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English flag
... ... ... has English ancestors.

Cross of St George
... ... ... was born in England.

... ... ... ... served in the British Army in World War I
Service started:
Unit(s): 7th Battalion. King’s Shropshire Light Infantry
Service ended:
... ... ... ... served in the British Army in World War II
Service started: 1939
Unit(s): Royal Army Chaplains’ Department; 8th Corps.; 11th Armoured Division
Service ended: 1945

Some sentence. [1]



  1. 1.0 1.1
    Source for obit



Samuel Heintjies McCallum was born in Cape Town on 29 July 1861. He was the eldest son of Alexander Wallace and Christina (Grace) Frances Helena McCallum being named in true Scottish tradition after his paternal and maternal grandfathers. He was baptised at St. Andrews Church, Cape Town on 18 August 1861.

Samuel’s father Alexander Wallace McCallum was born in Renfrew, Glasgow Scotland on 7 April 1829. Samuel’s maternal sic - paternal grandmother name was Elizabeth Smith. She and grandfather Samuel were married on 30 June 1828 and clearly Alexander was their eldest son. His mother Christina Frances Helena Heintjies was born in Germany in 1844 sic - 21 July 1840.

As a young man in 1841 aged 12 years Alexander was living at Lanarkshire Scotland and 10 years later in 1851 he is recorded as living with his parents at Calton, Lanarkshire. When he was 29 years old he immigrated with his elder brother Samuel ??Samuel Malcom is younger to the Cape Colony departing from Liverpool on 10 July 1858. Sailing on the Edward Oliver he arrived in Table Bay on 5 September 1858. The two brothers travelled further up round the coast with Samuel settling in the area of Port Elizabeth however Alexander returned to Cape Town. The MacCullum family were involved in the leather and tanning business and the two brothers each set about establishing themselves in this business. Soon after his arrival Alexander met the 18 year old Grace (Christina Frederika Helena Heintjies) in Fishhoek and they were married in Cape Town on the 23 April 1860. Grace was 11 years younger than her husband having been born in Cape Town in 1840 where she was baptised in the German Lutheran Church. Samuel, their eldest child, was born a year later on 29 July 1861.

At about this time Samuel’s grandfather and grandmother joined their son Alexander in Cape Town. From the mid 1860’s to the late 1870’s Samuel’s father and grandfather are listed in in the Cape Town Directory as Curriers firstly at No 15 and later at No 106 Sir Lowry Road. In 1871 Alexander even patented a tanning fluid made from the juice of proteas.

It was here at the family home at 106 Sir Lowry Road that Samuel lived when he first worked as a Clerk in Cape Town. Samuel Heintjies McCallum married Jane Frances Jackson sometime between the years 1882 and November 1883 they evidently left Cape Town for the Diamond Fields (Kimberley). Their first child, a daughter named Violet was born on the 28 November 1883 and was baptised at St. Cyprians Anglican Church in Kimberley on the 21 February 1884. It would seem that Violet must have died as a child for later records make no mention of her. Living conditions in Kimberley at that time were far from satisfactory and mortality rates were very high, especially for children. Never the less it seems as if Samuel and Jane had no less than 9 further children.

Samuel quickly became involved in the diamond business washing stones in the vale. He was also reported as working as a diamond prospector in the Kimberley district. In the period leading up to the Anglo Boer War he was employed as an Overseer with the De Beers Mining Company. His residence was at the Kimberley Mine in Dunnel Street.

Samuel Heintjies McCallum first enrolled in a Kimberley Military Corps Rifles on 27 October 1890. (I would guess that this was the Kimberley Scots which were first formed in October 1890 before being absorbed into the new Kimberley Rifles which together with the Diamond Fields Horse were merged to form the Kimberley Regiment in February 1899.) Samuel was promoted Corporal in the new unit on the 13 April 1899 and as Lance Sergeant on the 28 October 1899. He was commissioned Lieutenant on the 25 April 1900 accepting this additional responsibility after the Relief of Kimberley and as later recorded took part in operations in the Orange Free State in 1900 and further operations in the Transvaal and Orange Free State in 1901 and 1902.

No details describing the full reasons for the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal have been noted other than Kekewich’s remark “Sgt. S.H. MacCullum is deserving of mention for good work.” but it might be presumed that his service was notable on several occasions. It is perhaps sufficient to note that this award was one of only four such DCM awards awarded to both Imperial and Colonial troops throughout the Siege! An unverified source records that he was presented with the Distinguished Conduct Medal on the 29 November 1900 and after the end of the War was paid a Special Gratuity of £20-00 under WOL No 61010/7399 F8 on 11 July 1902. His second "Mention" in Lord Robert’s Despatches of 2nd April 1901 must be regarded as a repeat of Kekewich’s earlier despatch. He resigned his commission ten months after the end of the War on 23 March 1903.

Samuel did not serve in an active fighting role during the Great War. He did however volunteer for home service and served as a Captain in the Cape Town District Rifle Association - his one page service card recording that he served, principally at the Simonstown outpost, for a total of 43 months from 18 August 1915 until he was disbanded in March 1919 . His entitlement to the award of the single British War Medal was certified by Captain & Adjutant C.L. Burton of No 1 Military District D.R.A. The BWM was dispatched to him on 28 November 1924 being recorded against file reference (Regt No 1 List 28 Roll No 1231). [2]



liy liis iiivitiitioii, tlu' first fiimily r<'niii(>ii wus licld at Willow Grove, Brooklield, Vt., July, 187'.).

in;. II. 1'. \VHK.\TI,KY, (Kll) I'AKMINtiTON, N. H.


b. for born; d. for died; m. for married; bapt. for baptized^ res. for residence.

The three numerals over a sketch of an individual are ex-j plained as follows:

The first figure indicates the person's number. The Roman characters show in what generation he is, and the figure to the right is the number of the jjarent. Thus, on page (12), 3 II 1 Rev. Nathaniel Wheatleigh's number is 3; he is of the second generation; and son of No. 1 — John Wheatleigh. So one may^ start with the present generation and trace the line back to the first or any generation by the numbers.

It seems that the Wheatleighs were Protestants early in the 17th century. In the fall of 1626, Charles I of England sent a naval force to Dieppe for the use of Lewis, King of France, against the Huguenots at La Rochelle. The sailors discovered his purpose and objected. They drew vip a remonstrance to Pennington, their commander, and signing all their names in a cii'cle lest he should discover the ring-leaders, they laid it under his prayer book.

This we believe to be the first record of a "Round Robin." In this circle we find the name of A. Wheatleigh, from Wells, Somerset, England. Admiral Pennington declared "that he would rather be hanged in England for disobedience, than fight against his brother Protestants on the continent." And the whole squadron sailed for home. But La Rochelle, the Hugue- nots headquarters, fell into the hands of the French in 1628, and they were scattered, many coming to Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina. In these settlements were several Wheat- leighs. Many of their descendants still Hve in these localities. Three Wheatleys are known to have come to New England. Their posterity have scattered over these states, and spread to New York and the West.

James "NVbeatleigh settled at Wetliers- field, Coun., iu 1088, Capt. Jobu Wheat- ley or Wlieatleigh settled in Norwich, Conn., in 1782, and merchant John Wheat- ley lived in Boston, Mass., from 1745 to 1774. James "NVbeatleigh assisted in drawing up a constitution for the govern- ment of Connecticut Colony, which was adoj^ted in January, 1(589. Among his papers we find the coat of arms here given.

Whether they are to be legitimately borne l)y the descen- dents of John Wheatley may be problematical.

This is not described in Burke's General Armory, although there are eight separate Wheatley arms and borne by ten differ- ent families, recorded in this Encyclopedia of Heraldry. The first one was granted by Edward III to John Wheatley Esq., of Castle-Bromwich, Co. Leicester, in 1856. About fifty years later his son William Wheatley Esq. gained additional favors from King Henry IV. William Wheatley Esq. left no son to bear the name, so the arms were preserved to his daughter Thomas- ine Wheatley, and she married John Dannot.

Records of coats of ai-ms of some other families mentionsd in this history can be found in the appendix. In Burke's Gen- eral Ai-mory there are records of families of the following names. Some have one or two, Avhile others have several. The Wood family has one hundi-ed and two records. They are : Abbott Allen, Archer, Austin, Bach, Barker, Barnes, Bell, Bowman, Brown, Carpenter, Clark, Craig, French, Foss, Hall, Hastings, Hodge, Hutchinson, Loveland, Paine, Pellet, Shepherd, Skinner, Waterman, Welch, Wheeler, White, Wilcox, Wingate and Wood.

Our branch being dii-ectly interested only in those of Sir Nathaniel Wheatley (11) of Frome, Somersetshire; and of Will- iam Wheatley Esq., (77) of Echingfield, Co. Sussex.

The illustrations show the correct interpretation of the re- cords that are also given.


Wheatley (Frome, Co. Somerset, Sir Nathaniel Wheatley.) gu. a lion rampart ar. on a chief or. three mullets sa. Crest: A stag's head cabossed ppr.

Wheatley (Echingfield, Co. Sussex, William Wheatley, Esq.) per fess az. and or., a pule counter-changed, three lions ramp, regardant of the second. Crest: Two arms embowed, vested az. holding between the hands ppr. a garb or.


Gu a lion rampant ar. On a red shield a silver lion in position shown. On a chief or. three Mullets sa. A chief is the upper third of the shield, gold in color on which are three black stars. Crest: A stags head cabossed ppr. Position shown of proper color.

Per fess az and or. The upper half of the shield is blue and the balance gold. The pale counter changed. A pale is a band per- pendicular occupying the middle third of the shield, counter changed calls for use of the color blue of fess extending down through the gold field with gold in the ujDper part of the pale. Three lions rampant regardant of the second. Their position as illus- trated facing backward, and the second color is gold.. Crest: Two arms embowed (position in picture) vested az (blue) holding be- tween the hands ppr (proper color), a garb or (a sheaf of wheat gold. )


Correspomleuce with Hou. Henry "White, who is eliarpfe d' affaires at the U. S. Legation iu Loiidou, resulted iu arrauge- nieuts with Mr. A. B. Stevens of Trafalgar Scjuare, London, to search Enghsh records for the early history of the Wheatley family.

Mr. Stevens seems to have done the work faithfully, and traces the connection between the English and American branches of the family.

During the last century this once populous "NVheatley fam- ily of yeomen, seafaring and professional men have nearly dis- appeared from England, either having moved to America or died out. It is a inatter of pride to the name, that the family has retained its identity so long.

In Mr. Stevens' report of his investigation is much that does not directly interest this branch of the Wheatley family, but it may serve to fix the ancestry of many "Wheatleys, who came to America at earlier or later dates than Captain John, father of oiu" branch. Mr. Stevens worked back from John Wheatleigh, a Boston merchant who settled there in 174:5 but returned to England in the spring of 1774.

Iu volume I of the English "Genealogist" and "Somerset, Berkshire and other visitations," is to be found the pedigree of the Wheatleys springing from John and Thomas who appear to have been brothers. Many of the early records here given were taken from a book in the possession of Sir Harold "Wheatley, who lived in County Bedford and died in 1(577 about 8t) years of age. Later dates have been found in church records and probate registry of the different counties and in files of wills at Somer- set House and Doctors Commons.

The search of admiralt}' records gives names and some dates of those who served in the navy, but the English adjniralty records are very indefinite and incomplete. Therefore the identity of iudiv- "luals who thus served is only proved by parish records and the coincidence of names and periods.


Where there was room for a doubt about the identity of two or more records of the same individual, the doubtful items have been omitted.

The first trace of Wheatle3^s we have been able to find was in 1356, when Sir John Wheatley lived at Cast! e-Bromwich, Lei- cestershire, England. But at present we have been able to trace the genealogical chain unbroken only back to the brothers John and Thomas who came to the front after the campaigns of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, in Scotland and France in 1544-45. John served as captain and Thomas as a lieutenant. They obtained estates in 1547 at Frome and near Wells, not far from the Mendip Hills in Somersetshire.

In the i:)robate registry at Wells are filed the wills of John Wheatleigh (March 24, 1594) and his widow, Mary Wheatleigh, (April 20, 1595) which are as follows, viz:


2. Jobn, b May 31, 1541,

3. Natbaniel, b June 1, 1549,

4. Annie, b October 20, 1553, m Rev. William Barker of

Berkshire and raised a large family. 5 Jane, b October lo, 1560, m Mr. Hossington of An-

dover and there was one daughter, Susan Hossington. (5. Frank, 1) March 1562, lived at Maiden Newton.

7. Richard, b May 3, 1565.

8. Samuel, b April 28, 1568.

9. Martha, b January, 1571, m 1592 to Roger Wingate.

1(». Olive, b 1573, m Mr. Barker. The Barkers were one of the most prominent families of Sonning for 300 years. They owning the tine estate of Holmes Park. 2 II 1 John AVheatleigh, Esq. of Tingsboro, Somerset, 1) May 31, 1547, m Dorothy Willoughby of Derbyshire, youngest daughter of Ai-ctic explorer, Hugh AVilloughby. She probably died be- fore 1609, for no mention is made of her in his will. He was one of the 164 gentlemen and sailors who accompanied Sir Francis Drake on his free booting expedition to Spanish America and around the world, home via (^ape of Good Hope, arriving at Ply- mouth November 1580.

11. Nathaniel, b 1571, Knighted 1610, Sheriff 161G.

12. Israel, bapt. August 6, 1572.

13.. Elizabeth, bapt. December 18, 1574

14. Samuel, bapt. November 3, 1576, d at Bath, 1614.

15. Mary, bapt. August 24, 1578.

16. Philip, bapt. September 24, 1581.

17. Margaret, bapt. September 9, 1583.

18. Andrew, bapt. November 19, 1586. Signed

"Eound Robin" at Dieppe 1626.

3 II 1

Rev. Nathaniel Whately, b June 1, 1549, m Dorothy Gat- tonby. Matriculated at Magdalen College, Oxford 1568, was Rector of Thraxton Hants, 1590.


19. AVilliam, Bapt. April 3, 1583, d 1639. Puritan divine, arising to some distinction as a writer and preacher.

20. James, b 1586, followed the sea several years and like Defoes, Col. Jack, wound up his checked career as a Virginia planter, being one of the expedition under Sir Thomas Gates which arrived at Jamestown, September 1611.

6 II 1

Frank Wheatleigh, b March 1562, m Mary Fienes grand- daughter of Lord Dacre, who was executed in 1541. Lived at Maiden Newton, Dorset. ,


22. Dorothy, bapt. August 22, 1591.

23. Eicbard, bapt. January 4, 15!)r). ni and lived in Caen,

Normandy, where were boru the following six children: Annie, Elizabeth, Michael, Nathaniel (father of Rachel and Margaret), James and Rachel. Richard was a merchant of Caen, Normandy, in company with his brother John.

24. Edward, b about 1598, m Elizabeth Pii)er, having four

sons, John (b 1620), Edward, "Wilham and Michael.

25. John, merchant of Caen, France.

2G. Precilla, m Alden Mervj^n of East Knoyle, Wilts. 27. Magdalen, m Charles Polden of Hastings, Sussex.

7 II 1

Richard "Whately, b May 3, 15G5, and there is record of four children, Richard, Grace, Molly and Alexander "Whately. AVe know no reason why Nathaniel and Richard spelled their names as recorded.

8 II 1

Rev. Samuel Wheatleigh, b April 28, 15(18, was a B. A. of Magdalen College, Oxford, 159(>, and M. A. 155)8, m ^lartha Drake of Dorset. He was provided with the living of Tingsboro in his father's will, and was occupying the parsonage in 1509. His will tiled at Wells is as follows: To son James my great chest and its contents; to my wife Martha the furnishings of our hving rooms; to be equally divided to the poor of Tingsboro; to sons Charles, Ira, Joseph and Oriu; to daughter Mary Evans and her children, Rebecca, John and Charles; to daughter Patience Hall and her children, Sarah and Pho'be, and Nitthaniel and Martha, children of John Evans.

CHILDREN OF SAMUEL AND MARTHA WHE.VTLEKIH. 82. Apollos, ])!i])t. at Tiugsl)()ro, March 9, 159(;, liiiri<Ml May 9, 1590. 88. James, bai)t. at Tingsboro, Decemlier 25, 1599. Tn 1(188

went to New England, settled in AVetherstie'.d. Conn., and was a memlier of the Hartford Convention (Jann-


ary, 1G39), which adopted the Constitution that served for Connecticut Colony and State until 1818 (i^age 7).

34. Charles, Bapt. at Tingsboro, December 11, IfiOl. Lived

in Dorset, where he died in 1662.

35. John, Bapt. at Ting-sboro, September 6, 1603. Buried

June 4, 1605.

36. Ira, Bapt. at Tingsboro, January 1, 1609, a yoeman of

Stowey, Somerset. No issue. He willed his projjerty to his brother Joseph's children May 6, 1676.

37. Joseph, m Sarah Rawlins: was a Stowey, Somerset hus-

bandnifin, from whom descended a large family, that remained in Somerset. Will dated 3 July, 1675.

38. Orin. Home at Farnsborough, Somerset. No issue.

AVill gave all his property to the poor of the place.

39. Isaac. Prol^ably died young.

40. Mary, m John Evans. Childi'en named in her father's


41. Patience, m William Hall. Children named in her fath-

er's will. Home at Hornblotten.

9 II 1

Martha Wheatleigh, b January 1571, m in 1592 to Roger Wingate, and lived at Kirkb' Moorside, Yorkshire. He was appointed the Royal Treasurer of Virginia Colony for life. Their son Edmund Wingate, b 1593, was a lawyer and mathematician. Wrote several books on mathematics, was a patron of Charles I., but deserted him to join the Parliament party under Cromwell.

11 III 2

Sir Nathaniel Wheatleigh, b at Tingsboro, Somerset, 1571. Entered Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1588. Knighted 1610, and married Precilla Throgmorton of Tortworth, Gloucester. Her father's sister was wife of Sir Walter Raleigh, and from Precilla's brother William Throgmorton descended a family of writers, one of whom was Sir John Courtney Throckmorton.

Sir Nathaniel was high sheriff of Somersetshire in 1616, making Woodcroft manor his home. His Nuncupative will.


dated April 11, 1G20, leaves to his son Nathaniel "Hillside," and to his four younger sous, Thomas, AVilham, Richard and John £500 a piece, to be raised out of the fai-ms Penwick and Wood- croft. The residue to his wife, Precilla "Wheatleigh.

Lady Precilla Throgmorton Wheatleigh's will, dated April 15, 1030, and tiled in Skvuner, P. C. C, is as follows: To my son Thomas the cup that was my father's (Sir Thomas Throg- morton), and he is to be executor. To sons "William, Richard and John, each to be paid £200 within six months after they aiTive at the age of 21 years. My brother. Sir William Throg- morton, as trustee, in the meantime is to send each to a good school and through Oxford. To my sister, the Lady Dale (widow of Sir Thomas), my wedding ring, my household goods and wearing apparel. 48. John, h 1598. Died voung.

44. Nathaniel, b 1000. It is difficult to see why the eldest

son, Nathaniel, left home. He became a London gold- smith, living at the White House on London Bridge. Died without issue, leaving a large estate to his four brothers.

45. Thomas, b 1(511.

4(). William, Bapt, Tingsboro, May 20, 1()14. Three children,

Thomas, b January 12, 1G42, Annie, b August 14, l()4r», Hannah, b May 8, 1048.

