This page has been accessed 569 times.
| Grave number
| Name
| Transcription
| In Church
| Henry Meade Smythe
| In loving memory of Henry Meade Smythe M.A. Oxon Priest of the parish 1873 - 1902. Husband of Fanny Catherine Smythe, also of their dear son, Capt. Rudolph Meade Smythe 5th Bedfordshire Regiment. Killed in Gallipoli Sept 15th 1915
| 1
| Lt Col A A Comerford DSO and wife Magdalen Mary
| of your charity pray for the soul of Lt Col A.A.Comerford D.S.O. who died 25th February 1944 aged 58 years. Also his wife Magdalen Mary died 5th June 1974, aged 86 Years.
| 2
| Sophia Jane & Richard Walter Browning
| In loving memory of Sophia Jane, beloved wife of Richard Walter Browning, died 14th June 1946, aged 75 years, May her real faith and joy in Christ our Saviour, be an example to all who loved her. Also of Richard Walter who died 18th February 1956 , Aged 85 years. Peace Perfect Peace.
| 3
| Florence Sophia & john Kirkby Browning
| In loving memory of loved parents Florence Sophia Millard 23.12.1900 - 12.5.1872. John Kirkby Millard 10.5.1898 - 13.7.1980. Caring Christian County Craftspeople
| 4
| 1925
| Very small and unclear Headstone. Only 1925 is visible
| 5
| Broken Headstone
| This headstone is completely broken off and no detail can be taken from it.
| 6
| William & Sarah Bertha Burbridge
| In loving memory of William Burbridge who died Aug 10th 1927, aged 60 years. Thy will be done. Also of his wife Sarah Bertha Burbridge. Oct 14th 1934. Aged 64
| 7
| William & Louisa Brown
| William Brown, who died November 18th 1920, aged 61 years. Rest in Hope. Also Louisa Brown, who died October 5th !935, aged 73 years.
| 8
| Margaret Roads
| Margaret, wife of Harper J Roads. At Rest. June 1st 1962
| 9
| Edith Constance
| To the memory of Edith Constance Enogh who died 4th June 1958, Headmistress of Caxton School for 12 years until her death.
| 10
| Arthur Robert Greenslade
| In loving memory of Arthur Robert Greenslade who died 3rd November 1968. Aged 50 years.
| 11
| Bernard W.L. Palmer
| In loving memory of Bernard W.L Palmer died November 24th 1945. Aged 24 years. He is gone but never forgotten.
| 12
| Nellie and Wilfred Palmer
| Treasured memories of loving wife and mother, Nellie Palmer, who died June 13th 1967. Aged 76 years. Until we meet again. Also dear husband and father Wilfred Palmer, who died February 14th !993, aged 98
| 13
| John Edward & Agnes Edith Mayes
| Treasured memories of Agnes Edith Mayes, a dear wife, mother and grandmother 1935 - 1994 I shall go to her but she will not return to me. John Edward Mayes, a dear husband and grandfather 1936 - 2017. Together again, at last, in eternity.
| 14
| Gideon James Crisp
| In loving memory of Gideon James Crisp, who died on the 6th day of September 1942. Aged 70 years. Abide with me.
| 15
| Linda Barbara Robinson
| In loving memory of Linda Barbara Robinson 30th June 1951 - 27 August 2016
| 16
| Unknown
| This has no gravestone.
| 17
| Unknown
| In sacred memory ...this place, who departed this life 21st January 1852; also Ann, his wife who departed this life 11th February ... (I think - most is missing)
| 18
| Hannah Rabbetti
| in loving memory of Hannah Rabbetti, who died 2nd March 1923. Aged 50 years
| 19
| Jane Wilmer
| sacred to the memory of Jane, wife of Benjamin Wilmer, who departed this life 11th June 1838 Aged 40 years
| 20
| Emily Sophia Hutchins
| In loving memory of Emily Sophia hutchins who died at Caxton on 1st Jan (or June) 1902. Aged 76
| 21
| Caroline Bessie Simpson
| In loving memory of Caroline Bessie Simpson died April 17th (or 12th?) 1933, Aged 74 years
| 22
| Thomas Morgan
| in loving memory of Thomas Morgan who died May 10th 1893 Aged 67 years
| 23
| George Henry and Annie Alger
| In affectionate memory of George Henry Alger, who departed this life Jan 22nd 1868 in the 75th year of his age. And also to the memory of Annie, daughter of CEO Henry and mary Alger, who died August 13th 1840, aged 2 years.
