |
7 | Auld | See- Murray Ref No 219 | |
8 | Barbour | See- Niblock Ref No 227 | |
9 | Barr | Barr. Until the day break. | |
10 | Baxter | See- Dool | |
11 | Bayly | Sacred (to) the memory of (Mrs.) J .J. Bayly who went to her rest the 17 Aug 18(54) aged (30) years. (Be)ing a believer in Jesus, she is now a(mon)g the redeemed in the Kingdom of Christ. Her sister M. A. McClelland also lies here; she departed this life the 20 Jun 18.5 aged 23 years. | |
11a | Breckenridge | See- Bell Ref No 14 | |
12 | Beggs | Erected by Robert Beggs and his wife Jane to the memory of her son Robert Cameron who departed this life the 10 Oct 1871 aged 22 years. | |
13 | Bell | Here lieth the body of Jenet Hill, wife to John Bell, who departed this life the 17 Jan 1800 aged 49 years. Also their daughter Jenet Bell who depd. This life 28 Oct 1812 aged 20 years. Also John Bell who died 18 Feb 1825 aged 73 years. | |
14 | Bell | 1901. Erected by Davis Bell in loving memory of his daughter Sarah Jane who died 20 Feb 1899 aged 18 months. The above-named Davis Bell died 05 Nov 1908 agedb52 years. Also his wife Mary Sophia Bell who died 05 Oct 1934 aged 73 years. Also their daughters: Sarah Breckenridge died in U.S.A. 07 Feb 1948. Jemima Bell died 08 Nov 1960. | |
15 | Bell | See- Jones Ref No 124 | |
16 | Blair | Erected by Thomas Blair in memory of his wife Margaret Milliken who departed this life 04 Jan 1871 aged 78 years. The above-named Thomas Blair departed this life 20 Feb 1880 aged 65 years. His grand-daughter Matilda Blair died 22 Mar 1888 aged 4 years. And his son James Blair died 17 Dec 1919 aged 83 years. Also Annie, wife of the above-named James Blair, who died 24 Aug 1926 aged 82 years. | |
17 | Boyd | See - McCalmont Ref No 146 | |
17a | Boyle | See- Hill Ref No 103 : Long Ref No 140 | |
18 | Brand | See- Ross Ref No 242 | |
19 | Breckenridge | See- Bell Ref No 14 | |
20 | Brennan | Erected to the memory of Henry Brennan who departed this life 22 Aug 1829 aged 66 years. Also his wife Margaret who departed this life 25 Feb 1838 aged 80 years. Also Elizabeth Wilson who died 02 Jul 1870 aged 70 years. | |
21 | Brennan | Erected by Sarah Brennan in memory of her husband Robert Brennan lost on Tory-Island with the schooner "Isabella" on the 18 Oct 1851 aged 53 years. Also his son Robert killed on board the schooner "Ocean Child" 28 Apr 1849 aged 20 years. Also his son William died on the 02 Apr 1856 aged 28 years. Also his son Joseph who was lost at sea 04 Dec 1859 aged 26 years. Also the above named Sarah Brennan who died on the 08 Dec 1874 aged 74 years. Interred at the Cemetery, Maryport. | |
22 | Brennan | Erected by Henry Brennan in memory of his only son William who departed this life on the 24th Mar 1853 aged 21 years. A youth reposes underneath this sod, A youth to memory dear, and dear to God. Also his beloved wife Jane who departed this life 23 Oct 1886 aged 86 years. Blessed are they who die in the Lord. Also the above Henry Brennan who died 15 Sep 1888 aged 78 years. | |
23 | Brennan | Erected by William Kane Brennan in loving memory of his children. Henry who died 22 Sep 1884 aged 1 1/2 years. Jane who was drowned 03 May 1897 aged 3 1/2 years. William Kane who died 20 May 1907 aged 26 years. Also his son Robert who was drowned 12 Nov 1907 aged 22 years. Also his son John who died 18 Feb 1913 aged 16 years. Also the above-named William Kane Brennan who died 08 Jun 1920 aged 65 years. And his wife Jane who died 11 Jan 1936 aged 79 years. Also his son Hill born 04 Jun 1899. "Worthy of everlasting remembrance." "Yes; we miss them, and how sadly, None but aching hearts can tell. They are gone from earth to heaven, Jesus, doeth all things well." Also John McGowan, loved husband of Essie, died 20 Aug 1960. The above Essie died 04 May 1972. | |
23a | Brennan | See- Niblock Ref No 227 : Thompson Ref No 265 | |
24 | Brown | Here lyeth the body of … Brown who died 08 Nov (17..) aged 82 years. My wife and children dear, give not for me. My debt is pyed, my grave yeow see Therfor prepare to follow me. | |
25 | Brown | Erected by James Brown, Ballycronnan, to the memory of his father Samuel Brown who died 15 Jul 1818 aged 56 years. Also his mother Mary Brown who died 22 Apr 1857 aged 76 years. Also his brother William who died 26 Dec 1827 aged 24 years. And his brother Robert who died 22 Apr 1837 aged 66 years. Also his sister Margaret who died 05 Apr 1878 aged 77 years. And his sister Jane who died 05 Dec 1880 aged 84 years. The above-named James Brown died 08 Dec 1893 aged 85 years. Also his wife Margaret Brown who died 13 Dec 1893 aged 82 years. In death they were not divided. | |
26 | Brown | Erected to the memory of John Brown who died 11 Mar 1832 aged 44 years. And Arthur his brother who died 22 Jul 1833 aged 30 years. And Mary his sister who died 02 Apr 1857 aged 65 years. | |
27 | Brown | Sacred to the memory of Nancy Brown wife of Thos. H. Brown, who died 04 Apr 1844 aged 48 years. Also their son William C. Brown who died 26 Feb 1856naged 14 years. And their son Samuel who died 22 Jul 1860 aged 27 years. Also their son Thos. H. Brown who died 10 Aug 1865 aged 77 years. | |
28 | Brown | Erected by Margaret Brown in memory of her husband James Brown who departed this life 24 Apr 1868 aged 44 years. Also their daughter Agness who departed this life 16 Apr 1869 aged 1 year. Annie Wilson records the death of her dear mother Margaret Long who died 13 Nov 1926 aged 86 years. Ever remembered. | |
29 | Brown | Labor omnia vincit. Erected by John Brown, "Spring Vale", Islandmagee, in memory of his beloved wife Sarah who died 15 Apr 1871 aged 64 years. The above-named John Brown died 13 Jan 1888 aged 84 years. Their son James records the death of his beloved wife Sara who died 15 Apr 1894 aged 47 years. In loving memory of the above named James Brown who died 22 Oct 1915 aged 86 years. Their 3rd and youngest son James died at Los Angeles, Calif. 01 Apr 1923 aged 44 years. Their 3rd and youngest daughter Alice died 09 Jul 1944 aged 58 years. Their 2nd daughter Sara died 21 Nov 1944 aged 68 years. Their 2nd son John died at Pasadena, Calif.,13 Sep 1946 aged 72 years. Eleanor E. died 16 Feb 1949 aged 79 years. 'At Rest' All that pleases is but for a moment. All that troubles is but for a moment. That only is important which is eternal. Their eldest son Robert died 30 Apr 1953 aged 82 years. The last of his generation. | |
30 | Brown | 1873. Erected by Maria Brown in memory of her beloved husband Robert Brown who departed this life 06 Nov 1872 aged 41 years. Also her brother John Burns who departed this life 19 Feb 1888. The above named Maria Brown who died 06 Apr 1903. | |
31 | Brown | See- Cameron Ref 35 : Campbell Ref 43 : Hamilton Ref 88 : Mackcllan Ref 187 : Montgomery Ref 216 | |
32 | Browne | In memory of John Nelson Browne who died 15 Nov 1866 aged 43 years. And his wife Jane Browne who died 24 Jul 1913 aged 85 years. And their children:- John who died 09 Dec 1892 aged 28 years. Ellen who died 24 Apr 1934 aged 72 years. Mary, Isabella, James, Jennie, Agnes, Jane and Sarah and their grand-children Samuel and Nellie Nicholson. | |
33 | Burns | See- Brown Ref 30 | |
34 | Busby | Erected by John C. Busby in memory of his beloved wife Mary Ellen Hawthorn who died 08 Sep 1882 aged 21 years. Isabella Colville, the beloved wife of John C. Busby, died 13 Oct 1939 aged 73 years. The above named John C. Busby died 02 Apr 1950 aged 93 years. | |
35 | Cameron | Erected in memory of Nancy Brown, wife to Robert Cameron, who died 2(7) Dec 1822 AE 7(1) years. Also their daughter Ann who died in Mar 1787 AE 9 years. Also the said Robert Cameron who died the 01 Apr 1835 in the 85th year of his age. | |
36 | Cameron | Erected in memory of Robert Cameron who died 12 Feb 1822 AE 5 months. Also his father Robert Cameron who died 2(4) May 186(5) aged 7(5) years. Also his wife Isabella who died 07 Sep 1882 aaged 84 years. | |
37 | Cameron | Erected by James Cameron, Bentra, in memory of his beloved wife Margaret Gibson who departed this life 17 Jan 1833 aged 40 years. Also the said James Cameron who died 01 Apr 1869 aged 86 years. Also their daughter Eliza who died 17 May 1892 aged 65 years. | |
38 | Cameron | Erected by Eliza Cameron to the memory of her husband Robert Cameron who departed this life 02 Oct 1867 aged 38 years. Also their daughter Maggie who died 02 Mar 1891 aged 24 years. Also their daughter Lizzie Jane who died 01 Jan 1901 aged 41 years. The above-named Eliza Cameron died 03 Oct 1910 aged 77 years. Also their son James who died 04 Jan 1920 aged 64 years. Also their son Robert who died 10 Sep 1938 aged 81 years. | |
39 | Cameron | Erected to the memory of Mary Cameron who departed this life 04 Sep 1868 aged 88 years | |
40 | Cameron | Erected by Robert Cameron in memory of his son Samuel who departed this life 21 Nov 1870 aged 4 years. Also the above Robert Cameron who died 15 Dec 1881 at New York aged 36 years. Also Mary Ann Cameron who died 05 May 1885 aged 12 years. Also his daughter Agnes who died 30 May 1905 aged 30 years. Mary Ann Cameron died 09 Mar 1926 aged 94 years. Martha Cameron died 25 Jun 1943 aged 73 years. | |
41 | Cameron | Erected by Samuel Cameron in memory of his daughter Betty, who died 04 Sep 1876 aged 22. Also his wife Nancy who died 04 Dec 1885 aged 71. | |
42 | Cameron | See- Beggs Ref 12 : Hudson Ref 113 : McLernon Ref 173 : Magill Ref 189 : Ross Ref 240 : Wilson Ref 276 | |
