Location: Bedford, Virginia, British Colonial America

Surnames/tags: Scott Bedford_Virginia Maryland

This space will be used to collect and store research materials gathered during the 2018 William Scott Research Project for the family of William Scott of Bedford county, Virginia. The primary source for this particular William Scott is his Will, written in 1793 and probated in 1794 in Bedford county, Virginia. This Will contains the names of William's surviving family members, including his widow and twelve children.
- James Scott
- George Scott
- Sarah Scott Lee
- John Scott
- Thomas Scott
- William Scott, Jr.
- Charles Scott
- Axton Scott
- Joseph Scott
- Obediah Scott
- Peter Scott
- Evan Scott
2018 Project Description
The primary goal of this collaborative research project is to produce the most definitive and reliable resource for all Scott descendant genealogists and historians as is possible. Accumulating as much past research as we can find, then processing it and adding as much more evidence as we can find, will produce source-supported profiles unmatched anywhere on the planet, whether real or virtual. We want to reach a high level of genealogical proof standard. We want to produce finished profiles suitable for use by beginner, intermediate and advanced researchers that will enhance their collections. By having a research team and having a much wider scope than previous projects, we will be able to include a broader perspective in our analysis and a more reliable basis for our conclusions, which also contributes to the genealogical proof standard. Our project can be broken down into the following phases.
Phase One
William Scott (~1720-1794) of Bedford county, Virginia is one of those profiles which has attracted an unusually large amount, as well as a wide variety, of conflicting information. We needed to start with some basic genealogy principles in order to avoid being initially overwhelmed with the volume and confused by the variations. Genealogy 101 starts with what is known. It matters little just what is known or where it came from, it matters more that it is recorded. Even if we have already collected all the tree and family history information we can find, it is obvious that all we really knew in the beginning was the information found in his 1793/1794 Will from Bedford, VA. The collected information was shown on the relevant profiles of the family members listed in the 1793 Will. All 14 profiles for this family have completed this phase.
Phase Two
The second basic step is the personal interview of the oldest living descendants. In our research group of descendants, we would probably nominate Donald Scott who undoubtedly has the most years of experience researching William Scott. Interviews of all of the participants in this project would be difficult geographically because we are spread across several states, but a lot could be gleaned from the emails we have shared over the eighteen months we have been working on this project, so far. A selection of emails have been quoted and attributed on relevant profiles. All 14 profiles for this family have completed this phase.
Phase Three
The next step in the process is to analyze the collected information. Analysis involves several simultaneous functions and multiple skills to accomplish. It is necessary to see the overall picture while also looking at details, which requires good familiarity with all the collected information as well as all the points addressed in the interviews. During this phase the WT profiles were organized, condensed and improved. Some of the 14 profiles for this family have completed this phase.
Phase Four
The analysis reveals unanswered questions, so the next step is to “do genealogy” and look for answers to those questions. This process is normally “hit and miss” but eventually produces a pattern which improves production of records until eventually no more records can be found. Reaching this point is called “reasonably exhaustive research,” and is pursued for each unanswered question as well as each record type. Another round of profile improvements were done during this phase that included analysis and improvements of source citations. A few of the 14 profiles for this family have completed this phase.
Phase Five
The final step is to write a report of the process; evidence, analysis, and conclusions. This will be done per individual in this family, with some overlap, for instance all family members will have a transcription, analysis and original image of the 1793 Will of William, Sr. included in their profile here on WikiTree.com. The Research Section of each profile will be condensed and moved to the bottom, while all other sections will be reviewed and improved as much as possible. None of the 14 profiles for this family are ready for this phase to be started.
Other Components
Each find has a synergistic effect on both the next search item and the previously discovered items. During this process new connections are made between previous and new information and secondary insights are discovered as a result. One component of the research phase is tracking what types of records have been searched, the locations where searches have been done, as well as recording the records which have been found. This search log needs to be available to all members of the team for review and WikiTree is being used for that purpose, as well as a circulating spreadsheet file.
The most important element of a group research project is communication. Sharing finds is certainly important, as well as on-going analysis and questions, but probably the most important is appreciation. Research requires many long monotonous solitary hours. The rewards of successful searches, the pleasures of sharing finds, and the camaraderie of working together are compounded by receiving a “Thank you.” Appreciation will make the difference between a team member thinking their work is taken for granted or ignored, and having them believe that their work is important and valued.
Another element of the research phase is characterized by the instructions for using shampoo, “Lather, rinse, repeat.” There is a frequent need to back up the first questions, “What do we know?” and “What are the unanswered questions?” and to be able to get a new grip on what is being searched for and where and why.
Probably the most critical element of this group research project on William Scott is keeping track of the multiple William Scott’s who are not OUR William Scott. All along Donald has warned us that each of the records we find may not be relevant to our William Scott, initially we had no way to tell other than Donald reviewing his notes and giving us a judgement. Gradually the rest of us gained familiarity and became able to concur with Don. At some point, hopefully, naturally or almost automatically, the rest of us will arrive at a realization that the sum of the records we have collected begins to show clues, or a pattern of clues, which needs to be articulated or described, in order to have a way to determine relevance. Part of this relevance definition has to do with the hierarchy of source reliability. A basic understanding of Primary sources, those produced at the time of an event, and secondary sources, those produced after an event, can be expanded to include subdivision of each, but application becomes subjective. Another part of the relevance definition has to do with the interactions between records and how the similarities offer reinforcements. While it is easy to recognize these repeated similarities, they should not be used to summarily dismiss the disparate details. The information that does not agree with the majority of the rest of the evidence, needs to demand more time and attention in order to be sure of why it doesn't agree. Whether it is determining the origin in time or reference or some other criteria, it is useful in determine whether to accept, reject or set aside for later judgement.
Each researcher, no matter the field of endeavor, hopes for the watershed event, or in our case the breakthrough record, which clarifies the whole process. Two centuries after William Scott’s lifetime makes it fairly unlikely that one of those kinds of records will appear during our project. We are more likely to have a few little brief flashes here and there, not that we will stop hoping for the big one.
Winding down our project is still in the future and it is uncertain when that eventuality will become apparent or necessary. Common sense should be enough to help us figure it out.