| 24
| Amelia & Harold Simpson
| In affectionate memory of Amelia Simpson who died 21st October ??9? aged 71 years. Also of Harold Simpson ... 6th August ... (Grave worn away)
| 25
| Malcolm J Burke
| Malcolm J Burke BDS 1932 - 2007, Darling husband of Jane.
| 26
| Sandra Pamela Howard
| In loving memory, a wonderful wife and mother Sandra Pamela Howard 19th October 1843 - 15th March 2007, So dearly loved, so greatly missed.
| 27
| Stanley Maurice Coleman
| Treasured memories. Stanley Maurice Coleman. 1918 - 2000. Loved husband, dad, and grandad.
| 28
| Sydney James & Irene Alice Tomlinson
| Sydney James Tomlinson 1924 - 1995 Beloved Husband, father and grandfather, Also of Loved mother and grandmother, Irene Alice Tomlinson 1928 - 2000. Together Again.
| 29
| Marie Louise & Frederick Thomas Best
| Treasured memories of Marie Louise Best, devoted mother and grandmother 1919=1997- always in our thoughts. Also our dear father Frederick Thomas Best 1918 - 1958. Together Again.
| 30
| Unknown - very worn
| AL...B...1823
| 31
| Henry Meade, Fanny Catherine & Harriet Claudine Smythe
| In loving memory of Henry Meade Smythe, 29 years priest of this parish. Also of his loving wife Fanny Catherine Smythe who died August 24th 1939. Also of Harriet Claudine Smythe November 5th 1967, Aged 91 years
| 32
| Stella Cresswell Smythe
| Stella Cresswell Smythe Born Jan 6th Died August 9th 1874. Jesus called a little child unto Him.
| 33
| John Okins
| In memory of John Okins who died 25th April 1875 aged 84
| 34
| Jane & Thomas Okins
| Sacred to the memory of Jane and Thomas Okins who died here in 1837 and 1821 Aged 70 and 79.
| 35
| Marian & john Willie Cousins
| Treasured memories of wife and mother Marian Cousins who died 18th Oct 1959 Aged 80 years. Also a dear husband and father John Willie Cousins, who passed away Feb 18th 195? Aged 83 years
| 36
| Winifred Susan Spring
| In loving memory of Winifred Susan Spring (CISS) Born Dec 7th 1918. died Nov 7th !944. rest in Peace
| 37
| Christiana & Frederick W Spring
| Treasured memories of a dear wife and mother Christiana Spring 13th November 1912 - 11th March 1997. Also a dear husband and father Frederick W Spring - Fred - 26th December 1912 - 24th November 2008. So dearly loved, so sadly missed.
| 38
| Henry Francis and Emily Francis La Touche White
| in loving memory, Henry Francis La Touche White, only son of John La Touche White of Dundrum Co dublin,died 24th July 1910. Also Emily Frances, his wife, third daughter of W Poole of Ballyanne Co Waterford who died 10th June 1928. also Katie Florence Poole, loving sister of Emily, who died March 5th 1930 buried at Mount Jerome Dublin
| 39
| Annie Chapman
| In loving memory of Annie Chapman. Born August 28th 1883, Died June 19th 1964
| 40
| Muriel Frances Orr Patterson
| Muriel Frances Orr Patterson 1880 - 1966
| 41
| Emma Mary & Harold Hendley
| To the dear memory of Emma Mary Hendley. A loving wife and mother, who died 4th July 1928. Also of Harold Hendley CSI Major General IMS Retd. Died 2st January 1932, Aged 70 years
| 42
| David, Daniel or Daniella Steward (Very Warn)
| David (or Daniel or Daniella) Steward diedSept 24th1944 Aged 59 (or 39) years
| 43
| Charles Frederick & Mary Elizabeth Simpson
| in loving memory of Charles Frederick Simpson who departed this life July 4th 1913 aged 67 years. Dearer to thee, nearer to thee. Also of his wife, Mary Elizabeth, who departed this life June 26th 1933
| 44
| Jane & George Horton
| Sacred to the memory of beloved wife and mother, Jane Horton, Died March 29th 1933, aged 87 years. Also of dear father George Horton, Died Nov 14th 1937, aged 95 years. Lord grant them eternal rest.