43 | Campbell | Erected by Rev. William Campbell in remembrance of his beloved wife Ellen Nelson died 14 Dec 1861 aged 47 years. His son James washed overboard off Cape of Good Hope 03 Dec 1867 aged 22 years. His son Nelson died 15 Mar 1871 age 22 years. Three children died in infancy. The above Rev. William Campbell died 17 Aug 1876 aged 70 years, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Congregation, Islandmagee, for 47 years, and in the 49th of his ministry. His daughter Ross McKee died 28 Jun 1878 aged 26 years. His son William Brown died 28 Mar 1886 aged 36 years. | |
44 | Carson | See- Duff ? | |
45 | Colville | See- Busby Ref 34 : Magill Ref 193 | |
46 | Conly | Erected by the members of Island Magee Masonic Lodge No. 162 in memory of Br. John Conly iniated 15 Mar 1825, died 29 Apr 1888 aged 87 years. | |
47 | Cowman | Sacred to the memory of John Harris Cowman aged 48 years, master of the Brig Pandora of Whitehaven, Cumberland, which vessel, with all hands was lost near the Lough of Belfast, his body being found washed on shore on Island Magee was interred here 24 Dec 1855. This stone is erected by the owners of the said Pandora as a mark towards him of their respect and esteem. | |
48 | Craig | Erected by John Craig in memory of his wife Jane Nelson who died 07 Jun 1897. James Urquhart, the beloved husband of Christina Guiler, died 29 Jun 1939 aged 62 years. The above Christina Urquhart died 10 Feb 1958 aged 79 years. | |
49 | Craig | See- Nelson Ref No 224 | |
50 | Creighton | Erected in memory of my mother M.A. Creighton, died 28 Jun 1943. Also William Heddles died 05 Sep 1886. Minnie Heddles died 22 May 1899. James Creighton died 13 Jan 1914. | |
51 | Creighton | Erected by John Creighton in memory of his beloved wife Margaret Creighton who departed this life 24 Aug 1890 aged 65 years. The above-named John Creighton departed this life 22 Aug 1901 aged 76 years. Also their daughter Mary E. Simms who departed this life 02 Apr 1903 aged 36 years. | |
52 | Crooks | Erected by Gilbert Laird in memory of his sister Ellen who died 12 Jun 1836 aged 38 years. Also her husband Wm. Crooks died 15 Aug 1836 aged 52 years. Also the adjoining enclosure to memorize his father and family. | |
52a | Cunningham | See- Jenkins Ref No 120 | |
53 | Dale | See- Taylor Ref No 260 | |
54 | Dalway | Erected by Eliza Dalway in memory of her beloved husband John Dalway who died 08 May 1877 aged 48 years. Eliza Kerr died 14 Oct 1915 aged 81 years. | |
55 | Davies | See- Haltridge Ref No 86 | |
56 | Davison | Erected by William Davison in memory of his beloved wife Jane Davison who died 09 Sep 1875 aged 36 years. | |
57 | Dick | See- Earls : McClelland Ref 151 : Ross Ref 236 : Smyth Ref 254 | |
58 | Donaldson | See- Hill Ref No 100 | |
59 | Dool | Erected by Joseph Dool in memory of his daughter Margaret who departed this life 08 Jan 1851 aged 11 years. And of his dearly beloved son Andrew who departed this life 30 Jun 1872 aged 21 years. Also his wife Ann Jane Dool who departed this life 30 Nov 1893 aged 82 years. The above-named Joseph Dool departed this life 05 mar 1901 aged 91 years. | |
60 | Donnan | See- Hill Ref 104 | |
61 | Douther | See- McFerran Ref No 159 | |
62 | Duff | Erected by Samuel Duff of Island-Magee in memory of his father John Duff who was lost at sea 1813 aged 35 years. Also his mother Mary Duff who died 18 Sep 1843 aged 56 years. Also the above named Samuel Duff who departed this life 06 Sep 1878 aged 68 years. Also his wife Jane Duff who died 20 Dec 1897 aged 79 years. | |
63 | Duff | Erected by Samuel Duff in memory of his beloved wife Agnes Murray who departed this life 14 Sep 1854 aged 28 years. Also his son John who died 06 Oct 1854 aged 8 months. She was an affectionate wife, tender mother & a sincere friend. Also the above named Samuel Duff who died 11 Jun 1865 aged 38 years. Also his son William who was lost at sea by the foundering of the S.S. Horn Head Aug 1893 aged 35 years. Also his daughter Agnes who died 03 Dec 1871 aged 22 years. Also his wife Jane Duff who died 03 May 1906 aged 75 years. | |
64 | Duff | Erected by Sarah Jane Hill in memory of her husband John Duff who was drowned in the Lough of Belfast on the 21 Dec 1854 aged 30 years. Also their daughter Ellen who died the 03 Nov 1855 aged 5 years. Also their son John who was drowned off Port Ballintrae 07 Nov 1869 aged 16 years. | |
65 | Duff | Erected by Wm. Duff in memory of his father who departed this life 07 Apr 1874 aged 72 years. Also his mother Ellen Duff who died 24 May 1891 aged 90 years. | |
66 | Duff | Erected by Mary Allen in memory of her beloved husband William Duff who died at Akyab, Burmagh, 22 Aug 1882 aged 40 years. Also their two children who died in infancy. Also their daughter Bella Allen Duff who died 15 Jan 1913. | |
67 | Duff | See- Murray Ref No 219 : Wright Ref No 287 | |
68 | Dunbar | Henry Dunbar, son of the late Revd. James Dunbar, who was interd. In the body of the adjoining church, formerly Presbyterian clergyman of Island Magee, died Jun 1783 aged 21 years. Eleanor Dunbar, relic of the Revd. James Dunbar, died 24 Jun 1813 aged 84 years. | |
69 | Dunbar | See- Montgomery Ref No 217 | |
70 | Earls | Erected by James Earls in loving memory of his dear wife Maggie Dick who entered into rest 23 Aug 1893 aged 41 years. Also their two children, Alexander, 05 Nov 1880 in infancy, and James, 26 Apr 1889 aged 3 years. The above named James Earls entered into rest 17 Aug 1922 aged 84 years. Their daughter Letitia died 18 Jan 1939. | |
70a | English | See- Esler Ref No 74 | |
71 | Erskine | Erected by Thomas Erskine in memory of his father, mother and sisters who departed this life as under:- James Erskine, 12 Jun 1885 aged 85 years; Agnes Erskine, 12 Mar 1858 aged 50 years; Margaret Erskine 29 Apr 1848 aged 16 years; Agned Erskine, 18 Jul 1846 aged 1 year. | |
72 | Esler | Erected by William Esler in memory of his wife Susan Aiken who departed this life 30 Apr 1836 aged 72 years. Also three of their children who died in infancy. Also the said William Esler who departed this life 08 Jan 1847 aged 83 years. Also their son Andrew Esler who died 13 Mar 1871 aged 77 years. And his wife Sarah Esler who died 08 Jan 1879 aged 91 years. | |
73 | Esler | Erected by Patrick Esler in memory of his daughter Martha who died 13 Mar 1872 aged 15 years. Also his wife Matilda Esler who died 28 Nov (18)87 aged 73 years. The above-named Patrick Esler died 07 Dec (18.2 aged) 94 years. | |
74 | Esler | In loving memory of Andrew Esler, born 21 Dec 1854, died 31 May 1915. His daughter Meta Whiteford, born 04 Jun 1896, died 01 Jan 1898. His wife Isabella Hill, born 18 Sep 1860, died 18 Jan 1929. Also his daughter-in-law Margaret McCaull English, born 30 Mar 1900. And John Hill Esler, born 08 Jun 1894, died 03 Jun 1968. | |
75 | Esler | Erected by William Esler in memory of his son Thomas Hanna Esler who died 01 Feb 1898 aged 11 months. Also his son Patrick Alexander Esler who died 20 Dec 1915 aged 30 years. Also two who died in infancy. The above named William Esler who died 17 Jan 1934 aged 80 years. And his wife Sarah Esler who died 25 Jan 1937 aged 86 years. His son William John died 07 Jan 1961. His son Andrew died 11 Nov 1965. | |
75a | Esler | See- McFerran Ref No 159 | |
76 | Ferguson | See- Hill Ref No 100 | |
77 | Fleck | Erected by Margaret Fleck in memory of her husband Robert Fleck who died at sea 1884 aged 55 years. Also her mother Elizabeth McAtamney who died 1863 aged 43 years. And her father John McAtamney who died 1887 aged 77 years. The above Margaret Fleck died 07 Oct 1908. | |
78 | Gammack | See- Jenkins Ref No 120 | |
79 | Garson | Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Judith Garson who departed this life 25 Nov 1815 aged 62. | |
79a | George | See- Armour Ref No 3 | |
80 | Gibson | See- Cameron Ref No 37 : McMurtry Ref No 185 | |
81 | Gordon | Sacred to the memory of Margaret, the beloved wife of John Gordon, who fell asleep in Jesus 20 May 1898 aged 79 years. | |
82 | Gordon | See- Holmes Ref No 106 | |
83 | Gregg | See- Thompson Ref No 265 : White Ref No 272 | |
84 | Gregory | See- Jenkins Ref No 120 | |
85 | Guiler | See- Craig Ref No 48 | |
86 | Haltridge | This stone is erected in memory of William Haltridge who was drowned the 28 Aug 1786 aged 28 years. And his mother Elizabeth Haltridge who died the 09 Feb 1799 aged 82 years. Dear to all friends, beneath this stone. Here sleep in peace the pleasing mother and the sons. Here also is interred the remains of James Haltridge, his brother who departed this life on the 29 Dec 1827 aged 82 years. Also Mary Davies, wife to James Haltridge, who departed this life on the 01 May 1828 aged 72 years. | |
87 | Hamilton | Erected by James Milliken in memory of Martha (Milliken) Hamilton who died 30 Mar 1882 aged 78 years. Also her husband who died 30 Apr 1887 aged 80 years. And their daughter Mary who died 09 Sep 1839 aged 3 years. Also his beloved daughter Jane Milliken died 10 Jan 1914 aged 37 years. Also his beloved wife Elizabeth Matilda Milliken died 16 May 1914 aged 75 years. Also the above-named James Milliken who died 09 Jan 1924 aged 77 years. Also Thomas, son of above James and Elizabeth Matilda Milliken, who died 24 Jan 1951 aged 73 years. And Samuel, youngest son of above James and Matilda Milliken, died 21 Mar 1963 aged 83 years. | |
88 | Hamilton | In memoriam. Thomas Osborne Hamilton, born 06 May 1816, died 04 Dec 1888. Also his wife Sarah, nee Brown, born 22 Apr 1836, died 06 Sep 1931. | |
88a | Hanna | See- Esler Ref No 75 : McMurtry Ref No 185 | |
88b | Harris | See- Cowman Ref No 47 | |