47. Richard, Bapt. Tingsboro September 14, 1015, Barber

Surgeon of London.

48. Bridget, Bapt. Tingsboro May 10, KJIT; d age 4 months.

49. John, Bapt. Tingsboro February 9, 1(519.

49 IV 11

Rev. John Wheatley, matriculated at Magdalen College. ( )x - ford, m Mar\' Maudley, who was from a large and prominent family of Somersetshire.

Was rector of (lately, Hants, in 1(>45. His Idvulty to Charles I. di-ew the displeasure of the Cromwell party mid lie was sequestered. Later making his home at Westhaiu, Hsscx. Evidently s])ent his declining years with liis yoiiiigcst son at


Battle, near Hastings, Sussex, where he died and was buried at Senlac Hill, December 4, 1()91.

Nuncupative will, dated October 8, 1691, made his son Wil- liam his heir, also giving £900 and household goods to daughter VCary, £300 each to his grandchildren, Hemy and James Fitz- roy; Marv and William Wheatley.

74. Charles, b 1640.

75. Mary, m Charles Fitzroy, and lived at Battle in 1685. 7(). Andrew was with Duke of Cleveland, under Earl of

Marlborough, at the capture of Dublin in 1689, and was killed at the attack on Cork, October 9, 1690. His son. Rev. Charles Wheatley, 1686-1742 noted clergy- man, published illustrations of the Book of Common Prayer. 77. William, b 1664 at Westham, Essex.

77 V 49

William Wheatley, Esq., of Streatley Manor, near Senlac Hill, was bailiff of Battle in 1705, m Mary Haynes of Bristol in 1685. He was engaged at Bristol in the manufacture of salt- peter; and apparently held crown contracts. After moving to Battle he started the manufacture of gunpowder, which in mod- ern times has become very extensive. He was kiiighted at Bat- tle 1710. ' 88. Mary, b 1687.

84. William, b 1(589.

85. Richard, b 1695.

84 VI 77

Dr. William Wheatley entered Magdalen College, Oxford, 1705, m Annie Waring of Belfast.

In 1720 William Wheatley was serving at the Dublin station as naval surgeon. At the time there were 76 ships in the British navy. And there are records of Surgeon Wheatley's transfer to other stations. He was with the fleet sent to the West Indies in 1727. But nothing can be learned from the records, although tradition claims that he died in the service about 1781. His



family remained iu Dublin. John Whentley, his only son, en- tered Trinity College, Dublin, but left before the end of the first year, and was apprenticed to a shipmaster named Cliarles Gary. His mother had hoped to tit him to till a ])osition in the navy.

Cai)t. Gary sold his indenture to a farmer near Norwidi, Gonn , 1782.

From him sprung a large branch of the AVheatley family iu America.

8(). J2?in, b Dublin, November 15, 1718. H7. Jane, b Dublin, May 12, 1720. Died young. 88. Lucinda, b Dublin, September 1, 1723.


Thonuis Wheatley was evidently a brother of John "NVheat- leigh, whose genealogy we have traced down to (^apt. John AVheatley, the father of our branch of the family in America. I do not give wills, etc., in this line that Mr. Stevens furnished, but will preserve the line of descent, hoping it may be of some service to other l)ranches of the famil}'.

In Burke's visitations of 1(590 is traced the A\'heatley pedi- i^ree for five generations. In 1547 Thomas Wheatley owned Balwoodston, AVells, Somei-setshire. This estate evidently l)assed into the j^ossession of John about 1572, and Thomas moved to Sonning in Berkshire. He was father of nine chil- <lren.

2. Hem-y, 1) 15(50, had five children.

•I Grace, m Henry Parker of Surrey, near London.

4. France?, m James Bassett of Uley county, (Uoucester.

5. Jean, who died young.

(J. Lawrence, b 15G7, m Elizabeth Fennessy. He entered the navy in 1587, when Howard, Drake and Hawkins gathered the tieet to resist the Spanish Arnnuhi. He was in active service for 80 years, engaging in many battles

7. Thomas. Died young.

'^. Richard lived in Sonning, Berks. Had five children.

'•*. Katherine.

10. Waltei-. No records.



11. Sir Harold Wheatley had six children, and died in 1677.

12 Maria, m Thomas Harbord of Sufton, county Hertford.

13. Mary, m Edwin Howe of So. O'Kenden, county Essex.

14. Joanna, m Roger Holmes of Berkshire.


15. William, b 1599. Had three children born at Waybill.

16. John had tkree childi'en (IV No. 28 John, No. 29 Mary,

No. 30 Joanna).

17. Joanna, Bai^t. at Reading 16U9, and No. 18 Martha.

CHILDREN OF SIR HAROLD— 11 III 2. Lived in Bedford.

19. Harold, b 1627. Three gii-ls (V No. 31 Sarah, No. 32

Elizabeth, No. 33 Martha).

20. William. Died 1697.

21. Sarah, and No. 22 Dorothy, died young.

23. Mary, m John Hand, August 12, 1664.

24. Susan, m George White. Home at Cholsey, Berkshire.

W^as a widow in 1700.


25. Rev. AViUiam, Bapt. April 13, 1629, at Waybill, Hants.

Was rector of Upper Clatford, Hants 1664, where his six childi-en were born.

26. Mary, Bapt. at WayhiU, Hants, May, 1631.

27. Samuel, Bapt. at Waybill, Hants 1636. Had three chil-

dren, (V No. 39 Esther, No. 40 Christian, and No. 41 Timothy).


34. Richard, b at Upper Clatford, Hants 1664. Had three


35. Lucy, b at Upper Clatford, Hants, May 24, 1667.

36. Dorothy, b at Upper Clatford, Hants, November 5, 1671.



37. Xatliauiel, b at Upper Clatfonl, Hants, December (J, 1(h.'{.

Had foiir childi-en;

38. Sybil, 1) at Upper Clatford, Hunts, Apiil Id, KhS.

CHILDREN OF RICHARD WHEATLEY— 84 V '25. 4-2. Eliza, b l(ii)0. m John Haynes of Bristol. 48. Richard, b H\9'2, Barber Surgeon of Loudon. Had

seven cbildi'en.

44. Katherine, b 1000.

CHILDREN OF NATHANIEL WHEATLEY— 87 V 2".. 4"). Nathaniel, and No. 40 Joseph. Both (bed young.

47. Alice, ni Heniy Black of Paddington, i\Ii<hllese.x.

45. Jane.


411. George, b Decenilier, 1710, at London.

50. John, b January 2, 1722, at London. Entered a Mer-

chant Tailor school 1788, went to Boston, Mass., Bay Colony, 1745, but returned in 1774, lecause of loyalty to the British crown.

51. ^lartha, No 52 Nathaniel, No. 58 Susan, No. 54 Isabelle,

No. 55 Jonathan; all born in London.

Captain John Wheatley.

Father of the New England Branch of the Wheat= ley Family in America.

John Wheatley was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1718; died in Lebanon, N. H., July 30, 1786. He and his widow were buried in an early selected burying ground, on a hill southeast of the i^resent village of West Lebanon, N. H. A Bible given him by his mother in 1732 — at which time he was 14 years of age — is now in existence. His father was a surgeon in the British navy, where he died in 1731. His mother and a younger sister resided in Dublin, where he was kept in school until 14 years old, when, as his mother intended him for the navy, he was bound to the commander of a vessel for the term of seven years, thus fitting him to be a mariner. The commander agTeed to take him to Dublin to see his mother once each year.

They sailed directly to America, landing at New London or Norwich, Conn. The captain perfidiously sold his indentures to a farmer in that vicinitv, with whom John was bound to remain until he attained his majority. Here, at first, he suffered much hardship, not being accustomed to physical labor. However, it is beheved that he remained with this farmer until the expira- tion of the indentui'e, and that he received as kind treatment as could be expected. It is related that on sending him to school the teacher returned word that he could not instruct a pupil so advanced.


John soon began teaching school himself, and followed the sea during intervals between terms. He intended saihng to England to visit his relatives, but never found it convenient, Finally business associations and family ties completely weaned him from his old home. In 1742 he married Submit Peck Cooke, widow of Aai'on Cooke, daughter of Benjamin Peck, a wealthy resident of Franklin, Conn. Her brother, Capt. Bela Peck, was father of Harriet Peck "Williams, who gave the Peck Memorial Library to Norwich, Conn. Judge A. Huntington said of Capt. John "Wheatley: "He was of plain manners and of incorrupt- ible integrity. His few words w-ere always those of good sense and truth. The weight of his influence was given to the best interests of society. He was an able and courageoous soldier. " He commanded a company in the French war during the campaign at the North in 1759, when Ticonderoga, Crown Point and other forts in that vicinity were captured by the English.

A powder horn, curiously wrought, presented to him by an Indian chief, is now among the family relics. This horn is seventeen inches long and ten inches in circumference at the largest point. Engi-aved around the lower end of it are the words, "Capt. John Wheatley, Crown Point, October ye 8d, 1759," in well formed letters surrounded V)y an ornamental bor- der. Immediately above this is represented New York bay> with Hudson river emi^tying into it, with its course wind- ing around nearly the whole length of the horn. East of the mouth of the Hudson river, and between it and Long Island and the Sound, stands the city of New York, finely exe- cuted, and embracing about forty houses with several church spires rising from their midst, some surmounted with the figure of a cock and others with a cross. Upon the west of the river, a little lower down, stands another city, smaller yet equally well built, marked "Amboy." South of New York city is marked "Rhode Island," now known as Staten Island. Along the Hud- son are scattered farm houses until a collection is designated as "Greenbush." Near the mouth of the Mohawk we find the city of Albany, constructed like that of New York. On the right liaiik of the Mohawk are two l)uildings marked "H. M." — half


moon. A little further north is a fort marked "Stillwater," where his son Luther died eighteen years later, after being wounded in the battle of Bemis Heights. On a small stream tributary to the Hudson from the west, stands Fort Saratoga; north of this is a fort marked "F. E." — Fort Edward. Directly west is seen Lake Geoige, containing many small islands and a blooj) under full sail. Lake Chamj^lain is but partly shown, merely enough to designate the situation of two forts; one marked '-Crown Point" and the other "Ticonderoga." South of Crown Point is a large fort unnamed, probably meant for Fort Ann. We turn to the Mohawk valley and find first the city of Schenectady, containing some fifteen houses. Upon the opj)osite bank, a little to the west, stands Fort Johnson, while opposite this is Fort Hunter. Forts Edward and Crown Point have the English fiag spread to the breeze, and within the walls we have a birds-eye view of the barracks for the soldiers, houses, and all the internal defences of such a place. Upon the upper part of the horn is an animal represented with the head of a unicorn and the body of a lion, with one hind leg chained to the collar about its neck. This was probably taken from the family coat- of-arms. The letters "J. W.," tastefully wrought in scrolls, oc- cupy the rest of this curious relic of fine Indian work.

During the French war Spain had become an ally of France, and in 1761 an English force of ten thousand men was sent to cai^ture Havana, Cuba. A Spanish force of twenty-seven thou- sand soldiers and a large squadron in the harbor withstood the attack.

From military orders and state papers of Massachusetts and Connecticut we find that Capt. John Wheatley, with a company of marines from Connecticut, joined the expedition against Havana, commanded by Gen. Phineas Lpnan, with Lieutenant- Colonel Israel Putnam of Danvers, Mass., in charge of marines from Connecticut. He was Capt. Wheatley 's immediate superior officer. Before the expedition returned Capt. Wheatley became pa;)Tmaster of the Colonial trooj^s. His family, except John Wheatley 2d, who accomi^anied him to Cuba, lived in Boston during their absence, (from 1760 to 1762).


The troops fi-oiu Massacliusetts, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey, to the number of twenty-three hvincb'ed, sailed iVom New York alxiiit the middle of ^lay in foiu'teen trans])()rts. They joined the English forces before Havana July 20, hikI entered into the thick of the tight, which resulted in the fall of the city August 14, 17(52. But disease had worked greater havoc than Spanish bullets, and there were scarcely tifty Colon- ial troops left. All came back on one ship. The prize money resulting fi-om the capture, and di\-ided among the soldiers and sailors, amounted to over $7,()()(),0()(). Capt. "NVheatley cb-ew $1185.24. Some of the English officers pocketed over $()()(>,(><•<> apiece.

His family lived in Boston, Mass., and Norwich, Conn., until after the close of the French wai*, 17(53, when in the spiing of 17(!o they moved, except Mary and John "NVheatley 2d, to Lebanon, N. H. On this journey he cut a hickory cane, which has been preserved, headed and marked "L. W.," and remains in the possession of the descendants of Luther "Wheatley.

Captain "Wheatley was the first man to fix his habitation amidst the lofty pines on the plains where since has risen the ])leasant and fiouinshing ^-illage of Lebanon Centre. He was moderator of the tu-st town meeting held there, Sept. 12, 17G5; the first town clerk, which office he held for nearly twenty yeju's; the tii-st civil magistrate, the first schoolmaster, of whom many anecdotes are told showing his fertile originality in developing the best qualities of his pui)i]s; the first representative of Lebanon in the New Hampshire Legislature, and the first and only rejiresentative of Lebanon in the Vennont Legislatiu-e, at the time the sixteen border towns gave allegiance to Vermont. He was clerk ofrt company of proprietors of Lebanon in 17(55; and in 178(5 drew up a petition to the New Hamjjshire Legisla- ture, asking for a new charter to replace their first one, that had been jmrtially destroj-ed by mice. He acted as diainnan ot the legislative committee on boundaries, October 3, 17()H; was nj)- pointed justice of the peace for (irafton county, Se])tember 5, 1774, and reappointed A])ril M, 177'.>, and October'). 178."). He


served as a member of the Vermont Legislature in 1777, but withdi-ew October 22, 1778. At a convention of committees from the several towns on the grants east of the Connecticut river, held June 24, 1778, John Wheatley was chairman of a committee selected to receive and adjust claims for services done in preparing- and comijleting the union with the State of Ver- mont. His name was signed to several documents relative to the dispute concerning the jurisdiction over the New Hampshire grants east of the Connecticut river, during the year 1782. A petition was drawn uj) and circulated by Capt. John Wheatlej', dated June 10, 1782, in regard to the establishing of a boundary between Lebanon and Enfield.

In a Thanksgiving sermon preached by Rev. Phineas Cooke, the pastor of Lebanon Congregational Church, November 30? 1850, giving a civil and ecclesiastical history of the town, he says: "Were I to single out a man to whom this town, in its early days, was especially indebted for his exertions in its behalf, I would name John Wheatley, Esq."

He did not serve in the revolutionary army, but sent his four sons. Two, John and Luther, were killed fighting for the indejiendence of theii' country. He died at Lebanon, N. H., in 1786, of a violent fever, being G7 years of age. His widow survived him several years.

To all his acknowledged qualifications for public or private life was added pieij and such religious gifts as made him a suit- able jjerson to lead in the meetings of the church in the absence of the minister. True to a prominent Wheatley characteristic, he put sj^irit, energy and perseverance into every enterprise with which he was connected.


2. Mary Wheatley, b 1743, d Norwich, Conn., 1778.

3. John Wheatley, b 1748. Killed in battle near Brooklyn,

N. Y., 16th September, 1776.


4. Aiicliew Wbeatley, b lOtb August, 1750; d Hiirdwick, Vt.,

7th July, 1S3G.

5. Niitbiuiiel Wbeatley, b 21st May, 1752; d BrookHcUl, Vt.,

2(;tli July, 1824!

T). Lucinda AVbeatley, b December, 1755; d Lebauou, N. H.. i>tb May, 1885).

7. Lytb'a "NVheatley, b 27tb January, 1758; d Lebanon, N. H.

8. Lutber AVbeatley, b Boston, 17<;0; d Stillwater, X. Y.,

80tb September, 1777.

In tbe American Encyclopoedia is the followin<]f article: "Pbillis AVbeatley, a negro poetess, born in Africa in 1755, died in Boston, Mass., December 5, 1794. She was brought to Bos- ton in 17(51, and bought by Mrs. John Wheatley, who, noting remarkable exhibitions of intellectual powers and a thirst for books in her servant, set to work to educate her. At the age of 1!) Miss Phillis visited England, where she jjublished a work under the following title: 'Poems on Various Subjects, Be!ig- ious and Moral, by Phillis "NVheatley, negro servant of Mrs. John AVheatley of Boston, New England.' She received marked notice from Gen. George Washington for poems she ^^Tote of many of his acts in public life."

There seems to be no doubt that Miss Phillis' mistress was the wife of Capt. John AVheatley.

2 II 1

MarA' Wheatley was married in 1771, at her brother .John's home in Norwich, Conn., to Rev. John Lcthrop; b at Norwich, Conn., in 1789; d in Boston, 9th of April, 177G, and was buried in the Old Granery Graveyard, Boston. On his headstone is the following: "Here lies ye body of John Lothrop, aged about 40 years. Died April ye 9th, 177()." He gi-aduated from Prince- ton College in 17(j8, and was pastor of tlie Second, or Old North Church, Boston, Mass., from 17(58 until his death. Mary, liis widow, died two years later in Norwich, Conn., without olT- sj)ring. He was probably an actor in the ilrama that b-d to


Paul Revere's ride. After Caj^tain Wheatley's family moved to New Hamj^shire, Pliillis, the negress whom Mrs. Wheatley had l^urchased and began to educate, lived in the Lothrop family. This gave the dusky poetess the advantages of higher education, under the eye of a college graduate. ,

3 II 1

Lieut. John Wheatley accomjDanied his father on the expe- dition against Havana, Cuba, in 1702, and drew about ($17.50) seventeen and a half dollars of prize money. In 1766 he mar- ried Jane Cooke of Bozrah, Conn., at which place they lived for a while. Two years later they were living at a place called "Coase," and in 1770 were living east of the Green at Norwich. By old issues of the Packet we find he had a boot and shoe shop near the Packet oflfice, where he made the best of goods, "good work and quick dispatch being the cardinal points of his com- pass." The next year he moved into the Peck Tavern, across the Green. In the big elm, known as the "Liberty Tree," front of the tavern, was arranged a bower among the branches, sup- plied with tables and seats for dinner parties and speech-making to the people on the Green. This was connected with an upper window of the tavern by a plank walk. "Here Landlord Wheat- ley entertained General Washington at dinner when en route to Boston, thus winning a point over his rival, Joseph Peck, who kept the Lothroj) Inn across the Green."

June 20, 1776, he was commissioned second lieutenant of Capt. Joshua Huntington's company, in Col. Samuel Selden's Connecticut regiment. He was wounded and taken prisoner (reported "killed or taken") in a battle with the British troops at Harlem Heights, N. Y., September 15, 1776, and died a few days later.

His estate was settled by his widow Jane and brother An- drew, the tavern being run with the assistance of Deodat Little. According to the Norwich Packet they offered also "brown sugar and molasses for sale." His widow and daughter Lucinda moved to Lebanon, N. H. Mrs. Wheatley married a Mr. Bliss. Colonel Bhss, son-in-law of General Taylor, on whose staff he served during the Mexican war, was their grandson.



