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Super (Big Family) Tree app

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Surnames/tags: wt_apps super_big super_tree
Profile manager: Greg Clarke private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,342 times.
18 Dec 2023 — 451 (Do not edit)
22 Feb 2024 — 701 (Do not edit)
31 Mar 2024 — 882 (Do not edit)

NOTICE: The Super (Big Family) Tree has recently returned to the Tree Apps (as of 16 Feb 2024)

See Greg demo his new Super (Big Family) Tree during the Saturday Roundup on Saturday 2 Dec 2023 — starting at the 29 minute mark. Youtube

This is the help page for the Super (Big Family) Tree app which is now available as part of the Tree Apps suite. The app was originally developed during Hacktoberfest 2023 by Greg Clarke.

The Super (Big Family) Tree app (aka Super Tree) can be used to create a customized display showing the direct ancestors and descendants of any individual listed on WikiTree, as well as cousins. User-specified settings control the display form of personal metadata (names, dates, places), inclusion of thumbnail photos, and how colours are used to highlight characteristics such as gender, generation, ancestral lines, alive on this date, and user-defined text strings. The Super (Big Family) Tree lets you examine a person's vital statistics, jump to any person's profile, jump to a new Super (Big Family) Tree instance for any person in the tree. Or to a Fan Chart app, Descendants app, and Bio Check.

We imagine the following uses for Super (Big Family) Tree:

  • Browsing family trees for fun. Chasing rabbits.
  • Looking for ancestors, descendants, branches, and cousins.
  • Visualizing a family; in large and in small; in colour and in style.
  • Taking screenshots of family trees to share, add to slides, add to handouts.
  • Creating PDF files for printing your own Super Big Family Tree.
  • Using the app as a launchpad for parallel examination of any person in the tree,in another browser tab
    • link to person's WikiTree ID profile
    • links to person's ID in Fan Chart
    • link to person's ID in Super (Big Family) Tree
    • links to person's ID in Descendants
    • links to person's ID in Bio Check
  • Presenting family trees using Super (Big Family) Tree, on screen and in print, in private consultation, or in public forums.

New — features added within the last six months — are marked by NEW !
Pending — features to expect soon. The documentation got ahead of the software.

Pending — Greg's ambition is for any family to be able to print a full 15 generations (7 ancestors, 7 descendants) of one family centered on a single subject person. The trick has always been how do you generate a tree so large on the canvas of a screen and then transfer that canvas to a print-capable media file for use by a variety of differently sized printing devices. One person might want to print the whole thing on a their laser-jet colour printer and a ream of letter-size (A4) paper and tape it together on a wall. Another person might take it to a web-offset printer and get it printed on banner-sized paper. Doing all of that and having it be legible and usable at every size... that's the big trick, and Greg is making progress. That's what is pending. It may take a while yet. But don't be surprised if you start to see bits of capability on one platform or another. See Printing for the current status of printing capability.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or bug reports about the app, please send Greg a message on WikiTree.

IntroductionSettingsSubjectsPrinting SourcesBrowsersNew



This guide will show you how to use the various features of the app.

We recommend that you enable the WikiTree Browser Extension (WBE) feature — Image Zoom. Some of the images presented in this document are purposely smaller than full size so that we can present them side-by-side or as a group, rather than scrolling through a long series of full-size screenshots.. With WBE's Image Zoom enabled, you can just click in the bottom right corner of any screenshot and you'll get an enlarged version of the same image. If you haven't been using it already, this is a good time to get started — WikiTree Browser Extension.

Some of the screenshots in the document may be out of date. They were added over the course of October and November of 2023, and are being continually updated on an a fluctuating and free-wheeeee-ling schedule. If something egregious catches your attention, let us know.

Starting the Super (Big Family) Tree app

To use the Super (Big Family) Tree app, there are three actions you need to take

  1. Select Tree Apps from the horizontal tabs on any WikiTree person profile
  2. Select Super Tree from the pulldown menu
  3. Customize the display to suit your purpose
  • On any WikiTree person profile, click on the Tree Apps tab.
  • The WikiTree ID of the profile is carried over.
  • Choose Super Tree. It will automatically load up, without you having to enter anything.
  • Initially, you may see a message asking you please wait— typically only a few seconds.
  • Then the tree is displayed and you can adjust the size and settings to suit your purpose.

The Super (Big Family) Tree

Tree Apps Header — Super Tree.
Six Generations of Pauline Denise Marcoux and Family. Privatize is enabled. IN-LAWS is enabled.
Six Generations of Pauline Denise Marcoux and Family.

This example tree presents six generations of the family of Pauline Denise Marcoux, mother of the creator of the Super (Big Family) Tree. Because there are Living People listed in this tree, we have enabled the Privatize feature. We have also enabled IN-LAWS.

As you increase the number of generations, the relative size of the overall tree will increase vertically, and it is likely to expand horizontally. As SBFT attempts to fit the whole tree into your viewport, the reduced size of the individual leaves on the tree could make it difficult to discern who anybody is, in which case you can just click on any leaf and a Profile Detail Popup will fill you in.

Profile Detail Popup

Profile Detail Popup.

Click on any person in the tree to reveal their details in a pop-up — birth and death dates and places; spouse(s); a link to their WikiTree profile; and, a quick link to their Fan Chart, Super (Big Family) Tree, the Descendants app, and the Bio Check app.

Button Bar

The Button Bar is supposed to be sticky, so that you can scroll the page and keep the Button Bar in sight at the top of the window. That's how it works on Greg's server, but not on the test server or the Live! public server. Please bear with us while we work out some kinks.

Super (Big Family) Tree Button Bar.
Super (Big Family) Tree Button Bar.
  • ANCESTORS — Press the + and – buttons to add/subtract generations showing. (Max 7)
  • DESCENDANTS — Press the + and – buttons to add/subtract generations showing. (Max 7.)