89 | Hawthorn | Erected by Mary English Hawthorn in loving memory of her husband Capt. Allan English Hawthorn who died at sea 04 Oct 1898 aged 49 years. Also their sons Allan English died 11 Jun 1889 aged 5 years. Joseph Fawcett who died in infancy. Alfred William died 29 Aug 1910 aged 23 years. Also the above named Mary English Hawthorn who died 03 Nov 1933 aged 80 years. | |
90 | Hawthorn | See - Busby Ref No 34 | |
91 | Hawthorne | Erected by Isabella Hill in memory of her husband Arthur Hawthorne who died 01 Aug 1900 aged 75 years. Also their child Martha who died in infancy. The above-named Isabella Hill died 06 Jul 1906 aged 79 years. Jenny Hawthorne who died 25 Aug 1939 aged 86 years. Margaret Hawthorne died 05 Dec 1945 aged 83 years. | |
92 | Heddles | Erected by Agnes Heddles in loving memory of her husband Stewart Heddles who died 27 Jan 1905 aged 86 years. Also their son Robert T. who died 28 Jan 1869 aged 24 years. And their son William T. who died 12 Dec 1882 aged 33 years. Also the above-named Agnes Heddles who died 25 Jul 1912 aged 95 years. | |
93 | Heddles | Erected in memory of James T. Heddles who died 21 Dec 1898. Also his wife Susan who died 19 Dec 1920. Also their daughter Susan Jane who died 29 Apr 1871. These two graves not to be opened. | |
94 | Heddles | See- Creighton Ref No 50 | |
95 | Heggan | Erected by Ellen Heggan in memory of her father Samuel Heggan who died 28 Feb 1868 aged 76 years. Also her mother Jennie Heggan who died 27 Feb 1854 aged 65 years. Her sister Abby who died 07 Aug 1891 aged 72 years. | |
96 | Heggen | Erected by Daniel Heggen in memory of his beloved wife Mary E. Heggen who died 11 Oct 1887 aged 36 years. Also their daughter Margaret Peirce Seeds who died 05 Dec 1885 aged 3 years. And their second daughter Margaret Peirce Seeds who died 06 Aug 1887 aged 10 months. The above named Daniel Heggen died 06 Nov 1925 aged78 years. Also his wife Mary Wilson who died 06 May 1935 aged 78 years. | |
97 | Heggen | Erected by James Heggen in memory of his wife Mary Heggen who died 07 Oct 1895 aged 59 years. Also their son Thomas who was lost at sea on the coast of New South Wales on 15 Aug 1886 aged 20 years. | |
98 | Hilditch | See- Milliken Ref 201 | |
99 | Hill | Erected to the memory of Robert Hill who departed this life 22 Feb 1848 aged 47 years. Also his wife Elizabeth who died 13 Sep 1877 aged 80 years. | |
100 | Hill | Erected by John Hill of Island-Magee in memory of his daughter Elizabeth who departed this life 19 May 1856 aged 9 years. Elizabeth Hill died 22 Oct 1861 aged 4 years. Samuel Hill who was lost at sea 1874 aged 18 years.The above John Hill died 04 Jun 1892 aged 67 years. And his wife Jane Donaldson who died 03 Dec 1894 aged 78 years. Also his son Thomas Hill who died 12 Dec 1939 aged 76 years. Also his daughter Jenny Hill who died 15 Oct 1953 aged 83 years. And his niece Jane Ferguson who died 10 Aug 1962 aged 84 years. | |
101 | Hill | Erected by James Hill in memory of his grand-mother Isabella Hill died 20 Jun 1877 aged 80 years. His grand-father Thomas Hill died 09 Apr 1885 aged 84 years. His mother Mary Hill died 20 Oct 1909 aged 53 years. His father Thomas Hill died 01 Mar 1911 aged 56 years. And his brother who died in infancy. | |
102 | Hill | In loving memory of Thomas Hill, beloved husband of Margaret McGladdery, who was lost at sea Dec 1877 aged 25 years. Also their dear son Thomas William, who died 14 Feb 1909 aged 30 years. The above named Margaret McGladdery who died 27 Jun 1926 aged 72 years. | |
103 | Hill | Erected in loving memory of Thomas Boyle Hill, born 21 Jan 1825, died 22 Apr 1893. And his wife Rosina R. Holmes, born 08 Jul 1825, died 25 Mar 1916. Also their children: John Stuart, born 06 Aug 1864, died 19 Aug 1883 : Rosina Holmes, born 23 Jan 1855, died 28 Feb 1896 : Thomas Boyle, born 18 May 1861, died 01 Jan 1895. | |
104 | Hill | Erected to the memory of Robert Hill who died 27 Oct 1884 aged 75 years. Also his son Arthur who died 17 Apr 1884 aged 44 years. Also his wife Anne Donnan who died 04 Sep 1889 aged 75 years. And their daughter Isabella B. Hill who died 24 Nov aged 38 years. Also their daughter Agnes who died 29 Nov 1899 aged 56 years. Also their daughter Ann Esler Hill who died 23 Jan 1920 aged 69 years. | |
105 | Hill | See- Bell Ref 13 : Brennan Ref 23 : Dick Ref 64 : Esler Ref 74 : Hawthorne Ref No 91 : Jackson Ref 118 : Long Ref 140 : McGladdery : McGowan Ref 163 : Magill Ref 190 | |
105a | Holland | See- Smith Ref No 252 | |
106 | Holmes | Sacred to the memory of the late Reverend William Holmes, Island Magee, who departed this life 30 Nov 1823 AE 84 years. He was ordained to the pastoral charge of the Associate Presbyterian Congregation of Ballyeaston in the year 1768 of which he continued 55 years minister. Also to the memory of his grandson, Matthew Gordon, son of John Gordon, Belfast, who died the 25 May 1825 aged 8 years. Likewise to the memory of Margaret E. Holmes, his daughter, who died 17 Jun 1825 AE 32 years. Also to the memory of Catherine Hunter, his wife, who died 17 May 1826 AE 78 years. | |
107 | Holmes | Erected to the memory of Alexander Holmes, who was drowned at the Island of Elephanta, Bombay, on the 25 Mar 1866 aged 19 years. | |
108 | Holmes | Erected by John Holmes in memory of his beloved wife Maggie Laird who departed this life 19 May 1872 aged 26 years. Here also is interred the above-named John Holmes, who entered into rest on 16 Apr 1912 aged 73 years. "Till morning breaks". Sacred also to the memory of Isabel Elizabeth Holmes, wife of John Holmes, who died 22 Jun 1925. "Her children arise up and call her blessed". Proverbs 31. 28. Here by his wish rests the ashes of their youngest son John Victor Holmes, M.B., B.Ch., D.P.H., F.R.S. Trop. Med. the beloved husband of Irene Holmes who died at Cardiff 24 Jul 1932 aged 43 years. | |
109 | Holmes | In memory of his father William Holmes who departed this life 20 Jun 1870 aged 83 years. Also his mother Henrietta Shaw who departed this life 19 Dec 1874 aged 63 years. Also of his brother Thomas Shaw Holmes who died at Sydney, New South Wales, 07 Jul 1911 aged 62 years. Also James McA. Holmes D.S.O., F.R.C.S., Surg. Capt. R.N., elder son of John and Isabel Holmes, born 1880, died 1961. | |
110 | Holmes | In loving memory of Mary Mabella Hemsworth Holmes who died 07 Dec 1893 aged 43 years. Also of Hunter Holmes, her eldest son, who died 03 Sep 1910 aged 36 years. And of her husband Edward Hunter Holmes who died 18 Oct 1919 aged 84 years. | |
111 | Holmes | See- Hill Ref No 103 | |
112 | Hopkins | Erected by Alexander Hopkins in memory of his daughter Agnes who died 02 Apr 1885 aged 19 years, his daughter Susan who died in infancy. Also his daughter Martha who died 27 May aged 24 years. Also the above -named Alexander Hopkins died 21 Jul 1911 aged 69 years. Also his son Hugh who died 06 Apr 1918 aged 45 years. Also his wife Elizabeth Hopkins who died 17 Mar 1919 aged 75 years. And their daughters: Elizabeth Hopkins died 09 May 1931, Susan Morrison died 02 Apr 1941, Also her daughter Betty M.F. died 27 Sep 1962 aged 42 years. | |
113 | (Hud)son | (Undern)eath this stone lieth the body of Edward H(udson) senr, of Islandmagee, Coast Offi(cer) who departed this life the 1(2) ---177. aged 7(2) years. Also the body of his wife Jane who departed this life the 1(9) Jul 177(5) aged 75 years …the south side of this tomb ...of E(dward Hud)son (jnr)... Here lieth the body of Ann Cameron allias (Hud)son who depd. this life 25 Aug 18(05). Also her husband Nathaniel Camer(on) who died the 02 Oct 18(3)0 aged 82 years. | |
114 | Hunter | Burying ground of Henry Alexander Hunter. | |
115 | Hunter | Erected by Andrew and Nathaniel Hunter in memory of their mother Martha Hunter who departed this life 25 Jan 1890 aged 73 years. Also their father Andrew Hunter who departed this life 15 Sep 1892 aged 84 years. The above -named Andrew departed this life 20 Jul 1907. Also Hugh, infant son of Nathaniel Hunter. Also Ellen Jane, beloved wife of Nathaniel Hunter, who died 29 Dec 1924 aged 50 years. | |
116 | Hunter | See- Holmes Ref No 106 & 110 | |
117 | Huston | See- Park Ref No 230 : Wilson Ref No 281 | |
118 | Jackson | I memory of John McCalmont who died 14 Feb 1891 aged 30 years. Also his father James Jackson who died 23 Apr 1907 aged 75 years. And of Esther, wife of James Jackson Junr, who died 27 Jul 1909 aged 41 years. Also his mother Ann Jackson who died 04 Apr 1911 aged 81 years. Also his sons John McCalmont Jackson, killed in action in France 11 Jan 1918 aged 22 years. And William Hill Jackson who died in New Zealand 22 Nov 1918 aged 27 years. And James Jackson, died in New Zealand 11 Jun 1927 aged 35 years. And the above named James Jackson, Junr., died 25 May 1933 aged 71 years. | |
118a | Jackson | See- McMaster Ref No 177 | |
119 | Jefferson | See- McMillan Ref No 182 | |
120 | Jenkins | Erected by J.W.R. Jenkins Esq., Master R.N., to the memory of his beloved wife Jane who died 13 Mar 1851 aged36 years. Also to the memory of her mother Christian Gregory who died 12 Sep 1849 aged 64 years. Also to the memory of her sister Christian Cunningham Gammack, daughter of Christian Gregory and her first husband Capt. John Gammack, who died 14 Dec 1851 aged 42 years. Also the above J.W.R. Jenkins Esq. who died 06 Oct 1858 aged 52 years. | |