9. Joseph "NVbeatlev, b Bozratb, Conu, 8tb April, 17(i7. In 1782 we tiud be was serving as a private among the Connecticut troops stationed about New York citj', under Captain Potter and Colonel Butler. After tbe evacuation of tbe citj by the British Xovenilier 25, 17S;}, he was discharged and found employment in tbe fifth ward. Here he was still living in 18 IH, but no further record can be obtained of him.

1(1. Lucinda Wbeatley, b Norwich, Conn., in 1771. She went

to Lebanon with her mother, but no further trace of her is obtainable.

4 II 1

Quartermaster Andrew Wheatley Avas married at Stafford, Conn,, to liubie Blodgett b Stafford, January 27, 17r)8; d Hard- wick, Yt., October 17, .tSTTtTT and lived in Hanover, N. H., until \: lie 18 1(), when he moved to Hard wick, Yt., with his son. Ancb'ew ^s-e-«. moved to Lebanon with his father, but in October, 177(5 be was ^'^•-i^^ again at Norwich, Conn., helping to settle up his brother John's estate. The first day of the following j-ear he was commissioned quartermaster of the Foui'tb Connecticut regiment, in command of Col. Charles Durkee. On November 4, 1778, be was granted a furlough of twenty days by General Parsons, and there is later record on the roll of the field and staff.

He drew a pension of S24() a year. His widow also drew a l)ension during her life.


11. AYard AYheatley, b 4 November, 1781); d Bakertield, Yt.,

11 April, 1859.

5 II 1

Major Nathaniel AYheatley became a member of tin New Hampshire militia regiment under Col. Jonathan Chase in 1775. In the War Dei):irt]iiciit at Washington wo tind the following


record: "With men who marched from the county of Cheshire at the requisition of Major General Gates to reinforce the army at Ticonderoga from October 28 to November 18, 177G; on alarm with men from Cornish and adjacent towns to reinforce the garrison at Ticonderoga, from June 27 to July 11, 1777. During this campaign he was appointed senior or color sergeant. He \;'as also with men from Cornish who joined the Continental army under General Gates, near Saratoga, from September 22 to October 23, 1777." At a council holden at Concord, N. H., June 14, 1786, he was nominated major for the Twenty-fourth Regi- ment, and received the appointment June 5, 1787."

He was married twice, first at Lebanon, 18 January, 1776, to Vinal BHss, b Lebanon, 15 February, 1758; d Brookfield, 12 February, 1811, and second at Brookfield, 12 November, 1812, to Betsey Bailey, b Brookfield, 11 October 1761; d 5 October, 1827. He lived in Lebanon until 1791, when he moved to Brookfield, Vt., and purchased of Shubal Cross the farm since known as "Willow Grove." It is located in the widest part of the valley of the East branch, or the headwaters of White River. He resided there until his death, after suffering several years with kidney disease. Associated with his arrival in Brook- field is the purchase of a large silver spoon marked "N. W.," which has descended through each generation as the property of the one named Nathaniel. He possessed all his faculties to the last, and said, "He was prepared to die; he trusted his peace was made with God through the Redeemer." He was a consist- ent and persevering Christian, and possessed the respect and confidence of his townsmen, which was manifested by the im- portant offices they were pleased to bestow upon him.

His first wife was daughter of Azariah Bliss, one of the first settlers, and one of the most respected citizens of Lebanon,


  • '.)


This place was settled by Captain Cross in 1779, who Imilt and lived in a log honse. The ju'esent two-story wliite house was built l)y ^Major Wheatley in the summer of 171)(), with hoj)- l)er roof. This was changed to its present form, with gables in IHiO by his son, Col. N. AVheatley.


]•-'. Lucy Wheatley, 20 February, 1777; d LeV)anon, 20 Octo-

ber, 177<).

v.). Submit Wheatley, 7 March, 1779; d Cabot, Vt., 18 Janu- ary, 1847.

U. John AVheatley, 12 April, 1781; d Brookficld, 21 August, 1847.

1"). Luther AMieatley, 15 October, 1783; d Brookfield, 14 May, 1859.

K;. XathanienVheatley, 21 January. 178r.; d Brookfield, 24

August, 1S5(!.


17. Lucy Wheatley, 16 June, 1788; d Brookfield, 21 No-

vember, 1833.

18. Eunice Wheatley, 2 June, 1790; d Norwich, ]0 July,


19. Vinal Wheatley, 26 September, 1792.

20. Andrew Wheatley, 21 December, 1795; d Plainfield, Vt.,

30 September, 1829.

21. Jesse W^heatley, 4 July, 1801; d Brookheld, Vt., 27 No-

vember, 1878.

6 II 1

Luciuda Wheatley and Robert Colburn were married at Lebanon, N. H., December 31, 1778, by Rev. Silvanus Ripley of Dartmouth College.

Robert Colburn served as a private two years in the Massa- chusetts troops during- the revolutionary war, under Captain Read and Colonel Baldwin.

Later he was Captain in the New Hampshire State militia. Lucinda drew a widow's j^ension after June 27, 1837.

Robert Colburn left Lebanon, N. H., about 1814, living for a time in Lowell, Mass.

He was a j^ublic spirited man and a benefactor of Lebanon, and gave the town its i^ublic park.


22. John Wheatley Colburn; b 1797; d'1877.

23. Betsey Colburn; d Lowell, Mass., 7 September, 1843.

24. Robert Colburn.

7 II 1

Lydia Wheatley and Elkauah Sprague, b Lebanon, N. H., 1750; d Lebanon, 17 August, 1835; were married at Lebanon, N. H., June 18, 1778, by Rev. Silvanus Ripley.

8 II 1 I

Luther Wheatley, light comj^lexion and 5 feet 7 inches in heighth when he enlisted, April 22, 1777, for three years, in


Capt. John House's company, First New HampKbire Itej^inieut, conimauded by Col. Joseph Cilley, Kevohitiouary War.

He was wounded in the battle of Beniis Heij^hts, with (len- eral Arnold, Sept. ID, 1777, by the British under ]5urgoyue. He died at Stillwater Sept. 30, 1777, at 17 years of age.

11 III 4

Ward Wheatley was married 20 December, 1813, jit Han- over, N. H., to Mary Stevens; B. Pomphret, Conn., 24 Decern - J)er. 17S0; D. Bakerstield, 22 February, 1865.

They lived in Hanover until 18 Iq, when they moved to a farm in Hardwic-k, Yt., and in the early fifties removed to ]?a- kerstield, Vt.


2.'). ,Tohn Andrew Wheatley, b 2G October, 181(5, d at Marne,

lo., 15 April, 18i)l. 2(5. Mary Anna Wheatley, b 28 June, 1818, d Hardwick, 8

August, 1841.

27. Lemuel Stevens Wheatley, 1) 20 September, 1821, d

Hardwick, 29 December, 1807.

28. Lura Stevens Wheatley, b 20 August, 1824, d Bakers-

tield, 10 January, 1803. 20. Lydia Sprague Wheatley, b 20 April, 1827, d BakersHeld, 5 May, 1892.

30. George Sullivan Wheatley, 1 June, 182'.). <1 Hani wick,

Vt., 27 December, 1900.

31. Carlos Edwin Wheatley, b 7 May, 1835.

13 III 5

Submit Wheatley was married March 17, 1799, at Brook- field, Vt., to Anthony Peiry, b Waterboro, :\r a, April 8, 1774. d Cabot, Vt., Dec. 1, 1854. Mr. Perry was one of the first settlers of Cabot; was justice of the peace 50 years, lield several town oflfices and represented the town in the State Legislature two terms. During the war of 1812 word came tliat tlie liritish were at Plattsbm-g. He. with others, left their farms and l)iisi-


ness and hastened to the front to repel the foe. At Montpelier, when the company was organized Mr. Perry was elected captain, and when the war was over he brought home a creditable record.



32. Nathaniel Wheatley Perry, b 21 May, 1801, d Burling-

ton, Vt, 28 November, 1887.

33. Elijah Perry, b 9 December, 18U3, d Cabot, Vt., 11 Oc-

tober, 180G.

34. Anthony Potter Perry, b 25 July, 1805, d Cabot, Vt.,

18 February, 1875.

35. Mary Vinal Perry, b 16 April, 1807, d Topeka, Kan., 7

November, 1894. 30. Elijah Perry, 2d, b 30 March, 1809, d Cabot, Vt., 2G Sep- tember, 1864.

37. Susannah PeiTy, b 30 April, 1811, d Cabot, Vt., 22 De-

cember, 1891.

38. Charles C. Perry-, b 13 August, 1813, d Cabot, Vt, 4

June, 1881.

39. Allen Perry, b 29 October, 1815, d Cabot, Vt, 25 Novem-

ber, 1889.

40. Eliza Augusta Perry, b 25 October, 1820, d Cabot, Vt.,

24 December, 1820.

14 III 5

John Wheatley married Nabby Smith. He kejDt hotel for a while at East Randoljih, Vt. Afterwards they removed to a farm on the west hill in Brooklield, where he sj^ent the rest of his life. He had no offspring, but brought up his brother An- drew's three children, Andi-ew, Mary and Marinda.

15 III 5

Luther Wheatley was married Sept. 27, 1808, at Brookfield, to Sally Stratton. B. Brookfield, 2 September, 1788, d Brook-, field, 19 August, 1863.



He lived iu Lebanon, N. H., until eight years oltl, when the family moved to Brookfield, Yt. For three years after marriage tlicy lived in (^\l)ot, Yt., but dwelt thu rest of their lives on a farm on the west hill in Brooktield. He was an industrious, practical farmer and an esteemed citizen and was remembered as a conservative man, rather slow of speech, but full of dry humorous sayings, and as a most hosjjitable host. He began th© collection of records from which much early history of the fam- ily in America has been preserved for this V)Ook.


41. Emily Yinal Wheatley, b 23 August, 1809, d Brooklield,

Yt., 5 October, 1833.

42. Luther Wheatlev, b 17 January, 1812, d Brookfield, Yt.,

30 hours old.

43. John Wheatley, b 5 November, 1812, d Brooklield, Yt.,

18 hours old.

44. Sully Wheatley, 5 February, 183 4, d Brooklield, Yt., six

hours old.

45. Luther 2nd Wheatley, b 11 March, 181G, d Brookfield,

Yt., 27 :\ray, 1885." 4G. Frederic Wheatley, b 11 February, 1819, d Brookfield, Yt., 1 May, 1847.

47. Infant Son, b 23 January, 1821, d Brookfield, Yt., 10

hours old.

48. Alpha Wheatley, b 9 January, 1824. west'somerviii'e, Mass.

49. Sarah E. Wheatley, b24 August, 1825, d Brookfield, Vi,

28 Octol)er, 1850. j 50. Eunice L. Wheatley, b 30 June, 1830, d Burlington, Yt., 10 April, 1859.

16 III 5

Col. Nathaniel Wheatley was married INIarch 4th, 1S13, at Norwich, Yt., to Lydia Lovelaud, b Norwich, 3 February, 1790, d Brookfield, 18 June 1857. (See Lov eland Genealogy.) She was of the fifth generation from Thomas Loveland who owned land in



Glastonbury, afterwards Wetbersfiekl, Conn. He was taxed at that time for five thousand acres. His father came from Norwich, Norfolk County, England.

Lydia Loveland's father Joseph Avas born in Glastonbury and lived there until March 18, 1776, when he moved to Han- over, N. H., and from there to Norwich, Vt , November 16, 1779, where he died from accidental poisoning September, 1813. May 7th, 1777, he enlisted in Col. Jonathan Chase's Regiment to re- inforce the Continental Ai-my at Ticonderoga (State Papers N. H.) His daughter Lydia married Col. Wheatley. They lived at "Willow Grove," the old Wheatley farm. For many years they kept hotel, it being a relay station of the through stages between Montreal and Boston. He was a prominent member and a constant attendant at the Orthodox church and held fam- ily prayers daily. Often when returning from church he would discover people fishing and it was his habit to endeavor to dis- . suade them from such use of the Lord's day. They perhaps excused it with claiming it a necessity to obtain food, whereujion he always loaded them with j^rovisions and sent them home con- tented. Col. AYheatley gained his title in connection with the f state militia; the broad fields west of the branch were used for parade and drill. He represented the town of Brookfield in the state legislature and once served a term in the senate. He was an upright citizen, highly esteemed wherever he was known and always exerted a good influence in the community. Ambitious and enterprising, he was steadily looking forward to modern methods of farming. He first used the up to-date agricultural imjilements in his vicinity. His two horse mowing machine was the wonder of the region for some time, people coming long dis- tances to see it work. He was an active whig in politics.


-11. Infant, b 3 December, 1813, d Brookfield, same day.

')2. John Wheatley, b 27 November, 1814, d Brookfield, 25 January, 1884.




53. William Wlieatlev, b 27 Februai-y, 1817, d liane, Vt.,

21 August, 181)7.

54. Lydia Auu Wbeatle}', b 21 December, 1818, d Brooktield,

Vt, 11 December, 1848. •")."). Viual Wheatley, 1) 21 November, 1S20, d Brookline, Mass., 12 March l')()0.

56. Natbauiel Wheatley, b 10 July, 1822.

57- Charlotte Wheatley, b 24 April, 1824, d St. Johuslniry, Vt., 11 June, 1882.

58. Andrew AVheatley, b 21 February, 182G, d Brooklield, Vt., 28 February, 182(5.

■")!). Joseph Wheatley, b 2 September, 1827, d Brooktield, Vt., 3 May, 1831.

CO. Luciuda Wheatley, b 10 July, 1820, d Royaltou, Vt.,

12 July, 1804.

17 III 5

Lucy Wheatley was married December 26, 1808, at Brook- tield to Seth G. Bigelow, b Brooktield 1778, d Brooktield, 21 Ajml. 1852. He was a successful merchant at Brooktield Centre. Always an industrious, law abiding citizen.


61. Charles E. Bigelow, b 10 October, 1810, d Waitsfield, Vt.,

11 November, 1883.

62. Gilliert Bigelow, 1) 23 July, 1812, d Brooktield, Vt., 10

March, 1891.

63. Andrew AVheatley Bigelow, b 14 September, 1815, d

Brooklield, Vt., 27 March, 1849.

64. Lucy Bigelow, b 22 March, 1810. d BrookHeld, Vt.. 22

July, 1851.

65. Mary Vinal Bigelow. b 30 August, 1825, d lirooktidd.

Vt, 7 August, 1851.


18 III 5

Euuice Wliesitley was married October C, 1813, at Brook- field, to David Loveland (No. 6, Lovelaud Genealogy) b Nor- wich, G July, 1782, d Norwich, 28 March, 1828. They resided on a farm in Conn. River Valley, which was divided between their two sons George and John. David Loveland made a success of farming, as his perseverance and energy would of anything he might undertake. He worked early and late. It is said that he used to do a full day's work, and then mount his horse to ride thirty miles to see Eunice Wheatle}'. In her he found a helpmate indeed, one who, after his death, bravely took up the charge of affairs with the care of three young children," and lived to have eleven grandchildren call her blessed. The life of an ordinarv farmer, even a successful one, who died at the com- paratively eaily age of forty-tive years, is not regarded with interest by the general public, but it is pleasant for his descend- ants to gather up the traditions which have come down, and, finding nothing to conceal, make mention of his thrift and ster- ling character. Such a man was David Loveland, who, after attaining his majority remained for a time on the ancestral farm, which he carried on in company with his brother William, and on which he built a house. In 1820 he comj^leted the pvirchase of a large farm a mile and a half up the Connecticut I'iver, where he several years later built a large house, which has since been occupied by his descendants. His brother John helped in making the bricks, and traced on two of them, while soft, the words, "Fear God and keep his commandments."

So far as is known, our farmer was never gone long, save once, from his native town. His father, with another man, made a contract to build a turnpike in Rowley, Mass., and when it was partly done the partner took the money which had been re- ceived and with his horse and chaise went to Canada. The elder Loveland returned home discouraged, feeling that his farm must go to pay the helj), but David, young at the time, engaged more men who were good workers, and while William assisted at home, he finished the road and helped to save the homestead.


David Lovelaud and bis wife united, iu 1827, with the Nor- wich South Congi-egatioual church, of which both were mem- bers at the time of their death.


(Ki. George Lovelaud, b (I January, 181G, d Norwich, Vt., 29 December, 1889.

(]7. All)ert Lovelaud, b 24 December, 1819, d Norwich, Vt., 17 May, 1821.

68. Caroline F. Lovelaud, b 30 ^lay, 1822, d Norwich, Vt., 9 February, 185().

fi9. John Wheatley Lovelaud, b 19 Januai-y, 1825, d Nor- wich, Vt„ 14 November, 1901.

20 III 5

Andrew Wheatley was married December 28, 1819, at Alstead, X. H., to Marinda Perriu. He was a merchant and lived in Ber- lin, Vt., several years, but moved to Plaiufield, Vt., iu 1825, where he continued mercantile business until his death at the age of 34 years.

SIX children: three born at BERLIN, vt., and THREE AT PLAIN- FIELD, VT.

I 70. Worthington H. Wheatley, b 21 December, 1820, d

riaintield, Vt., 10 April, 182G. , 71. William F. Wheatley, b 27 October, 1822, d Berlin, 8

I April, 1823.

I 72. Audi-ew Wheatley, b 20 March, 1824.

73. Charles Hemy Wheatley, b 22 July, 182(1, d Plainlield,

Vt., 20 Septem])er, 1820.

74. Mary Hopkins Wheatley, 1) 2 October, 1827, d :\ran-

son, Iowa, 3 Octol)er, 1884.

75. Marinda Wheatley, 28 April, 1830, d Brookrteld. Vt.,

20 December, 1852.


21 III 5.

Jesse Wheatlev was married December 11, 1828, at Brook- field, Vt., to Harriet Stratton, b 1 November, 1800, at Brook- field, Vt, d Brookfield, 20 March 1869. They spent their life on the farm next north of the school house, in district No. 9, Brookfield, Vt. He was totally blind the last 27 years he lived, but was always cheerful and glad to see and chat with every- one. He had a remarkably retentive memory of incidents and dates, being- authority for much of the material contained in this genealogy. His blindness did not in the least impair his love of fun, and he was always ready at repartee. His eyes would twinkle with as much expression to the last, as in early years. He lived and died beloved by old and young.


7(]. Jesse Cook Wheatley, b 25 December, 1824.

77. George Wheatley, b 19 April, 1827, d Brookfield, Vt.,

4 February, 1861.

78. Harriet Wheatley, b 28 October, 1832, d Essex Junc-

tion, Vt., 28 August, 1895.

22 III 6.

John Wheatley Colburn was married 10 January, 1828, at Claremont, N. H., to Thankful Judd, b 1806, d Claremont, 3 February, 1879. They Ijoth joined the Congregational church in 1829. They conducted a successful merchant tailors' busi- ness.


79. Henry F. Colburn, b 18 December, 1828, was in the

civil war with a Massachusetts' Company, and died near Washington, D. C, in Spring of 1862.

80. Sanford Colburn, b 14 September, 1832.

81. Lucinda Colburn, b 24 June, 1834, d Claremont, N. H.,

5 September, 1855.



23 ni 6

Betsey Colbm-n was marrietl at Lebanon, N. H., to Wins- low Fay, b Belchertown, Mass., 24 April, 1787, d G Decenil)er, 184:2, at Lowell, Mass. They lived on farms in Sharon, Vt., and Lebanon, N. H., where theii* three children were l)oru. 82. Winslow Fay. 83. Robert Fay.