Supplemental and Concurrent Phases
Before completing Phase Five, we concluded that our project would not be complete without expanding the scope of the project in two ways. The first one was apparent from several other Scott historians who claimed that William came to Bedford county, Virginia from either Charles or Prince Georges county in Maryland. The second was including allied families in Bedford county, Virginia, as well as Prince Georges and Charles counties, Maryland. James and Charles Scott were mentioned in court records of their father-in-law Basil Talbot, so it must be reasonably assumed that other brothers would be mentioned in the family histories of their wives' families. This double expansion of the scope of our project could be overwhelming, but all we can do is work through it a step at a time, just like we have done so far.
Research Management
The basic outline for our "reasonably exhaustive research" is the "REDBOOK" 3rd Edition, edited by Alice Eicholz, Ancestry Publishing, Provo, Utah. Copyright by The Generations Network, Inc. 1989, 1992, 2004. Virginia, pp. 699-722.
Chapter on VIRGINIA by Johni Cerny and Gareth L. Mark
There are indications that William Scott lived in Maryland before he moved to Bedford county, Virginia about 1751. Our project has been expanded to include Maryland records as outlined in the Maryland Chapter of the REDBOOK.
Research Categories
The information and records will be categorized according to the outline of the "REDBOOK" as follows.
First laws of Virginia, "Lawes Divine, Morall and Martial," were enacted by Sir Thomas Dale in 1610, which required colonial ministers to record all christenings, marriages and burials in registers, similar to those in England. Few, if any, of the monthly lists were recorded. The House of Burgesses strengthened the vital records laws in 1660. If county clerks ever actually made any of these records, they were lost. Existing marriage laws were superseded in 1853. The majority of surviving pre-1853 marriage records have been published.
- No birth, marriage or death records were found for William Scott, or Lucy, his wife, in Bedford county, Virginia. Other counties, such as James City, VA, have not been searched. Neither have counties, including Prince Georges and Charles, in Maryland, been searched.
- Virginia General Reference Material available at the Virginia Library."
Book Number
VAG-1-9 The Ridge Runners - A Reference Source Of Genealogy From VA, North Carolina,
Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri & Arkansas by William A.
Yates - 9 Issues
VAG-10a-e Genealogy Of Virginia Families by Genealogical Publishing Company - 5 Volumes
VAG-11 A Guide To Virginia Counties
VAG-12 Some Virginia Marriages 1700-1799 Volume 2 1972 by Cecil D. McDonald Jr.
VAG-13 Ancestry & Descendants Of The Nassau - Siegen Immigrants To Virginia 1714-1750
VAG-14 Virginia State Library Publications Price List
VAG-15 Virginias Colonial Soldiers by Lloyd Dewitt Bockstruck
VAG-16 Some Revolutionary Soldiers Of Virginia Or Their Descendants Receiving Pay &
Living In Southern Ohio
VAG-18 Virginia Genealogical Society Newsletter
VAG-19 Index to The 1820 Census of Virginia – Complied by Jeanne Robey Felldin
VAG-20 Virginia Wills and Administrations 1632-1800 – An Index of Wills Recorded in
Local Courts of Virginia 1632-1800, and of Administrations on Estates Shown by
Inventories of the Estates of Intestates Recorded in Will (And Other) Books of
Local Courts, 1632-1800. Complied by Clayton Torrence
VAG-21 Index to the 1810 Census of Virginia – Complied by Elizabeth Petty Bentley
VAG-22 Index to Printed Virginia Genealogies - Stewart
Bedford County, Virginia
VA10-1 Early Bedford County Marriages 1759-1800
Botetourt County, Virginia
VA12-1 Botetourt County Marriages, Volume 2, 1750-1850
Virginia Counties, by County
Maryland vital records.
Colonial census of 1624 and muster of 1625 are too early for our project. Some other lists of Virginia inhabitants include military musters, tithables, and quitrent rolls, but these lists cover a single county or precinct rather than the entire colony.
See Tax Records, 1787.
Maryland census records.
These are local history resources, public records, council and general court records, laws and statutes, records of the activities of the council and general assembly, as well as the counties and independent cities of Virginia and Maryland.
(https://archive.org/stream/historyofscottfa00leehiala/historyofscottfa00leehiala_djvu.txt : 16Sep2018) Copyright 1919 R. L. POLK & Co. Inc. This book may or may not contain our William Scott and his descendants. Further study is needed. The chapter on Scott's who served in the military has many possible names who may be some of our Scott's, but only a name is difficult for ascribing relevance.
- William Scott in the "Virginia Appalachian Notes" August 1988 issue produced by the Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society, Roanoke, Virginia. Page 78. (http://www.virginiaroom.org/digital/files/original/50/4929/VANv12n3.pdf : accessed 26Oct2018)(http://wvancestry.com/ReferenceMaterial/NewRecordDisplay.php | accessed 10Apr2020)
77-88. William SCOTT d. Bedford Co., VA; will probated there, 1794. SCOTT FAMILY SKETCH (1851) states William SCOTT'S father emigrated from the "Highlands" of Scotland to either Charles or Prince Georges Co., MD early 18th Century. William emigrated early in life from MD to Bedford Co., VA shortly after marriage to Lucretia (Lucy) JAMES. Seeking info of William and Lucretia--birth place, parents, MD residence, marriage.
Col. Fred w. SCOTT, 146 Feeser Rd . . Littlestown, PA 17340. Page 43.
78-88. James SCOTT came to KY as early as 1805 from Bedford Co., VA and settled in Scott Co., where he d., 1810. James, his brothers George and Obediah, are listed in Campbell Co.
Census of 1810. Nicholas and Henry, sons of James, were in Breckenridge Co. in 1810.
Seeking info of James to include last residence, place of death and burial.
Col, Fred w. SCOTT, address above.
FamilySearch.org has a profile for a Nicholas Scott 14 December 1780 – 26 December 1846 • KN35-CJS, son of a James Scott and an Ann Watts, but no brother Henry.
- William Scott found in “The Scott Genealogical Quarterly.”
Published quarterly by Clan Scott, USA and the Scott one-Name Study. Volume 1, April 1987, Number 1.
Page 42
Aceto Bookmen, 5721 Antietam Drive, Sarasota, FL 33581, 1985 (Study Ref :PS0 1.00 1.0 12) Hannah Scott m. Christopher Webb Jonathan Scott m. Abigail Safford. JAMES William Scott died in Bedford County, Virginia and his 42.