121 | Johnston | Erected by William Johnston in memory of his daughter Mary Jane who died 07 Jun 1874 aged 20 years. His daughter Isabella died 12 Jan 1875 aged 22 years. His son David Allen Johnston died 21 Mar 1875 aged 2 years. And his daughter Margaret Ross who was drowned by the capsizing of the barque Alice M. Craig 09 Mar 1893 aged 31 years. The above-named William Johnston died 20 Feb 1907 aged 82 years. And his wife Ellen J. Johnston who died 26 Jul 1908 aged 77 years. Also their daughter-in-law Jeannie Johnston died 17 Aug 1956 aged 80 years. Their son William James died 17 Jul 1958 aged 91 years. | |
122 | Johnston | Erected by Mary Johnston in memory of her husband William Johnston who died 19 Nov 1902 aged 80 years. Also their son William who was washed overboard from the schooner G.F. Williams on the 26 Feb 1876 aged 16 years. The above-named Mary Johnston died 25 Feb 1910 aged 84 years. | |
123 | Johnston | See- Ross Ref 236 | |
124 | Jones | Erected in memory of Margt. Jones allias Bell who died 24 Feb 1810 AE years. | |
125 | Kane | Erected by William Kane in memory of his beloved wife Matilda Kane who died 06 Nov 1887 aged 46 years. Also their son John who died 31 Jan 1873 aged 5 years. Also their daughter Sarah who died 02 Jun 1876 aged 5 years. The above-named William Kane died 08 Apr 1904 aged 66 years. | |
126 | Kane | Erected by John Kane in memory of his beloved wife Sarah Kane who departed this life 29 Nov 1881 aged 68 years. Also his son John who was lost at sea 26 Sep 1877 aged 28 years. The above-named John Kane died 17 Apr 1891 aged 80 years. | |
127 | Kane | See- Brennan Ref 23 : Matier Ref 203 : White Ref 273 | |
128 | Kelly | Erected by John Kelly in memory of his beloved wife Agnes Kelly who departed this life 30 Nov 1870 aged 26 years. The blest remembrance of the just, which blossoms sweetly in the dust. | |
129 | Kerr | Erected by Alex Kerr in memory of his beloved wife Sarah, died 15 Feb 1899 aged 39. | |
129a | Kerr | See- Dalway Ref No 54 | |
129b | King | See- McKinlay Ref No 170 | |
130 | Laird | Sacred to the memory of James Laird who departed this life 23 Aug 1827 AE 77 years & his infant son John A.D. 1795. Also his relict Jenny Nelson alias Laird died 12 Aug 1837 aged 75 years. Also his grand-son Thomas Laird died on the wreck of the Barque Ca(r)dr(oss) on her passage from Honduras to Liverpool 11 Feb 1874 aged 27 years. Also Sarah Laird, his daughter died 17 Jun 1831 aged 20 years. Also his daughter Isabella Laird who died 22 Feb 1838 aged 35 years. Also his granddaughter Jane Nelson Laird who died 30 Sep 1865 aged (14) years. Also his son James Laird who died 05 Jul 1850 aged 38 years. Also his son Gilbert Laird, who died 16 Dec 1861 aged 71 years. (Mar)garet , relict of the above (Gilb)ert Laird, who died 02 Jan 1888 aged 75 years. | |
131 | Laird | See- Crooks Ref No 52 : Holmes Ref 108 | |
132 | Laverty | Erected by James Laverty in memory of his children, viz. John died on the 05 Dec 1854 aged 2 years. Agnes died on the 01 Jan 1860 aged 1 years, Annie died on the 02 Aug 1862 aged 9 years, James died on the 06 Jan 1868 aged 1 years, John was lost at sea in the year 1875 aged 19 years. The above-named James Laverty died 22 Oct 1899 aged 73 years. Also his wife Agnes Laverty who died 28 Jan 1903 aged 80 years. | |
133 | Laverty | Erected by Robert Laverty in memory of his son Joseph Laverty who died 28 jan 1888 aged 25 years. Roberty Laverty wh died 30 Apr 1892 aged 28 years. Nancy Laverty who died 03 May 1892 aged 25 years. Joanna Laverty who died 05 Oct 1892 aged 21 years. Hannah Laverty who died 01 Dec 1893 aged 16 years. The above-named Robert Laverty died 15 Jun 1904 aged 86 years. Also his daughter Jennie Laverty who died 22 Nov 1909 aged 30 years. Also his wife Margaret J. Laverty who died17 Feb 1911 aged 71 years. Also his son William Hill Laverty who was accidently killed on board the S.S. Lord Antrim at Dublin 03 Jul 1919 aged 49 years. | |
134 | Lawson | See- McMillan Ref No 182 | |
135 | Lees | Erected by Thomas Lees, Millbay, in affectionate remembrance of his son Thomas who died from falling from aloft on board the ship "Chelmford" on a voyage from Melbourne to Tacoma on 31 Dec aged 21 years. Beneath the dark blue rugged wave. His last remains are sleeping. No mark is set upon his grave. No willow o'er him weeping. The above -named Thomas Lees died 10 Nov 1903 aged 85 years. Also his daughter Annie Lees who died 21 Oct 1919 aged 33 years. | |
136 | Lesware | Sacred to the memory of Henery Lesware of the city of Dublin AE 4 1/2 years 16 Sep 1837. | |
137 | Long | Erected to the memory of John Long who departed this life 29 Sep 1869 aged 74 years. Also his son John Long aged 16 years, lost off Tory Island in the schooner Isabella, 18 Oct 1851. Also his wife Jane Long who departed this life 22 Apr 1877 aged 80 years. | |
138 | Long | Erected by John Long to the memory of his wife Mary Jane Long, who departed this life 16 Jan 1867 aged 31 years. Also their son James departed this life 06 May 1887 aged 20 years. The above-named John Long died 22 Jan 1908 aged 78 years. Also his son Hugh Beggs who died 07 Apr 1958 aged 84 years. | |
139 | Long | In memory of Robert Long who departed this life 10 Jan 1872 aged 79 years. Also his sons :- Robert who was lost from the Schooner "Nambuckra" at New South Wales Jun 1871. James and his wife Eliza Ann were drowned at sea off Rhyl 25 Oct 1869. | |
140 | Long | Erected by Robert Long, Bentra, in memory of his wife Mary Boyle Hill who died 13 Aug 1890 aged 52 years. Also their daughter Jane who died 30 Dec 1874 aged 10 years. Their daughter Annabella who died 12 Dec 1875 aged 3 years. Their son John who died 11 Apr 1895 aged 20 years. The above-named Robert Long died 19 Mar 1904 aged 79 years. Also his son William who died 29 May 1911 aged 45 years. And their daughter Ann Jane who died 01 Oct 1936 aged 60 years. Also their daughter Mary Agnes Semple who died 19 Mar 1938 aged 68 years. Also their daughter Isabella who died 18 Nov 1955 aged 74 years. Also their son James who died 27 Sep 1956 aged 88 years. | |
141 | Long | See- Brown Ref 28 : Magill Ref 188 | |
142 | Lynar | Erected by a few friends to the memory of the late Reverend William King Lynar who died at Whitehead on the 21 Apr 1870 aged 51 years. Also of his mother Lady Isabella Lynar who died at the same place on the 31 Mar 1870 aged 78 years. | |
143 | McAtamney | See- Fleck Ref No 77 | |
144 | Macaulay | 1902. Erected by Sarah J. Macaulay in memory of her beloved husband James Macaulay who died 30 Mar 1894 aged 47 years. The above-named Sarah J. Macaulay who died 12 Jan 1936 aged 84 years. | |
145 | McAuley | Erected by Robert McAuley in memory of his son John who was drowned off the Copeland Islands 15 Jan 1861 aged 17 years. Also his son Robert who departed this life 28 Sep 1866 aged 27 years. And Cathrine McAuley died 16 May 1869 aged 24. Also Maryann died the 09 May 1872 aged 34 years. The above-named Robert McAuley died 21 Dec 1882 aged 73 years. And his wife Catherine, who died 08 Feb 1887 aged 80 years. | |
146 | McCalmont | Erected by Jenny McCalmont in memory of her husband Hugh McCalmont who departed this life 10 Aug 1870 aged 56 years. Also the above-named Jenny McCalmont who died 10 Mar 1910 aged 83 years. Also her sister Margaret Boyd who died 24 Mar 1919 aged 82 years. Annie R. Boyd died 12 Mar 1960. | |
147 | McCalmont | Erected by Alexander McCalmont in memory of his beloved wife Elizabeth Jane McCalmont who died 01 Mar 1904 aged 52 years. Also his son Samuel Hugh who died 17 Apr 1896 aged 5 years. Also his son James who died in infancy. Also his beloved wife Margaret McCalmont who died 15 Jul 1916 aged 47 years. The above named Alexander McCalmont died 25 Sep 1939 aged 85 years. | |
148 | McCalmont | See- Jackson Ref No 118 : Magill Ref 190 | |
148a | McCaull | See- Esler Ref No 74 | |
149 | McCleland : McClelland | Erected by Samuel McCleland in memory of his beloved son James Martin McCleland, who departed this life 12 Dec 1853 aged 3 years and 7 months. Also his daughter Eliza who departed this life on the 11 Mar 1859 aged 13 years. Also his son John who died 21 Jan 1860 aged 12 years. Also the said Samuel McClelland who died 20 Jun 1866 aged 55 years. Also his daughter Maggie who died 07 Apr 1868 aged 27 years. Also his wife Jane McClelland who died 19 Dec 1898 aged 84 years. Also their son Samuel who died 29 Apr 1920 aged 66 years. Jeannie McClelland , wife of above Samuel McClelland, died 03 Jun 1938 aged 80 years. | |
150 | McClelland | Erected by Robert McClelland in memory of his father John McClelland who died 14 Nov 1881 aged 49 years. Also his wife Lizzie McClelland who died 16 Jul 1915 aged 52 years. Deeply regretted. | |
151 | McClelland | Erected by Catherine Dick in memory of her husband William McClelland who died 02 Apr 1887 aged 88 years. | |
152 | McClelland | See- Bayly Ref No 11: Mackcllan Ref No 187 | |
153 | McClenaghan | Erected … McClenaghan to the me(ory of his) wife Maryann Wilson (who departed this life) … the 23 Jul …(aged) …. Also their son, Rev. James M. McClenaghan, who departed this life 06 Jan 1861 aged 30 years. | |
154 | McCready | Erected by John McCready in memory of his beloved son William John McCready who perished on board the schooner Adina which left Glasgow for Exeter on the 20 Apr 1880 aged 18 years. "Not lost but going before". Also his son David G. M'Cready who died 02 Nov 1884 aged 24 years. (see ref 179) | |
155 | McCready | Erected by Margaret Mann in memory of her beloved James H. McCready who died 07 Dec 1893 aged 60 years. "Gone but not forgotten." The above-named Margaret Mann died 28 Mar 1913 aged 76 years. | |