These brothers went to Iowa and raised families but the people East have not their addi-ess. .84. Luciuda Colburn Fay, b Lebanon, N. H., 12 June, 1810, d Lowell, Mass., 18 December, 1852.

25 IV 11

John A. Wheatley was married August 23, 1845, at Hard- wick, Vt, to Charlotte E. Skinner, b Bakerstield, Vt., 25 Aug- ust, 1827.

He lived on a farm in Hardwick, Vt., ten years after his mar- riage. In October, 1855, they moved into new country, covered with forest, in Wisconsin. He bought 900 acres and cleared up two large farms. When the town was organized he was request- ed to name it. He suggested ^Montpelier in memory of the Vermont capital. He was a thrifty, industrious man, a true friend and gentle and kind to everyone. In politics he was a Repul)lican, and held many town and county offices. He was Postmaster of Ellis\-ille, Wisconsin, from 1859 until his removal to Marne, Iowa, in 1884, at which place he died Apiil 15, 1891, leaving his widow a comfortable home, with theu- son Sumner H. on the old farm. He was a UniversaKst, often tilling the pul- pit when occasion called.


85. Orange W. AVheatley, b Hardwick, Vt., 28 August, 1847.

86. Lydia A. AVheatley, b Hardwick, Vt„ 12 August, 1848,

d Brighton, la., 9 April, 1875.

87. Marv Jane Wheatlev, b 2 October, 1850.

88. Lester Warner Wheatley, b Hardwick, Vt., 18 Septem-

ber, 1853.


89. Sumner Hall Wheatley, b Montpelier, Wis., 5 August,

1857. i) ). John Otis Wheatley, b Montpeher, Wis., 26 August, 1861.

91. Lotta Etta Wheatley, b Montpelier, Wis., 21 October,

1866, d Montpelier, Wis., 30 January, 1870. Lottie Etta Wheatley was a beautiful bright child. She died of s(rarlet fever.

27 IV 11.

Lemuel S. Wheatley was married 26 October, 1848, at Menasha, Winnebago County, Wis., to Caroline Northops. They lived at her home on a farm. Widow lives there now. He died of consumption.


92. Lemuel N. Wheatley, died at the age of sixteen years.

28 IV 11.

Lura Stevens AVheatley was married October 7, 1849, at Hardwick, Vt., to Charles C. Skinner, b Bakersfield. Vt., 20 April, 1822, d Bakersfield, Vt., November 30, 1862. They were farmers in Bakersfield, where he was murdered for his money.


93. Mary J. Skinner, b 25 December, 1850.

94. John W. Skinner, b 30 August, 1853.

95. Flora E. Skinner, b 13 January, 1855, d Williamstown,

Mass., 18 July, 1875.

96. Isaac N. Skinner, b 15 December, 1858, d Bakersfield,

Vt., 7 February, 1879.

97. Anna L Skinner, b 27 October, 1860.

98. Arthur H. Skinner, b 4 October, 1862, d Bakersfield, Vt.,

26 February, 1865.

29 IV 11

Lydia Sprague Wheatley was married October 2, 1850, at Hardwick, Vt., to Charles T. Maynard, b Bakersfield, Vt., June 25, 1824. They resided on a farm at Bakersfield, Vt. No children.

X Pi >








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}() lY 11

Georg-e Sullivan Wheatley was married Jamiarv 1st, IH't'.i at Bakersricld to Unissa D. ]\Iayiiard, h Bakorstiold, Vt., 1 ^lay, iH'A'2. Ht' was a man of very temperate habits and of usual good lieultli, hut be fell before the cb-ead disease, pneumonia, after an illness of only a week. They lived on the old AVheatley homestead in Hardwick. The three older children died suddenly of diphtheria The two remaining are Mrs. Flora Wheatley Foss and A\'il]iam H. Wheatley, both residing in Hardwick and members of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal church, the latter living on the old Wheatley homestead as one of the fourth generation of Wheatleys to do the same.

Mr. Wheatley was one of the relijible and })r()miu('iit citi- zens of the place, having spent nearly his entire life in Hardwick. He had been honored by many positions of responsibility and trust by his fellow-townsmen. He was a very indulgent lius- l)aud and father and a kind neighbor, a man upon whom others n.itiiially leaned for counsel and sui)i)ort. With his wife he united with the Methodist Episcopal church, May 24, 18(i8, and was a firm and reliable supporter of the chiu'ch of his choice.

Mrs. Wheatley, feeling her loss keenly, is waiting in imtieut hope as she realizes that her husl)and has only gone before to the reward of the just.


'.»!». M.iy A. Wheatley, b 24 November, 1858, d Hardwick.

Yt., 4 January, 1863. Kio. Julia M. Wheatley, b 4 August 1850, d Hardwick, Yt.,

18 December, 1862. nn. George B. Wheatley, b Id July, ISf)'), d Hardwick, Yt.,

26 December, 1862. 1<»2. Flora E. Wheatley, b ]•) November, 186M.

l<i:{. William H. Wlieatley, b 5 October, 18()r).


31 IV 11

Carlos Edwin Wlieatley was married October 4, 1859, at Walcott, Vt., to Cyuthia S. Strong. They lived at St. Albans, Vt., au I later at S wanton, Vt. No children.

32 IV 13

Dr. Nathaniel Wheatley Perry was married May 8, 1827, at Montpelier, Vt., to Clarissa ColHns, b Berlin, Vt., 24 October, 1801. He practiced medicine in Burlington, Vt. where he died at the age of 86 years.

34 IV 13

Anthony Potter Perry was married December 14, 1831, to Lucy Walbridge, b 15 February, 1807, d 29 July, 1890. An- thony Perry was a thrifty farmer living in Cabot, Vt. He was a Congregationalist.


104. Laura Ann Perry, b 25 September, 1832.

105. Emily Vinal Perry, b 11 February, 1833, d Cabot, 12

November, 1879.

106. Anthony Augustus Perry, b 21 April, 1837.

107. Cornelia E. Perry, b 17 March, 1840.

108. Jeanette Walbridge Perry, b 16 April, 1842, d Alexan-

dria, Va„ 11 July, 1865.

35 IV 13

Mary Vinal Perry was married December 19, 1832, at Cabot, Vt., to Joseph Hoyt, b Cabot, 14 Ajn-il, 1806, d 2 August, 1870, at Cameron, Mo. They were earnest Christian people, very active in church work He was deacon of the Congrega- tional church of Cabot for twenty years. They moved to Cam- eron, Mo., in September, 1868. In 1880 Mrs. Hoyt and her son moved to Hastings, Neb. Soon after being left a widow she began to be afflicted with cataracts covering both eyes. The


right eye was restored in 187G by an operation liy Dr. Bisliop, of St. Josejili, ]\Io., she being able to see to read and write when

I he light is right.


109. Lucy Bigelo\\' Hoyt, b 17 January, 1884, d Cameron,

Mo., 24 Septenil)er, 1872.

110. Enoch Smith Hoyt, b 20 March, 183(). d :\rontpolier,

Vt., 1 October, 18(15. ill. Susannah S. Hoyt, b 11 April, 1889.

112. Wheatley Perry Hoyt, b 29 September, 1840, d Cabot,

Vt., 11 May, 1859. 118. Al)igail Smith Hoyt, b7 August, 1842, d Kansas City,

Mo., 28 December, 1892.

114. Joseph Tristam Hoyt, b 29 July, 1850.

115. Frank Perry Hoyt, I) 27 June, 1S58.

Joseph T. Hoyt is unmarried and resides in Hastings, Neb.

8r) IV 13.

Elijah Perr_\ was married 18 December, 1880, at Cal)ot, Vt., to Abigail F. Hoyt, who died at Cal)ot, Decend)er 2, 1840. He was a merchant in Cabot Vt., for thirty years. His first mar- riage resulted in three sons, the last two being twins. He married June 2, 1847, Martha B. Cobui-n, d Cabot, Vt., 24 November, 1898.


110. Charles Hem-y Perrv, b 4 July, 1840, d Cold Harbor. Va., June 5, 18()4.

I I 7. William Allen Perry, b 80 Marcli, 1845, d Stevens Point,

Wis., 24 April, 1880. 1 bS. Joseph Francis Peny, 80 March, 1845. II '.I. A 1. hie Martha Perry, b 28 September, 1848, d ('al)ot.

Vt, 14 November, 1802. The oldest son Charles H. Perry enlisted to help save the Union in IS'Ol, in Co. H., 4th Regiment, Vermont Volunteers, and was wounded June 8, 18(i4, diu-ing the assault ujion (ien. Lee's rirte trenches, at Cold Harbor, Va. He was in (ien. Han- cock's corps, which fought so l)rav('ly that memorable half hoiii'.


37 IV 13

Susannah Perry was married October 9, 1832, at Cabot, Vt., to Ames Walbridge, b 15 May, 1810, d Cabot, 29 July, 1843. She resided all her life in the town of her birth, and was a devoted Christian mother.


120. John Wheatley Walbridge, b 28 October, 1833.

121. Mary Vinal Walbridge, b 28 January, 1835, d Hart-

ford, Vt., 19 December, 1869.

122. Don Carlos Walbridge, b 8 February, 1838, d Pensacola,

Fla., 27 November, 1862.

123. Susan Amelia Walbridge, b 12 April, 1840, d Manches-

ter, N. H., 2 April, 1866.

124. Allen Ames Walbridge, b 2 April, 1843, d Plover,


Don Carlos Walbridge enlisted in the 7 th Vermont Regi- ment at the outbreak of the Civil war and served until his death at Pensacola, Florida.

38 IV 13

Charles E. Perry was married June 7, 1840, at Cabot, Vt., to A})igail W. Walbridge, b 7 April, 1817, d 2 December, 1884. They resided in Cabot all their mai-ried life. He was a pros- perous farmer, a kind neighbor, and a Christian man.


125. Helen Maria Perry, b 30 November, 1841, d Cabot, Vt.,

13 May, 1896.

126. Ames Boyd Perry, b 2 June, 1845.

127. Mary Louise Perry, b 20 April, 1849.

DEACON MTIIl l; \vm.\ri.F.Y. (4"))


39 IV 13

Allen Perry was man-ied Noveml)er 19, 1840, at Limerick, Maiue, to Almira O. Philpot, b Limerick, 12 March, ISiiO, d 27 January, 15)01. He lias held many important town olHces, represented Cabot in the State Legislature, was pension af,'ent til'teeu years, and was town clerk over twenty consecutive years. In 1870 he began trade in produce, flour, corn, bran aud meal. A cataract formed over his right eye in April, 1877, and the fol- lowing August his left eye failed. Sej^tember 24, 1879, Dr. Hasket Derby, of the Carney hos^jital, South Boston, removed tlie cataract from the left eye. The operation was successful so by the following February he could see sufKciently to do ])iisi- ness, being able to see a little with the right eye.

41 IV 15

Emily Viiial Wheatley was married Ai^ril 12, 1828, at . Brooktield, Vt., to Noah Paine, b 7 November, 1802, d 5 Novem- ber, 18()fi, at Brattle) ;oro, Vermont. They lived on the Green at Brookfield Centre, a httle south of where the first church used to stand. Their children all died quite young.


12S. CorneHa Paine, b August 5, 1828, d Brookfield, Vt, 10

August, 1833.

45 IV 15

Deacon Luther Wheatlev was married December 7th, 184:5 at Goshen, Vt., to Eunice C. Preston, b 20 January, 1821, in Goshen, d SpringHeld, Vt., 20 February, 188(1. They lived on his father's home farm until 1870, when he went "West, locating at Kidder, Mo. Farming there was quite different from work- ing one in Vermont. Hence, after two years sojourn, his ill health and strong attachment for old associations Itrouglit him back to Brooktield. He purchased the old Harrison Edson place just north of the Bi-ooktield Centre church. For many years, in fact until his dciitli, this ])lace was tlie centre of much


cordial bosjiitality. He was deacon and an active member of the '2nd Congregational church of his native town, and was a man of sterling worth of character, Avho led an iipright blame- less life. His quiet consistent Christian walk through life, was a constant rebuke to evil and an incentive to good in the com- munity.


129. Edward C. Wheatley, b 27 November, 1844, d Augusta, j

Me., 25 December, 1900.

130. Frederic Wheatley, b 20 April, 1848, d Brookfield, Vt.,

22 February, 1865.

131. Frank G. Wheatley, b 6 July, 1851.

132. Sarah E. Wheatley, b 19 June, 1853.

133. Nellie C. Wheatley, b 21 October, 1858, d Brooktield, J

31 January, 1881.

134. Charles L. Yv^heatley, b 25 September, 18G1, d Brook-

field, 22 February, 1865. NeUie was of frail health from childhood, but displayed wonderful patience and fortitude, always cheerful. Her last words were "thank you."

46 IT 15

Frederic Wheatley was married in May, 1842, to Elizabeth Allis. He made school teaching a success, and was a musician of considerable repute. He taught singing school several win- ters, but while thus engaged he did not neglect his farm which was at the north end of the west hill in Brookfield, Vt. He was ever anxious that his industry and energy should result in a good showing-. A man of cheerful disposition, upright and obliging, his early death was lamented by all who knew him.

48 IV 15

Alpha Wheatley was married at Craftsbury, Vt., 2 January, 1857, to Violet Hidden, b 22 December, 1835, at Craftsbury. They lived on a farm in Woodbury, Vt., until January, 1875,



where Le rein-esented the town iu the legishiture. After nine years residence iu Craftsbury they moved to Peaks Island, Portland Harhor, ]\[e. He was a great reader and a reuiark- ahly well informed man, often surjirising the young college men with his wonderful fund of iuformatiou on subjects of in- terest only to the close student of higher education, his vocabu- liiry being as extensive as that commonly emi)loyed l)y a college professor.

49 IV 15

Sarah E. Wheatley was married December 81, 1847 at Brooktield, Yt., to her cousin Audrew Wheatley (72 IV 20). She was an efficient and successful school teacher and her early death was sincerely mourned by a multitude of loyal pupils. They lived on the old John AYheatley farm at the north end of the West Hill in Brooklield, Vt.

50 IV 15

Eunice L. Wheatley was married Noveml)er, 1857 at Burl- ington, Vt., to George Rider. She was a milliner iu Burlington for many years. A charming woman with an abundance of energy and full of practical ideas, she was a true helpmate. TlieLr bright domestic prosjiects were blighted by her death in less than two years after their marriage.

52 IV k;

•liiiiu Wheatley was married March 1st, 1838, at ^^'nt(■rbury, Vt., to Mary L. Spicer, b AVaterbury, i:J February, 1820. 'I'hcy began life on the farm given him by his father, on the branch road, it being the fii-st one in Brooktield north of North Rudolph. Here he died at the age of seventy. He was a (juiet, industri- ous, unassuming tiller of the soil; his characteristic moderation served him mam- a good turn for he never borrow-ed trouble and made tiio best of it when thrust upon him. His eyesight failed him during the last six or seven years of his life. Ho spent much time during 1879 and '80 at the Mary Fletcher hosjjital at Burlington, Vt., undergoing medical and surgical treatment.



136. Edwin F. Wheatley, b 27 May, 1839, d Brookiield, Vt.,

29 May, 1844.

137. Sumner F. Wheatley, b 8 September, 1841, d Williams-

town, Vt., IG October, 1898. 3 38. Alson N. Wheatley, b 29 May, 1846.

139. Mary L. Wheatley, b 25 June, 1853.

140. Eliza W. Wheatley, b 3 August, 1855, d Brookfield, Vt.,

9 January, 1894.

53 IV 16

WiUiam Wheatley was married January 7, 1841, at Brook- field, Vt, to Emily Skinner, b Royalton, Vt., 24 October, 1822. His father divided the home place giving William the part on the Centre road with the house near the foot of the "Wheatley Falls," a very picturesque and romantic spot, it having many visitors during hot summer days. About 1857 he bought the j^ortion given his sister Lucinda on the branch road next neighbor to the old "Homestead." They lived here until 1893, when they

moved to Barre, Vt., to live with their daughter Ellen E., where he died at the age of eighty one years.

In many respects the life of William Wheatley was a notable bne. The wiU. power, energy and perseverance that character- ized it are most worthy of emulation. He took great pride in his dairy, his butter gaining an enviable reputation. He spent most of his time at home, faithful in every duty.


141. Emma Eliza Wheatley, b 13 January, 1842.

142. Daniel Skinner W^heatley, b 15 November, 1843.

143. Charlotte Loveland Wheatley, b 25 August, 1846.

144. WilHam Keith Wheatley, b 18 March, 1849.

145. Nathaniel Wheatley, b 16 November, 1841, d Brookfield,

22 August, 1833.

146. Charles Steven Wheatley, b 16 January, 1856, d Brook-

field, 13 July, 1877.




147. George Calvin Wlieatley, b 22 August, 1858.

148. Ellen Estella Wbeatlev, b 29 January, 1S(;:1

Charles S. Wheatley leai-ned the carpenter's trade and did much for the family by improvements about the home. He was a cheerful fellow with black cnrly hair. He died i)f IJright's ilisease.

54 IV 16

Lydia Ann AVheatley was married January 1, 1885, at Brooktield, to Noah Paine, b 7 Noveml)er, 1802, in Brooktield, Vt., d 5 November, 18G(), at Brattleboro, Vt. They began housekeeping in the old Paine house on the Central Green, but afterwards bought the farm at the south end of the village at Brooktield Centre. He was a very austere practical farmer, but their happ}- home was a place of refuge for the discour- aged, for his lovely and amiable ^vife, although quiet, was always more thoughtful of others than of herself. She was a faithful Christian wife and mother and her early death caused the deepest sorrow among her friends and family.


14'J. Emily Cornelia Paine, b 7 November, 1885, d 8t. Johns- bury, Vt., 28 November, 1894.

l.')U. Isaljelle Paine, b 8 May, 1837, d Brooktield, Vt., 25 March, 1849.

151. Eugene Paine, b (5 March, 1889.

152. N. Franklin Paine, b 81 March, 1841, d Brookrield,Vt.,

14 October, 1848.

153. Henry Irving Paine, 1) 21 August, 1848.

Emily C. Paine kept house for her father six years after her mother's death. She was noted for her neatness, energy, and faithfulness to her friends. She attended the Orange County (xrammar school at Randolph Centre, Vt. She was a regular attendant and helper in church meetings. Moving to St. Johns-


bury, Vt., in 1870, she became an efficient and successful dress- maker. She preferred to "Paddle her own canoe," and re- mained in single blessedness through life.

Isabelle Paine was a beautiful and lovely girl, and her gen- tle and affectionate manners endeared her to all.

55 IV 16

Vinal Wheatley was married 16 June, 1842, at Brooklield, Vt, to Benjamin Franklin Brown, b Hanover, N. H., 23 Decem- ber, 1814, d at Newton, Mass., 17 May, 1879. Their residence was three years in Cambridge, Mass., nineteeen years in Bos- ton, and they then bought a home in Newton Centre in which to spend their declining years. He was a druggist twenty-one years, and then began the manufacture of j^aste blacking, French dressing, blueing, bronze, etc., under the firm name of B. F. Brown & Co. At his death his son-in-law, Edward Tennessey, bought the business, continuing it under the old name. Vina], after Mr. Brown's death lived to a good old age with her daugh- ter Ella, enjoying their cares, and extracting more comfort from life than falls to the lot of many widows.