Generations Displayed

Generations Displayed
Generations Displayed

The number of generations of Ancestors and Descendants being displayed is indicated, and you may choose to increase or decrease that number by selecting + or . (Minimum=0, Maximum=7). You may detect a slight pause as the app retrieves additional ancestors from WikiTree, especially at more distant generations. A message may appear below the toolbar. When it completes, you may want to click on the resize button (see below) to adjust your viewport.

BRANCHES: aunts/uncles. First level branch. Siblings and siblings of direct ancestors. Up to 1-5x great-aunts/uncles.

— Siblings of direct ancestors.(aunts/uncles, great aunts/uncles, ...)

BRANCHES: 1st cousins. Second level branch. Children (and spouses) of the siblings of direct ancestors. We normally think of 1st cousins as the children of one's aunts and uncles.  The children of one's 4th great-grand-aunts and -uncles are also one's 1st cousins—our 1st cousins five times removed.

— Children and spouses of siblings of direct ancestors.[1][2]

BRANCHES: 2nd cousins. Third level branch. Grandchildren of siblings of direct ancestors.

— Grandchildren of the siblings of direct ancestors.[1][2]

BRANCHES: 3rd cousins. Fourth level branch. Great-grandchildren of siblings of direct ancestors.

— Great-grandchildren of the siblings of direct ancestors.[1][2]


SIBLINGS. Enable to add all siblings (brothers/sisters) of the subject.

Enable or disable. Adds all siblings (brothers/sisters) of the subject.


IN-LAWS toggle.Enable to add parents of the subject's spouse(s).

Enable or disable. Adds the parents of the subject's spouse(s).

Pedigree Only

Pedigree Only toggle. Enable to eliminate branches from the tree. When Pedigree Only is enabled, the tree will not include siblings, aunts and uncles, or cousins.

Enable to eliminate branches from the tree. When enabled, the tree will not include siblings, aunts and uncles, or cousins.


Privatize. Hides personal identification information of every Living Person in the tree.

Enable Privatize to hide personal identification information of every Living Person in the tree. Use this feature when giving a genealogy or technology presentation in public, leave it off for private consultations. Private profiles (red or black privacy levels) will be hidden.

Zoom to Fit Button


Cycles through 3 settings — one of which is a custom zoom that remembers the last zoom factor the user used by pinch to zoom gestures.

Info Button

Info Button.
Info Button.
About Super (Big Family) Tree app
About Super (Big Family) Tree app

Click on the (i) icon to open the Info box.

Help Button

Help Button.
Help Button.

Click on the (?) icon to open the Super (Big Family) Tree app space page.

Click on the (?) icon on any Settings tab to access the Fan Chart app space page in a new browser tab, at the specific section that describes that Settings tab.

Settings Button

Settings Button.
Settings Button.
Settings Dialog
Settings Dialog

Click on the gear-shaped Settings icon to open the Settings dialog.


Legend Button.
Legend Button.

When a Highlights option has been chosen, a popup box will appear in the top-left corner of the window view, containing details. The Legend button will also appear in the toolbar so that you can show/hide the popup legend. This Legend button will alternatively hide or show the pop-up box.

IntroductionSettingsSubjectsPrinting SourcesBrowsersNew


The Settings (gear icon) provides you with content options... what to include on the Super (Big Family) Tree and how to format it.

In the Settings menu, you will find options to customize the look and content of your Super (Big Family) Tree. There are seven tabs:

Reset/Save/Load Settings

Reset/Save/Load Settings

  • You can reset to the default settings at any time.
  • You can save your current settings
  • You can load a previously saved settings.

GeneralNamesDatesPlacesPhotosColours Highlights


Settings Dialog
Settings — General

Font for Names: — Select your preference
Font for Info: — Select your preference
Box Width: — Select your preference
Vertical Spacing (from 1 to 10) — Select your preference
Extras on top: — Select your preference
Show Coloured boxes around Ancestor Families

In the first example, the tree of Tommy Douglas is displayed using the default settings.

General tab: Defult Settings. In this example, the tree of Tommy Douglas is displayed using the default settings.
General tab: Defult Settings. (Subject: Douglas-2805)

In the second example, the tree is displayed using the custom settings. The name and info font is Times; the box width is now "narrow"; the vertical spacing has been reduced to "5"; only the WikiTree ID is displayed above the image space; and, his ancestors (his parents) are highlighted with coloured boxes.

General tab: Custom Settings. In this example, the tree is displayed using the custom settings. The name and info font is Times; the box width is now "narrow"; the vertical spacing has been reduced to "5"; only the WikiTree ID is displayed above the image space; and, his ancestors (his parents) are highlighted with coloured boxes.
General tab: Custom Settings. (Subject: Douglas-2805)

GeneralNamesDatesPlacesPhotosColours Highlights


Settings Dialog — Names tab
Settings Dialog — Names tab

These options determine how names are displayed in the tree. By default, the First Name at Birth (FNAB) and Last Name at Birth are selected; you can opt to display the Preferred Name and the Current Last name (CLN) instead. There are numerous other options to fine tune the display of names to suit the application.

  • Show Prefix, (e.g. Sir, Lord, Dr., Rt. Hon. )
  • use the First Name at Birth, or Usual Name
  • Show Nickname, (e.g. "Lucky", "Radar", "Sparky")
  • Show Middle Name
  • Last Name at Birth, or the Current/Married Name
  • Show Suffix, (e.g. Sr., Jr., III )

Normally, using the First Name at Birth and the Last Name at Birth is all we need. But there are times when you want to create a display version of a tree. These options let you tune the tree presentation. In the examples that follow, although our subject was born as Thomas Douglas, son of Thomas Douglas, he was, and is, known most commonly as Tommy Douglas, a champion for every working Canadian. He is entitled to an Hon. prefix for his service, and he was never known to use the Jr or II suffix.