156 | McDonald | See- McMillan Ref No 182 | |
157 | McDowell | In memory of David McDowell died 17 Jul 1854 aged 62 years. Also his wife Jane Nelson, died 08 Dec 1881 in her 87th year. Their children : Isabella died 01 Oct 1851 aged 27 years. David died 22 Dec 1864 aged 24 years. Elizabeth Anne died 16 Jan 1865 aged 28 years. Also their daughter Sarah McDowell who died 26 Aug 1910 aged 81 years. | |
158 | McDowell | Erected by Jane McDowell in memory of her beloved husband David McDowell who departed this life 17 Jul 1854 aged 62 years. Also their daughter Isabella who died 01 Oct 1851 aged 27 years. Also their son David who died 22 Dec 1864 aged 24 years. Also their daughter Elizabeth Anne who died 16 Jan 1865 aged 28 years. | |
159 | McFerran | Erected 1878 by Robert McFerran in memory of his daughter Agnes Esler McFerran, born 01 Jun 1870, died 11 Jul 1878. Also his son James Nixon Porter McFerran 11 Nov 1872, died 09 Jun 1885. The above-named Robert McFerran, born 01 Jan 1844, died 05 Jul 1909. Also his wife Emily McKinney, born 31 Jan 1847, died 17 Oct 1919. Also his son-in-law William Douther, born 31 Jan 1870, died 01 Oct 1938. Also his daughter Elizabeth Miscampbell McFerran, wife of the above-named William Douther, born 09 Jun 1875, died 01 Nov 1951. Also his daughter Emily Robina McFerran, wife of Ronald J. Wisnom, born 09 Feb 1891, died 17 Jan 1958. | |
160 | McGarel | See- Wright Ref No 287 | |
161 | McGladdery | In loving memory of John McGladdery who died 12 Dec 1890 aged 79 years. Also his wife Margaret McGladdery who died 11 Aug 1909 aged 83 years. Their son John who died 21 Feb 1886 aged 32 years. Their son William who was drowned 13 Nov 1877 aged 18 years. Their son Edward A. who died 06 Mar 1882 aged 18 years. Their son David died 22 Jan 1937 aged 71 years. His wife Arabella died 24 May 1946 aged 70 years. | |
162 | McGladdery | See- Hill Ref No 102 | |
163 | McGowan | Erected by John McGowan to the memory of his wife Ellen Hill who departed this life 22 Nov 1839 aged 61 years. Also the above named John McGowan who departed this life 17 Jun 1853 aged 68 years. | |
164 | McGowan | Erected by Mary McGowan, The Gobbins, Islandmagee, in memory of her beloved Husband James McGowan who died 22 Mar 1875 aged 60 years. Their daughter Ellen who died 19 May 1871 aged 12 years. Their son Henry who died 25 May 1875 aged 19 years. Their son John who was drowned at sea 10 Oct 1876 aged 28 years. The above-named Mary McGowan who died 10 Aug 1893 aged 74 years. | |
165 | McGowan | See- Brennan Ref No 23 | |
166 | McIlwain | Erected by John McIlwain in memory of his father Thomas McIlwain who died 17 Dec 1854 aged 49 years. Also his mother Agnes McIlwain who died 06 Oct 1884 aged 73 years. Also the above named John McIlwain , who died 05 Nov 1933 aged 89 years. Also Elizabeth McIlwain who died 07 Dec 1935 aged 89 years. | |
167 | McIlwain | Erected by Thomas McIlwain in memory of his daughter Agnes White McIlwain who died 20 Jan 1875 aged 2 years & 7 months. | |
168 | McKee | Erected by Margaret Mehaffey in loving memory of her father James McKee who was drowned 07 May 1894 aged 38 years. Also her mother Mary Jane who died 23 Jan 1897 aged 39 years. And their 3 children who died in infancy. Absent but still in mind. | |
168a | McKee | See- Campbell Ref No 43 | |
169 | McKenty | See- Matier Ref 204 | |
170 | McKinlay | In affectionate remembrance of Daniel McKinlay who was drowned at sea 27 Dec 1879 aged 28 years. Also his daughter Janet King McKinlay died 15 May 1881 aged 2 years and 5 months. Also Elizabeth McKinlay Weatherup, born 25 May 1854, died 26 Oct 1914. James Weatherup, born 03 Nov 1896, died 08 Sep 1919. | |
171 | McKinney | See- McFerran Ref No 159 | |
172 | McLernon | Erected by James McLernon in memory of his beloved wife Catherine McLernon who was born 21 Apr 1840, and departed this life 28 Feb 1868. Take comfort Christians, when your Friends in Jesus fall asleep, Their better being never ends. Why then dejected weep. A few short years of evil past, We reach the happy shore, Where death divided friends at last, Shall meet to part no more. | |
173 | McLernon | Erected by James McLernon in memory of his wife Jenny Cameron who died 13 Nov 1884 aged 69 years. Also his daughter Martha who died 06 Jul 1855 aged 1 year & 7 months. The above named James McLernon died 09 May 1895. And Mary E., wife of Wm. McLernon who died 05 Mar 1908. | |
174 | McLernon | Erected by William McLernon in memory of his father Bernard McLernon who died 1864 aged 50. His mother Martha McLernon who died 1895 aged 78. His sister Mary Jane who died 1907 aged 60 years. His sister Ellen who died 10 Feb 1913 aged 72 years. The above-named William McLernon who died 28 May 1914 aged 71 years. | |
175 | McLernon | Erected by William McLernon in memory of his beloved wife Margaret McLernon who died 03 Sep 1874 aged 51 years. Also his son William who was drowned at sea 22 Jul 1876 aged 20 years. And his son Alexander who died 26 Dec 1876 aged 11 years. | |
176 | McMaster | Sacred to the memory of the late Revd. Hugh McMaster, A.M., a native of the city of Armagh, who departed this life the 11 Mar 1868. As a scholar and devine, learned and eloquent. He discharged the duties of a Christian Minister among the people of this locality faithfully for a period of fifteen years by whom he was sincerely beloved and esteemed. | |
177 | McMaster | In affectionate remembrance of Jane, daughter of William & Jane McMaster who died 31 Jul 1891 aged 1 year & 8 months. Also their daughter Jane R. Jackson who died 27 Aug 1895 aged 2 years & 5 months. Their beloved son John aged 18 years was lost 14 Feb 1917 by the torpedoing of the S.S. Inishowen Head. The above-named William McMaster died 14 Nov 1917 aged 62 years. The above-named Jane McMaster died 04 Nov 1955 aged 89 years. | |
178 | McMaster | See- Arthurs Ref No 4 : White Ref 274 | |
179 | McMeekin | Erected by Sarah, Margaret & Agnes McMeekin to the memory of their mother Mary who departed this life 28 Oct 1840 aged 55 years. Also their father David McMeekin who departed this life 20 Feb 1841 aged 76 years. Also their brother James who departed this life 29 May 1819 aged 22 years. And their sister Agnes who died in infancy. Also James Smyth, son of the above-named Agnes McMeekin, who perished on board the schooner Adina which left for Glasgow for Exeter, on the 20 Apr 1880 aged 26 years. (See ref 154) | |
180 | McMeekin | Erected by William McMeekin in memory of his wife Maria who departed this life 31 Jan 1839 aged 48 years. Also the above named William McMeekin who died 19 Sep 1841 aged 49 years. | |
181 | McMeekin | Erected by John McMeekin in memory of his daughters, viz., Eliza died 04 Jan 1849 aged 17 years, Ellen Jane 11 Sep 1849 aged 20 years & Nancy 26 Oct 1850 aged 23 years. Also the above-named John McMeekin who died 28 Nov 1855 aged 53 years & Sarah, 07 Jan 1859 aged 25 years. Also Jenny, wife of the above named John McMeekin, who died 04 Dec 1877 aged 75 years. | |
182 | McMillan | Sacred to the memory of the several persons hereunder named who perished with the Snow Lowther of Maryport upon the coast of this island the 31 Jan 1811. Samuel McMillan, maste,rAE 23, Thomas Pearson, mate, AE 52, Daniel Jefferson AE 59 ; William Mitchell, John McDonald AE 20, Joseph Wedgewood, seamen AE 60; Peter Lawson, Hugh Wallace, John Wallace apprentices; an apprentice & a passenger, names unknown. | |
183 | McMullan | Erected to the memory of John McMullan who was drowned at Coyte the 28 Apr 1836 aged 33 years. | |
184 | McMurtry | Erected in memory of Matthew McMurtry who died 24 May 1861 aged 15 years. Also John McMurtry who died 20 Jul 1867 aged 16 years. And their mother Elizabeth McMurtry who died 26 Mar 1885 aged 63 years. | |
185 | McMurtry | Erected by Joanna Hanna in memory of her beloved husband John Gibson McMurtry who was lost at sea by the foundering of the ship Lord Downshire in 1895 aged 43 years. Also their daughter Josephine Agnes who died 11 Mar 1927 aged 38 years. The above named Joanna Hanna McMurtry died 31 Jan 1940 aged 90 years. | |
186 | McTear | Here lie the bodies of Hugh McTear who died 24 Sep 1823 aged 64 ys., of his father Alexander, who died in 1790 aged 81 years, of his wife Elizabeth Thompson who died 07 Oct 1827 aged 67 years, of their children Alexander, Margaret, Jenny, Robert & Robert who died young, and of their son, Hugh who died 04 Sep 1824 aged 24 years. | |
187 | Mackcllan/ McClelland | Here lyeth ye bodies of Isabel Brown late wife to William MacKcllan who died 22 Feb 1752 aged 30 years. Also one son, viz Thomas. And likewise Robert McClelland who died 04 Mar 1759 aged 16 years. And also Isabel McClelland who died 25 Jan 1770 aged 22 years. | |
188 | Magill | Erected by John and James Magill in memory of their father Hugh Magill who died 17 Jul 1833 aged 88 years. Also his daughter Jane who died in infancy, and of Rose Long, his wife, who departed this life on the 02 Sep 1844 aged 85 years. Also the above-named James Magill who departed this life 25 Sep 1869 aged 71 years. The above-named John Magill died 28 Jan 1881 aged 87 years. | |
189 | Magill | In memory of William Magill who died 24 Jul 1855 aged 74 years. His wife Jennie Cameron died 20 Jan 1867 aged 78 years. Their son Robert died 26 Jul 1858 aged 28 years. Their son Hugh died 27 Dec 1880 aged 59 years. | |