154. Ella Francis Brown, b Cambridge, Mass., 11 November,


155. Frank Nathaniel Brown, b Brooktield, Vt., 22 January,


156. Mary Louise Brown, b Boston, Mass., 9 August, 1851,

d Boston, Mass., 9 April, 1852.

56 IV 16

Nathaniel Wheatley was married twice. Married first, 15 February, 1847, at Hartford, Vt., to Betsey Potter Wood, b Westford, 17 June, 1826. d at East Brookfield, Vt., 14 Novem- ber, 1861. She was the daughter of Judge William Wood who with his father and grandfather, born in Croydon, England








were proiiiiuent in shaping the "New Hampshire Grants." They h'd ill the movement of adopting very strong and decided meas- iiics in favor of puliHc worshiji and ])ul)lic instruction. Tlieir descfiidauts, brothers of Mrs. Wheatley, have settled in tlie Western states and taken with them their princii)l('s, morals, and social and intellectual habits, and caused them to take root in new soil. Thus have these Wood boys lieen prominent in the develojjment of the cities in which they were pioneers.

Married second, December 18, 1802, at Bellows Falls, Vt., to Mrs. Jane E. (Barnes) Hall, b Brandou, Vt., July 12, 1828. Nathaniel AVheatley was lioin at "Willow Grove," and it has always been his home except two years soon after his first nun- riage. His father gave him the part of the home farm next iiiiitli of the old homestead, but as Colonel Nathaniel was get- ting old he wanted less care, so he traded with Nathaniel Jr. The tine old house has passed its century of usefulness and has always been owed by a Nathaniel "Wheatley. (1902) It seems to present an air of hospitality to every arrival, and has always been established as the headcjuarters of all returning relatives visiting the scenes of their childhood. The buildings and farm have been much imjiroved during this generation. Its owner becoming a well to do agriculturist has taken pride in keepiug up the rei)utation of his father of being ])rogi"essive. He gained a start tinaucially V)y introducing ^Merino sheep into the locidity. Farmers all through this section looked to him for the best registered stock. He lived an ui)right life, was an industrious law-abiding citizen, much resi)ected, though preferring not to take public office. He served a few terms in managing town uffnirs, and was postmaster at East Brookfield over twenty years, being appointed by President Lincoln. In politics he had great faith in the protective principles of the Republican party.


157. Alice Jeanette AVheatley, b 15 December, 1847.

158. Edith Lillian AVheatley, b 10 August, 184<), d lirook-

field, Vt., 81 January, 1881.



159. (Infant) b 21 September, 1851, d Brookfield, 25 Sep-

tember, 1851.

100. Frank Nathaniel Wheatley, b 4 September, 1854, d

7 March, 1855.

ini. Hannibal Parish Wheatley, b 3 June, 1857.

1G2. Irving- Nathaniel Wheatley, b 22 July, 1860.

163. Tenney Hall Wheatley, b 7 November, 186*7.


Held at "Willow Grove," the old Wheatley homestead, in Brook- tie'd, Vt., July 24, 1879, was the centennial anniversary of the settlement of the farm. On Thursday, the 24th, all the Wheat- leys and those who had Wheatley blood in their veins, were in- vited to the old Wheatley homestead, now occupied by Nathan- iel Wheatley, (5() IV 16) to participate in a family reunion, the first of the kind on record. About seventy were present, representing-, besides the Wheatley name, that of Bowman, Clark, Edson, Fennessey, Newell, Peck, Sjjrague, and Wilcox.

Just one hundred years ago Captain Shirt al Cross came to Brookfield, took some land and laid out a farm. Twelve years later, in 1791, the first Nathaniel Wheatley, (5 II 1) came into town and bought out Captain Cross. Since then the place has always V een held by a Nathaniel Wheatley, that being the name of the father and grandfather of the present occupant. A fine young- man bearing the same name we hojDe may in his turn keej3 up the old homestead, which however is not suffered to grow old in appearance but despite its years is "forever charm- ing and forever new."

During- the afternoon the company were entertained hj music, literary exercises by the young people, and by remarks hj the older ones. Mr. Wheatley invited all present and as many more as might hapjjen to be, to come to this place twelve years from this time to celebrate the centennial of the first Wheatley's appearance in Brookfield. Last but not least came the good things from the bountifully spread tables, the young people



tinding" a pleasant supper room in the shade of the old willows. Notliiug' seemed lacking to make the occasion an enjoyable one, and all voted the reunion a decided success. E. L. W. Wilcox, (Edith,) read the following which she composed for the occasion:

"Welcome my friends to this dear old home.

Welcome here one and all; Uncles, and aunts, and cousins,

Have well responded to our call.

From far and near we rally today,

On the old farm that you know Captain Cross laid out in the woods so dense.

Just one hundred years ago.

Oh! If these walls could speak today,

And tell us their stories of sorrows and joys.

And echo the voices of father and mother. And the merry band of girls and boys.

Time carries us back, as we're thinking- now Of the many gatherings iu this home nest.

Where are the loved ones that we met? Scattered on earth, or gone to rest.

Grandfather and grandmother, where are they?

Theii" portraits hang in the room close by, Their guardian spirits are with us today,

They wait for us in the sweet bye and bye.

Uncle Jesse, too, has gone from our midst,

Dear kind uncle, we miss you today; Cousin (leorge, also, so happy and cheerful,

And aunt Harriet, too, have all passed away.

Aunt Lj'dia Ann, Lucinda and mother, Mary and Fred, and Charlie have gone;

God has called them to l)etter homes. Taking them gentl}, one by one.


We cannot but think of old times and friends, As we meet to welcome each other here;

We've covered their graves with beavitifiil Howers, And shed for them affection's tears.

But let us now turn to the group before us, Descendants of those good and true.

Has not their mantle of talent and virtue Fallen upon each one of you?

I'm sure we're proud of our little circle,

Dentist and lawyer and teacher. Dressmaker, doctor and farmer,

And who knows but a future Ward Beecher.

All honor to each learned profession;

But best of all that have come, Are the loving parents so dear,

Who reign in our happy home.

Some from the classic halls of Dartmouth,

With highest honors come, Some from the Randoliah Normal school, • Their good J eports bring home.

And some with high attainments,

Come from the school of great reform.

Where naughty boys are taught to take Their officers by storm.

Others engaged in the noble work. Of teaching the little ones ABC;

Others in a college of high renown, Asj^iring to the title of M. D.

Aud what shall we say of the older ones. Farther along in the journey of life?

No blazoned title marks the name

Of father and mother, husband and wife.



Contented and happy, toil tbey on

AVith natiu-e (dear faitliful friend!) Gladly watching the children cliiuli

The ladder of fame to the end.

Not one of our numerous number

Has disgraced the iiiinu' we bear. Not many for peace and good will,

Can with us compare.

Three cheers for the good old name.

Our father gave us long ago, Eternal is that name above,

And honored here below.

Then long live the Wheatley name;

O! Never fear that it will die. For well do they obey the command.

Increase and multiply.

God's blessing rest upon you all;

Do good by loving word and deed. And when we bid to each "good bye,"

We'll say to each "God speed."

Our names we've all recorded now.

To treasure as a keepsake dear; In the book of life, may an angel above

Record the name of each one here.

When we go home to the better lantl,

Oh, may there l)e no vacant chair. AVith faces bright and hearts so light,

AYe'll have a Wheatley reunion there.

May every brow wear a jewelled crown,

AVhenever their God shall call; We close with kind wishes for every friend,

And a fervent "God bless you all."



57 lY 16

Charlotte Wbeatley was married 23 September, 1846, at Brookfield, Vt., to Nathan Parish Bowman, b Westford, Vt., 24 August, 1822. They Hved six years on a farm in Westford and two years in Burlington, Vt., when Mr. Bowman was sheriff. In 1855 he became a customhouse officer and they moved to Island Pond, Vt. During the war of the rebellion he was paymaster, gaining the title of Major. After the war closed he hired a plantation at Newberne, N. C. Eeturning to Vermont in 1867 they j)urchased a house on Main street, St. Johnsbury. Major Bowman entered the insurance business and was an active demo- crat in politics. He was elected judge for Caledonia County in 1876, (about the only democratic officer in the state) and was appointed postmaster at St. Johnsbury liy President Cleveland. The Judge gave such good satisfaction that he held the office nearly through President Harrison's administration.

Charlotte Wheatley Bowman united with the Orthodox church at Brookfield, when only eleven years old. Father Wild was then pastor. She was an active Christian, being a success- ful Sunday school teacher when quite young. Upon their settle- ment in Westford she immediately united with the Congrega- tional church there. At Island Pond she was active in Christ- ian work, having part in organizing that church and Sabbath school. While South she and her daughter, Nellie, a lovable lit- tle angel, were truly idolized by the blacks. Residing in St. Johnsbury since 1867 she has borne her j^art as a faithful Christian woman in every good work, social, moral and in the church. She and her husband were bound up in their children and it was a severe blow to them when death entered their home and bore away their darling Nellie and their first son.

Mrs. Bowman had much literary ability. Her talent is shown quite well by the following lines to Nellie who died 20 Mav, 1869.



«  O

> ■y.





Nellie! the joy and wonder of om* eyes

Has left her friends, to view her native skies, Just as her rising sun began its way.

Her morning fair, and every prospect gay, When growing virtues sparkled in her eyes,

AVhich raised at once, love, hope, and sweet surprise, The lovely youth reclined her beauteous head,

Nellie, alas! is numbered with the dead. As earliest roses of the l)loomiug spring,

Round which harmonious birds delight to sing, By lurking winter — by untimely frost.

Are niijped, then fade and all their beauty lost. So this dear tender plant to early death,

(Since called by Heaven) resigned her willing breath, But thrice three vernal seasons had she past,

Ere nature failed, and Nellie breathed her last. A cankerous worm upon her vitals preyed,

Death called his victim, she the call obeyed. Oh hajji^}' victim! thou hast changed the pain.

For life and glory, and eternal gain, Fair charity with pleasure sees her rise,

Borne by attending angels through the skies. With shouts of joy, the heavenly arches ring.

While she appears before her Lord and King. A\ e leave her there, nor do we fear to guess,

She is sweetly roaming in climes of bliss, Let's cease to mourn, let not one doubt arise.

And prepare to meet her, hapjjy in the skies."

Charlotte was devoted to her home, giving the brightness of her life to it rather than to the most attractive social circle; a true wife and mother, she yet found time and strength for neighborly social and religious duties, in the parlors where she was welcome, but much more in the homes of the poor where she could carry sympathy and help, perhaps fitting ii]) tli<' diil- dren for Sundav school, or by the sick bed ministering tollic


sufferers. No one knows how much of this work she did, but testimony from many sources convinces us that when the books are opened the record will show faithfulness and success. She saw her husband and all her children one after another come to Christ.

She had cared for Mr. Bowman through a long sickness and before being taken sick had expressed the belief that her work was nearly done, and made extra effort to complete it, and seemed to have a call to S2:)ecial faithfulness. Immediately upon giving up she said she should not recover, and made all plans for her funeral. She spoke of wanting her old minister. Dr. L. O. Barstowof Burlington, to conduct the services. Also said "I should like to die on a pleasant Sunday evening," and as the sun was setting the next bright Sunday afternoon she mur- nuired, "My work is done; I have done \\hat I could;" and passed quietly away, to meet her children and friends who had gone before. She believed they would be leaning over the bat- tlements to welcome her. Hers wa,s a beautiful life.

So not alone we land upon that shore,

'Twill be as though we had been there before;

We shall meet more we know.

Than we can meet below.

And find our home like some returning dove.

And be at home at once with our eternal love.

Her wishes were all carried out at her funeral. Mr. Bow- man married again, 7 April, 1885, Mrs. Rosalie Denison Hall, a most estimable helpmate.


164. Harlan Wheatley Bowman, b 1 August, 1847, d San

Bernardino, Cal., 11 August, 1876.

165. Charles Parish Bowman, b 24 April, 1851.

166. Thomas H. Bowman, b 8 April, 1854.

167. Nellie Bowman, b 13 April, 1860, d St. Johnsbury, Vt.,

20 May, 1869.


CO IV k;

Luciuda Wheatley married November 5, 1851, at Brook- rield, to Erastiis Si^icer, b 'M) September, 1827, at AVatorburv, Vt., d Raiidolpli, Vt., 4 February, 18i)9. She was o-iven the farm north of the old homestead, which she sohl to her l)rother William iu 1857, ami they soou moved to Moutaj^ue, Mass., l)ut after a few years' residence they settled iu Royal ton, Vt., where she died. She was a remarkably cheerful, wide-awake girl, who was much esteemed by lier associates, and proud to lie a faithful, devoted wife and mother. Her funeral was from the old home, and she was buried at the family cemetery at BrooktiehL Vt.


1(;8. Walter Eastern Spicer, b 21 December, 1852, d Guau-

tanamo, Culia, 27 October, 18U8. 1G9. Eugene Wheatley Spicer, 1) 17 October, 1854.

170. Ernest Frank Spicer, b 6 August, 1856.

171. Clarabel Wheatley Spicer, b 5 November, 1858, d Lan-

caster, Mass., 29 April, 1894.

(il IV 17

Charles E. Bigelow was married 11 November, 1839, at Brooklield, Vt., to Harriet Carpenter. They lived on a farm in ^^ aitstield, Vt, until her death, 28 June, 1848. He was married a second time at Waitstield, Vt , 11 September, 1849, to Sarah (ireen.


172. Harriet Laura Bigelow, b 8 November, iSld.

173. Charles Edward Bigelow, b C November, 1842, d Waits- ' field, Vt., 5 Octol)er, 18()8.

174. Andrew Wheatley Bigelow, b 11 June, 1851.


175. Lydia Ann Bigelow, b 12 January, 1855. Lives iu

Lowell. Mass. IIG. Flora L. Bigelow, b 2 July, 1859, d Waitsfield, 5 August,


62 IV 17

Gilbert Bigelow was married 1 December, 1837, at Orange, Vt., to Eoxinda L. Wbitcomb, b 30 July, 1810, at Orange, Vt., d at Brookfield iu 1895. Their borne was at Brookfield Centre.


177. George W. Bigelow, b 18 January, 1839, d Barre, Vt.,

12 December, 1896.

178. Emeline Bigelow, b 19 April, 1840.

179. Belle E. Bigelow, b 3 August, 1841, d Plattsburg, N.

Y., 9 July, 1896.

180. Imogene F. Bigelow, b 26 December, 1848, d Brookfield,

Vt., 19 February, 1866.

63 IV 17

Andrew Wbeatley Bigelow was married 1 January, 1839, at Brookfield to Electa Edson, b Brookfield, Vt, d 17 July, 1891, at Rochester, N. Y. He carried on a successful mercantile busi- ness at Brookfield Centre until his death at the age of thirty three years.


181. Infant daughter Bigelow, 1) 23 September, 1840, d

Brookfield, 23 September, 1840.

182. Marcia Soj)hia Bigelow, b 5 November, 1842, d Roch-

ester, N. Y., 12 August, 1867.

183. Alice Marion Bigelow, b 31 December, 1847, d Roch-

ester, N. Y., 19 June, 1848.

66 IV 18 George Loveland was married 5 October, 1837, at Norwich, Vt., to Ruby Hatch, b Norwich, 29 October, 1817, d Nor\/ich, 28 January, 1891. He was left fatherless at the age of twelve


years, but duriug the last two years liis father's ill health had giveu liiin iniu-h exiJerience in the care ami respousihility of the ianniuo-. He coutimied work ou tlu" laim, with short teriiis .•it the district school and the academy, until he was married, when the farm was divided and he chose the northern half, on which a year later he built a brick house about twenty-five rods from the old homestead. There with his wife Ruby he lived to celebrate their golden wedding and to bring up five children to be useful members of society. Besides making a success of farming he was elected many times to offices of trust by his townsmen. He and his wife were for lifty years active mem- bers of the Congregational church. In politics he was a Kepul)lican.


1.S4. David Andrew Loveland, b M April, 188!), d Norwich.

7 October, 1898. IS."). 8ophia Francis Loveland, b (i ^Nlarch, 184:1

l<S(i. George Edward Loveland, b 1 December, 18-4'.).

INT. Harriet Eliza Loveland. b 3 February, 1854.

1S8. Annie Vinal Loveland, b 6 August, 185(1.

In V.K)-2 Sophia and Annie had never manied but have lived at the old place with (leorge Edward. They now live in Nashua, N. R., where Annie is a bookkeeper.

68 IV 18

Caroline F. Loveland was married '22 December, 1847, at Norwich, to Henry Hutchinson, b Norwich, 28 October, 1820. They lived on a farm in Norwich.


l^^'.l. Catherine Eunice Hutchinson, b '.) A])ril. lS4'.t, d Nor-

wich, February 11, 18(;8. T»<l. Emma Francis Hutchinson, 1) ."> November, 1850.

r.tl. :\Iury Loveland Hutchinson, b C April, 1852.

l'>2. Arthur Hutchinson, b 21 February, 1854.


69 IV 18

John Wlieatley Lovelaiid was married three times, 1st 15 September, 1851, at Norwich, to Lucy Maria Boardman, b Nor- wich, June 19, 1827, d Norwich, 23 March, 1858. Married 2d, 8 December, 1858, at Norwich, to Elizabeth O. Tohuau, b Norwich, 8 July, 1833, d 8 September, 1859. Married 3d, 20 September, 1864, at Boston, Mass., to Mehitable Lancaster, b Orford, N. H., 18 March, 1837, d Norwich, 19 May, 1892. John W. Loveland has always lived in the house where he Avas born. It is a two story brick house, being the last one built by his father. Commenc- ing to farm for himself at the age of seventeen, he has continued for nearly sixty years to till the ancestral fields. His early edu- cational advantages were limited to the district school and a few terms in the academy, but to these he has supplemented much study and reading at home. He has the reputation of being a good manager and careful business man, successful and pros- perous. The esteem of his fellow citizens is shown by repeatedly electing him to town office or to represent them in the legisla- ture. Being a man of excellent judgment his advice was often sought upon important matters. He transacted considerable public business, such as guardian, and administration of estates of deceased townsmen. He gave his two daughters a full course of study at the Mt. Holyoke Seminary. lu early life John voted with the Whigs, but since the Fremont campaign he has l^een a staunch Republican.


193. Mary Ann Loveland, b 17 February, 1858.

194. Elizabeth Maria Loveland, b 4 March, 1855.

Mary A. Loveland at the age of 49 has never married. She is thorough and earnest in whatever she finds to do. She grad- uated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary in 1874 and then taught five years in the Michigan Female Seminary at Kalamazoo, one year in McCollom Institute, Mt. Veruon, N. H., and two years in a girl's boarding school at Kohala, Hawai. She has made a



specialty of botany and languages, having studied at Harvard University and vvutb jjrivate teachers. She is a member of the Congregational church at Norwich. Since her stei)mother's ill health she has remained at home, and after her death Mary was housekeeper for her father. As his eyesight failed him she be- came eyes for him, and acted as private secretary, thus carry- ing on much public business that he otherwise would have been obliged to leave undone.