| 45
| Arthur Horton
| In loving memory of Arthur, the loved son of Jane and George Horton, who departed this life 14th Dec 1918, Aged 32 years
| 46
| Aaron Luke Hardiman
| In loving memory of a dear son and grandson, Aaron Luke hardiman. 17th Nov 1994 - 19th Feb 1995. A tiny flower, lent not give, To bud on earth and bloom in heaven.
| 47
| Geraldine (gerry) Wendy Hardiman
| No headstone
| 48
| Smoa?s Unclear
| M A S 1887
| 49
| Unknown 1
| No visible writing
| 50
| Unknown 2
| No clear writing
| 51
| Mary Anne & Frederick Sewell
| In loving memory of dear mother Mary Ann Sewell, the beloved wife of Frederick Sewell, who died 12th Nov 1887. Aged 57 years. Also of Frederick Sewell, Died 25th May 1913. Aged 79 years
| 52
| Not at all clear
| 53
| Sacred
| Unclear but Sacred
| 54
| Charles Beaumont
| In loving memory of Charles Beaumont who departed this life August 13th 1840. Aged 72 years (80% clear)
| 55
| David Beaumont
| Unclear
| 56
| Edward,Eliza, Walter and Anne Walker
| In memory of Edward walker. Born April 12th 1819, Died Dec 16th 1895. Also Eliza Walker. Born March 8th 1821, Died Oct 1st 1864 , Also Walter Fannerea Walker, Born July 6th 1849, Died April 2nd 1884, Also of Anne Walker, Born April 9th 1828. Died March 31st 1913. Until the day breaks.
| 57
| John & Ann Okin
| Sacred to the memory of John Okin Oct 1st ???? Aged 71 years. Also of his wife Ann Aged 80 years
| 58
| Wilfred George and Emma Hullyer
| In loving memory of Wilfred George, the beloved husband of Emma Hullyer, who died Feb 18 1922 aged 45 years. Farewell dear Husband rather dear of this sad life of toil and care. Let's hope to meet in heaven above and reunite in God's own love. Also Emma Hullyer who died Jan 9 1966 aged 85 years
| 59
| Hugh?
| Hugh H January 5th 1806 (Not at all clear and this is my best guess 40% sure)
| 60
| Robert
| Robert Keith Evie???? Less clear as name develops!
| 61
| Henry Biekent ?
| To the memory of Henry Bierkent Died March 1777 (50 % certain)
| 62
| Richard Biekent ?
| To the memory of Richard Biekent ...
| 63
| Richard Henry Biekent
| Sacred to the memory of Richard Henry Bierkent...
| 64
| Millie Poppy Wells
| Died 12th February 2003 - Arise my darling, my beautiful one and come away, for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone
| 65
| Charles Edgar Dikes and Alice Dikes
| In loving memory of Charles Edgar Dikes, 1895 - 1964 and Alice Dikes 1890 - 1965
| 66
| Eliza Ann Kidman and James Kidman
| In memory of Eliza Ann Kidman, died Feb 16th 1933. Also of James Kidman died March 17th 1938
| 67
| Florence Annie Kidman
| Died 26th March 1952 Aged 56 ? or 66? (unclear) years
| 68
| Lois Matilda and Thomas Cross
| In loving memory of Lois Matilda, the beloved wife of Thomas Cross , who departed this life 15th March 1908 aged 61 years. Peace Perfect Peace. Also of Thomas Cross, who died August 10th 1935. Aged 91 years
| 69
| Hannah and William Henry Brindle
| In loving memory of Hannah, the beloved wife of William Henry Brindle, who died April 9th 1952. aged 64 years. Also of William Henry Brindle, who died July 24th 1965 aged 73 years
| 70
| George & Emma Clarke
| In loving memory of George Clarke who died Jan 19th 1892, Aged 51 years. Also of Emma, wife of the above, who died April 25th 1902, Aged 51 years. C R C 1891
| 71
| Thomas Arnold
| Thomas Arnold, Husband and Father died February 23rd 1953
| 72
| Albert Fred Wardwoods
| Albert Fred Wardwoods died 31st December 1952 aged 62 years
| 73
| Charlotte Oarnham
| Charlotte Oarnham who died Jan "7th 1953 Aged 60 years
| 74
| Richard, Marie & Nevilli Harrison
| (Latin) Juxta hoc marmor depofinur jacet corpus Richard Harrison sui objit 9th Jan anno dominii 1719 Aracis 49: Ncc hoc Marie Harrison uxoris... vita carois Sui objit March 28th Anno Dominii 1715, Araris 41; Ncc hoc Nevilli Harrison, Richard & Marie Filii nator minoris Sui Objit 11 months MDCCXV (1715)
| 75
| John Howard
| In memory of John Howard of Kensworth Herts. Born Oct 21st AD 1837, Aged 72 years. I know that my Redeemer lives Job XIX v 25
| 76 and 77
| Rebekah Elizabeth Wright
| (A pair of badly damaged stones of husband and wife - what i could make out) In memory of Rebekah Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Augustus (?) John Wright. She died in 1859 (I think - MDCCCLIX) aged 88. the other one just had John Wright barely distinguishable.