190 | Magill | Erected by James Magill in memory of his son William H. Magill who died 10 Jun 1862 aged 1 year. The above-named James Magill died 05 Jun 1894 aged 75 years. Also his wife Isabella Hill, who died 03 Mar 1917 aged 85 years. And their son James who died 16 Feb 1918 aged 44 years. Also their daughter Helena who died 22 Jun 1929 aged 60 years. And their daughter Jennie McCalmont who died 30 Dec 1951. | |
191 | Magill | Erected by John Magill in memory of his daughter, Sarah, who died 14 Mar 1875 aged 3 years. Nancy Magill records the death of her beloved husband the above-named John Magill aged 49 years, who was lost at sea by the foundering of the barque Colorado on her voyage from Ayr to Demerara Dec 1887. Also their beloved , John aged 20 years, who was drowned off the schooner Volant in Galway Bay 14 Apr 1888. Also the above-named Nancy Magill, who died 12 Feb 1917 aged 81 years. | |
192 | Magill | Erected by Jane Magill in memory of her Husband William Magill who was lost at sea in the year 1880 aged 53 years. The above-named Jane Magill died 18 Apr 1906 aged 80 years. Also her Brother-in-law Captain Robert Milliken who died 05 may 1912 aged 75 years. And his wife Mary Milliken who died 30 Mar 1920 aged 76 years. Both interred in North Road Cemetery, Carrickfergus. And Mary Milliken, daughter of the above Captain Robert Milliken, who died 16 Mar 1945 aged 74 years. | |
193 | Magill | Erected by John Magill in memory of his wife Anna Colville who died 07 Mar 1893 aged 57 years. Their son John died 07 Sep 1880 aged 2 years. Their daughter Jennie died 20 Mar 1896 aged 19 years. The above-named John Magill died 15 May 1910 aged 87 years. | |
194 | Magill | Erected by James Magill in memory of his son John who died 22 Jan 1888 aged 18 years. Also his wife Agnes Magill who died 26 Feb 1902 aged 58 years..The above named James Magill died 11 May 1912 aged 71 years. | |
195 | Magill | See- Milliken Ref 201 | |
196 | Magowan | See- Arthurs Ref No 4 : Robinson Ref No 235 | |
197 | Maneely | Erected by Margaret Maneely in memory of her beloved husband John Maneely who departed this life 10 Mar 1881 aged 41 years. Also her son Robert who died 01 Aug 1874 aged 3 years. Also her daughter Martha who died 06 Aug 1875 aged 1 1/2 years. Also her son John aged 27 years who died on the voyage from Rio de Janerio to London on 2 Feb 1897. Also her grand-son John Maneely who died 15 Nov 1901 aged 15 months. The above-named Margaret Maneely died 25 Nov 1911 aged 72 years. | |
198 | Mann | In memory of John Mann who died 1867. Also his grandmother Margt. Smyth died 1874. | |
199 | Mann | Erected by William Mann in memory of his son Thomas who died 18 May 1875 aged 7 years. His daughter Margaret E. who died 20 Jun 1878 aged 3 months. His daughter Ann jane who died 18 Oct 1885 aged 11 years. The above-named Capt. William Mann died 19 Apr 1917 aged 77 years. And his wife Mary Jane died 05 Aug 1930. | |
200 | Mann | Erected by David Mann in loving memory of his son Alexander Mann who died 30 Nov 1900 aged 6 months. Also his son Alexander Mann who died 05 Mar 1903 aged 3 months. The above David Mann died 01 Mar 1946 aged 75 years. Also Martha wife of above David Mann died 31 Jul 1955. | |
201 | Mann | See- McCready Ref No 155 : Wilson Ref 280 | |
202 | Matier | Erected by Jane Matier to the memory of her husband William Matier who was drowned in the river Clyde 18 Aug 1837 aged 38 years. Weep not my wife and children dear I am not dead but sleeping here. I do lie here my bed you see. Therefore prepare to follow me. Also their daughter Jenny who died 24 Jun 1832 aged 2 months. Also her husband Nathl. Matier who was lost off Larne Harbour, with the smack Larne, on the 25 Jan 1845 aged 39 years. | |
203 | Matier | Erected in memory of Robert Matier who died 08 Jul 1854 aged 50 years. Also his son Robert who died 21 Mar 1880 aged 35 years. His daughter Agnes who died 11 may 1892 aged 43 years. His son Nathaniel who died 07 Sep 1893 aged 41 years. And his wife Sarah Matier, who died 15 Aug 1903 aged 86 years. And his daughter Sarah Kane died 15 Jan 1915. And his grand-daughter Agnes Kane died 27 Oct 1936. Also his grand-daughter Sarah Kane died 31 Nov 1953. | |
204 | Matier | Erected by John Matier in memory of his beloved daughter Jane Matier who departed this life 23 Oct 1875 aged 9 months. Also his beloved wife Jenny McKenty, who died 28 May 1879 aged 32 years. Also their son John who died 02 Dec 1879 aged 7 months. The above-named John Matier was drowned at sea 20 Mar 1880 aged 33 years. | |
205 | Mehaffey | See- McKee Ref No 168 | |
206 | Milliken | Erected by Robert Milliken to the memory of his father John Milliken who departed this life 21 Jun 1827 aged 66 years. Also Elizabeth, wife of John Milliken, who departed this life 29 Apr 1850 aged 80 years. | |
207 | Milliken | Erected to the memory of James MilliKen who departed this life 15 Jan 1837 aged 78 years. Also his wife Catherine Hilditch who departed this life 23 May 1812 aged 49 years. Also his daughter Jane McKeown who departed this life 23 Jan 1858 aged 60 years. And his daughter Jennet Milliken who departed this life 25 Mar 1858 aged 58 years. And his son John Milliken who departed this life 15 Jul 1869 aged 75 years. | |
208 | Milliken | The above Thomas Milliken, J.P. died 05 Apr 1931 aged 80 years. H.J. Shaw Milliken, son of above, records the death of his son Jim, born 08 Jul 1943, died 08 Jan 1944. The above Henry James Shaw Milliken, J.P., born 30 Aug 1897, died 26 Dec 1966. | |
209 | Milliken | Erected by Eliza Milliken in memory of her husband James Milliken who died 16 Mar 1858 aged 58 years. Also the above named Eliza Milliken, who departed this life 14 Feb 1875 aged 52 years. Thomas Milliken, son of above, records the death of his wife Jane Shaw, daughter of Rev. R. H. Shaw, minister of Second Islandmagee, who died 21 Jan 1926 aged 62 years. | |
210 | Milliken | Erected by Samuel Milliken in memory of his beloved wife Mary who departed this life 06 Apr 1869 aged 62 years. Also their daughter Margaret who departed this life 20 Sep 1853 aged 2(1) years. The above Samuel Milliken died 30 Oct 1892 aged 86 years. And his son William who died 30 Apr 1909 aged 67 years. Jane Milliken died 03 Oct 1916 aged 67 years. Mary Milliken died 21 Nov 1918 aged 84 years. | |
211 | Milliken | Erected by Samuel Milliken in memory of his beloved wife Jennie Magill who died 23 Nov 1891 aged 62 years. Also their son Robert who died 31 Oct 1876 aged 16 years. Their son Samuel who died at Aspinwall C.A. 07 Mar 1886 aged 18 years. Their daughter Mary who died in infancy. Their son William who died 10 Jan 1897 aged 22 years.Their daughter Jennie who died 13 Nov 1904 aged 33 years. The above named Samuel Milliken who died 23 Feb 1926 aged 87 years. | |
212 | Milliken | In memory of James Milliken, Ballymoney, Islandmagee, who departed this life 26 Feb 1885 aged 83 years. Also his wife Eliza Milliken who died 31 Jan 1910 aged 85 years. Also his daughter Martha who died 27 Jan 1910 aged 47 years. Also his son Alexander who died 03 Jun 1915 aged 60 years. And Hilda Wilhelmina, daughter of the above named Alexander Milliken, who died 30 Jan 1933 aged 19 years. Also Morris Hugh, son of the above named Alexander Milliken, who died 06 Jul 1934 aged 19 years. Also daughters of above named James Milliken:- Anne who died 08 Dec 1950 aged 81 years. Sarah who died 05 Apr 1958 aged 91 years. | |
213 | Milliken | See- Blair Ref No 16 : Hamilton Ref No 87 : Magill Ref 192 : Shaw Ref 244 | |
214 | Mitchell | See- McMillan Ref No 182 | |
215 | Montgomery | This tablet was erected by Nathaniel Montgomery in memory of his parents viz., Nathaniel Montgomery departed this life 12 Aug 1912 aged 60 years. Elizabeth Montgomery died 06 Jun 1831 aged 83 years. | |
216 | Montgomery | Erected by William Montgomery in memory of his wife Ellen Montgomery who departed this life 10 Mar 1885 aged 55 years. And her sister Agnes Brown who departed this life 15 Nov 1866 aged 23 years. The above-named William Montgomery died 29 Jun 1901 aged 78 years. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord". Also his wife Susan Montgomery who died 21 Aug 1912 aged 76 years. The property of his wife Susan Montgomery. | |
217 | Montgomery | Erected by James Montgomery in memory of his sister Elizabeth Montgomery who died 28 Aug 1872 aged 30 years. Also his father-in law David Dunbar who died 09 Jan 1876 aged 78 years. And his mother-in-law Betty Dunbar who died 29 Mar 1878 aged 83 years. | |
218 | Moorhead | Erected by Arthur Moorhead in memory of his mother Annie Mary Moorhead who died 01 Jul 1894 aged 29 years. Also his brothers Robert & James. Also his father James Moorhead, drowned off Drumnagreagh 16 Feb 1907 aged 45 years. The above-named Arthur Moorhead died 06 Nov 1918 aged 30 years. | |
218a | Morrison | See- Hopkins Ref No 112 | |
219 | Murray | In memory of John Murray who died 08 May 1877 aged 84 years. His wife Agnes Murray who died 06 Jan 1877 aged 86 years. Also their son John who died at Chicago, Jun 1863, aged 31 years. His grandson Samuel Duff records the death of his daughter Mary E.S. Duff who died 09 Aug 1919 aged 2 years. The above-named Samuel Duff died 06 Dec 1932 aged 80 years. Also Nancy Auld, beloved wife of Samuel Duff, died 18 Oct 1938 aged 89 years. Also their daughter Eleanor Elizabeth died 30 Nov 1944 aged 66 years. | |
220 | Murray | See- Duff Ref No 63 | |
220a | Neilson | See- Nelson Ref No 221 | |