Andrew Wheatley tirst married his cousin Sarah Wheatley, who (lied in 1850 without offspring. He was again maiTied 21) Novem- 1 er, 1855, at Lima, Iowa, to Lucy Andrews, b 20 August, 1835, at Westtield, N. Y. Thev lived on a farm in Lim.'i until the sp)ing of 18(jl), when they moved to Crys- tal, Tama county, residing there six years. In 1875 they moved to Manson, Calhoun county, and in 1885 they removed to Lohrville, Iowa, where they now reside. His principal occupation was farm- ing until sixty years of age. As a citizen he was nuich respected, filling various offices of trust for township purposes in each com- munity where he lived. He cast his tirst Presidential vote in 1848 for Gen. Zachary Taylor, and voted for all Republican ixmiinees for President down to President "William McKinley, and believes in his management of government Jiiattors.


11)5. Alice May Wheatley, b January 1, 1857.

196. Marinda AVheatley, b 21 February, 18(;i, d Lima, 2H

April, 18()2.


1U7. Sarah Elizabeth Wheatley, b 22 August, 1863.

198. Andrew Wheatley, b 22 April, 1867, d Illyria, Iowa, 7

August, 1868.

199. Andrew Edson Wheatley, b 19 August, 1872.

200. Marshall O. Wheatley. b 17 September 1876.

74 IV 20

Mary H. Wheatley was married 26 July, 1848, at Brook- field, Vt., to Jerah Edson, b 5 June, 1825, at Brooktield, Vt., d at Brookfield, 17 January, 1884. They lived on the farm next north of the Hill cemetery in Brooktield. He was an enthusi- astic RejHiblican, and was elected to fill town offices by that party several times. He died of Bright's disease.


201. Andrew Wheatley Edson, b 26 December, 1851.

202. Alice Marinda Edson, b 24 November, 1853.

203. Marshie Louise Edson, b 21 May, 1858, d Montillo,

Wis., 29 October, 1861.

204. Mary Francis Edson, b 13 October, 1860, d Brookfield,

14 August, 1871.

205. Marshall Otto Edson, b 1 May, 1865.

75 IV 20

Marinda Wheatley was married 24 June, 1851, at Brook- field, to Justus W. French, b 13 October, 1816, at Hardwick, Vt.. d White River, Vt., 5 September, 1874. They first lived at the Mill Village in Brookfield, where Mr. French was interested in the manufacture of forks. In 1837 a man in Brookfield by the name of Adams began the manufacture of spring steel forks, the first ever made, at a little shoj) south east of the Centre. Justus W. French, seeing the value of the invention, formed a company for the more extensive production at the Mill Village in Brookfield, Vt., later moving to larger works, with a new part- nership at White River Village, Vt. These tools were famed far outside this country, being much sought for in the English


market. Mr. Adams could never be induced to associate with men of capital to enlarge the busiiioss .■ind never profited iimch l)v his invention. Their home was at the Mills in Brookfield, Vt., where Marinda died a few months after her only child was born. Later ^Ir. French and his dau«,diter moved to White River, Yt.


206. Sarah May French, b (i May, 18r)2.

76 IV 21

Jesse C. Wheatley was married 16 ^larch, 1852, at Brook- fie'd, Vt., to Sarah A. Sprague, b Brookfield. They lived on the West hill four years and then moved home to care for the farm and his father and mother. His parents lived to a comfortable old age, having occasion to be thankful for such a son and daughter. These two faithful guardians of the blind and aged • relatives bid fair to receive the same kindly care from their son and daughter. Friends were sure to find a cordial welcome at this hosj)itable home. Jesse was a man of rare physical health until past seventy years of age, when he became troubled with an indolent ulcer on his right hand which hospital physi- cians deemed serious enough to warrant the removal of three fingers, leaving only the thumb and little finger. This reduced his strength but had no effect upon his cheerful disposition. Sarah, his wife, was a lady of an erect figure and dignified i)res- euce with a loving and pleasant disposition.


207. Mary Keith Wheatley, b 1:5 July, 1855, d Brookfield,

19 Noveml)er, 1885.

208. Monroe Sprague Wheatley, b 19 April, 1859.

209. Jessie Elizabeth Wheatley, b 15 January. 1868.

210. Annie Haniet AVheatley, b 22 October, 1874.


77 IV 21

George Wbeatley was married 19 March, 1854, at Ran- dolph, Vt, to Adaline Abbott, b Randolph, 10 July, 1885. They lived at the Milis Village iu Brooklield where he was a mer- chant for several years doing an extensive business in farm produce and general merchandise. He held several town offices and was constable and postmaster. He was very active mentally and physically. Intelligent, happy, and of a cheerful disposition, he was fond of his family and friendly to all. The whole community mourned his earl}' death. His wife was a lady of commanding figure, of fixed opinions in morals and re- ligion, and in the seven years of their married life made him an efficient and exemplary \\ ife, and was a devoted mother to their only son. She was married again several years later to Marcus Peck.


211. George Owen Wheatley, b 8 September, 1858, d Brook-

field, 23 December, 1881.

78 IV 21

Harriet Wheatley was married 16 February, 1858, at Brookfield, Vt., to Elliot Bowman, b Westford, Vt., 19 Decem- ber, 1826. They lived on a farm in Westford, Vt., a while, then moved to Essex Junction where Mr. Bowman became a re- liable and efficient employe of the Central Vermont Railroad Company. Harriet was a dutiful and beloved daughter and a faithful helpful wife. She often came home to see her parents to whom she was much attached, thus adding greatly to their comfort and happiness.


212. George Wheatley Bowman, h 16 May, 1854.

213. Frank Eliot Bowman, b 24 March, 1856.

214. Stella Bowman, b 24 March, 1867.



80 IV '2-2

Sauford Colbuni enlisted iu Co. H, lUl IXv^t N. H. Vol., li) September, 1802, aud was wouuded at Morris Island, July 1 SC;}. Ho was lunrried 18 January, IS&2, to Eveline B. Smitli, b in Clare- mont and died there 7 April, 18(>7. He married a second time, •28 December, 18(58, to Fannie T. Olney, 1) Canada, 7 March, 1882. Their home is at Entield Centre, N. H.


21."). Herbert Colburn, b 7 February, 18(18, m 1 May, 181)2,

to Loenda E. Wood, b at Plaintield, N. H., in 1S(;7. They live on a farm in Biirre, Vt.

21(J. Everette Colburn, b 12 December, 18GG. Home is at Entield, N. H.

217. John B. Coll)urn, b 19 November, 18G9. Teamster; liv • ing- in Entield.

218. James AV. Colburn, b 5 September, 1871, d Entield Cen-

tre, 21 August, 1899.

81 IV 22

Lucinda Colburn was mamed at Manchester, N. H., 8 3Iay, 1850, to Addison Roberts.


219. Charles Roberts, b Manchester, N. H.

220. Joliii Roberts, b Claremont, N. H.

84 IV 28

Lucinda Colburn Fay was married 20 May, 1882, at Lowell, ^lass., to Col. Thomas Nesmitli, b 7 Sejjtember, 1788, at Wind- ham, N. H., d 81 July, 1870, at Lowell, Mass. Previous to marriage she was iu Derry, N. H , as principal of Adams Female Seminary. Her education was gained at Miss Grant's school at Ipswich, Alass. Lucinda was a woman of a strong religious nature, refined and intellectual and of much personal beauty. ^Ir.


Nesmitli's education was such as could be obtained from the district and high schools of Derry, N. H. He was a pioneer in the linen industry, beginning with a horse and two wheeled cart. He gathered the thread from the country people and carried it home to his grandmother to color; his sisters wove it into cloth, for which he found a ready sale in Lynn and other large towns. By this means, at the end of a few years he had accumulated six thousand dollars, with which he founded a more extensive busi- ness. When he went to Lowell, manufacturing corporations and city institutions were just assuming tangible form. He was a memler of the city government the first two years of its exis- tence, and he he'ped forward many enterprises that were strug- gling into being. In the second war for independence he en- listed 15 September, 1814, from Windham, N. H., and was a lieutenant in Capt. Nathaniel G. Bradley's company which was stationed at Portsmouth, N. H. In 1820 he was colonel of the 8th N. H. mihtia. His integrity was not questioned, and his moral and courteous bearing made him a pattern man in business affairs, a good citizen and neighbor, a gentleman in social life. One of his benevolent acts was the founding of the "Nesmith Library" in his native town. To the deserving poor of Lowell he left the "Nesmith Fund" of twenty-five thousand dollars, which is now in the hands of trustees and has been a great benefit to many worthy people.


221. Lucinda C. Nesmith, b 15 July, 1834, d 5 August, 1834.

222. Lucy Elizabeth Nesmith, b 11 May, 1838. Eesidence,

Lowell, Mass.

223. Mary Manton Nesmith, b 18 February, 1841, d 24 Nov-

ember, 1848.

224. Maria Louisa Nesmith, b 18 July, 1844.

225. Hem-ietta W. Nesmith, b 8 June, 1846.

226. Thomas Nesmith, b 7 April, 1848.


85 V -J.-,

Orang-e A\'. WlRutley iiud Lusiua E. ShelTer, I) 'Jo Murcli, 1858, Allefi^lieuy, Peuusylvauia, were married at (lilison, Wis., ^lurch -UK 1873. Orauge has licld siicli offices as Township Chairmau, Overseer of the Poor, Republican Coniniitteemau and Member of City Council of Marne, Iowa, where he is a large dealer in stock, fattening, and shipi)ing cattle and hogs to mar- ket. He frecpiently takes trips as far as Texas to purchase his (juota. He has tilled very acceptably the positioji of cliuiniian of the board of health and town board of control.


227. Wilber O. Wheatley, b 24 February, 1875.

228. Jessie A. Wheatley, b 28 January, 1877.

229. John O. Wheatley, b 3 January, 1879.

230. Belle E. Wheatley, b 15 September, 1880.

231. Moses A. Wheatley, b 28 June, 1882.

232. Bert S. Wheatley, b 3 January, 1885.

233. Lizzie M. Wheatley, b 10 March, 1887.

234. Walter H. Wheatley, 1) 18 April, 1889. He is tele-

graph operator at Marne, Iowa.

235. Ada May Wheatley, b 14 November, 1893, d at Marne,

Iowa, 5 Sei)teml)er, 1894. 23(;. Eugene 8. Wheatley, 1) 19 June, 1895.

80 V 25

Lydia A. Wheatley and George Pellet, b Hickory Grove, Pennsylvania. 7 June, 1840, married at Montpelier, Wisconsin, January 1, 1870. For several 5'ears before marriage Lydia Ann taught school, at which she was very successful, and gave jirom- ise of a very useful life when cut oflF l)y quick consumjitioii at the age of 20 years.


237. Ida Pellet, 1) 10 April, 1871.

238. Walter Pellet, b 24 December, 1872. 239 Mamie Pellet, b 7 January, 1874.


87 V 25

Mary Jane Wlieatley married lirst Martin Bach at Mont- pelier, Wisconsin, 27 July, 1869. Married second Lyford E. Craig at Marne, Iowa, 27 July, 1884. Her second husband is a merchant at Pierce, Pierce County, Nebraska, where they hve in a very comfortable home. She is a great worker in the Con gregational church. The belief of that church coincides with their religious views.



240. Stella M. Bach, b 21 April, 1870.

241. Harvey Wheatley Bach, b 5 June, 1872.

242. Grace L. Craig, b 28 February, 188G.

243. Leo Wheatley Craig, b 2 June, 1889.

88 V 25

Lester AVarner Wheatley was married at Manitowoc, ^^'is- consin, to Laura Shefter, b Mercer County, Pennsylvania, in 1854. He is a large farmer of Atlantic, Iowa, and does an ex- tensive business in buying, fattening, and shipping cattle and hogs to the Chicago market. In 1901 he sent tifty-six car- loads of cattle and over a thousand hogs. He is a free Mason and takes a leading place in town and business affairs.


244. Jennie May Wheatley, b 20 May, 1874, d at Atlantic,

24 May, 1875.

245. Frank Lester Wheatley, b 25 February, 187(5. 240. Joseph Henry Wheatley, b 9 April, 1878.

247. Lottie Mae Wheatley, b 22 January, 1880.

248. Walter Benjamin W^heatley, b 20 July, 1882.

249. Etta Blanche Wheatley, b 11 February, 1885.

250. Ida Ann Wheatley, b 16 January, 1887.

251. Lester Harrison Wheatley, b 14 March, 1889.



252. Susan Jane AVheatlev, b'U July, 1H5)1.

258. Jolui :\rfKiulev Wlieatley, h IC. July, 189:1

254. Grace Laura Wlieatley, b 2 Xoveinl)er, 1H«)5.

255- Deane M. Wlieatley, b 2'.> :\ray, 18i)8.

89 Y 25.

Siimuer Hale Wlieatley and Fannie A. Henry, b 14 Octo- ber, 1857, were married at Almapee, AViscoiiHin, 20 April, 187(i. He lives on the old home farm with his mother at ^larue, Iowa, and owns the Marne Hotel. He is a prominent Odd Fellow, haviu"; ^oue through the chairs of I. O. O. F. Lodge at :Mariie. is somewhat of a jjolitician, has been constable and sheriff, and also a member of the Marne Cit}' Council.


25G. Gertie M. Wheatley, b 20 October, 187(), d 25 Novem-

ber, 1887.

257. Daniel Wheatley, 1) ;U October, 1878, d 27 November,


258. Lester O. AVheatley, b 24 December, 1880.

259. Nellie J. Wheatley, b 30 April, 1882.

2(:o. :Mabel A. Wheatley, b 30 August, 1884, d 2() :March.

1880. 2()1. Pearl E. Wheatley, b U May, 188(5.

2G2. Willie H. Wheatley. b 9 :\Iay, 1889. 2G3. Clyde S. W^heatley, b 9 January, 1892, d 28 March,

1892. 2()4. Flora E. Wheatley, b 19 April, 1893, d 5 April, 189(1.

90 V 25

John (^tis Wlieatley and Barbara Swagle, b Kewaunee, Wis., 30 July, 18(!1, were mamed at Kewaunee, 5 ^lay, 1881. His home is at Atlantic, Iowa. He lived several years in Doug- las County, South Dakota, from which district he was elected to the state legislature in 189(5 to 1897; at the later (bite he moved to Atlantic, Iowa, where he held town offices. He has a large farm, jiart prairie and part timl)er, with all modern machinery to work it, and a beautifully built and furnished home.



265. Alice S. Wheatley, b 28 November, 1881.

2G6. Lizzie E. Wheatley, b 18 July, 1883.

207. Mattie T. Wheatley, b 20 July, 1885.

268. Eoy O. Wheatley, b 20 May, 1889.

269. Orange L. Wheatley, b 14 July, 1896.

93 V 28

Mary J. Skinner was married 22 December, 1870, to Austin Barnes, b Bakersfield, Vt., 14 October, 1847. He is a very suc- cessful farmer and has served his native town many times in an official capacity, and is now a director on the school board (1901.)


270. Mae E. Barnes, b 6 May, 1873.

271. Lydia M. Barnes, b ]9 November, 1874.

272. Charles A. Barnes, b 2 January, 1877.

273. Anna B. Barnes, b 19 April, 1879.

274. Flora E. Barnes, b 29 April, 1881.

275. Guy A. Barnes, 16 June, 1883.

276. Maude L. Barnes, b 18 August, 1885.

277. Jessie T. Barnes, b 3 November, 1888.

278. Kay W. Barnes, b 14 November, 1890.

Lydia, Annie andFlora are teachers, graduates of Brighara's academy.

94 V 28

John W. Skinner was married at Montrose, N. Y., to Susan L. Calhoun, b 20 December, 1849.


279. Flora G. Skinner, b 12 April, 1876.

280. Arthur C. Skinner, b 21 October, 1878.

281. Herbert N. Skinner, b 28 December, 1879.

282. Pearl H. Skinner, b 27 May, 1882.

283. Rollo L. Skinner, b 14 June, 1884.

284. Ethel E. Skinner, b 8 October, 1886.

285. Mabel L. Skinner, b 20 September, 1889.




97 V 28

Annie L. Skinner married 4 September, 1888, at Bakerstiekl, Vt., to Van E. Perley, h -4 Sei)tember, 1853; home at Euosburgh, Vermont.


280. Harlei) Emerson Perley, b 14 June, 1884.

287. Allen Brewer Perley, 24 April, 1888.

102 V 80

Flora E. "Wlieatley was man-ied at Hardwick, Vt., 25 of September, 1880, to Tiu-n E. Foss, b at Hardwick, 7 Feliruary, 1858. They are members of the Methodist Episcoi)al church at Hardwick, where they have resided all their lives. Being' an in- dustrious thrifty farmer he has made a comfortable home in which thev are verv contented. Flora has doue a great amount of correspondence to collect material for this history. In this way she has shown much talent in clearing tangled records.


288. Helen EHza Foss, b 2 December, 1888.

108 V 8(t

William H. Wheatley was married at Woodbury, Vt., 1 January, 1888, to Cora M. Daniels, b Wood- bury, 27 May, 1868. They occupy the old Wheatley home- stead in Hardwick, he being the fourth generation of Whoat- leys to live there.

104 V 84

Laura A. Perroy was married 8 Fel)ruary, 1858, at Caliot, Vt., to Franklin A. Senter, b 28 January, 1825, in Danville, Vt. He is a carpenter. They reside at 8(1 North street, ]Mauches- ter, N. H.



289. Nellie A. Seuter, b 27 February, 1854.

2!»(). Flora M. Senfer, b 6 January, 1857. 2i>l. Alice L. Senter, b 29 November, 1867, d 29 March,


292. Minnie A. Senter, b 8 February, 1869, d 7 March,


293. Emma L. Senter, b 10 July, 1872, d 29 May, 1878.

294. Arthur P. Senter, b 22 November, 1875.

105 V 34

Emily Vinal Perry was married 5 September, 1852, at Cab- ot, Vt., to Ezekiel P. Read, b 13 February, 1829, in Cabot. Their home was at Peacham, Vt. No children.

106 V 34

Anthonv A. Perry was married 1 November, 1862, to Julia A. Gunn, b 13 January, 18-15, d 12 Dec, 1892, in Cabot, Vt. Married second, 1895, Mattie A. Mudget, who d 25 February, 1897. Anthony A. Perry is a farmer and resides in Walden, Vermont.


295. Walter J. Perry, b 13 January, 1865.

107 V 34

Cornelia E. Perry was married in Cabot, Vermont, 1 Novem- ber,, 1862, to John Austin, b November, 1839, in Hooksett, N- H. He was a farmer living at Amoskeag, N. H., now living at Manchester, N. H.


296. Leshe P. Austin, b 5 January, 1864.

297. Charles H. Austin, b 18 July, 1866.

298. Philip A. Austin, b 11 November, 1873.


109 V 35

Lucy 13. Hoyt was married 11 Oiitoher, IS.")',!, in Cabot, Venuout, to Arthur C. Burbauk, b Limerick, ]Me., d 2 Juue, 1H'.)2, Gallatin ]\lo. They were both very successful teachers in Cabot for mauy years. He was a soldier of the civil war. They weut West, ill 1870, and settled iu Cameron, Missouri.


•2W. .Mary Kmeline Burliaiik, b 11 May, l.S(;-J.

110 V 35

Enoch Smith Hoyt died at U. S. General Hospital, Mont- pelier, \'t. He had served three years in the war, anil reenlisted just previous to his death. He was made sergeant of Co. 24(1, 1st. Bat. Vol. relief cori^s.