| 78
| Sarah Brook
| Sacred to the memory of Sarah, wife of John Brook Junior of this town Surgeon, who died 26th October 1860 Aged 47 years
| 79
| John Brook
| Sacred to the memory of John brook Junior, son of John Brook Surgeon of this town and place, who through an accidental fall from his horse died on the 26th August 1863 Aged 43 years
| 80
| Eunice Brook
| Sacred to the memory of Eunice, wife of John Brook Surgeon of this place, who died May 20th 1834
| 81
| William Pittman Worboys & Annie Sophie Curtis
| In loving memory of William Pittman Worboys who died 17th Sept 1905 Aged 86 years His end was peaceful. Also his daughter, Annie Sophie Curtis, who died 11th November 1948 Aged 89 years, Peace Perfect Peace
| 82
| Charles Anthony Mortlock
| Charles Anthony Mortlock, who died July 3rd 1893 Aged 56 years.
| 83
| Hidden Grave
| This grave is seriously in the middle of a tree like shrub. I would have to take lots of branches off this tree and i am not sure the locals would like that. I will ask permission form the vicar!
| 84
| Thomas Fordham
| Memory of Thomas Fordham who ... April...
| 85
| Thomas Fordham
| In loving memory of Thomas Fordham who died 10th October 1831 (unsure of date)
| 86
| Thomas Fordham
| In loving memory of thomas Fordham who died June ... Aged 60 years
| 87
| Charles Henry Hawkins (70% sure)
| In memory of Charles Henry Hawkins who died April 10th... Aged 62 years
| 88
| Joseph Torkintine
| Here Lyeth the body of Joseph Torkintine who departed this life 23rd Februsray 1717 Aged 50 years
| 89
| Possibly William Torkintine
| William Torkintine who died 13th November... (Not sure on this one at all)
| 90
| Unknown
| This is very worn away
| 91
| Unknown
| Again this one is very worn away
| 92
| Peter Abraham
| Peter Abraham 170? Aged 76 years
| 93
| Arthur H
| Very Faded but just make out sometime in 1700s
| 94
| John Torkentine
| sometime in 1700s
| 95
| Abraham Frochs (unsure of the end of surname)
| in memory of Abraham Frochs, Husband of Ann Frochs, who died Jan 22nd 1761, Aged 51 years
| 95a
| I F (leaning against 92)
| I. F.. 1707
| 96
| Eliazabth Ilat
| In affectionate memory of Elizabeth, wife of William Ilat, who died May (15th ?) 1755
| 97
| David Body ?
| Very difficult to read - 17??
| 98
| Upside Down Grave
| Large grave completely upside down. Too big and heavy to move.
| 99
| Overgrown Grave
| This grave was overgorwn with ivy and shrubs. When i cleared it away, i could see no writing on either side
| 100
| Overgrown Grave
| Next to 96, this was also overgrown with ivy and shrubs. When cleared, only imprints of a couple of vague letters such as R and A could be seen
| 101
| Peter Frank &Ann King
| In loving memory of Peter Frank King 30th October 1916 to 29th December 1999 and his wife, Ann, !7th September to 20th March 2008
| 102
| Philip and Hannah King
| To the memory of Philip King, who died 16th October 1893 aged 85 years and of his wife Hannah, who died 20th March 1866 aged 49 years
| 103
| James Kidman Paine, Fanny Paine and Donald Ulysses Paine
| In memory of James Kidman Paine died 26th Sept 1943 Aged 81 years. Also fanny Paine, his wife, who died 25th March 1941 aged 85 years. Also Donald Ulysses Paine, their son, died 18th April 1935 aged 44 years. God's promises they ripen fast, unfolding every h..., The bud may have a bitter taste but sweet will be the ...