221 | Nelson | Erected in grateful and affectionate remembrance of Gilbert Nelson who died 03 Jun 1820 aged 23 years. Also Mary his sister who died in infancy. His youngest brother Robt. Thos. died on his passage, of fever, from Charlestown to Liverpool 07 Aug 1834 aged 19 years. Their father Gilbert Neilson died 31 Oct 1837 aged 72 years. Also their mother Isabella who died 18 Jul 1852 aged 77 years. James Nelson who died at Belfast on 05 Dec 1867 aged 68 nyears. Isabella Nelson died 11 Dec 1889 aged 87 years. | |
222 | Nelson | Erected by William Nelson in memory of his father William Nelson who died 13 Mar 1845 aged 57 years. Also his mother jenny Nelson who died 18 Mar 1868 aged 75. Also their son, William nelson died 20 Oct 1901 aged 76 years. | |
223 | Nelson | Erected to the memory of John Nelson who was summoned to a better world on the 01 Dec 1862 aged 22 years. | |
224 | Nelson | See- Browne Ref 32 : Campbell Ref 43 : Craig Ref 48 : Laird Ref 130 : McDowell Ref 157 : White ref 274 : Wilson Ref 279 | |
225 | Niblock | Erected by Ann Niblock in loving memory of her husband Andrew who died 26 Aug 1878 aged 46 years. The above-named Ann Niblock died 23 Sep 1916 aged 84 years. | |
226 | Niblock | Erected by Maggie Niblock in loving memory of her husband James Niblock who died 11 Jul 1896 aged 27 years. The above Maggie Niblock who died 15 Dec 1951. | |
227 | Niblock | Erected by Fred W. Niblock in loving memory of his daughter Jane Brennan died 24 May 1900 aged 9 years. His son Frederick William died 08 Oct 1901 aged 2 1/2 years. The above named Frederick W. Niblock died 24 May 1926 aged 67 years. Also his wife Jane Niblock died 05 May 1934 aged 73 years. Also his son in law David Barbour who was lost at sea 03 Feb 1943. And Margaret Robina , wife of above David Barbour, died 23 Jan 1946. Also his son Henry Brennan Niblock died 27 Jan 1970 aged 76 years. And his daughter Mary Elizabeth Niblock died 09 Jan 1972 aged 75 years. | |
228 | Nicholson | See- Browne Ref No 32 | |
229 | Nilson | See- Smith Ref No 249 | |
229a | Nixon | See- McFerran Ref No 159 | |
229b | Osborne | See- Hamilto Ref No 88 | |
229c | Owens | See- Wilson Ref No 281 | |
230 | Park | Erected by Robert Wilson to the memory of his uncle William Park who departed this life the 25 May 1814 aged 84 years. Here also lie the remains of Thomas Wilson, son of the above Robert Wilson, who was drowned in Belfast Lough the 11 Sep 1825 in the 20th year of his age. Here also lie the remains of Robert Wilson who departed this life the 19 apr 1829 aged 66 years. Here also lie the remains of hi wife Eliza Huston who departed this life 18 Sep 1865 aged 97 years. | |
230a | Park | See- Wilson Ref No 281 | |
231 | Pearson | See- McMillan Ref No 182 | |
231a | Peirce | See- Heggen Ref No 96 | |
231b | Porter | See- McFerran Ref No 159 | |
232 | Potter | Erected by the members of the 2nd Presbyterian Congregation, Islandmagee, in memory of their beloved pastor the Revd. David Potter who departed this life the 26 Feb 1853 aged 49 years. For 25 years he was our faithful pastor and affectionate friend. Also of eleanor his wife who departed this life 25 Dec 1869 aged 52 years. | |
233 | Purdy | See- Ross Ref 240 | |
234 | Rennie | See- Wilson Ref No 281 | |
235 | Robinson | Erected by Eliza Magowan in loving memory of her husband James Robinson aged 42 years who was lost at sea by the foundering of the barque L.G. Biglow on a voyage from Grangemouth to Buenos Ayres on Oct 1885. He has gone to his rest, then a loving goodbye, For a short time my fond husband adieu, I'll think of thy bliss & my sorrows I'll dry, And I'll joyfully hope to join thee on high, Our friendship and love to renew. Also the above-named Eliza Magowan who departed this life 28 May 1911 aged 74 years. | |
236 | Ross | Erected by James Ross in memory of his son Thomas who departed this life 02 Aug 1862 aged 22 years. The above-named James Ross died 18 May 1891 aged 78 years. Also his wife Catherine Dick, who died 24 Sep 1892 aged 71 years. Also their son Alexander aged 31 years, and his wife Maggie Johnston aged 31 years, who were drowned by the foundering of the Barque "Alice M. Craig", 09 Mar 1893. | |
237 | Ross | Erected by Samuel Ross in memory of his daughter Jane who departed this life 02 Feb 1868 aged 16 years. Aso his wife Mary Ross who died 16 Apr 1897 aged 85 years. The above-named Samuel Ross died 12 Aug 1898 aged 88 years. And his son Alexander Ross who died 30 May 1900 aged 58 years. | |
238 | Ross | Erected by Robert T. Ross in memory of his father Robert Ross who died 12 Dec 1868 aged 57 years. Also his brother William who died 14 Mar 1878 aged 22 years. Also his brother Andrew who died 14 May 1878 aged 31 years. And of his mother Mary Ross who died 12 Nov 1882 aged 63 years. Also his wife Abigail Ross died 11 Oct 1931 in her 81 year. The above named Robert T. Ross died 17 Dec 1935 in his 86th year. And his youngest son Robert who died 01 Nov 1960. | |
239 | Ross | Erected by John Ross in memory of his wife Jenny Ross who died 20 Oct 1871 aged 36 years. Also the above John Ross died 19 May 1928 aged 86 years. His wife Eliza Ross died 16 Feb 1929 aged 89 years. Their daughter Martha Ross died 04 Aug 1953. Also their daughter Jenny Ross died 15 May 1956. | |
240 | Ross | Erected by Robert Ross in memory of his son Robert who died 29 Nov 1884 aged 15 months. Also his step-son Samuel Purdy aged 20 years who was lost at sea by the foundering of the ship "Lord Downshire" when on her voyage from Iquique to Hamburg on 14 Jul 1895. The above-named Robert Ross died 13 Jul 1907 aged 73 years. Jennie Cameron, wife of the above named Rober Ross, died 23 May 1914 aged 69 years. | |
241 | Ross | Erected by Isabella Ross in loving memory of her husband Samuel Ross born 01 Apr 1845, died 25 Nov 1891. Also their son James, born 25 Oct 1884, died 14 Feb 1897. Their son Samuel, born 11 Mar 1882, died 08 Feb 1900. Also her son Robert H. Ross born 11 Mar 1888, died 25 May 1930. Also the above Isabella Ross, born 16 Dec 1850, died 29 Dec 1930. | |
242 | Ross | Erected by Mary Ross in loving memory of her husband Robert Ross who died 08 Sep 1892 aged 48 years. Also her son Robert who died 19 Aug 1906 aged 21 years. Also her son George who was lost at sea through the sinking of H.M. Transport, S.S. "Teelin Head" 21 Jan 1918 aged 31 years. The above-named Mary Ross died 25 Aug 1935 aged 86 years. Also her son-in-law John Brand who died 01 May 1954 aged 60 years. Also her daughter Elizabeth who died 2 Mar 1963 aged 81 years. | |
242a | Ross | See- Johnston Ref No 121 | |
242b | Seeds | See- Heggen Ref No 96 | |
243 | Semple | See- Long Ref No 140 | |
244 | Shaw | Erected by Rev. Robert Henry Shaw in affectionate remembrance of his beloved wife Jane Shaw who died 17 Aug 1876 aged 39 years. The above named Rev. Robert Henry Shaw who died 27 Jan 1892 aged 66 years. For 37 years he was the faithful and esteemed pastor of 2nd Presbyterian Congregation, Islandmagee. "He being dead yet speaketh." Heb. 11, 4. Here are interred the remains of jane, wife of James Shaw, and daughter of the late Rev. J Whiteford, Raloo. She entered into rest 02 Jan 1916. William Shaw, physician and surgeon, younger son of above named Rev. R. H. Shaw died 28 Mar 1924. The above named James Shaw died 16 Mar 1933 aged 72 years. Rev. Thomas Boyle Milliken died 27 Aug 1970 aged 71 years. Past from death into life. | |
245 | Shaw | See- Holmes Ref No 109 : Milliken Ref 208 & 209 | |
246 | Simms | See- Creighton Ref No 51 | |
247 | Smiley | Erected in loving memory of Robert Smiley, died 14 Mar 1883 aged 63 years. Also his children William, Thomas & Margaret. Also Martha & Susan who died in U.S.A. Also his wife Mary who died 31 Jul 1897 aged 73 years. Also his son Robert who was drowned at Taku, China, Aug 1896. Also their son Nelson Smiley, died 21 Jan 1920 aged 54 years. | |
248 | Smiley | See- Wilson Ref No 281 | |
249 | Smith | Erected by Isabella Nilson alias Smith in memory of her husband David Smith who departed this life 25 May 1843 aged 76 years. Also their daughters, Susanna died 1811 aged 4 years, Susanna died 1815 aged 1 year & Mary died 1827 aged 16 years. Also the above Isabella Smith who departed this life 01 Dec 1858 aged 77 years. | |
250 | Smith | In memory of James O'Gowan, Joseph Huband and James Howard Smith, three infant children of the Revd. Jas. Smith, deceased in the years 1837, 1841, & 1842. All under one year of age. | |
251 | Smith | Jane Smith | |
252 | Smith | In memory of Julia, wife of J. Holland Smith, died 25 Mar 1893. Erected by her sorrowing husband. | |
253 | Smith | See- Taylor Ref No 259 | |
254 | Smyth | Erected by Robert Dick in memory of Margaret Smyth of Larne who departed this life on the 01 Dec 1876 aged 74 years. Also his wife Mary Ellen Dick who departed this life 15 Jul 1906 aged 68 years. The above named Robert Dick who departed this life 04 Aug 1925 aged 84 years. Also Annie, daughter of the above named Robert and Mary Ellen Dick, who departed this life 19 Jul 1929 aged 52 years. Also their son Robert who depaeted this lif 14 Jun 1930 aged 55 years. Also their daughter Margaret who departed this life 09 Mar 1950 aged 78 years. | |
255 | Smyth | In memory of Mary Smyth who died 02 mar 1947. Also her husband Thomas Smyth who was drowned at sea 25 Jul 1900. | |
256 | Smyth | See- McMeekin Ref No 179 : Mann Ref 198 | |
257 | Stewart | Erected by Samuel Stewart in memory of his beloved children :- Sarah died 09 Feb 1851 aged 13 months, Sarah died 03 Jul 1854 aged 2 years, Robert T. died 27 Aug 1859 aged 2 years, John died 28 Oct 1866 aged 6 years, Samuel died 16 Jul 1872 aged 18 years, Eliza Mary died 13 Jun 1883 aged 17 years. The above-named Samuel Stewart died 0 Feb 1891 aged 69 years. His daughter Sarah W. died 17 Feb 1892 aged 22 years. Also Sarah, wife of the above-named Samuel Stewart , who died 04 Feb 1913 aged 84 years. The son William Wright died 15 Jun 1926 aged 78 years. | |