Thomas Douglas. Default Name settings. Show First Name at Birth. Places/dates hidden.
Thomas Douglas — FNAB LNAB.
Tommy Douglas. Show Usual Name. Places/dates hidden.
Tommy Douglas — Usual name LNAB.
Thomas Clement Douglas. Show Middle Name. Places/dates hidden.
Thomas Clement Douglas — FNAB Middle Name LNAB.
Thomas C. Douglas. Show Middle Initial. Places/dates hidden.
Thomas C. Douglas — FNAB Middle Initial LNAB.
Irma May Dempsey. FNAB Middle Name LNAB. Places/dates hidden.
Irma May Dempsey — FNAB Middle Name LNAB
Irma Douglas. FNAB and CLN. Places/dates hidden.
Irma Douglas — FNAB and CLN.

GeneralNamesDatesPlacesPhotosColours Highlights


Settings Dialog — Dates tab
Settings Dialog — Dates tab

These options determine how dates are displayed in the tree.

  • No dates
  • Show Lifespan only, in years
  • Show Full Dates for life events (e.g. b. 1746-01-31 / d. 1812-12-25 )
Only 1 of Lifespan or Exact Dates can be active - or neither option, not both.

Full Dates details:

  • Show Birth Date
  • Show Death Date

Date Format:

  • 1964 | 1964-01-16 | 16 Jan 1964 | Jan 16, 1964
Dates: Default settings.  Full dates in DD MM YYYY format.
Dates: DD MM YYYY. (Subject: Fraser-2541)
Dates: Lifespan years only.
Dates: Lifespan years only. (Subject: Fraser-2541)
Dates: Date Format is YYYY.
Dates: YYYY. (Subject: Fraser-2541)
Dates: Date Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
Dates: YYYY-MM-DD.. (Subject: Fraser-2541)
Dates: Date Format is Month DD, YYYY.
Dates: Month DD, YYYY. (Subject: Fraser-2541)

GeneralNamesDatesPlacesPhotosColours Highlights


Settings Dialog — Places tab
Settings Dialog — Places tab

These options apply to the Places displayed for birth, marriages, & deaths.

  • No Locations — do not display locations
  • Show Locations for life events — display locations as specified below

Location details:

  • Show Birth Location — display data if it is present in profile
  • Show Death Location — display data if it is present in profile

Birth/Death Location Format: — what level of information is right for your application

  • Full Location as entered — verbose
  • Country only — close enough for many applications
  • Region only — a State, Province, Territory
  • Town only —
  • Town, Country —
  • Region, Country —
  • Town, Region —
Places. Default settings. Full place names.
Places. Default settings. Full place names.
Places. No place names.
Places. No place names.
Places. Country only. Close enough for many applications
Places. Country only.
Places. Region only. Typically a State, Province, or Territory.
Places. Region only.
Places. Town only.
Places. Town only.
Places. Town, Country.
Places. Town, Country.
Places. Region, Country .
Places. Region, Country
Places. Town, Region.
Places. Town, Region

GeneralNamesDatesPlacesPhotosColours Highlights


Settings Dialog — Photos tab
Settings Dialog — Photos tab

These options determine if photos are displayed or not.

  • Show Photos
  • Use Silhouette when no photo available — male or female silhouette representations

GeneralNamesDatesPlacesPhotosColours Highlights


Settings Dialog — Colours tab
Settings Dialog — Colours tab

The Colours tab offers a set of options to manage the colours used in the entire tree according to different organizational structures (by generation, family clusters, or places), and to select from among several the colour palettes with which to colour the Super (Big Family) Tree.

  • Background Colour cells by:
    • White
    • Distance from Primary
    • Generation
    • Gender (male / female)
    • Ancestor Family
    • Random
  • Colour Palette: There are 11 different colour palettes.

Many of the examples in this document have used the Pastel Colours palette, which is the default.

Colour by Distance from Primary

In this example, we can see that the subject, Simon Fraser is presented with a white background. At one step away, his parents and siblings, along with his wife and children are presented in yellow. At two steps away, his siblings' spouses and children are presented in pink, as are his grandparents.

Colour by Distance from Primary. In this example, we can see that the subject, Simon Fraser is presented with a white background. At one step away, his parents and siblings, along with his wife and children are presented in yellow. At two steps away, his siblings' spouses and children are presented in pink, as are his grandparents.
Colour by Distance from Primary. (Subject: Fraser-2541)

Colour by Generation

In this example, the subject's generation are a uniform colour (the subject and subject's siblings, and their spouses). The children of the subject and subject's siblings will be coloured a different uniform colour. The subject's parents and their parents, and so on, also shift colour at each generation. We have chosen the "Pastel colours" palette.

Colour by Generations. In this example, the subject's generation and that generations descendants are a uniform colour, representing the subjects more immediate family; the people who are more likely to be at a family picnic or a wedding. The subject's ancestors, his parents and their parents, and so on, shift colour at each generation. We have chosen the "Pastel colours" palette.
Colour by Generations. (Subject: Leblanc-7049)

In the following example, we have eliminated descendants from the tree and are only looking at ancestors. We have chosen the "Pastel colours" palette.

Colour by Generation with 4 Generations of Ancestors. In this example, we have eliminated descendants from the tree and are only looking at ancestors. We have chosen the "Pastel colours" pallette.
Colour by Generation with 4 Generations of Ancestors.

In the following example, we have eliminated ancestors from the view and are only looking at the descendants. We have chosen the "Psychedelic" colour palette. Names are in Times and info is in Arial. Placenames are limited to town/region and dates are limited to date range.