SCOTT - Seek information on William Scott, b. in Scotland, but where is an unknown factor, but came to Charles or Prince County, MD then to Bedford County, VA with will dated 07Dec1793 probated 24Sep1794 and settled 26Sep1825. LTC William L. Scott (AUS RET), box 1, Traveler’s Rest, Rt. 2, 1200 Johnston Road, Dade City, FL 33525. Page 44.
(https://books.google.com/books?id=ixc5lN9fVN0C&pg=PA43&lpg=PA43&dq=The+Scott+Family+Sketch&source=bl&ots=mpG_tSMZQe&sig=pDtrOWegfciBnBDmOECE5bRb1JM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwim0NaG7qTeAhUJ9IMKHbq4BsgQ6AEwHHoECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=Bedford&f=false : accessed 08Dec2018)
- Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties
This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding ©, v. 12.0.1, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2019. Maintained by Mike Marshall. (https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/ : accessed 12Feb2019 by Steve Lake) This site attempts to reconstruct a family tree of early British Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties along the Potomac and Rappahannock River Valleys and is a work in progress.
The cartographical history of Virginia begins in the early 16th century and have been produced ever since.
An example of the history of Virginia county boundary changes may be found at MapofUS.org, showing a year by year video or slide series of the progression of county changes. https://www.mapofus.org/_iframe/va-maps.htm
A narrative accompanied with similar maps pertaining specifically to Bedford and surrounding counties would be a useful reference here. Include similar resources for Maryland.
The original Virginia Charter, granted to the Virginia Company of London of 1606 included provisions for granting land. Virginia became a royal colony in 1624. Add similar information for Maryland land records.
"William Scott, 400 acres Bedford Co. July 14, 1769. (38, p.821)."[1][2]
Virginia state records were produced by civil and circuit courts in the county and independent city courts. Also add Maryland state probate records.
- "Will of William Scott, 1793 - Bedford Co. VA Will Bk. 2, pg. 147 Dated: 7th December 1793, Probated: 24th November 1794 In The Name of God Amen. I William Scott of Bedford County being Infirm in body but in perfect health and memory do make & Ordain this my Last Will & Testament in form following that is to say---I give & Recommend my soul into the hands of this Almighty God that gave and my body I recommend to the earth to be decently interred at the discretion of executors and as touching such worldly estate which it has pleased Got Got to bless to me with I Will Bequeath in the following manner & form. Item, I bequeath unto my son James Scott and George Scott all my lands and Tenements to be equally divided between them their heirs or assigns. Item, I bequeath unto my beloved wife Lucy Scott all my moveable effects Goods & Chattels during her Life & at her decease to become my son - Peter Scott. Item I bequeath unto my Daughters Sarah Lee one Shilling Sterling. Item I bequeath unto my son John Scott one Shilling Sterling. Item I bequeath unto my son Thomas Scott one Shilling Sterling. Item I bequeath unto my son William Scott one Shilling Sterling. Item I bequeath unto my son Charles Scott one Shilling Sterling. Item I bequeath unto my son Axton Scott one Shilling Sterling. Item I bequeath unto my son Joseph Scott one Shilling Sterling. Item I bequeath unto my son Obadiah Scott one Shilling Sterling. Item I bequeath unto my son Peter Scott one Shilling Sterling and will my movable Effects Goods & Chattels after his mothers Decease---- Item I bequeath unto my son Evan Scott one Shilling Sterling. Item I also do appoint my beloved sons James Scott & George Scott my sole Executors, and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke & disannull all & every other former Testaments & Wills by mein any way before named. Willed & Bequeathed Rattifying this & no other ot be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness where of I have herunto set my hand & seal this 7th day of December--1795. Teste Edward Hore his John Holladay William X Scott William Brown mark At a Court held for Bedford County the 24th day of November 1794. This Last Will & Testament of William Scott Deceased was proven by the oath of Edward Hore John Holliday William Brown Witnesses whose names are thereunto subscribed and ordered to be recorded. Teste Ja. Steptoe, Clk."
From: http://files.usgwarchives.org/va/bedford/wills/scott1.tx and https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LY1Y-K95 and uploaded here https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Scott-210-2
Virginia courts kept records, but an understanding of the court system is needed in order to locate records. County courts functioned until 1904 and sat on about eleven different special terms.
Include Maryland court records.
- William Scott found at the Library of Virginia, Chancery Records Index. These records have a brief outline, but need more details, even a complete transcription, so they may evaluated for identification of names and relevance to our William Scott of Bedford County, etc.
(1) William Scott, Sr. v. William Scott, Jr., filed March 1794, abated Nov 1794: a summons for William Scott, Jr., to appear in court to answer a bill against him by William Scott, Jr. (or Sr?):
(http://www.lva.virginia.gov/chancery/case_detail.asp?CFN=019-1794-009 | accessed on 03Aug2018 by Vickie Natale.)
(2) William Scott v. George Simmons & Wayman Sinclair, filed May 1793, dismissed (?) 1796 (date in first paragraph is 1784, so it is unclear if this is Sr. or Jr.). Difficult to read; this may be about land (?)
(http://www.lva.virginia.gov/chancery/case_detail.asp?CFN=019-1796-002 | accessed on 03Aug2018 by Vickie Natale.)
(3) Exrs of William Scott, Sr. v. William Scott, filed 1797, dismissed (?): a summons for William Scott to appear in court to answer a bill against him by James Scott and George Scott (could be dispute over will of father?).
(http://www.lva.virginia.gov/chancery/case_detail.asp?CFN=019-1797-008 | accessed on 03Aug2018 by Vickie Natale.)
(4) William Scott v. Thomas Campbell, etc., 1800: appears to be about money William Scott borrowed from Thomas Campbell; a mortgage of his land to Campbell (also difficult to read).
(http://www.lva.virginia.gov/chancery/case_detail.asp?CFN=019-1800-009 | accessed on 03Aug2018 by Vickie Natale.)
(5) William Scott v. Christian Harshbayer, etc., filed Aug 1799, abated May 1801 by ? death. “Your orator William Scott, represents that some time ago a suit was instituted against your orator by a certain Christian Harshbayer upon a bond who ?... by an assignment by Joseph Parker who was ? of Leonard Fleming who was ? of Nathaniel Offcett…”
(http://www.lva.virginia.gov/chancery/case_detail.asp?CFN=019-1801-015 | accessed on 03Aug2018 by Vickie Natale.)