258 | Stewart | Erected by Robert Stewart in memory of his brother Samuel who departed this life 09 Apr 1855 aged 32 years. Also his father John Stewart who departed this life 06 Mar 1868 aged 70 years. Also his mother Martha who departed this life 02 Sep 1868 aged 72 years. | |
259 | Taylor | In memory of John Taylor, M.D., of Ayrshire, obit 04 Dec 1842 aetatis 38. Erected by his brother-in-law Revd. Jas. Smith, rector of Island Magee. | |
260 | Taylor | Erected in affectionate remembrance of James Taylor who died 20 Aug 1878 aged 69 years. Also his wife Jane Dale who died 14 Sep 1875 aged 65 years. Also their daughter Elizabeth who died 03 Mar 1848 aged 1 year. Also their only son John who died 26 Sep 1854 aged 10 months. Also their daughter Margaret who died 02 Sep 1888 aged 38 years. | |
261 | Taylor | See- Smith Ref No 259 | |
262 | Teare | Erected by Joyce Teare in memory of her husband James Teare who died 26 Dec 1896 aged 78 years. Also their son Edward who was drowned at Cardiff 23 Oct 1894 aged 41 years. And their son William who was lost at sea 25 Sep 1875 aged 18 years. The above-named Joyce Teare died 25 Nov 1902 aged 84 years. | |
263 | Thompson | Erected by Alexr. Thompson in memory of his child Lizzie who died Sept 1854 aged 3 years. Also his wife Elizabeth who died 28 Jan 1872 aged 59 years. The above Alexander Thompson died 16 Jun 1877 aged 76 years. | |
264 | Thompson | Erected by Charles Thompson in memory of his father Robert Thompson who died at Newry 30 Jan 1889 aged 58 years. Also his mother Sarah Thompson who died 30 May 1900 aged 64 years. His sister Sarah died 02 Jan 1866 aged 5 years. His brother Robert died 19 Nov 1865 aged 2 1/2 years. His brother John lost in the barque Colorado on her voyage from Ayr to Demerara 14 Dec 1877 aged 22 years. His brother Thomas who was killed on board the barque Arathusa 26 Aug 1891 aged 17 years. His brother Robert who died at Bombay 01 Jun 1893 aged 21 years. His brother James who died in infancy. | |
265 | Thompson | Erected by William Thompson in memory of his son Charles who departed this life 27 Mar 1851 aged 1 year and 10 months. Also the above named Wm. Thompson, born 10 Aug 1822 and died on board the Ann & Bell in Cammpbelton Lough, 16 May 1857. Also his daughter, Jenny Gregg, who departed this life 21 Dec 1862 aged 7 years. Also to John Thompson, son of the above named, who was drowned at Boston on the 22 Sep 1872 aged 25 years. Also his wife Eliza Jane Thompson who died 09 Mar 1894 aged 82 years. His son William Brennan died 09 May 1912. | |
266 | Thompson | See- McTear Ref No 186 | |
267 | Urquhart | See- Craig Ref No 48 | |
268 | Walker | Erected by John Walker in memory of his beloved daughter Mary who departed this life 10 Mar 1865 aged 1 year. Also his beloved son Robert who departed this life 30 Aug 1876 aged 25 years. Also the above-named John Walker who departed this life 09 Apr 1883 aged 52 years. Also his beloved wife Mary who departed this life 29 Jun 1904 aged 74 years. | |
269 | Wallace | See- McMillan Ref No 182 | |
270 | Weatherup | See- McKinlay Ref No 170 | |
271 | Wedgewood | See- McMillan Ref No 182 | |
272 | White | Erected by James W(hite) in memory of (his mother) Jenny Gregg who departed this life 07 Mar 1833 aged 43 years. Also his brother (Joh)n who died 07 Feb 1839 aged 22 years. And his uncle William White who departed this life 15 Sep 1841 aged 69 years. Also his father John White departed this life 25 Feb 1845 aged 63 years. | |
273 | White | Erected by James White in memory of his wife Sarah Kane who died 10 Mar 1847 aged 35 years. Also his son Robert who died 09 Nov 1881 aged 40 years. Also his son John who died at New Orleans, U.S.A. 16 Feb 1886 aged 48 years. Also the above-named James White who died 31 Dec 1887 aged 78 years. Also his son James who died at Barnawartha, Australia, 07 Jan 1888 aged 48 years. | |
274 | White | Sacred to the memory of Mary White who died 22 Jun 1910 aged 86 years. Also her daughter Mary who died 22 Aug 1892 aged 39 years. Also her daughter Susan White who died 12 Jan 1931 aged 75 years. Also her son Henry Alexander White who died 27 Mar 1832 aged 77 years. And her son David Nelson White who died 11 Mar 1936 aged 66 years. Also her daughter Margaret, wife of Joseph McMaster, who died 30 Jun 1937 aged 74 years. | |
274a | White | See- McIlwain Ref No 167 | |
275 | Whiteford | See- Esler Ref No 74 : Shaw Ref No 244 | |
276 | Wilson | Here lieth the body of Ephraim Wilson who departed this life 28 Jul 1822 aged 76 years. Also his wife Margaret who departed this life 15 Jun 1818 aged 75 years and his daughter Margaret Wilson who departed this life the 01 Nov 1807 aged 19 years. Also his son John Wilson who departed this life 10 Feb 1850 aged 47 years. And of his daughter Elizabeth Cameron who departed this life 21 Feb 1842 aged 69 years. | |
277 | Wilson | Erected to the memory of Mary Wilson, wife to Samuel Wilson, who departed this life the 09 Oct 1827 aged 54 years. Also their son James Wilson who departed this life18 Mar 1807 aged 16 months. Also their son Captain James Wilson who was drowned in the harbour of Rigo on the 03 Nov 1842 aged 26 years. Also the above named Samuel Wilson who departed this life 05 Feb 1873 aged 101 years. | |
278 | Wilson | Erected by James Wilson to the memory of his wife Serah who died 14 Oct 1834 aged 65 years. Also their son Capt. William Wilson aged 30 years and of his wife Eliza 29 years, who was lost in the schooner Water Witch of Belfast on their return from St. Michael to Dublin in 1833. Also the above named James Wilson who departed this life 17 Feb 1847 aged 85 years. | |
279 | Wilson | Erected by James Wilson Junr. In memory of his wife Jane Nelson who departed this life 25 Aug 1840 aged 32 years. And of his daughter Sarah who died 08 May 1838 aged 2 years. Also his son William Wilson who died 10 Jun 1862 aged 25 years. The above-named James Wilson died 10 Jan 1890 aged 95 years. The last of his generation. | |
280 | Wilson | Erected by Mary Wilson in memory of her dear husband Matthew Wilson of Altavady, who departed this life 20 Mar 1845 aged 62 years. Also her daughter Margaret Wilson who died 08 Jun 1850 aged 13 years. And her son Ephraim Wilson who died in Australia. Also her grand-son, James Mann, who died 13 Jan 1875 aged 3 years. The above -named Mary Wilson who died 01 Sep 1895 aged 83 years. And her grandson Eprraim Wilson Mann who died 11 Aug 1898 aged 28 years. Also his father James Mann who died 24 Apr 1903 aged 62 years. Also her daughter Elizabeth Wilson, beloved wife of James Mann, died 02 Dec 1922 aged 78 years. Samuel James Mann, beloved husband of Mary A. Mann, Altavady, died 27 Jul 1953 aged 69 years. Also his wife Mary Ann died 23 Feb 1969 aged 85 years. | |
281 | Wilson | Sacred to the memory of Hugh Huston Wilson whose remains lie here; he died 01 Nov 1856 aged 56 years. Also in memory of his tho brothers, William Park Wilson who died at Natches, North America in the 28th years of his age and Robert Wilson, M.D. who died at his residence, Clydesdale, Jamaica, in the 42nd year of his age. Also their sister Margaret Rennie whose remains lie here. She died the 05 May 1860 aged 58 years. In loving memory of Jane Wilson, born 19 May 1796, died 28 Apr 1883. And Eliza Wilson, born 22 Feb 1809, died 25 Aug 1895. By their nieces Ann Smiley, and Matilda Owens Rennie, born 19 Sep 1826, died 29 Jun 1913. | |
282 | Wilson | Erected by Andrew Wilson in memory of his father James Wilson who died 02 Apr 1899 aged 85 years. Also his mother Mary Wilson who died 17 Jul 1903 aged 83 years. Also his brother James who was lost at sea 21 Sep 1876 aged 16 years. And two sisters who died in infancy. Also his son James who died 21 Oct 1913 aged 7 years. The above named Andrew Wilson who died 27 Nov 1937 aged 82 years. And his wife Margaret who died 16 Apr 1939 aged 70 years. | |
283 | Wilson | Erected by Isabella Wilson's wish in loving memory of her husband James Wilson who died 07 Nov 1876 aged 30 years. Also her daughter Robenna who died 30 Jan 1877 aged 1 year. The above-named Isabella Wilson died 02 Jan 1907 aged 58 years. Also her son James who died 19 may 1907 aged 30 years. | |
284 | Wilson | Erected by Edward Wilson in memory of his beloved wife Ann Wilson who died 10 Dec 1877 aged 40 years. Also their son Hugh who died 12 Aug 1900 aged 26 years. Also his eldest son William who died 25 Feb 1923. Gone but not forgotten. Sarah, wife of above William Wilson, died 29 Oct 1938 aged 74 years. | |
285 | Wilson | See- Brennan Ref 20 : Brown Ref 28 : Heggen Ref 96 : McClenaghan Ref 153 : Park Ref 230 : Wright Ref 287 | |
286 | Wisnom | See- McFerran Ref No 159 | |
287 | Wright | Erected in memory of John Wright who died 26 Feb 1876 aged 50 years. Also his wife Sarah Jane died 26 Sep 1875 aged 50 years. Also their son Robert who died 30 sep 1885 aged 18 years. Also their son John who died 19 May 1887 aged 17 years. Margaret Elizabeth Duff, beloved wife of Thomas Wright, born 05 Jul 1852, died 20 jun 1926. Also their daughter Sarah Wilson Wright who died Dec 1892 in infancy. The above named Thomas Wright, born 06 Sep 1863 died 24 Jun 1941. Also Samuel McGarel died 11 Dec 1943 aged 85 years. | |
288 | Wright | See- Stewart Ref No 257 |
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