Colour by Generations with 5 Generations of Descendants
Colour by Generations with 5 Generations of Descendants

In this final example, we have added multiple branches, showing up to second cousins, as well as two generations of ancestors and descendants, using Simon Fraser as the subject. We have used the "Rainbow" colour palette for higher contrast to illustrate the generations, from a birds-eye view, as it were. In this example we see Simon, and his siblings, their spouses (medium pink), children (dark pink) and grandchildren (purple). Above Simon are the extended branches from his parents. These show his parents, each of their siblings and spouses (light pink), as well as their children (Simon's first cousins, medium pink) and grandchildren (dark pink). Simon's grandparents top the chart (in red). Simon and his siblings are of the same generation as his first cousins (of a similar age). Simon's children are of the same generation as his first cousins' children.

Colour by Generations with 2 Generations of Ancestors & Descendants and Branching to 2nd cousins
Colour by Generations with 2 Generations of Ancestors & Descendants and Branching to 2nd cousins

Colour by Gender

Louis Riel with his wife and children. In this example, We have chosen the Psychedelic colour pallette to indicate Gender. The names are in Fantasy and the text is in Script. Full dates are shown, but the locations are limited to region and country. By setting ANCESTORS=0, we have removed his parents, siblings, and nephews and nieces from the tree.
Louis Riel with his wife and children. (Subject: Riel-5)

In this example, We have chosen the Psychedelic colour pallette to indicate Gender. The names are in Fantasy and the text is in Script. Full dates are shown, but the locations are limited to region and country. By setting ANCESTORS=0, we have removed his parents, siblings, and nephews and nieces from the tree.

Colour by Ancestor Family

Colour by Ancestor uses a custom palette that assigns each direct ancestor a unique colour. The colours are shades of blue on the paternal side, and shades of pink on the maternal side, with a consistent shade of Blue following the paternal (Y-DNA) line, and a consistent Pink following the maternal (mt DNA) line. All of a direct ancestor's siblings and their descendants will be coloured in that same unique colour assigned to the ancestor.

Pedigree of Marie Blanche LeBlanc to 4 generations, using Colour by Ancestor
Marie Blanche LeBlanc with 4 generations of ancestors. (Subject: Leblanc-7049)

In this example, we have chosen the Colour by Ancestor, which uses its own custom palette. Pedigree Only mode has been invoked, and Ancestors is set to 4 generations. Each direct ancestor has their own specific colour assigned. Because of the limited number of colours possible, colours are reused from one generation to the next as needed, following an inheritance pattern where possible.

Family Tree of Louis Riel, showing 3 generations of ancestors, including their siblings, using Colour by Ancestor
Louis Riel with his wife and children. (Subject: Riel-5)

In this example, with Louis Riel as the primary person, we have Ancestors set to 3 generations and used the first option for Branches : showing aunts/uncles (siblings of direct ancestors). Descendants have been limited to only one generation, the children of Louis Riel, and Siblings have been turned off.

Each direct ancestor has their own specific colour assigned, and in this screenshot you can see that siblings (and additional spouses) are also coloured the same. If the depth of the Branches is set higher, to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd cousins, those additional descendants of the siblings would also inherit the same colour as the connected direct ancestor.

GeneralNamesDatesPlacesPhotosColours Highlights


Settings Dialog — Highlights tab
Settings Dialog — Highlights tab

Highlight cells based on option chosen below:

  • Alive on this day — Select any date in history to highlight everyone in the tree who was alive on that date.
  • Biography text — Enter any text string to highlight everyone in the tree who has that text string in their profile.
Highlights: Alive on this day. Select any date in history to highlight everyone in the tree who was alive on that date.
Highlights: Alive on this day.

In the example above, several of the tree leaves are highlighted in bright yellow to indicate that they were alive on the date entered, 1 Jan 1950.

Highlights: Biography text. Enter any text string to highlight everyone in the tree who has that text string in their profile.
Highlights: Biography text .

In the example above, several of the tree leaves are highlighted in bright yellow to indicate that they each contain the text entered, "Confirmed".

IntroductionSettingsSubjectsPrinting SourcesBrowsersNew


Given that the creator of the Super (Big Family) Tree is Canadian, and so is the documentarian, they decided to carry on their Canadian subject theme. Among the subjects we have chosen are some notable and historical figures from across Canada. Of course, there are many subjects that we could have chosen to demonstrate the a family tree, but we wanted to highlight people who have enough ancestors and descendants to really show off the Super (Big Family) Tree.

Pauline Denise Marcoux (Québec)

Pauline Denise Marcoux.
Pauline Denise Marcoux.

Pauline Denise (Marcoux) Douglas (1947-2012) is the birth mother of Greg Clarke, the creator of the Super (Big Family) Tree app.

Pauline Denise Marcoux  in Super (Big Family) Tree
Pauline Denise Marcoux in Super (Big Family) Tree (Privatized)

When we add BRANCHES==aunts/uncles, to the settings, we can see that she has a lot of aunts and uncles on both paternal and maternal sides. See what what happens in the next example.


When we add BRANCHES==1st cousins, to the settings, we can see, on close inspection, that some of her aunts and uncles have spouses. You have to look for the double horizontal line (====) between people to discern a marital partner, or single horizontal line (----) to discern a co-parent. In this example, there are no 1st cousins, but the call for 1st cousins triggered the need for extra spouses, and so, they appear.


Marie Blanche Leblanc (Acadia)

Marie Blanche Leblanc. Leblanc-7049
Marie Blanche Leblanc.

Marie Blanche LeBlanc (abt.1751-1827) is a notable Acadian. She has the distinction of being the person who was deported from Acadia most times, at four.

This subject was suggested by the leaders of the Acadians Project.