(6) William Scott & wife, Polly, (and a Jeffery Jackson) v. John T. Noell, executor of John C. Noell, filed Sept. 9, 1874 (this may be grandson?). A niece (?) Jackson died intestate and without children, leaving an estate in Bedford County. Plaintiffs state Jeffery Jackson and Scott’s wife, Polly, were the nearest of kin and only surviving heirs and entitled to said estate equally between them.
(http://www.lva.virginia.gov/chancery/case_detail.asp?CFN=019-1874-076 | accessed on 03Aug2018 by Vickie Natale.)
Many thanks to Vickie Natale for participating in our collaborative process and for collecting the six court records above and sharing them with us.
- "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia" Extracted from the original court records of Augusta County, Virginia 1745-1800 by Lyman Chalkey, Dean of the College of Law of Kentucky University, late judge of the County Court of Augusta County, Virginia. Published by Mary S. Lockwood, Honorary Vice-President General, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. Complete in three volumes. Volume Three. Printers: The Commonwealth Company. Rosslyn, Virginia. Copyright, 1912, by Mary Lockwood, DAR.
Abstracts of Wills of Augusta County Court. Will Book Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Circuit Court Wills. Will Book No. 1 & 2.
Deed Book No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
Circuit Court Deeds. Deed Book No. 1.
Index on page 599.
Deed Book No. 5, page 92. "-- Ditto. Same to William Scot, 100 A. by patent, 3d November, 1750. Middle Lick Run of Catawba."
During the Colonial period, there were three basic forms of taxation: the quitrent (land tax), the parish (church tithables) levy and the poll (head) tax. The poll tax was the main source of revenue for the colony. While there is no comprehensive list or collection of early tax lists, many fragments have been published. The tax system changed after the Revolutionary War to include taxing land and personal property in 1782 and 1787. Most of those tax lists prior to 1850 survive.
Include Maryland Colonial tax records in this section.
- William Scott, Sr. and William Scott, Jr. are found in "Personal Property Tax List of 1787" found in "Laws of Virginia", Bedford County Personal Property Tax List "B"[3]
Several collections of gravestone inscriptions can be found in publications and on websites for both Virginia and Maryland. Even if burial records cannot be found for William's first wife in Maryland, finding records for allied families and their descendants may give some clues about the Scotts.
- No burial found for William Scott d:~1794, on Find-a-Grave, nor on DAR. Other burial indexes have not been searched.
Colonial Virginia was dominated by the Church of England (Anglican or Episcopal) has very few church records. In order to accurately and efficiently check records for a particular parish, several publications outline the various parish histories and boundary changes. It has not been determined to which parish William Scott may have belonged. Some indications are the parish included Bedford and Amherst counties.
Colonial Maryland needs a review of parishes in Prince Georges and Charles counties, which were predominantly Catholic.
Most surviving service records of the colonial militia of Virginia (1622-1763) and Maryland, consisting mainly of rosters, rolls and lists, provide more historical than genealogical information, and usually only provide a name and unit, most of which have been published. There is no comprehensive list of Virginia servicemen of the Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Some records were destroyed, but those which remain are held by the National Archives and are not on microfilm. The main categories of military records are service and payroll, bounty land and pension. Many publications contain lists and abstracts. Several organizations have searchable online database collections. Collections are generally organized by the historical conflict periods, Colonial, Revolutionary, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, etc.
- Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR.org no match to birth year/Scotland......(Other searches could be made using other parameters)
- Daughters of the American Revolution, dar.org does have this:
- Scott, William (no RANK)
- Birth: CIRCA 1716 VIRGINIA
- Death: ANTE 5-13-1805 NELSON CO KENTUCKY
- Service Description: 1) PAID FOR SUPPLIES
Ancestor #: A101890
Service Description: 1) ALSO ENS
Ancestor #: A101674
Service: VIRGINIA Rank(s): PRIVATE
Birth: 1757
Pension Number: *HR9474
Service Source: *HR9474
Service Description: 1) CAPT GROSS SCRUGGS
Periodicals, historical and genealogical, beginning in 1892, which cover earlier periods.
Newspapers began in 1736. The most extensive collection is found at the Library of Virginia.
Manuscript collections are continuing to grow, both in Virginia, Maryland and elsewhere. Library of Virginia is probably the most extensive. The types of documents found in these catalogs of primary interest to genealogists include Bible, business, cemetery, church, genealogical notes and charts, military, personal, family and government records. This section will also include publications from Maryland.
- William Scoot of Bedford county, Virginia found in "The Scott Genealogical Quarterly" by Clan Scott, USA and the Scott One-Name Study, Vol. 1, Num 1, April 1987.>br/>
Pages 43 and 44. Queries: Lucy James and William Scott, Will 1794 in Bedford. From Maryland. Col. Fred W. Scott, Littlestown, PA. (https://books.google.com/books?id=ixc5lN9fVN0C&pg=PA43&lpg=PA43&dq=The+Scott+Family+Sketch&source=bl&ots=mpG_tSMZQe&sig=pDtrOWegfciBnBDmOECE5bRb1JM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwim0NaG7qTeAhUJ9IMKHbq4BsgQ6AEwHHoECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=Bedford&f=false : accessed 26Oct2018)
- William Scott of Bedford, VA found in "Who Are Her People?: The Life and Family of Louise Maynard Hoskins" By Rebecca Hoskins Goodwin.
(https://books.google.com/books?id=gThmDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT121&lpg=PT121&dq=%22Axton+Scott%22+%22Dorcas+Wright%22+Virginia+1748&source=bl&ots=TPx615yk08&sig=R0BmYaGBvgQhasOGODEkZTz8CiA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAyKyWyKTeAhWDqIMKHbk1DdQQ6AEwB3oECAEQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false : accessed on 26Oct2018) Mentions the "Scott Family Sketch" (1851).
Seven prominent institutions are listed; Virginia Library, VA Genealogical Society, VA Historical Society, Alderman Library, Swem Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and Jones Memorial Library.
- Bedford County, Virginia history found at the Jones Memorial Library, Lynchburg, Virginia. 1990.
Partial list of books and other materials relating to Bedford county, Virginia, available at the Jones Memorial Library, Lynchburg, Virginia. Compiled by Charlotte Wiseman, Blue Ridge Chapter, NSDAR. Bible Records 1764-1957, Biography, Births 1853-1897, Cemeteries, Churches, Continental Soldiers 1774-1782 DAR, Court Records 1831-1868, Courthouse, Death Records 1853-1917, Deeds 1754-1930, Deputy Clerks, Genealogies, History, Land Grants 1721-1912, Marriage 1754-1949, Tax Records, Wills 1754-1949, etc.