| 104
| Daniel and Jane King
| In ever loving memory of Daniel King, who passed away October 22nd 1931 aged 83 years. Also of Jane the beloved wife of the above, who passed away June 7th 1935 aged 90 years
| 105
| Agnes Maud and James Wakefield
| In loving memory of Agnes Maud, the beloved wife of James Wakefield, who fell asleep September 22nd 1948. At rest also in loving memory, James Wakefield, who passed away April 27th 1964
| 106
| William Edgar and Hilda May King
| To the memory of William Edgar King - 11th January 1890 - 8th March 1960 and of his wife Hilda May 23rd November 1888 to 8th August 1972
| 107
| Mabel Jane, Florence and Bertha King
| To the memory of Mabel Jane king who died 4th March 1968 aged 84 and her sisters, Florence King who died 23rd May 1968 aged 94 and Betha King, died 15th february 1984 aged 98 years
| 108
| Jane Wakefield
| Jane the beloved wife of Thomas Wakefield, who departed this life 11th December 1910 aged 62 years Peace Perfect Peace
| 109
| Clara Florence Elizabeth Cooke
| The oldest daughter of the late Thomas Wakefield, died March 7th 1948 aged 75 years. Peace Perfect Peace
| 110
| Sarah Rose Griffin and Phoebe Caroline Mary Wakefield
| In loving memory of Sarah Rose Griffin died 15th January 1957 aged 81 years. Resting also, Phoebe Caroline Mary Wakefield, died 23rd November 1966. aged 91 years. he leadeth me.
| 111
| H K
| H K 1806
| 112
| Too Worn
| Nothing to see
| 113
| Even more worn
| Nothing to see
| James Oiley Kidman
| 114
| In memory of James Oiley Kidman , 6th of October 1887, Aged 72(?) years... was peace...
| 115
| Ruth Kidman
| In Affectionate memory of Ruth Kidman, widow of James Oiley Kidman, who died 12th Dec 1900, Aged 83 years
| 116
| Mary Ann Oiley Paine
| In loving memory of Mary Ann Oiley Paine, who died May 14th 1920, Aged 82 years. Dear mother rest, they work is done, Thy loving hands shall toil no more, No more they gentle eyes shall weep, Rest dear mother, gently sleep.
| 117
| ??? Ingrid Not clear
| Not clear
| 118
| Thomas?
| In loving memory of Thomas, the son of Thanos?Thomas? 1831
| 119
| James Kidman
| James Kidman who died 10th Jan 1801 - Aged 15 years
| 120
| Ann Kidman
| Ann Kidman, daughter of Thomas S Kidman (?) who departed this life 1753, in the 9th year of her life.
| 121
| two Graves - Thomas Kidman
| Grave 1 - Thomas Kidman - , aged 6 -
| 121a
| two Graves - Thomas Kidman
| covered by grave 2 - thomas Kidman who died April 1763, Aged 55
| 122
| James Kidman
| In memory of James Oiley Kidman, son of james Oiley Kidman and Ruth, his wife, who died 10th April 1855, Aged 16 years and also of Eleanor Oiley Kidman, their daughter, who died 9th September 1819, aged 2
| 123
| J O K
| J O K 1887
| 124
| BK
| BK 1900
| 125
| Frances Kidman?
| To the memory of Frances (kidman) who died Jan 10th 1827 Aged 77 years
| 126
| 2 Graves Charles and Richard Kidman
| Grave 1 - Charles Kidman, 2nd grave covering first - Richard Kidman, who died April 19th 1829 Aged 28 years
| 127
| Kidman Family?
| Grave 1 - obscured, Grave 2 - Kidman, 11th October 1810 aged 38, Grave 3 -can;t read, Grave 4 - W.S
| 128
| Possibly Katy Kidman
| Died 1789, aged 95 years?
