
Sunshine Station Railway Disaster

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ballarat, Australiamap
Surname/tag: Australian_Disasters
This page has been accessed 1,005 times.


On the night of Easter Monday, 20 April 1908, over 400 were injured and 44 people died as a result of a Melbourne-bound train from Bendigo colliding with the rear of a mail train from Ballarat, which was just leaving the station. Around 1,100 people were aboard the two trains. Almost all of the casualties were from the Ballarat train, as the Bendigo train was cushioned by its two locomotives.

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Picture Surname Given Names Age Burial Other Family in Accident
ACREMAN Rose Beatrice (Williams) 35 yrs. Footscray General Cemetery 16 yrs old daughter Rose Beatrice received a fractured thigh in the collision.
ATKINSON Thomas 48 yrs. Williamstown Cemetery No
BLIGHT John Algernon 22 yrs. Ballarat Old Cemetery No
BROWN John Ballarat New Cemetery yesorno
BUNYARD Stuart Ormonde 22 yrs. Oakleigh Cemetery No
CLARK Archer 48 yrs. Fawkner Memorial Park 16 yr. old daughter Mary Alicia also killed.
CLARK Mary Alicia 16 yrs. Fawkner Memorial Park Father also killed.
DALLING Frances Elizabeth Mount Cole Cemetery
DANNOCK James Oliver49 yrs. Boroondara General CemeteryDaughter Maria Mary killed; daughter Urica critically injured.
DANNOCK Maria Mary20 yrs. Boroondara General Cemetery Father James killed; sister Urica critically injured.
DAVIS Joseph Melbourne General Cemetery
DENIER Ernest Ballarat New Cemetery
DENT John Edward24 yrs. Boroondara General CemeteryBrother Albert received extensive scalp wounds, a broken nose, and severe bruising.
ELLINGSEN Albert Ballarat New Cemetery
GATES Joseph Leonard 20 yrs. Footscray General Cemetery Brother Leslie also died.
GATES Leslie Russell 18 yrs. Footscray General Cemetery Brother Joseph also died.
GILES Matilda Maud Boroondara General Cemetery
GREEN Ethel May Dolly Boroondara General Cemetery
HAWKES John Daniel Boroondara General Cemetery
HUGHES Ada Williamstown Cemetery
HUGHES Griffith Williamstown Cemetery
HUNTINGTON Thomas Leslie Footscray General Cemetery
JONES Elizabeth Amelia Melbourne General Cemetery
LAFFAN Catherine Amy 23 yrs. Melbourne General Cemetery Sister Alice killed.
LAFFAN Bridget Alice 20 yrs. Melbourne General Cemetery Sister Katherine killed.
McCALL George Wilkie24 yrs. Boroondara General Cemetery No
McKAY Alexander Barclay Melbourne General Cemetery
McKean Thomas Fawkner Cemetery
NANKERVIS William 51 yrs. Melbourne General Cemetery Son William Raymond received dislocated hip.
O'CONNOR Frederick George St Kilda Cemetery
PASCOE James Victor26 yrs. Ballarat Old Cemetery No
PEATE Henry Edwin Boroondara General Cemetery
RUSHBROOK Esther Edith May Boroondara General Cemetery
SAWYER Frederick George Melbourne General Cemetery
SKOGLUNDOscar27 yrs. Boroondara General Cemetery Wife Jenni (Grace) Skoglund injurred.
THOMAS William Williamstown Cemetery
THOMAS Janet (Jones) 61 yrs. Ballarat New Cemetery No
TUCKER Annie Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery
TUCKER Margaret W. (Leckie) Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery
WATSON Rupert Chester Inglis 15 yrs. Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery
WILLIAMS Elizabeth Melbourne General Cemetery
WILLIAMSON Charles Frederick Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery
WRIGHT Agnes Brighton Cemetery

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