(http://www.bedfordvamuseum.org/Jones%20Memorial%20Library%20tools.pdf | accessed by Steve Lake on 04Aug2018)
Immigration Publications from Virginia and Maryland.
- Vicki just found a record on Ancestry for Wm Scott immigrating in 1732, landing in MD. Curious that this has never “popped up” as a hint. This could connect to the Wm Scott found in MD census and who married in 1747 to “Lucrese Hornton/Hompton” . Of course, still don’t know if this is our Wm Scott….
- Name: William Scott, Age: 15, Birth Year: abt 1717, Arrival Year: 1732, Arrival Place: Maryland, Primary Immigrant: Scott, William
Source Publication Code: 1219.6
Annotation: For the majority of entries, the date of transportation or apprenticeship order and the intended destination is provided. Date of transport order or of emigration with intended destination, some are date and place of first mention of residence in New World.
Source Bibliography: COLDHAM, PETER WILSON. The Complete Book of Emigrants: A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English Public Records of Those Who Took Ship to the Americas for Political, Religious, and Economic Reasons; of Those Who Were Deported for Vagrancy, Roguery, or Non-Conformity; and of Those Who Were Sold to Labour in the New Colonies. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1700-1750. 1992. 743p.
FamilySearch has a 4 volume book on the Tennisons of Maryland with numerous allied families, who also appear in Bedford county, Virginia, and one of these are the Scott's in both locations. FS has links to this digital version: https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE3657285
Slave Lists
County Resources
Most pre-1900 county records have been microfilmed and can be searched at the Library of Virginia and the Family History Library. Independent cities should be treated the same as counties in a research plan. Bedford county was formed from Lunenberg in 1754. Birth records began in 1853, marriage records in 1755 and death records in 1853. Land, Probate and Court records began in 1745.
Find out the status of similar county records in Maryland. "The County Courthouses and Records of Maryland" Parts 1 (Publication 12 of 13, 1960, the courthouses) & 2 (Publication 13 of 13, 1963, the records) Hall of Records Commission Maryland, Radoff, Skordas & Jaconsen. 1790 the state was divided into five judicial districts. First district included St. Mary's, Calvert, Prince Georges and Charles counties. This book was reviewed at the Denver Public Library on Sunday 12 jan 2020 by SEL.
Prince Georges county is unique among southern MD counties because it has preserved an almost complete series of records. No fires, no war destruction. Courthouse built about 1697. Most records categories do not go back to our time window of 1740-1755, plus or minus ten years. Land records and indexes 1696, court 1699, levy books 1734, Wills 1698 (which are not applicable to William Scott), all other record types 1777 or later.
Charles county had its first records loss in 1764 and another in 1892, plus two other minor losses. Land 1658, orphans 1716, wills 1665, most other records 1825 or later. This is at least an initial inventory of records which would be of interest.
Another book was found, but not reviewed, at DPL. "An Inventory of Maryland State Papers" Vol. 1 1775-1789. The index showed the names Scott, Talbot, Dent and Wright.
Research Process
This is where we "show our work" that will help others follow our reasoning and the choices behind our conclusions. In the past, most of this was kept in files of notes and was only occasionally shared, if at all. This also represents the bulk of the time investment of genealogy, which if shared, not only saves others this time, but it keeps us accountable. It also allows fresh eyes access to review and possibly find clues we missed. In a collaborative setting, this will add immeasurable value to the ongoing process.
Discussion Items
- Donald Scott: One thing I uncovered again was the span of the birth dates of William and Lucy's children-more than 30 years. This is outside the women's usual fertility period . If we assume that Lucy was born in 1722 and the first born was Thomas about 1740-1742, it is unlikely that she was also the mother of Peter, Sara and perhaps even Obediah. 15Oct2018.
- Steve Lake: Or looking at it the other way around, if Lucy is listed in William's 1793 Will as his widow, then she was his second wife and would at least be the mother of the younger children, say Obediah (b:1764), Peter and Evan, and possibly Charles, Axton and Joseph (b:1757). Another point in favor of Lucy being William's second wife is the residence places of his sons. The sons listed first in his Will, were probably the older ones; James, George, John, Thomas and William, Jr. lived in Campbell county, Kentucky. The subsequent sons listed in the Will, or probably the younger ones; Charles, Joseph, Obediah and Peter lived in Washington county, Virginia. Obediah was one exception and lived in both those places before he moved to Missouri. Another exception is Axton, who remained in Bedford. The other exception was Evan, who can only be found in records of Madison county, Kentucky. I have seen examples of this natural segregation of sons of different mothers in other families. Unfortunately this possible split, if it was caused by William, Sr. marrying a second time, may have happened about 1750-1752 (between William, Jr. & Charles), which was before Bedford county was organized and therefore no record would be found there. It would be worth following this rabbit hole in the predecessor county, Lunenberg, before 1754. 22Oct2018.
- Donald Scott: I just blundered into something which could be helpful to those of you who are most interested in fleshing out the descendants of William and Lucretia, as well as the offspring of each down through the years. I am a long time member of Ancestry and have access to the huge numbers of people having DNA matches to me. Many of them have complete trees and others have only a very efficient chart which shows the offspring and where they lived. We should recognize that the DNA is only as good as the input data--not perfect-but I find it quite useful. Any of you who are ancestry members should have access to this info. 18Oct2018.
Alternate Scott Lines
The Scott name is quite common, the pool of given names seems to be quite small, and the potential for confusion is quite high, therefore it is important to maintain a wider view of as many Scott's as possible in all of the counties of Virginia and Maryland.
- Donald Scott's current list of the William Scott's
- William (Sr. or I) of Bedford who died in 1794 in Bedford County, Virginia, husband of Lucy.
- William, my ancestor, son of Axton and grandson of the William who died in 1794.
- William (Jr. or II) son of the William who died in 1794.
- William of Chesterfield County, Virginia.
There may have been others, so please add to this list.
- Donald Scott uncovered a court case several years ago and he has paper copies of the case.