| 129
| Ann Kidman
| Ann, wife of James S Kidman
| 130
| William Flinders
| Sacred to the memory of William Flinders who departed this life November 4th 18?7 aged 73 years
| 131
| Mary Ann Flinders
| Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann, wife of John Flinders
| 132
| John Flinders
| In memoriam of john Flinders April 21st 1824 Aged 85 years
| 133
| John Flinders
| In memoriam of john Flinders, May 1816, Aged 63 or 69 years
| 134
| Mary Ann Flinders
| In memory of Mary Ann, wife of John Flinders, who died 13th Jan ???? Aged 75 years
| 135
| William Harrison
| Here lies the body of William Harrison, who died 15th February !790 - aged ??
| 136
| Ann Harrison
| In memoriam of Ann Harrison who departed this life 28th February 1780 in the 30th (80th?) year of her life
| !37
| Ruth Cooper
| Ruth Cooper who died March 1790? Aged 76 years
| 138
| Edward Ellis
| In memory of Edward Ellis who departed this life April the 5th 1838. Aged 32 years
| 139
| Sarah & Eliza Farr
| To the memory of Sarah Farr who died May 10th 1828. Aged 21 years. In memory of Eliza Farr who died Oct 29th 1825, Aged 17 years.
| 140
| John Farr
| In memory of John Farr who departed this life April ..183?. (Aged 32 years ?)
| 141
| Maria
| In memory of Maria, daughter of ...
| 142
| Samuel Fordham
| Samuel Fordham son of Benjamin and Ann Fordham, who ..... April 14th 1805, Aged ...
| 143
| A Family of unreadables
| the biggest grave could be either Robert or John Fordham as it ends in am and starts with an Ro or Jo and is next to a Fordham grave. This is just a guess though.
| 144
| Unknown
| Unreadable
| 145
| Mary Wilcsor?
| In memory of Mary Wilcsor(?) who died... 18?1
| 146
| William Hohmay?
| In memory of William Hohmay who died May 1761 Aged 75
| 147
| John & Marianne Ambrose
| In loving memory of John Ambrose who died February 14th 1905 Aged 65 (85?) Also of Marianne Ambrose, wife of the above, who died June ..... Aged 68 years
| 148
| Mary Peacock
| In loving memory of Mary, wife of William Peacock who departed this life 8th February 1894 aged 56 years. "Thy will be done."
| 149
| John & Sarah Peacock
| Sacred to the memory of John Peacock, who died April 12th 1914 Aged 79 years . Also of his wife, Sarah, who died October 1st 1906 Aged 70 years. "Abide with me"
| 150
| Hannah & Henry Simons and Rose Hannah
| In loving memory of Hannah, the wide of Henry Simons, who departed this life 26th March 1898 Aged 73 years. "Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?" Also of Henry Simons, who died 13th January 1916 Aged 91 years and Rose Hannah, their daughter, who died 22nd November 1911 Aged 44 years
| 150a
| H Simons
| H S 1898
| 151
| Possibly a child Peacock?
| Positioned at the end of grave 149 - John and Sarah Peacock
| 152
| John Rowney
| In loving memory of John Rowney, who died 4th May 1921 Aged 61 years. "There is rest for the weary" from his loving wife, son and daughter
| 153
| A Cooper
| In memory of A C mother of Elizabeth Cooper who died 16th November 1871 (or 1877)
| 154
| William Cooper
| In memory of William Cooper...
| 155
| Elizabeth Cooper
| In memory of Elizabeth Cooper, the wife of William Cooper who died July 1861...
| 156
| ??? Cooper
| In memory of ...... the daughter of Elizabeth Cooper...
| 157
| S
| Just S
| 158
| David F B Gape
| In lasting memory of David F B Gape 1922 - 2009
| 159
| Amy Elizabeth Duncan
| Amy Elizabeth Duncan 1968 - 2009. Loved and missed by so many
| 160
| Ann Kenyon Knight
| In loving memory of Ann Kenyon Knight - 12th December 1942 - 19th March 2015
| 161
| Marge Brown
| Marge Brown who died 21st March 2007 Aged 63 years.Treasured wife, mum and nan "Forever in our hearts"
| 162
| Derek Abram
| In loving memory of a dear husband, dad, grandad, great grandad Derek Abram. Passed away 17.03.2015 Aged 81 "Loved and remembered always"
| 163
| Doreen Margaret Candlish
| In loving memory of Doreen Margaret Candlish Died 5th April 1975 Aged 52 years and in memory of her husband Alan George Campbell Candlish buried in the Isle of Wight.
