Location: Miller County, Arkansas

Surnames/tags: Dement Adcock Dodd
Researching the families living in Miller County, Arkansas 1860-1960. Especially focused on the Dement and Adcock families, and their connections to others in the area.
Miller County includes the town of Doddridge, in which several of my ancestors were married and lived. The town is probably named after the Dodd family, who were among the first settlers there, and the geography of the area which featured a ridge.
Champ Field and his wife Malinda Dodd purchased a large parcel of land and moved to the area in 1858 from Georgia, having recently married. Champ had been successful in the Gold Rush, which funded his land purchase in Arkansas.
Charley Dement and his wife Mary Annie and their many children moved back and forth between Mount Pleasant, TX and Sulphur Township several times.
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