Marie Blanche Leblanc in Super (Big Family) Tree.
Marie Blanche Leblanc in Super (Big Family) Tree.

Louis Riel (Manitoba)

Louis Riel.
Louis Riel.

Louis Riel (1844-1885) is a notable Canadian, a founder of the Province of Manitoba, and a leader of the Métis people.

Louis Riel in Super (Big Family) Tree.
Louis Riel in Super (Big Family) Tree.

Hon. Thomas "Tommy" Clement Douglas (Saskatchewan)

Thomas Clement Douglas.
Thomas Clement Douglas.

Thomas Clement Douglas (1904-1986) is a Canadian notable and National Historic Person, and considered by some to be the Greatest Canadian of all time, for his role in the establishment of Canada's central banking, old age pensions, unemployment insurance, and universal Medicare systems.

He was ordained as a Baptist minister in 1930. He was Premier of the Province of Sasketchewan. In 1935 he was elected as a federal MP representing the CCF party. He was the 7th Premier of Saskatchewan, from 1944 to 1961. He is known as the "Father of Medicare" for his role in introducing universal health care to Canada. He later became leader of the New Democratic Party, and was an MP until 1979.

Hon. Thomas "Tommy" Clement Douglas.
Hon. Thomas "Tommy" Clement Douglas.

On Privacy and Notability
The Super Tree app can only show people and relationships that are public —AND — people and relationships that you have permission to see based on privacy settings and trusted list settings, as a logged-in WikiTree member.

If you consider Shirley Douglas, daughter of subject Tommy Douglas , when you expand the Super Tree to show 2 generations of descendants you will see Shirley's husband and two children.Note that you can see the husband's name and photo (Donald Sutherland) but no marriage date, also, only a single line joining them, and two children, one identified as Kiefer Sutherland, the other marked as Private.

Shirley Douglas profile vital statistics
Shirley Douglas profile vital statistics

Shirley's profile page you see that under relationships she has a husband — but no name or marriage date is indicated there because her husband is living. (His name and the marriage date are considered private information.) In this particular case, though, because the husband is himself a WikiTree Notable, the app was able to retrieve his name and marital relationship from his profile—but not the private marriage date.

Likewise for her two children, one is a living WikiTree Notable, so is partially identified (Kiefer), the other is Private. Notice that on the profile, the private child may be identified as a private son or daughter, but the Super Tree app does not get that gender data from private profiles, so a non-binary silhouette is used in those cases.

In the Super Tree app, a double horizontal line that connects two people indicates a marriage, and the marriage date and place will appear in their Person Pop-Up, and can also be displayed on their name card in the app itself. In contrast, a single line connects a mother and father who share children but are unmarried (i.e. do not have a marriage relationship between them on their WikiTree profile) OR because of privacy settings, that marriage fact cannot be retrieved.

In cases where there is a marriage between two people but the WikiTree profile setting for that marriage relationship has checked off the setting DO NOT DISPLAY, then, the Spouse will not be displayed in the tree. The children, if any, will be connected to the single parent who is the direct relative of the subject.

The exception to this is, perhaps ironically, if the Do Not Display spouse is a living person, or if the person's profile is marked private, which would make the marriage relationship private and therefore not accessible by the app. In this case, the spouse would be attached as a Private Person with a single line, and connected to their children in common, if any. As a Private Person, their presence in the tree would hide names, marriage dates, or any identifying information.

Simon Fraser (British Columbia)

Simon Fraser.

Simon Fraser (1776-1862) is a notable Canadian. As an employee of the North West Company in charge of the company's operations west of the Rocky Mountains. He was an explorer and fur trader who mapped out much of what would become the modern Province of British Columbia. Being the first European to create settlements in the territory, his efforts later helped establish the 49th parallel as the southern border with the United States. A river, a mountain, a lake, a bridge, and a university in British Columbia bear his name. He and his wife, Catherine, had nine children.

Simon Fraser in Super (Big Family) Tree.
Simon Fraser in Super (Big Family) Tree.

Charles Saint-Étienne de La Tour

Charles de La Tour
Charles de La Tour

Charles (De Latour) Saint-Étienne de La Tour (abt.1593-abt.1664) is a notable Acadian, having been a Governor of Acadia. He is credited with establishing the fort at Pentagouët in 1613. He married first an Unknown Mi'kmaq (abt.1605-bef.1639); they had three children. He married second Françoise Marie Jacquelin (1621-1645); they had two children. He married third Jeanne Motin de Reux (abt.1615-bef.1663); they had five children together; she also had eight children from a previous marriage with Charles de Menou d'Aulnay (abt.1604-1650), another notable Acadian and De Latour's principal rival.

Blended Families

We have chosen Charles de La Tour as a subject to demonstrate how the Super (Big Family) Tree represents blended families in which there are multiple spouses and multiple lines of descent.

Example: Charles de La Tour Blended Family. Three wives and ten children.

In the first example tree, we can see the whole family. Charles and his three wives and ten children are presented, as are his known in-laws, the parents of two of his French wives. His first wife's parents are unknown to us.

Charles de La Tour Blended Family
Charles de La Tour Blended Family

Legend: In tree diagrams:

  • married couples are connected by a pair of parallel horizontal lines
  • unmarried parents are connected by a single horizontal line.
  • children descend from a horizontal line that represents their parents union

Spouses appear in the tree when they are called upon. :-)

  • When Descendants==0, the subject will only have ancestors.
  • When Descendants=>1, the subject's children appear (plus mothers as required).
  • When Branches=="none", extra spouses of DIRECT ancestors do not appear.
  • When Branches=="uncles/aunts" or any "1st-3rd cousin" settings, extra spouses appear
  • When Siblings is enabled, an extra spouse will appear when a spouse/parent is needed

Note: Greg's design thought. The extra spouses of a direct ancestor are the same distance away, and at the same level as the siblings of a direct ancestor ... and in some ways are kind of between an aunt/uncle and parent to a child in terms of closeness. He observes that there is currently no WikiTree API field to designate (or means to compute) a Wicked Step-mother.