In this case a William Scott had been jailed as a part of a case in which Walter Scott and his son James of Chesterfield county Virginia sued William over a very large property in Chesterfield county. We can conclude from all this that there was more than one William Scott who was involved in the many court actions in Bedford County at least in the early 1790's. Secondly, these actions caused me to be aware of the Walter Scott family of Chesterfield family and also caused me to believe there may be a family connection between the Scott's of Chesterfield and Scott's of Bedford. Walter Scott of Chesterfield had a couple of sisters and a brother named WILLIAM (possibly our William, Sr. in Bedford). Walter was roughly the same age as our William of Bedford. I suspect that this [William or Walter?] of Chesterfield never married because he was generous in giving to Scott's of Bedford. William of Chesterfield acquired property in Bedford around the late 1780's or 90's. So, the issues-Were the Scott's of Bedford blood relatives of the Scotts of Chesterfield??-2nd issue How to explain apparent family/love/hate relations between Bedford Scott's and Chesterfield Scotts. 3rd-How to identify the several William Scott's apparently living in Bedford County in the early 1790's.
Here is an example of a Scott line that does NOT appear to be related to William Scott, but is only a few counties away. "John Scott of Spotsylvania County/Orange County VA and Thomas Scott of Caroline [county]" By Lyn Epstein August 24, 2009 (https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/scott/17446/ : accessed on 11Jun2018 by SEL)
From G2G here on WT, answered Jun 6 by Susan Scott Brouillard:
Another SCOTT line, possibly unrelated, is the clan in Dinwiddie county, VA, among whom the Civil War General, Winfield Scott was probably the best known.
Throughout my years of research, I keep coming up with these same ancestors as you mentioned--with the same confusions. So here are the confusing WILLIAMS I have:
1)William Scott b. 1790 GA, d. 1854 Cecil, MD, son of Thomas Sr. b. 1756 Cecil Co., MD d. 1797 NC and this line goes back to Walter Beardie Scott.
2)William Scott b. in 1690/1695/or 1720 Pr. Geo MD or Highlands, Scotland and m. Lucretia Lucy James and d. 1752 in Pr. Geo MD or d. 1794 Bedford Co., VA and is son of either Beardie or son of William of Pr. Geo, MD and goes back through two more Johns to get to Walter Watty Wudspurs instead of Beardie.
3)William Scott b. 1732 Denny, Stirlingshire, Scot or Pr. Geo MD, d. 1794 Goose Creek, Bedford Co., VA, m. Lucretia Lucy James . son of Walter Scott who was son of Beardie.
And to throw in even more confusion, there is also a William Scott, MD b. 1701 in New Kent, VA d. 1742 Stafford, VA and son of either Walter who is son of Beardie OR son of Capt John Foster Scott II b. 1672 New Kent, VA d. 1729 St. Peter's Parish, New Kent, VA.
Thank you, Susan, for helping us understand the enormity of the Scott problem. I am hearing that many Scott descendants are frustrated. I think there is always hope if we work together and keep taking one simple step at a time. Work is continuing on the children of William Scott d.1794.
- We need to figure out who the possible William Scotts of Virginia are, in order to help sort out our William Scott. Our energetic contributor, Vickie, found a rich source on Ancestry called The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. I-IV. The tome is 2,777 pages, so it is difficult to slog through, but it references an abundance of original documents from 1600s to 1700s. She made a list of the 133 occurrences, with info on date, county of record, and type of record. We did find the full text on-line - see link below.
1. I found references to William Scott in 22 counties (or perhaps some parishes) of Virginia during this period. That may imply 22 (and more) different people, or there may be some Wm Scotts who were active in more than one county.
2. One entry in Amherst county, to the north neighboring Bedford, 1789 land purchase. "William Scott of Amherst Co. to Benjamin Plunkett of same Co. L150 : 161 acres in sd. Co. on Storall Creek adjoining lands of John Ballow, Ishams Branch. Oct. 5 1789. Ibid. p.392."
Only five records are in Bedford County.
3a. One is for a land purchase in 1769; "William Scott, 400 acres Bedford Co. July 14, 1769. (38, p.821)." I would suggest that is our William Scott (d. 1794).
3b. 1791 William Scott Bedford, relinquishment of land in Chesterfield for monies owed.
3c. 1792 William Scott Bedford, land purchase.
3d. 1794 William Scott Bedford, deed of trust to others in Chesterfield.
3e. 1795 William Scott Bedford, deed of trust to others in Chesterfield. (May be duplicate or continuation pf previous)
4. There are 12 records for William Scott, Sr. and Jr., of Chesterfield between 1769-1794. This is the other William Scott that Donald mentioned. Ten of these entries are the Will of William Scott of Chesterfield.
5. Wm Scott, Sr. and Jr., of Dinwiddie have 20 records between 1789-1792.
6. There are several generations of William Scotts from Isle of Wight. Records for them span from 1661 through 1795. Reference is made in documents to fathers, sons, brothers, and cousins with the name William Scott.
7. There are nine records for Wm Scott in Lunenburg from 1778-1794. All of these records occur after the creation of Bedford county in 1754.
8. There are transcripts from Quaker records, Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1673-1727 in the Lower Virginia Record Book, from “Nansemond,” which is not a current county of Virginia. These records also span several generations, 1652-1738. Established in 1637 as Upper Norfolk County and the name Nansemond was adopted in 1646. It became the independent city of Nansemond in 1972 and merged with the independent city of Suffolk in 1974. The entire area now known as Suffolk is between Isle of Wight and Norfolk counties on the North Carolina border.
(This reference can be found in several locations; https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Edward_Pleasants_Valentine_Papers_Al.html?id=uC4lAAAAMAAJ | https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001263493 | as well as WorldCAT (library reference) and Amazon (for sale) | accessed on 07Aug2018 by Vickie. Transcriptions in quotes added by Steve Lake on 29Sep2018. Contact me for Vickie's matrix of William Scott info found in this volume.)
- Other Scott Lines included in "The Scotts of Southwest Virginia" Descendants of James and Rachel Scott of Wythe/Smyth county by Reverend Pike Thomas & Kay Lee Wrage Gunn. Volume 1 of Three. 1999.
