Location: Ewhurst, Sussex, England

Surname/tag: Catt
Transcribed will of Stephen Catt the elder of Ewhurst (1629-1681)
From East Sussex Record Office, PBT 1/1/35/373B[1]
Transcribed by Dave Roberts
In the name of God Amen I Stephen Catt the elder of Ewhurst in the county of Sussex being sick in body but of sound memory praise be to God therefore do make this my last will and testament in manner following first I bequeath my soul into the hands of the Almighty hoping for the remission of all my sins in and through Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried in decent manner of Christian burial and I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved wife Anne and my son Stephen Catt executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made (if any) Item I give unto my daughter Anne the wife of William Lucas one shilling and unto my son John one shilling to be paid them within one year next after my decease Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth the wife of George Lucas five pounds of lawful money of England to be paid her within one year next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah wife of John Ridder ten pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto her within two years next after my decease Item I give unto Thomas Catt my son twenty pounds of lawful (money) of England to be paid unto him when he shall attain unto his age of one and twenty years Item I give and bequeath unto Deborah my daughter fifteen pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto her when she shall attain to her age of one and twenty years and my will is that my executors out of my estate shall pay for and maintain my said daughter Deborah until she is able to provide for herself and after my funeral expenses are discharged and my debts paid and legacies and bequests paid and performed my will is that my said executors shall share and share alike have all the remainder of estate in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twelfth day of May in the thirty fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord being Charles the Second of England or Anno Domini 1681
Stephen Catt signed sealed and declared and published in the presence of Thomas Russell, the mark of Thomas Corues, the mark of Mary Parkes
Research Notes
date of will: 12 May 1681
grant of probate: 16 June 1681
People mentioned in the will:
- Stephen Catt the elder of Ewhurst
- Anne Catt, his wife and executor, received a half share of the remainder of the estate
- Stephen Catt, his son and executor, received a half share of the remainder of the estate
- Anne Lucas, his daughter and the wife of William Lucas, received one shilling
- John Catt, his son, received one shilling
- Elizabeth Lucas, his daughter and the wife of George Lucas, received five pounds
- Sarah Ridder, his daughter and wife of John Ridder, received ten pounds
- Thomas Catt, his son not yet 21, received twenty pounds
- Deborah Catt, his daughter not yet 21, received fifteen pounds and kept until she can provide for herself
- Thomas Russell, witness
- Thomas Corues, witness
- Mary Parkes, witness
- ↑ Stephen Catt the elder of Ewhurst; registered will with grant of probate; Probate Records 1518-1858 East Sussex Record Office, PBT 1/1/35/373B; [1] Accessed 14 Jan 2019
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