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Stallion Research Findings

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Latton, Essex, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Stallion Stallon Butler
Profile manager: Glen Birchby private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 127 times.

Additional information sources and background to Biography for


Yale University Beinecke Library Manuscript MS 558

MS 558 - A Valuable Source
A manuscript held in the Beinecke Library of Yale University, MS 558, is a "Commonplace Book" or scap book from medieval times. A Commonplace Book would contain all manner of notes, information and observations which are useful in one's daily life, and in this case included business and household notes, lists of birthdays, marriage dates etc for the owner/author and his family, as well as astrological treatises and planetary charts. This was the work of a person who described himself as Thomas Buttler of Harlow in Essex (and was also known as Stallon or Stallion), who appears in WikiTree at Stallion-13. He is the father of Stallion-12 (Thomas b.1540), and the grandfather of Stallion-11(Thomas b.1567).

A Thesis by D. Birkholz
An in-depth study of this manuscript was made by Associate Professor Daniel Birkholz of the University of Texas in 2010, who then wrote the treatise "Astrological Prognostications in MS Beinecke 558", which actually explored the changes which occurred in the 16th century in technology, ideology and social structure.
The thesis discusses the Stallion Family from page 43 and can be sighted at

A Misleading Source? - "50 Great Migration Colonists"
Birkholz makes the observation that the book "Fifty Great Migration Colonists To New England & Their Origins", by J.B.Threlfall, which has been used by many genealogists and historians as a source of dates and facts about the Stallion Family, contains birth dates and other details which differ significantly from those written into the Commonplace Book by Thomas Butler/Stallion, and that Threlfall apparently had not bothered to consult this important resource for information about Thomas Stallion when researching for his book.

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