Ill Y H5

Sus.iuua S. Hoyt was married 27 September, l.S(i;{, in Cabot, to Frederick M. Kiml)all, b 14 June, 1840, Barton, Vt. Mr. Kiml'all served throughout the civil war as captain, tirst with the C'th Regt. Vermont Vol., and afterwards with tlie Veterans Reserve Corps. He was wounded in battle 10 .Inly, 18(;.'{. After the war closed he was made Assistant Superiudent of tlie Freedmen's Bureau iu Virginia, in which capacity he served three and a half vears, until 1 Januarv, 18()i), when the bureau expiied l)y limitation. ^lany times was his life in jeo])ardy, in discharge of his duties. In 18(!i) they moved to Cameron, Mo. Their home at present is in Tojieka, Kansas, where he iseng'aged in the building and loan business.


300. Carl Willis Kimball, b 2(; August, IKfn.

301. Mary (ievtrude Kimball, b May. 1870, d Canicn.iL

Mo., 11 December, 1870.

302. Claude Frederick Kimball, b 27 May, 1873.

303. Maude Inez Limise Kimball, 1) 27 December, 1877.


113 V 35

Abigail Smith Hoyt was married at Cabot, Vt., 2 March, 18v)5, to Amasa W Carpenter, d 11 June 1892. He was a sol- dier in the civil war. Later he became a farmer in Kansas.


3^4. Joseph Horace Car^jenter, b 30 March, 1868, d 18 Aug- ust, 1876, at Chicago.

3U5. Alfred W. Carpenter, b 5 March, 1870, d 7 April, 1897,

at Kansas City.

3U6. FraikN. Carpenter, b 4 March, 1876. res. Kansas City.

307. Susie May Carpenter, b 29 April, 1879.

115 V 35

Frank Perry Hoyt was married at Cameron, Mo., 27 June, 1853, to Annie Belle Payne, b Council Bluffs, lo. He is a rail- I'oad engineer, residing at Thomaston, Mich.


308. Frank Hoyt, b 28 August, 1874.

309. Fred LeRoy Hoyt, b 13 November, 1876.

310. Kate Lucella Hoyt, b 11 May, 1879.

117 y 36

William Allen Perry was married at Royalton, Vt., 13 June, 1867, to Emma D. Leonard, b Royalton, Vt. William A. Perry served in the civil war as musician one year, when he was dis- charged on account of ill health. His widow married Edward Cowles and lives in Portland, Oregon.


311. Abbie May Perry, b 22 October, 1869.

312. Fred W^heatley Perry, b 17 August, 1871.

313. William Leonard Perry, b 5 March, 1874.


118 V 3G

Joseph F. Perry was married 21 December, 18(;«), at Lim- erick, Me., to Lizzie P. Swett, 1) Limerick, Me. Is a bookkeeper,

res ^[jniu':i])(i'is. ^rinn.


314. Elkanah Swett Perry, | b 15 Marcli, 1878, twins, d in

315. Georj^e Francis Perry, ) infancy.

316. Dwigbt Chester Perry, b 11 November, 187'.).

1 -lO V 37

John "Wlieatley Wal bridge was married at Cabot, Vt., 9 June, 18G1, to Mary J. Stone, who died 11 March, 1877. Mar- ried 2ud, 3 August, 1881, to Mary M. Hubbell, d 1 April, 1884. ^larried 3d, 24 January, 1885, to Etta Gilkerson. He is a pros- perous farmer and resides in Cabot, Vt.


317. Edward Payson Walbridge, b 17 FeV)ruary, 18(55.

318. Fred Wheatley Wall)ridge, b 1 December, 18G(), d 16

June, 1897.

319. Carrie Walbridge, b 7 June, 1882, d 1 April, 1884.

320. Ha)Ty Walbridge, b 17 October, 1886.

121 V 37

Mary Vinal Walbridge married 1 March, 1860, George T. Hazen, of Hartford, Vt.


321. Charies Heri)ert Hazen, b 18 July, 1861.

322. Hattie Jane Hazen, b 13 July, 1863.

323. Allen Wall)ridge Haren, b 3 October, 1865.

124 V 37

Allen Ames Wallnidge niarrietl 17 November, 1861», to Sarah Jane Harvey of Cabot, Vt., d 27 January, 1890. Mar- ried second Mrs. Sarah Kuth Strope, January 8, 1894. He was


for a while engaged in mercantile business at Madison, Wis- consin. After a few years he removed to Beloit, Wisconsin, where he is a very successful merchant.


324. Mary Minnie Walbridge, b (5 September, 1870, d Mil-

waukee, Wisconsin, 2 December, 1895.

325. Fannie Rose Wall ridge, b 29 July, 1872.

826. Carrie Susie Wall)ridge, b 30 September, 1873.

327. Allen Harvey Walbridge, b 6 March, 1876, d Plover,

Wisconsin, 7 May, 1877.

328. Ernest Lucien Walbridge, b 17 June, 1877.'

125 V 38

Helen Maria Perry was married 27 November, 1867, to Gonsalso C. Hatch. Their home is at Cabot, Vermont, where he is a very successful farmer. Mr. Hatch enlisted in the Third Vermont Regiment in June, 1861, and served four years to help preserve the union.


329. Charles Perry Hatch, b 17 March, 1875.

126 V 38

Ames Boyd Perry was mai-ried 8 September, 1874, to Jen- nie E. Gilchrist, b 29 September, 1851, in Mclndoe Falls, Vermont. Mr. Perry is a prosperous merchant and was post- master for several terms. They reside at Mclndoe Falls.


330. Mabelle Louise Perry, b 17 November, 1875.

331. Virginia Elizabeth Perry, b 2 April, 1889.

127 V 38

Mary Louise Perry was married at Cabot, Vermont, Octo- ber, 4, 1870, to Charles James Bell, b 10 March, 1845, Walden, Vt. Charles J. Bell enlisted in the Fifteenth Vermont Regiment




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at the beginniug of fhe civil war. He went Inter in the First Verniout Cavah-y. They live on the home jilaee of the Bell fain- i'y on W'al.leu Heights. He is a promiueut granger and his uaiiic has been mentioned frequently as a candidate for Governor for his native state. His father, Judge Bell, set an example of enterprise and thrift which the son has faithfully followed, thus proving that farming on the high lands among the Green

\I()iintains can !>e successful Their beautiful home "The liel-

fry" overlooks the picturesque Lamoille Valley, from Hard- wick, Vermont, to Greeusborough P. O., East Hardwick, Ver- mont.


332. Adine Merrill Bell, b ] 5 May, 1874.

333. Jennie Bell, b 29 June, 1876.

129 V 45

Edward C. AVheatley married Ellen J. Paine 25 November, 18(i8, at Brooktield. He went into the army in 18()2 and served one year in Co. C, 15th Regt. Vermont Vol., after which he sjient six years in Kidder, Mo., teaching. He taught school in ^Feriden, Conn., five years, thence to AVestboro, ]\Iass., reform school, and finally filled the same position in the Connecticut school at ^leriden. Edward was an excellent teacher, a tine buss singer and a man of remarkal)ly cheerful temperament, ever equal to any emergency. He was a very kind and affectionate husband and father. There was no happier home, none more united than his. His family have onlj' happy memories of the past. He wslh a general favorite, his musical laugh was a signal for merriment. His home was at Meriden, Conn., where he ser- ved in the church choir fourteen years. He travelled for the Lawyers' Cooperative PuljlishiugCo. of New York the lust fifteen years of his life. While on a business trip he was attacked with pneumonia at Augusta, Maine, where he died in the city hosjti- tal 25 December, 1900.



IS34:. Gertrude Cynthia Wheatley, b 23 Septeml)er, 18G9. 335, Edward Martin Wheatley, b 27 June, 1873. 33G, Louis F. Wheatley, b 16 December, 1876.

337. Harold Luther Wheatley, b 23 November, 1879,

338. Bessie May Wheatley, b 14 January, 1882, Gertrude C. Wheatley was mairried 16 October, 1895, at

Meriden, Connecticut, to William Alfred Hall, b Meriden, Ct., 9 September, 1868. Their home is at Meriden, Connecticut,

131 V 45

Frank G, Wheatley was married 14 November, 1880, at North Abington, Massachusetts, to Nellie J. Holbrodi, b North Abington, 21 Noveml)er, 1865, Frank graduated from Dart- mouth College, 26 June, 1889. He taught school several terms while in college, but kept along ^\'ith his class and graduated with honors. He was principal of the high school at Spring- field, Vt., for four years and then began the study of medicine taking two courses at U, V. M, and graduating from Dartmouth Medical School in 1883, He settled at North Abington where he has a large and lucrative practice. In 1893 he was appointed Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at the Tufts Med- ical college, which position he still holds, giving perfect satis- faction to his associates and the students. He united with the Congregational church at an early age, and has lived a consis- tent Christian life. Abington has l:een very materially bene- fitted hj his wise councils in the management of town affairs.


339. Eobert F. Wheatley. b 6 July, 1887, d 25 December,


340. Frank E, Wheatley, b 4 November, 1888.

341. George D. Wheatley, b 10 April, 1892.

342. Russell H, Wheatley, b 9 January, 1897,




132 V 45

Sai-iili E. Wlieutlev was man-ied 2'A Deconihcr, 1KS4, nt Merideu, Couu., to Robert M. Coll)uru, 1> 4 Dect'inlier, 1.S44. at Spriu^tiekl, Vt. Hits Inisiness has kept liiin a resideut of his native town. Sarah was gi-aduated at the Vermont state normal school at Randolpli. after which she tau^'ht several years. Being- a good singer and lively, cheerful company, their heaiiti- ful home in Springfield is the centre of much social gaiety


34:5. Frank W. Colburn, b 19 August, 1H80.

344. Alice M. Colburn, b 10 May, 1891.

137 V 52

Sumner E. Wheatley was married 30 January, IHCJT, at Brooktield, to Ellen M. Lyon, b Northtield, 20 December, 1847. They lived live years on the farm next north of his father's, and then bought a farm and moved to Williamstown. He was a hard working man. He suffered much inconvenience from severe deafness, but was devoted to his family. After his death in October, 1898, his family continued to live on the farm in Wilhamstowu near South Northtield, Yt.


34-"). Lilla ]\raria Wheatley, b 7 November, 18(!7.

346. Susan Ellen Wheatley, b 29 :\ray, 1871.

347. :\rabel Mav Wheatley, b 2 October, 1879.

138 V 52

Alson Wheatley was married first 18 January, 18(>4, at Brooktield, Vt., to Mary A. Crandall, b 19 August, 1841, at Ber- lin, Vermont, d at Brooktield, 19 May, 1S(;7. He married sec- ond 5 September, 18(i8, at Lyndon, Vt., Mary L. Beck, b 1 1 June, 1848. He worked at St. Johusbury in a ])lough manufactory for several years, but moved to North Randolph in 1S79. where they lived for three years, but tinallj' settled on the farm at north end of East hill in Brooktield.



348. Ethel Charlotte Wheatley, b 18 August, 1869.

349. Harley DeForest Wheatley, b 1 April, 1876.

139 V 52

Mary L. Wheatley was married 18 March, 1882, at Brook- field to William H. Richardson, b Orange, Vt., 8 April, 1860. They remained on her father's home farm until 1897 when they sold out, and Mr. Eichardson went into life insurance business and running the stage route from Royalton to Brookfield, living at East Brookfield.

140 V 52

Eliza Wheatley was married 25 December, 1878, at Brook- field, Vt., to Charles J. Osgood, b Randolph, 20 October, 1853> d CaHfomia, 30 March, 1893. They lived in Greenfield, Mass., several years and there a son was born and died. Mrs. Osgood's ill health caused them to move to San Bernadino, Cal., in 1892. But disease had taken too sure a hold upon her, so she gave up and came home soon after the death of her husband.


350. Charles Osgood, b 4 October, 1891, d Greenfield, 5

November, 1892.

141 V 53

Emma E. Wheatley was married 8 June, 1870, at Brook- field, Vt., to George S. Howard, b Randolph, 19 February, 1840. George was in the civil war, Co, E. 12th Regiment Vermont Volunteers, at the battle of Gettysburg. They lived on a farm east of Randolph Centre, Vt. Emma inherited her father's love of home, and was active and happy in her house- hold pursuits.


351. Carrie Jane Howard, b 11 April, 1876, d Randolph,

Vt., 6 July, 1891.



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142 V 53

Daniel S. AVlieatley was married 18 September, 1873, at Moutpelier, Yt., to Fannie K. Washburn, b Montpelier, Vt. Daniel acted as clerk for F. G. Bigelow at East Brooktield two years before the war of the Rebellion, in which he enlisted as a private, Co. C, 15th Kegt., Vermont Volunteers. After his re- turn he clerked in a dry goods store in Montpelier, Vernu)nt, for about twenty years, always faithful and efficient, when he opened a dry goods store for himself. He had in l!SS() bought a house on Elm street, his wife's old home. He is a prominent member of the Knights of Honor, the Montpelier Council, juhI the Knights Templars, having been thiough the chairs of each.


352. Edward Charles Wheatley 1) 20 :May, 1878.

143 V 53

Charlotte L. Wheatley was married 12 November, 1808, at Brooktield, to Ira Carpenter, b Brooklield, 20 May, 1839. They lived on the old Cari^enter place at Brooklield Centre, Vt. She was a good singer, being the main stay for many years in the choii' of the First Congi-egatioual church at Brooktield, Vt. Ira Cai'i^enter was in Co. C 15th Regt., Vermont Volun- teers, in the battle of Gettysburg, among the troops that met Pickett's charge.


353. Nina Maud Carpenter, b 30 !May, 1874: graduated at

high school at West Randolph. Vermont, and at Eastman's Business college at Poughkeeijsie, N. Y.

354. Geneva Claire Carpenter, b •) August, 187!); graduated

at Barre academy and in the classic de])artiiicnt of the U. V. M., Burlington, Yt.

355. Lillian Wheeler Carpenter, b 4 Scjitember, IHHI.



144 V 53

Willie K. Wheatley was married 9 January, 1878, at Brookfield, Vermont, to Anna M. Carpenter, b Brookfield, Ver- 7nont, 30 October, 1857, d Barre, Vermont, 21 April, 1900. Willie began work for the Fairbank Scale Co. in 1872, with headquarters at Montrea-, P. Q., and later in Boston, Mass. In 1890 he moved to Barre, Vermont, and entered into the fur- niture and undertaking business, meeting with success. He is a Knight Templar now in the chair.


35(). Bessie Vaughan Wheatley, b July 7, 1879.



147 T 53

George C. Wheatley was married 30 April, 1890, at Daniel- son, Connecticut, to Grace Scott, lorn at Wauregan, Conn., 30 March, 18G4. George united with the Congregational church at Brookfield, Vt. He was a Mason and a Republican. He re-



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muiued on the farm until Octolier, 1879, when he entered thi«  Eastman Commercial college at Pouglikcepsie, N. Y., where he graduated the following March. AN'hile at home he was a mem- ber of the brass baud and is a good tenor singer. He took up the life of a commercial traveler with headquarters at Boston, Mass., living in Somerville one year and at Winchester until ItSJX!, when he moved to 20 Page avenue, Dorchester, Mass.


357. Gladys Greenwood Wheatley, b 23 Januai'y, 1801.

358. Francis Pray Wheatley, b 2(1 August, 1804.

148 V 53

Ellen E. Wheatley was married 1 May, 1883, at Brooklield, Vermont, to George Day Wheeler, b Brooktield, Vt., 4 April, lS.")!t. They were both members of the Brooktield Congi-e- gational church, Mrs. Wheeler being a member of its choir as long as she remained in town. Soon after marriage they settled in Barre, Vermont, where Mr. Wheeler bought out a well established hiirdware l)usiness. In the sum- mer of 1805 he was thi'own from a wheel and severely injured. •It was while being treated for this injury that his attention was called to Osteopathy. Finding himself much l)euetitted and ul- timately cured by this treatment he decided to take up the study of Osteopathy, and with this end in view they sold their l)eauti- ful home and successful business and moved to Kirksville, Mis- souri, where the school of Osteopathy is located. After two years of faithful study he graduated with honors in a class of ninety nine. July 11, 1800, he successfully passed the exami- nation before the Massachusetts state medical board uikI be- came a registered physician of the commonwealth. He has quite a reputation as a tenor singer, being a member of numer- ous musical societies. He is a Mason, a member of the ('hai)t<'r and Commandery where he has held every otlice except th highest. Their home is 30 Lake street, ISIelrose, Mass.




359. Harry Edmond Wheeler, b 16 July, 1884.

860. Fortis Day Wheeler, b 17 September, 1887.


Eugene Paine was mar- ried 6 July, 1894, at East Bethel to Olivia F.Brockway, h 5 July, 1849 at Eandolph, Vt. Eugene served in the civil war three years, was in Berdans Sharp Shooters, Co. F, 1st Reg. Vermont Vol., and was twice wounded. He moved to Iowa City, Iowa, in 1868, when he en- tered the coal trade, at which by strict economy, hard work and good habits, he soon accumulated a compe- tence. He is a trustee of Unitarian church of Iowa City, is chairman of execu- tive council of the "Comrades of the Battlefield," having been 81 days under fire during the war of 1861-65.



362. 363.

Charles O. Paine, b 26 September, 1877. Saval T. Paine, b 18 March, 1888.

Harrie E. Payne, b 19 December, 1889, d Iowa City, 5 May, 1894.

153 V 54

Henry Irving Paine was married 22 December, 1866, at Brookfield, Vt., to Ellen A. Edson. They lived at St. Johns- bury, Vt., 3 years, but in 1870 joined a colony started by Horace


Greeloy nt Greeley, Col., wbit-h is a growiuj^ western town. Irv- ing is employed there putting down driven wells and in raising and moving 1 iiildings. In the war of tlie rebellion lie served three years in Co, B, 4th Reg., Vermont Vol.


i)(i4. Henry Sheridan Paine, b 5 December, 18(17, d St.

Johnsbury, 80 January, 1808. 8()r). Clara Louise Paine, b 20 May, 1809. aOC. Lucy Estella Paiue, b 27 August, 1872, d Greeley, 29

August, 1878.

807. Alice Belle Paine, b 19 July, 1874, d Greeley, 20 Feb- ruary, 1870. 8()8. Ruby Grace Paine, b 31, January, 1880.

80i). Velnia Einiiia Paine, b 24 March, 1891.

154 V 55

Ella F. Brown was married 1 May, 18(50, at Newton Centre, Mass., to Edwin H. Fennessy, 1) Dul)liu, Ireland, 18 December, 1888, d Newton. Mass, 19 May, 1888. They went directly to New Berne, N. C, where they carried on a cotton plantation one year. Mr. Fennessy was engaged the following year and a half in mercantile business at I«'and Pond, Vt. At the close of 18(>8 they moved into a beaulifui home at Newton Centre, Mass., which was presented her by her father. ^Ir. Fennessy went into the blacking Imsiness with his father-in-law under the firm name of B. F. Brown & Co. in 1809. In Di'cember, 1880, Edward Ijecame sole proprietor, paying Frank Jirowu §25,000 for his share, his mother-in-law being paid a large royalty for life. Under his management the business was very much enlarged, with factories in Montreal, London and Paris. Ella attended school at Northampton, Mass., but Hnished lier education at Stamford, Conn. Her manners were easy and graceful which with the exquisite taste displayed in her dress are frequently the subject of comment even by strangers. She



was an ideal wife and' hostess, hospitable and gracious, withal carrying herself with much characteristic dignity. She is nat- urally a devoted and most efficient mother to her interesting and attractive family of six childi'en. Her residence is 733 Washington street, Brooldine, Mass.