The inclusion of other Scott lines was decided upon in order to assist those who may be researching other lines. We decided upon this unusual method when we discovered the large number of Scott lines encountered in the history of the region. Our own James Scott II (bl778) was easily confused with at least three other contemporary namesakes, including James Scott (bl785) of Cripple Creek, Wythe County, who descends from the line of Captain John Scott; as well. Captain James Scott of the Glade Spring area of Washington Co (bl784) of the large Samuel Scott clan of that area; finally, James Scott (b!785) of the William Scott of Bedford Co VA clan (called the "North Fork" clan, after the area they settled upon coming to SW VA). If this were not enough, there was as well James Scott (M743) of Clinch River (Washington & later Russell Co), whose line is that of the prominent Scott line of the Abingdon area! We are hopeful the inclusion of these added lines will make it possible for others to locate their own long-lost connections, and as well arrest those who may think they are descended from James & Rachel Scott. (http://wvancestry.com/ReferenceMaterial/NewRecordDisplay.php | accessed 10Apr2020)
- William Scott and Lucrese Hornton, "Maryland Marriages, 1666-1970"
url: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F4VQ-X3B
Indexed Information
William Scott
Maryland Marriages, 1666-1970
Name: William Scott
Spouse's Name: Lucrese Hornton
Event Date: 16 Jan 1747
Event Place: Saint Lukes Protestant Episcopal Parish, Church Hill, Queen Annes, Maryland
This record came from this set of images. You will need to look through several images to find this record. Browse the film.
Record attached to: William Scott Deceased • MTRN-BNP, Marriage to Lucrese Hornton Deceased • MTRN-BJQ.
"Maryland Marriages, 1666-1970," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F4VQ-X3B : 11 February 2018), William Scott and Lucrese Hornton, 16 Jan 1747; citing Saint Lukes Protestant Episcopal Parish,Church Hill,Queen Annes,Maryland, reference ; FHL microfilm 13,890.
Notes: This extracted record was used to create these persons in Family Tree.
SCOT(T) Marriages in Maryland:
Dr. Andrew, m. by 1746 Mary Hutchinson, widow of John Abbington (MCHL 5:235; MDTP 31:40, 32:122; MDAD 21:100, 23:167).
Cuthbert, m. by 6 Sep (1679?), Elisabeth, extx. of John Jourdaine (INAC 6:368).
Daniel, m. by 31 March 1744, Jane Johnson, sister of Elizabeth Shaw, and dau. of Deborah Benger (BALR TB#C:471).
Daniel, m. by 14 March 1709, Eliza. dau. of Robert Love (BAAD 2:109).
Daniel, m. by 15 May 1742, Hannah, dau. and devisee of Isaac Butterworth (BALR TB#A:196).
John, m. by c1686, Christian, relict and extx. of Thomas Sterling of CV Co. (INAC 9:222, 12:138).
John, m. by 1 May 1721, Jane, extx. of Peter Dent of So Co. (MDAD 3:447).
Nathaniel, m. by 31 March 1741, Aberilla, dau. of Luke Raven (BALR TB#C:471).
William, m. by 1 June 1731, Jane, admx of Joseph Airey of TA Co. (MDAD 11:63; MWB 19:574).
- Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1717-1735
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Carol Mitchell. carolmit@usaor.net
USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations.
(http://files.usgwarchives.net/md/charles/court/probate1.txt : accessed on 31Dec2018)
Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1717-1735 [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory)
141: James Williams decd 20 Sep 1723 - Jno Lamaister & John Scott kin.
148: James Williams decd 15 Jan 1723/24 - John Lemaster & John Scott Sr. kin.
Note the Lamaster name.
- 1758 Charles County Tax Lists By District in Record order.
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by John B. Lomax, JBLomax@aol.com
USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations.
(http://files.usgwarchives.net/md/charles/taxlists/ch1758txd.txt : accessed on 31Dec2018)
"A List of Taxable Inhabitants of Durham Lower Part Taken & Returned by Thomas Davis Constable"
"A True List of Taxes in East Newport Hundred 1758"
"A List of Taxables Taken in Pomonkey Hundred by Thos. Smallwood Constable"
"1758 A List of The Taxes on the Wist Side of portobacco pariss Taken by James Smallwood Constable"
"A List of Taxables of the Upper Hundred in Trinity Parish taken by Elisha Harbin Constable"
"A List of Taxables Taken by John Smoot in the Lower Hundred of WM. & Mary Parish June 20th 1758"
[The above are the titles of the surviving handwritten lists of districts from films SR 4543-8, -9, -10, -11, -12 and -13 that were Xeroxed at the Maryland State Archives.
TU 77 1 Cooksey Lemaster 1 (Father of Ann Cooksey & F-I-L of Thomas Scott)
TU 79 1 Cooksey Andrew 1
DL 39 1 Wright Senr. Thomas 4 7 (Father of Dorcas Wright & F-I-L of Axton Scott)
DL 39 2 Wright Junr. Thos.
INDEX for the "1758 Charles County Tax Lists by District
Scott Ann (Wid.) NE 73 1
Scott Jane (Ms.) NE 81 1
Scott Jno. NE 67 1
Scott Robert W&ML 3 2
Scott Wm. NE 64 1
(http://files.usgwarchives.net/md/charles/taxlists/ch1758txi.txt : accessed 31Dec2018)
Cherokee Bill
The Murder of Cherokee Billy
Posted 04 Aug 2008 by Melanie McCoy
Isaac Crabtree witnessed the killing of James Boone and his companions. He was so enraged that ever after he tried to kill any Indian that he might reach, friend or enemy. He would not tolerate the presence of an Indian. Once while attending a horse race on the Watauga, he spied three Indians watching the race, two men and a squaw. One of the men was “Cherokee Billy,” a relative of Chief Connastota. Crabtree shot Cherokee Billy and tried to get the other two, but was prevented by the crowd with much difficulty. It was greatly feared that this might bring trouble from the Indians. There was a local reward of fifty pounds sterling, and one hundred pounds more by the governor, offered for Crabtree, but he was never apprehended. Still he did not desist in his efforts to contact the Indians. The only way those in authority could prevent him from doing some overt act to cause grave danger to the pioneers along the sparcely settled frontier was to keep him busy with necessary military duties.
There is another similar, more detailed account in the book: "A Virginia Scout" Author: Hugh Pendexter Illustrator: D. C. Hutchinson. It is available online at : http://www.gutenberg.org/files/26631/26631-8.txt
There are at least 77 Public Member Tree results for "Cherokee Billy Scott," born in Robeson (NC) 1720. Most with parents F: Smallpox Conjuror Settico Cajur Scott and M: Quatsis Aganunitsi Pigeon Moytoy.