| 164
| William Wiltshire
| in loving memory of William Wiltshire died August 30th 1977 Aged 90 years
| 165
| Henry Ambrose
| Henry Ambrose - October 24th 1976, Aged 82 years. "Remembered Always."
| 166
| May 22nd
| ..... May 22nd....
| 167
| 168
| Sydney John Thomas & Lily Pretoria Abram
| In loving memory of Sydney John Thomas Abram died 18th March 1974 Aged 75 years. Lily Pretoria Abram died 12th April 1985 Aged 85 years
| 169
| Lily Maud & Andrew Carter
| Sacred to the memory of Lily Maud Carter 1896 - 1965 Also of Andrew Carter 1888 - 1983. "Peace Perfect Peace"
| 170
| Harry George Ambrose & Margaret Eileen Smith
| In loving memory of Harry George Ambrose who died 27th July 1961 Aged 34 years, Also of Margaret Eileen smith who died 26th March 1992 Aged 59 years
| 170a
| Gerald Sydney Smith
| In loving memory of Gerald Sydney Smith who died 2nd September 2008. Aged 81 years. "Loved by all who knew him."
| 171
| Dorothy Blanche Ambrose
| In loving memory of Dorothy Blanche Ambrose. Died 11th March 1975. Aged 74 years.
| 172
| John William & Ivy Pricevne (Price...)
| in loving memory of John William laid to rest 28th March 1961. Also his beloved wife Ivy, laid to rest 7th May 1970 Aged 88 years
| 173
| Karen Slater
| In affectionate memory of our darling daughter Karen Slater who was taken from this life March 21st 1961 Aged 4 months. "Safe in the arms of Jesus"
| 174
| A pot
| No writing
| 175
| A pot
| No Writing
| 176
| Roy Abram
| In loving memory of Roy Abram 18-8-1935 - - 12-8-2016. "Rest in Peace" Aged 80 years
| 177
| William James & Evelyn Florence Lilley
| In loving memory of William James Lilley. Died 3rd June 1984. Aged 77 years and his beloved wife Evelyn Florence Lilley. Died 28th July 2004. Aged 96 years. "The Lord is my Shepherd"
| 178
| Lily May & William George Beake
| In loving memory of Lily May Beake 1920 - 1986. Also of her husband William George Beake. !917 - 1996. "Peace Perfect Peace." Dearest mother and father of Maureen.
| 179
| Captain Basil Michael Comerford.
| In loving memory of Captain Basil Michael Comerford
| 180
| Henry Searle
| In loving memory of Henry Searle. Died March 10th 1968. At Rest
| 181
| John & Ethel Watts
| In dearest memory of John, beloved husband of Ethel Watts, who passed away in sleep Sept 7th 1967 Aged 87 years. John Martin watts lost in air operations June 17th 1942 Aged 19 years. Also Ethel Rosetta watts who died 9th Feb 1983. Aged 90 years. Reunited.
| 182
| John Robert Mayes
| In loving memory of a very dear husband and father John Robert Mayes. Died 12th October 1966 Aged 85 years
| 183
| Oliverand Mary Jemima Kipps
| In loving memory of Oliver Kipps. 13.9.1913 - 26.8.1993. Churchwarden. And of his wife Mary Jemima 10.10.1910 - 31.1.1995. Benefactors of the church.
| 184
| Fiona Mary Lattimore
| Fiona Mary Lattimore 7th July 1963 - 29th April 1988. Beloved daughter of Francees
| 185
| Sarah Ann & Joseph Sidney William Whitter
| I ever loving memory of a wife and mother Sarah Ann Whitter who fell asleep 12th January 1992 Aged 77. Also of a dear husband and father Joseph Sidney William Whitter who died 15th April 2000. Aged 87 years.
| 186
| Patrick Johnny Tilley.
| In loving memory of Patrick Johnny Tilley. Died 18th march 1999. Aged 69. Beloved husband of Pam. Dearly loved by all his... Gone from our home but not from our hearts. Rest in Peace
| 187
| In loving memory.
| In loving memory.
| 188
| Andrew Martin James
| Consecrated to the memory of Andrew Martin James. A dear husband, daddy, son and brother. 1.8.1963 - 29.8.2003. So dearly loved, so greatly missed.
| 189
| Maureen Ann Wilson
| In loving memory of Maureen Ann Wilson died January 27th 2000 Aged 56 years. "So dearly loved and always in our hearts."
| Grave number
| Name
| Transcription