Example: Unknown Mi'kmaq m. Charles de Latour

Unknown Mi'kmaq
Unknown Mi'kmaq
Charles de Latour
Charles de Latour

We believe that this is the earliest reported union of a French man with a native woman in Acadia and in Nouvelle-France, predating the storied union of Martin Prévost (1611-1691) and Marie Olivier (Manitouabeouich) Sylvestre (abt.1625-1665) in 1644 at Quebec City. The union of Charles and his unrecorded bride, probably at Pentagouët, was reaffirmed a year later at the insistence of the clergy at Port Royale who refused to recognize a frontier marriage without benefit of French clergy to bless the union.

The stories of their three half-French and half-Mi'kmaq children are interesting on their own merit. The eldest, Jeanne is the matriarch of a network of Acadian families, some reaching south to Louisiana. We have traced her line all the way to Bayou Castine, LA. The second daughter, Antoinette became the earliest nun in Nouvelle-France, and an exemplar of the singing nun, commanded to perform for the French Queen. The third daughter, whose name is Unknown to us, died at a tender age, in France, as a novitiate nun, at the Ursulines' convent.

Unknown Mi'kmaq m. Charles de Latour.
Unknown Mi'kmaq m. Charles de Latour.

Example: Jeanne de La Tour; aunts, uncles, and other spouses

These two depictions of Jeanne de La Tour's tree demonstrate the role of the Branches setting in managing the appearance of extra spouses. These two trees are from the perspective of Charles's eldest child, Jeanne de La Tour. In one case, her aunt and uncle are missing, and in the other example aunt and uncle both appear as well as her father's other wives, the mothers of her half-siblings. Setting BRANCHES=="aunts/uncles" also adds the other spouses that were not otherwise visible. (The logic being that both the siblings and the spouses of a subject's parent are a single step away from that parent.)

BRANCHES=="none" results in no extra spouses, aunts, uncles, 1st-3rd cousins
BRANCHES=="aunts/uncles" results in visible aunts, uncles, and extra spouses.

Example: Françoise Marie Jacquelin m. Charles de Latour

Françoise Marie Jacquelin.
Françoise Marie Jacquelin.
Charles de Latour
Charles de Latour

Françoise-Marie Jacquelin is considered an Acadian heroine and military leader. Mother of two sons, she is believed to be the first European woman to have lived and raised a family in present-day New Brunswick. In 1645, she defended Fort La Tour, attacked by Charles de Menou d'Aulnay and his men in the absence of her husband, Charles De Latour, and died tragically three weeks later. One of her sons died young, and the other returned to France after her death, and is not known to have descendants.

Françoise Marie Jacquelin m. Charles de Latour
Françoise Marie Jacquelin m. Charles de Latour

Example: Charles de Menou d'Aulnay and Jeanne Motin de Reux and Charles Saint-Etienne de La Tour

Jeanne Motin de Reux
Jeanne Motin de Reux
Charles de Menou d'Aulnay
Charles de Menou d'Aulnay
Charles de Latour
Charles de Latour

In this next family tree, we can see the blended family of Jeanne Motin de Reux with Charles de Menou D'Aulnay and with Charles Sainte-Etienne de La Tour. Jeanne's parents and grandparents are presented, as are her in-laws—her husbands' parents. Although Siblings is enabled, jeanne has no brothers or sisters to display.

Jeanne Motin de Reux Family with Charles de Menou D'Aulnay and  Charles Sainte-Etienne de La Tour.
Jeanne Motin de Reux Family with Charles de Menou D'Aulnay and Charles Sainte-Etienne de La Tour.

Jeanne Motin de Reux and Charles de Menou D'Aulnay had eight children between 1639 and 1650, none of whom left descendants. Their four sons entered the army and died in battle. Their four daughters all took religious vows.

Jeanne Motin de Reux and Charles Sainte-Etienne de La Tour had five children.

While Charles de La Tour and Charles d'Aulnay were frequent competitors and rivals for the leadership of Acadia, and d'Aulnay appeared to be the winner at one point, in the end, de La Tour prevailed, and he was the ultimate success genealogically. Sieur d'Aulnay died early, and Sieur de La Tour married his rival's widow, who had been left in desperate straits; the d'Aulnay children were sent back to France and died in obscurity, while the younger de La Tour children thrived in Acadie, marrying into well-known Acadian First Families. in December of 2023, D'Aulnay has just over 13,000 connections on WikiTree. Charles de La Tour has over 40,000 connections.

IntroductionSettingsSubjectsPrinting SourcesBrowsersNew


NEW! — You can use your operating system's Print... function to reproduce a family tree. On a Mac, that is invoked by pressing CMD + P, on a Windows machine, by CTRL + P.

This feature is evolving. Currently, when you use Print... function, you will be presented with the operating system's Print dialog. You will have to choose a Tabloid paper size and Landscape mode. The tree will fit onto a single Tabloid-sized page. If you increase the Scale value, the tree will scale up and the tree will occupy more pages. For example, at 200% it will spread out onto 4-6 pages, and at 300% it will occupy 9 (or more) pages.

NOTE: If you only see a partial tree when you invoke Print..., return to the Super Tree and press the Zoom-to-Fit icon. Then, re-try the Print... command.