370. Mary Yinal Fennessy,b 9 April, 1867.

371. Frank Edward Fenuessy, b 31 August, 1868.

372. Annie Louise Fennessy, b 16 July, 1871.

373. Edward Henry Fennessy, b 22 April, 1873.

374. Edith Loveland Fennessy, b 9 May, ]875.

375. Bertha Eleanor Fennessy, b 14 November, 1878.

155 V 55

Frank N. BroAvn was mamed 16 June, 1874, at Watertown, Mass., to Abbie Ladd, b Calcutta, India, 1 May, 1856, d Hol- Hston, Mass., 19 October, 1884. They lived at the Brown homestead at Newton Centre, his parents moving to Newton Corner. Frank attended school at Staiuf ord, Connecticut, and at the Institute of Technology in Boston. His forte is military work and tactics. He was for some time Captain of the Clatlin Guards, and was a member of the governor's staff. He is a successful military instructor.


376. Lucy Ladd Brown, b 12 April, 1875, d Orange, 12

May, 1898.

377. Frank Howard Brown, b 13 November, 1876.

157 V 56

Alice J. Wheatley was married September 20, 1893, at Farmington, N. H., to Lawrence E. Thayer, b Eandolph, Ver- mont, 1847. Alice attended school several terms at Barre, Vermont, and also took a four years com-se at Eandolph, Ver- mont. She taught school several terms, giving excellent satis-




faction to both parents and pupils. The many different jmsi- tions which she has held have been filled acceptably. In the fall of 1892 she visited at Fremont, where she was entertained by John B. Loveland, author of Loveland genealoj^y. Loavinf]f Fremont she joined her brother Irving at Chicaj^o where she visited the World's fair with him and had the best of ()])portu- nities given her to familiarize herself with this World's exposi- tion. Her home for twenty live years has been for the most part in and near Boston. She is a woman of strong cliaracter, and has always been I'eady to sacrifice her own comfort for that of others.

158 Y 50

Edith L. Wheatley was married 23 June, 187"), at lirook- field, to Hemy A. Wilcox M. D., b BrookHeld, 1844, d Stamford, Conn., 10 April, 1877. Edith was a loving woman of (piick sen- siltilities of whom it was said "she had a heart full of true reli- gion and a head free from theology true or false." There are names that have in them all the sweetness of music, and when they are spoken they bring peace and comfort and beauti- ful memories; such was Edie. She was so gentle and the ele- ments so mixed in her that nature might stand up and say to all, "this is a true woman." By her friends she was frecjuently spoken of as "Lily of the Valley." She was of medium height, rather stout, with a face shining with (luiet happiness and un- selfishness; a soft, sweet voice, which had no harshness when com- manding, although she was a strict disciplinarian. She gracbiated at the llandolph normal school in 18(i7, and began teaching at the age of sixteen, following for nine years the work she loved so well. She reahzed early that life was not meant for play day, and when she became a teacher she took with her into the schoolroom a strong faith and earnest endeavor for the higliest development of her pupils to fit them for the various walks of life, to make l)etter citizens and give them the hapi>ior. liigher type of man and womanhood, for she sought more than mental progress, even moral and spiritual growth. A short but hai)i)y



period of lier life was after her marriage to Dr. Henry A. Wilcox, who was a graduate from the N. Y. Homeopathic Medical Col- lege in 1873 and immediately entered a successful practice at Winchenden, Mass. Their beautifvil home there was a spiritual and social centre for a short two years. As sunlight casts shadows, happiness, too, throws a shadow, and the shadow is sadness. Edith lecame a mother in 1876. The following Feb- ruary Dr. Wilcox had to go south for his health, but returned in April, dying on the way home. After his death Edith, ahnost broken hearted, made her home with her father at "Willow Grove" where, after a year of great suffering she died four years later. Some lives seem too short. To us these two appeared to be broken off at the wrong place in the midst of earnest success- ful work. Two Christians have gone to their reward; both joined the church when young. Dr. Wilcox was a Mason and Odd Fellow and was prominent in Vermont and Massachusetts medi- cal societies. Edith wrote many poems which were a grand success in showing us the beauty there is in common things. All through her life with its sad changes she kept that wonder- ful serenity of mind and that happy facvilty of living above the trials of life. Assisted by her brother Hannibal she did good work in bringing this history down to 1880, hoping to see it l^rinted.


578. Frank Henry Wilcox, b 27 December, 1876.

161 V 56

Hannibal P. Wheatley was married June 3, 1884, at Farm- ington, N. H., to Josephine (Frost) Libby, li Brownfield, Maine, 29 January, 1854. He taught school several terms and was an officer at the Vermont Keform School at Vergennes two years, in 1879 and 1880. He worked during this period on this history, continuing the search of Eevolutionary Kolls, State papers and Town records, and taking dates from tombstones in several New England states, in many instances necessitating much special




journeying. He usually wrote letters to the local jjapern con- cerning these and siuh trips as to the Centennial at Phihulel- phiji ill 1S7(!, to Washington, Luray Caverns, Gettysburg, Yel- lowstone Park, Montreal, QueV)ec and Chicago World's Fair in 185)8. He has been regular correspondent of the Boston Journal since 1S8"2, writes articles quite often for medical journals and in 1894 published a book on Generation. The following extract is from the Stratford County, N. H., Biographical Review:


"H. P. AVheaf.ey, :\[. D. is one of the leading physicians of Fannington, N. H. He graduated from St. Johnsbury, Vt., Ac- ademy ill 187(), three years later he received his diploma at the University of Vermont and graduated from the medical depart- ment of the same institution ill 1S81. The next year became to Farmington, where he has since gained a large ])atronage. His reputation for skill and knowledge is fouinlcd iii)oii his sue-



cessful operations and treatment of difficult and stubborn cases of disease. He is a republican and has served at different periods as member of the board of health and on the board of pension examining surgeons, being appointed by President Mc Kinley and reappointed by President Roosevelt. He was made a Mason in 1881 at the Mystic Star lodge in Brooklield, Vt., and with Mrs. Wheatley joined the Eastern Star of Farmington in 18!)8. He is a member of Woodbine lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F., and of Mad River Encampment of Farmington, N. H., and he and Mrs. Wheatley belong to the Rebekah lodge therewith connected. Th^y both attend the Congregational church of Farmington whose teachings harmonize with their religovis views Both are well known in the social circles of this vicinity and their hosjiitable home, a brick house, planned and built by the Doctor the year thej^ were married is an attractive centre for their hosts of friends. " Doctor is a member of the Vermont and New HamjDshire medical societies. He was a charter member of the Delta Mu fraternity.

162 V 56

Irving Wheatley acquired his education in the public schools of his native town and completed a four years' course at the St. Johnsbury academy, graduating in 1880. Several years follow- ing this he was teacher and assistant to the superintendent in the Kansas State Reform School at Topeka, Kansas; supplement- ing his work there by the study of architecture and perfecting himself in civil engiDeering. In 1886 he entered the employ of the Atkinson, Topeka & Santo Fe Railway Co., as transit man in an engineering corps; six months later he was put in charge of a locating party which located a number of their important lines in Kansas, Indian Territory and Colorado. When this railway began the extension of their line from Kansas City to Chicago he was transferred to this division and made superintendent of bridges, buildings and water service with headquarters at Fort Madison, Iowa. In 1890 he gave up railroad work and asso- ciated himself with the North Western Contracting Company (a construction comjmuy of Chicago), where he had charge of the




construction of the Grant Locomotive Works and several other hu'fi^e manufacturinfif plants iu and about Chicago, also parts of Chicago's elevated railway system. In 1892 while yet in the employ of the same company he had general su])orvision of the work of building mam- of the wonderful productions of ar<-hi- tecture on the World's Fair grounds, among them being the terminal railway station, the electrical and U. S. government building. He had charge of the placing of many of the exhibits for both foreign and domestic exhibitors. As all the contract- ors were compelled by their contracts to keep the buildings in repair during the entire six months of the fair, it gave him a rare opportunity to familiarize himself in detail with this great Worlds exposition. Soon after the World's Fair he associated himself with B. Langtry Sous of Strong City, Kansas, railroad and general contractors, as Huperintendent of theii- contracts in Missouii, Iowa and Illinois, with offices at Fort Madison, Iowa. February 22, 1902 he began work on the big contract to till a part of China Basin in Frisco Bay, California. B. Langtry Sons in consideration of one million dollars took this contract of the Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe Railroad Co. with the under- standing that in two years time they will move the big hill l)ack of the historic old Presidio and reclaim sixty eight acres of ten-i- tory now presided over by Neptune. This will give the Sante Fe a level substantial tract of land for terminal facilities. Dur- ing the winter of 1902 Superintendent I. N. AVheatley was trans- fered to the Pacific coast department with office at Los Angeles where the above work will prol)ably kee]) liim for the next two years.

KVA V 50

Tenney Hall Wheatley B. S., M. D. Two of the Wheatley characteristic's ai-e love for nature and the reading of good books. The subject of this sketch early manifested these distinctive traits. His love for "the open" was deep. His happiest boy- hood days were spent in fishing down the Falls Brook to liill's Hole, or roaming the woods and hills on hunting or trapjiing expeditions. He loved to "line" the wild honey-bees to their



sylvan hive in some stately hemlock, or, seated beside the bee house, observe these little lovers of the flowers come home laden with nectar. This nature study was cultivated and developed by procuring from the unique Brookfield library, an institution now over one hundred years old. Major Nathaniel Wheatley being one of the founders, books by such wholesome writers as Rev. Elijah Kellogg and Henry Thoreau. At first he attended the Vermont Methodist seminary in Montpelier but in the fall of 1887 he entered the St. Johnsbury academy and graduated in 1888, During this academy year he was elected class orator. Then for two years he taught school. In the summer of 1889 while taking a carriage drive in company with his father he called on the late U. S. Senator Justin S. Morrill at his country house in Strafford. The senator was a trustee of the Univer- sity of Vermont and advised a college course. This and a visit by Prof, W. W. Cooke of the university decided him to enter college, from which he graduated in the class of '93. In college he was one of the associate editors of the University Cynic for two years and one of the charter members of the Kappa Sigma fraternit3\ It was during his course of study that the bill to establish a sej^arate agricultural college was introduced into the legislature. This bill had passed the House and was before the Senate when the subject of this sketch wrote the famous petition signed by a large number of the university students, and accom- panied by a student delegation, went to Montpe'ier and made a speech in the Senate before a committee of that body. The re- sult was a killing of the bill. His college expenses were largely met by his work as assistant secretary of the Vermont Dairy- men's Association and lectures at the winter meetings of the Vermont Board of Agriculture. After graduation he visited the Columbian Exposition and matriculated in the University of Chicago, but in a few weeks sickness compelled him to return East. When health returned he entered the University of Ver- mont Medical College and graduated in 1896. He Avas a mem- ber of the Delta Mu fraternity In the summer of 1896 he went to New York city for post graduate and dispensary work and in



1897 opened an office at his present address, 151 Hewes ptreet, Brooklyn, N. Y. He joined Plymouth church ^Tay Kl, IH'.IT, at the time of the semi-centennial celebration of this historic church. He has been identified in the work of the Brooklyn Bureau of charities, president of the Seth Low club of his ward, received two appointments from the board of health and is a medical examiner for the John Hancock Life Insurance Co. Like Prof. Drummoud he believes "the greatest thing in this world is love," that the aim of all should be to make the world better for oiu* having lived in it.

164 V 57

Harlan Wheatley Bowman was married at St. Johnsburvi Vermont, March 14, 1872, to Mary Foster, b at Waterford, March 1, 1850. They went on to a farm at ^larcus; Cherokee county, Iowa, where the}' remained until Harlan began to show signs of consumption, when in 1874 they went to Sau Bernar- dino, S. B. county, California, where they gained in health while attending business. But disease was so deeply rooted that it gained the victory August 11, 1870. His remains were brought East and buried in the St. Johnsbiu-y, Vermont, cemetery. Mary is again married to J. W. Fisk and lives at Aurora, 111.


379. Elsie Bowman, b 1 March, 1873. She is an accom- plished graceful woman hving with her mother at Aurora, 111.

1G5 V 57

Charles Parish Bowman was married at Sergeant's 1^1 utT, Iowa, September 26, 1879, to Mary Brown, b Philadolphia, Pennsylvania, August 18, 1859. Charles fitted for college at St. Johnsbury academy and gi-aduated from Dartmouth at the head of the class in 1878. He immediately entered upon his hfe work as an educator, having charge of the Sioux City, Iowa, schools from 1880 to 1900, when he entered upon the jjractice of law in Sioux Citv, Iowa.



380. Harrry Parish Bowman, b 31 August, 1883.

381. Helen Charlotte Bowman, b 10 July, 1890.

382. Miriam Rosalia Bowman, b 5 July, 1892.

168 V 57 Thomas H. Bowman was married at St. Johnsbury, Ver- mont to Ellen B. Wright, b at East Pepperell, Massachusetts, Januai'y 13, 1854. He manufactured brick for several years at St. Johnsbuiy. He went to California and settled at Ontario in 1887, but since 1890 has lived at San Bernadino, California.


383. Eunice Bowman, b 20 February, 1889.

168 V 60

Walter Eaton Spicer was married at Boston, Massachusetts, 24 November, 1880, to Harriet Perkins, b at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 27 January, 1857. Walter was educated in the public schools of Royalton, Vermont. Moving to Boston he entered the postoffice in the maiJing division in 1882, with resi- dence at Rosiindale. For some time he was in the money order depai'tment and later had charge of the foreign mails in the Boston postofHce. He was one of the best known and efficient clerks in the office. After sixteen years of faithful service he was detached from the Boston office in the sjjring of 1898, and sent in charge of the mails in the Santiago campaign. In the summer he was appointed postmaster of Guatanamo, Cuba, where he died of yellow fever Thursday, October 27, 1898. Postmaster Thomas of Boston thought very highly of him and immediately made arrangements with the war department for the transportation of his body home. His widow, a most esti- mable woman, and her four bright children received the sincere sympathy of the general public, who contributed most generously to her comfort. Walter Spicer was the first employee of the Post Office Department to die in the war service. The Postmaster General expressed deep symj)athy for the bereaved family, and started a movement to provide a pension for this class of cases.


WALTKU K. Sl'li Kit. (KiK)



3i)4. Erut'sl Frauk Spit-er, 1> lii Novcml)*-!-. 1HH:1

385. Ireue Snliua Perkius Spicer, 1) 11 Fehnuiry, 188G, d

Boston, 8 July, 185)5. 38(5. Mary Florinda Spicer, 1. (i April, 1888, d Boston, IC

Februaiy, 1890. 887. Walter Eaton Spicer, h 9 M-.ivrh, 18'.)0.

388. Adelhert Perkins Spicer, 1. 17 June, 1805.

389. Harriet Pie;-kins Spicer, b 25 February, 1898.

1()9 V no

Eugene Wbeatley Spicer and Laura Lamberton were niiir- ricd at Lebanon, N. H., 12 April, 1S79. 'riu-ir home is at Springfield, Mo.


390. Frank Eugene Spicer, b 10 January, 1S80.

170 Y CO

Ernest Frank Spicer was married at Lebanon, N. H., ."50 Novemlier, 1881, to Fannie A. Cliase, b at Delavan, Illinois, 20 Fel)ruarv, 18()1. His home is at 1(!9 Westminster street, Spriugtield, Mass. He is engaged in a lucrative insurance bus- iness.

171 V CO

Claribel Sincer and Adelbert H. Mchall were nian-ied in Boston, Mass., 5 April, 1892, and lived comfortably at Lancas- ter, Mass., until her death at childbirth.


391. Clyde George Mchall, b 29 Ai.ril, 1S!)4. He lives in

Boston, ]\[ass.

172 Y CI

Harriet L. Bigelow was marrietl at Waitstield, Vermont, 25 August, 18G3, to Perren B. Fisk, 1) Waitstield, 3 July. 18:{7. Mr. Fisk is a Congregational clergyman. During his :{7 years




of active ministry he has resided in several different states of our Union, having lived in Massachusetts, Illinois, Minnesota, and Florida, and also for several years in Vermont. His wife is an active Christian, a faithful Avife and mother, being noted for her extreme goodness.


392. Flora Inlev Fisk, b 4 Januarv, 1865.

393. George S. Fisk, b 10 August, 18(58, d Burlington, Ver-


394. Fidelia Fisk, b 1 June, 1870. Not married. Home in

Boston, Massachusetts.

395. Grace H. Fisk, b 29 January, 1876. Not married.

Home in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

174 V 61

Andrew Wheatley Bigelow was married at Waitstie'd, Ver- mont, 31 December, 1882, to Augusta A. Brown, b November 15, 1853, at Duxbury, Vermont. Farmers in Waitsfield, Ver- mont.


396. Charles A. Bigelow, b 13 July, 1887.

177 V 62.

George W. Bigelow was married 22 August, 1862, at Chel- sea, to Frances J. Hunt, b 16 July, 1843, at Danville, Vermont. George Bigelow was a hard laborer, following his trade of car- penter and joiner. After his removal to Barre he for several years followed the machinist's trade in which trade he received his fatal injury, being caught on an upright driU. His hand was badly lacerated and his arm broken in three places, and this with rheumatism resulted, after years of terrible suffering, in his death. Mrs. Bigelow, his widow, lives at 128 Pitman street, "P'.'^vi'lpiT^p. T?. I.



397. Glen H. Bigelow, b 1 November, lH(i;{.

898. Chiytou B. Bi^^elow, b 29 Jauimry, 18(55.

399. AVillie A. Bigelow, b 4 Febiuiiry, 1870.

400. Hiittie G. Bigelow, b 7 July, \H1:\. ,1 :{ July, 1893.

178 V {\-2

Emeliue S. Bigelow was muiTiftl 19 Ai)iil, l.sc.o, to Miiitiu Coulaud, d Medford, :Mass., 1897. His widow, Mrs. E. S. li. Cou^aud, resides at 79a, Orchard street, Cambridge, Mass.


401. Orrie J. Conland, b 8 April, 18G1.

402. Allie Conland. b 20 April, 18G3, d Brooktield, 7 Octo-

ber, 1863.

403. Jennie M. Conland, b 6 July, 18G6.

404. Lulu N. Conland, b 31 July, 18G8. School teacher in

Pawtucket, R. I.

405. Bertie E. Conland, b 6 June, 1871.

179 V G2

Belle E. Bigelow w^as married at Brooktield, Vermont, in December, 18G3, to Jacob Cole, b 23 January, 1832, at Wilcot, England. Theii- home is at Plattsburg, N. Y.


400. Leon H. Cole,*b 18 June, 18G5.

407. Wesley E. Cole, b 1 March, 18{;7.

408. Ida May Cole, b 13 November, 18G9, d BrookHeld. Vt.,

20 March, 1878.

409. Alta B. Cole, b 4 August, 1871.

182 V G3 Marcie S. Bigelow was married at Rochester, N. Y., 22 December, 18G3, to William R. Oatley.


410. Wheatley T. Oatley, b 29 June, 18G7. d August

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