Mac OS Print dialog. Choose Tabloid paper (or larger) and set to Landscape mode.
Mac OS Print dialog. Scale=100%
Mac OS Print dialog. Choose Tabloid paper (or larger) and set to Landscape mode.
Mac OS Print dialog. Scale=200%
Mac OS Print dialog. Choose Tabloid paper (or larger) and set to Landscape mode.
Mac OS Print dialog. Scale=300%

Note: Most of us don't have printers that can print on Tabloid-sized sheets of paper. On most operating systems, the Print dialog offers the option to "Save as PDF", so you could send it to a friend or a service that does have a Tabloid-capable printer. Greg is currently working on making this work on Letter, Legal, A4, and A3 paper size.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 WikiTree contributors. "Family Relationships".
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Jessica Grimaud. FamilySearch. "Cousin Chart—How to Calculate Family Relationships" July 23, 2019. (Accessed 19 Nov 2023)

IntroductionSettingsSubjectsPrinting SourcesBrowsersNew


We have tested the Super (Big Family) Tree in:

  • Google Chrome: Version 115.0.5790.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)
  • Firefox: 115.0.3 (64-bit)
  • Safari: Version 16.6 (17615., 17615)

IntroductionSettingsSubjectsPrinting SourcesBrowsersNew


New features will be listed here as they are added.

  • See Printing for the current status of printing capability.

IntroductionSettingsSubjectsPrinting SourcesBrowsersNew


Murray Maloney started developing the documentation for Super Big Family Tree on 18 Oct 2023, organizing, adding screenshots, and writing descriptive prose. Working in coordination with Greg, he tested the app behaviour, and helped with debugging. The first roun of editing was completed at the end of November 2023, days before the app went live on the WikiTree testing server. The development version of Super (Big Family) Tree then became Super Tree in early December. Work continues in anticipation of the app's release as Super Tree on the general WikiTree server.

IntroductionSettingsSubjectsPrinting SourcesBrowsersNew

Editor's Notes

Profile Preview

Comparing the WikiTree Profile Preview view against the Super (Big Family) Tree app's Card format, we report that the Cards are currently missing these elements:

  • Scissors
  • Manager
  • Privacy Level (coloured marker)
  • Number of images attached
  • Number of children
  • DNA markers. Indicating DNA Connections types associated with the profile.
  • Links back to WikiTree views:
    • WikiTree ancestor/descendant views
    • Family Group Sheet link

Descendant Colours

1.) The subject of the tree should be a colour that is a mathematical sum/diff of the parents, with a bias toward their own gender. As such, a male subject will always be bluer than pink, but some pink will be evident, etc. The subject of the tree should also be highlighted somehow in the tree so that the eye can travel quickly without having to visually compute which leaf is the central node. Maybe a dazzly border or a subtle glimmer?

2.) The spouse(s) of the subject should be distinguishable colour-wise. The palette of colours should tend toward neutral shades, not implying blue or pink. There are colours in the Gen 7 colour palette that never make it to Gen 5, so we could consider some of those colours for the modern spouses.

3.) The siblings of the subject should be coloured similarly to the subject, with variations for gender, and a subtle variation in the admixture of the parents' two base colours. You mentioned you have an algorithm. I would say that the male siblings should a noticeably lighter shade of the subject, and female siblings would be noticeably more pink than blue.

4.) The children of the subject should borrow colours from the ancestors of their gender, in reverse order. Eldest son is same color as paternal gf; eldest daughter same as maternal gm. We have 16 colours per gender at Gen 5. That should be enough for most families.

5.) The grandchildren of the subject. By this point, we could have run out of colours from our palette. And, we probably don't want/need any further differentiation. The grandchildren can carry the colour of their lineal parent. That way, every family group of 1st cousins will be painted teh same colour.

I am not 100% confident that we have the right mix of colours at gen 7, but the formula will work and we can re-organize the colour mix at some future date.

Color Tables

Mother's Side

Mother's side colours are applied from right to left. The farthest right side of the chart or tree is the matrilineal line. The first colour in this table is the colour that represents the matrilineal line.

Pink Colors
Color Name HEX Color
Pink #FFC0CB    Female ;
PeachPuff #FFDAB9    Male ;
Plum#DDA0DD    Female ;
Gold #FFD700    Male ;
N/A#F0A0F0    Female ;
LightYellow #FFFFE0    Male ;
LightSalmon #FFA07A    Female ;
N/A #FAFAAF    Male ;
N/A #FF88AA    Female ;
Moccasin #FFE4B5    Male ;
Salmon #FA8072    Female ;
Khaki #F0E68C    Male ;
N/A #F0A0A0    Female ;
PapayaWhip #FFEFD5    Male ;
Orange #FFA500    Female ;
PaleGoldenRod #EEE8AA    Male ;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX 
 XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX 
  F0A0A0    FF88AA    F0A0F0    FFC0CB 
  F0A0A0    FFC0CB 

Father' Side

Father's side colours are applied from left to right. The farthest left side of the chart or tree is the patrilineal line. The first colour in this table is the colour that represents the patrilineal line.

Blue Colors
Color Name HEX Color
DeepSkyBlue #00BFFF    Male ;
Cornsilk #FFF8DC    Female ;
N/A #6ED0FF    Male ;
BurlyWood #DEB887    Female ;
LightSteelBlue #B0C4DE    Male ;
Cyan #00FFFF    Female ;
LightBlue #ADD8E6    Male ;
LightCyan #E0FFFF    Female ;
PowderBlue #B0E0E6    Male ;
PaleTurquoise #AFEEEE    Female ;
LightSkyBlue #87CEFA    Male ;
Aquamarine #7FFFD4    Female ;
SkyBlue #87CEEB    Male ;
Turquoise #40E0D0    Female ;
Lavender #E6E6FA    Male ;
NavajoWhite #FFDEAD    Female ;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX 
 XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX   XX 
  00BFFF    B0C4DE    B0E0E6    87CEEB 
  00BFFF    87CEEB 


SIXTH Generation of Ancestors Colours

Father's Side Colours (from Left to Right, Ahnentafel numbers 64 to 95, Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father to Father's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother)

Ahnentafel # Hex Colour
64 #00BFFF
65 #00ABEB
66 #FFF8DC
67 #EBE4C8
68 #6ED0FF
69 #5ABCEB
70 #DEB887
71 #CAA473
72 #B0C4DE
73 #9CB0CA
74 #00FFFF
75 #00EBEB
76 #ADD8E6
77 #99C4D2
78 #E0FFFF
80 #B0E0E6
81 #9CCCD2
83 #9BDADA
84 #87CEFA
85 #73BAE6
86 #7FFFD4
87 #6BEBC0
88 #87CEEB
89 #73BAD7
90 #40E0D0
91 #2CCCBC
92 #E6E6FA
93 #D2D2E6
95 #EBCA99

Mother's Side Colours (from Right to Left, Ahnentafel numbers 127 to 96, Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother to Mother's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father)

Ahnentafel # Hex Colour
127 #FFC0CB
126 #EBACB7
125 #FFDAB9
124 #EBC6A5
123 #DDA0DD
122 #C98CC9
121 #FFD700
120 #EBC300
119 #F0A0F0
118 #DC8CDC
117 #FFFFE0
115 #FFA07A
114 #EB8C66
112 #E6E69B
111 #FF88AA
110 #EB7496
109 #FFE4B5
108 #EBD0A1
107 #FA8072
106 #E66C5E
105 #F0E68C
104 #DCD278
103 #F0A0A0
102 #DC8C8C
101 #FFEFD5
100 #EBDBC1
99 #FFA500
98 #EB9100
97 #EEE8AA
96 #DAD496

SEVENTH Generation of Ancestors Colours

Father's Side Colours (from Left to Right, Ahnentafel numbers 128 to 191, Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father to Father's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother)

Ahnentafel # Hex Colour
128 #00BFFF
129 #0AC9FF
130 #00ABEB
131 #1EDDFF
132 #FFF8DC
133 #FFFFE6
134 #EBE4C8
136 #6ED0FF
137 #78DAFF
138 #5ABCEB
139 #8CEEFF
140 #DEB887
141 #E8C291
142 #CAA473
143 #FCD6A5
144 #B0C4DE
145 #BACEE8
146 #9CB0CA
147 #CEE2FC
148 #00FFFF
149 #0AFFFF
150 #00EBEB
151 #1EFFFF
152 #ADD8E6
153 #B7E2F0
154 #99C4D2
155 #CBF6FF
156 #E0FFFF
160 #B0E0E6
161 #BAEAF0
162 #9CCCD2
165 #B9F8F8
166 #9BDADA
168 #87CEFA
169 #91D8FF
170 #73BAE6
171 #A5ECFF
172 #7FFFD4
173 #89FFDE
174 #6BEBC0
175 #9DFFF2
176 #87CEEB
177 #91D8F5
178 #73BAD7
179 #A5ECFF
180 #40E0D0
181 #4AEADA
182 #2CCCBC
183 #5EFEEE
184 #E6E6FA
185 #F0F0FF
186 #D2D2E6
189 #FFE8B7
190 #EBCA99

Mother's Side Colours (from Right to Left, Ahnentafel numbers 255 to 192, Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother to Mother's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father)

Ahnentafel # Hex Colour
255 #FFC0CB
254 #FFCAD5
253 #EBACB7
252 #FFDEE9
251 #FFDAB9
250 #FFE4C3
249 #EBC6A5
248 #FFF8D7
247 #DDA0DD
246 #E7AAE7
245 #C98CC9
243 #FFD700
242 #FFE10A
241 #EBC300
240 #FFF51E
239 #F0A0F0
237 #DC8CDC
235 #FFFFE0
231 #FFA07A
230 #FFAA84
229 #EB8C66
228 #FFBE98
226 #FFFFB9
225 #E6E69B
223 #FF88AA
222 #FF92B4
219 #FFE4B5
217 #EBD0A1
216 #FFFFD3
215 #FA8072
214 #FF8A7C
213 #E66C5E
212 #FF9E90
211 #F0E68C
210 #FAF096
209 #DCD278
207 #F0A0A0
205 #DC8C8C
203 #FFEFD5
202 #FFF9DF
201 #EBDBC1
200 #FFFFF3
199 #FFA500
198 #FFAF0A
197 #EB9100
196 #FFC31E
195 #EEE8AA
194 #F8F2B4
193 #DAD496
192 #FFFFC8

Future Ideas

The following are some ideas that are in the hopper for future versions of the Super Tree app. If you have additional suggestions, please them to the most recent G2G post. You can find the link in the Information popup of the app by clicking the (i) button.

  • Colourize Repeated People - highlight people who appear more than once in the Super Tree
  • Show People Only Once - if a person is repeated, show a link to where they first appear, but do not repeat their ancestors / descendants all over again
  • More Colour By and Highlight features copied from the Fan Chart app
  • Highlight special DNA cousins. Highlight people in the Super Tree who share the same Y-DNA, or mtDNA, or X Chromosome inheritance path.
  • Add Badges options, similar to Fan Chart
  • Ability to save settings, so you can customize your preferences and not have to re-do them every time you open up the Super Tree
  • Option to add Adoptive Parents and family
  • Option to visually distinguish between biological and non-biological parent/child connections
  • In the Person Popup, display the path to Primary Person (in multiple ways, if appropriate)
  • Show the path between two people in the Super Tree (highlighted in Super Tree, or via display inside Person Popup)
  • Add Siblings-In-Laws to Super Tree
  • Option to Hide / Show any branch(es) of ancestors or descendants to further customize display
  • Better spacing options , possibly even allow custom tweaks to slide families around for smarter placement than the default algorithm



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