The "Cherokee Bill" issue needs to be in our conversation and developments in his status included here, even though it is not yet known what, if any, legitimate connection there is.
Tree Information and Family History
This is our collection of general, unsourced and unproven information. This information cannot be used for conclusions, but is only useful for giving a range of possibilities from which to narrow our searches for sources. This is also a gauge of what is "out there" on the internet which shows us what to expect as far as errors being directed back at us.
- Rootsweb.com only 1 TREE matches and has no source. Gammons Family Tree
Entries: 5066 Updated: 2017-06-20 16:59:02 UTC (Tue) Owner: Patricia Gammons [1]
Name: William Scott
Sex: Male
Birth: 10 JUL 1732 in Denny, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Death: 24 NOV 1794 in Bedford, Virginia
Burial: 25 NOV 1794
- No burial record in Find-a-Grave.com
- The source listed below: "mkmary.tripod.com/" gives us very different info.
- "Fourth Generation
- 4. William Scott. Born abt 1720 in Bedford Co. Virginia.
- William died in Montgomery KY in Nov 1794, he was 74.
- abt 1740 when William was 20, he married Lucretia "Lucy" James, in Halifax County VA. Born abt 1722 in Bedford Co.VA.
- 4. William Scott. Born abt 1720 in Bedford Co. Virginia.
- They had the following children:
- 5 i. Thomas (~1741-~1830)
- 6 ii. William (~1742-1812)
- 7 iii. John (~1749->1793)
- 8 iv. Axton (~1752-~1792)
- v. Evan. Born abt 1755 in Bedford Co. Virginia
- "Ancestry" example shown here. I don't have access to Ancestry and don't know how many possible trees which William and Lucy may be in, so someone else will need to explore and review possible useful information. (https://www.ancestry.com/genealogy/records/william-scott_19772961 : accessed 11 June 2018 by SEL) William Scott (1719-1794), wife Lucretia James (1722-1805), children; James (1738-1816), Thomas (1741-1840), William (1746-1812), John (1749-1794), Evan (1754-1847), George (1754-1821), Sarah Lee (1755-1838), Joseph (1757-1831), Charles (1758-1826), Axton (1762-1792), Obediah (1764-1840) and Peter (1775-1837). Parents of William unknown.
- Message Boards on Ancestry.
Re: William Scott d 1794 Bedford Co., VA
doscott32 (View posts)
Posted: 09 Dec 2014 02:39PM
Classification: Query
I am Don Scott, keeper of the Scott Family tree open on ancestry. As one can from comments see the origins of William Scott d 1794 in Bedford Co Va. are varied and without substantiation. These vary from parents Walter Scott and Helen Wilson and born in Denny Scotland; parent John came from Ireland and William born in
Charles County, Md; came from Selkirk, Scotland, parents Walter and Janet Inlis, etc. I have studied this William (my ancestor) for many years. I can prove William and Lucretia and their descendants from Bedford forward. Although I have traveled to Ireland and Scotland many times and visited most of the counties of Va and Md. I do not know where William and Lucretia came from nor where they married. Don Scott is here on WT and has been contacted.
- "The Scott Line: My Roots" updated 6July 2001. (http://mkmary.tripod.com/webpage1/id5.html : accessed 11Jun2018 by SEL) This tree has 45 sources and an index. William and Lucy occur in the fourth generation.
4. William Scott. Born abt 1720 in Bedford Co. Virginia. William died in Montgomery KY in Nov 1794, he was 74. About 1740 when William was 20, he married Lucretia "Lucy" James, in Halifax County VA. Born abt 1722 in Bedford Co.VA.
They had the following children:
5 i. Thomas (~1741-~1830)
6 ii. William (~1742-1812)
7 iii. John (~1749->1793)
8 iv. Axton (~1752-~1792)
v. Evan. Born abt 1755 in Bedford Co. Virginia. Evan died in Madison Co., KY abt Sep 1847, he was 92. About 1777 when Evan was 22, he married Elizabeth Lee3. Born in 1751. Elizabeth died in Madison Co., KY bet 1833-1840, she was 82.
9 vi. James (~1755->1824)
10 vii. Joseph H. (1757-1833)
11 viii. George (~1759-1821)
ix. Charles3. Born abt 1760 in VA. Charles died abt 22 Feb 1826, he was 66. On 20 May 1784 when Charles was 24, he married Elizabeth Fendley Talbot3, in Washington Co. VA. Born abt 1766. Elizabeth Fendley died in Washington Co. VA abt 1827, she was 61.
12 x. Obediah (1764-1840)
13 xi. Peter (~1769-<1837)
xii. Sarah B.. Born in Washington Co. KY. Sarah B. married William Neil.
- William Scott found in "Known Ancestry of Julia Ann NEELY"
28. William Scott, born Abt. 1720 in ,,Highlands, Scotland; died Nov 1794 in ,Bedford, VA.. He married 29. Lucretia James in ,,Maryland.
29. Lucretia James She was the daughter of Thomas James.
Children of William Scott and Lucretia James are:
i. George Scott, died 29 Nov 1821 in ,Campbell, Ky; married Martha Elmore Hudson 20 Nov 1783 in ,Bedford, VA.
ii. Thomas Scott, born in ,Bedford, VA.
14 iii. William Scott, born Abt. 1742 in ,Bedford, VA.; died 05 May 1812 in ,Davidison, Tn; married (1) unknown Abt. 1758; married (2) Mary Baker 10 Oct 1781 in ,Prince Edward, VA.
iv. John Scott, born Abt. 1749; died Aft. 1793.
v. James Scott, born Abt. 1755; died Aft. 1816 in ,Campbell, Ky; married Ann Watts Bufford Abt. 1805; died 1805 in ,Scott, KY.
vi. Evan Scott, born Abt. 1755 in ,,VA.; died Abt. Sep 1847 in ,Madison, KY; married Elizabeth "Bettie" Lee.
vii. Joseph H. Scott, born 26 Oct 1757 in ,Bedford, VA.; died 22 Oct 1831 in ,Washington, Ky; married Mary Talbert Abt. 1773; born 1762; died 25 May 1839 in ,Washington, VA.
viii. Charles Scott, born Abt. 1760 in ,,VA.; died Bef. 26 Feb 1826 in ,Washington, VA; married Elizabeth Fendley Talbott 20 May 1784 in ,Washington, VA.
ix. Sarah Lee Scott, born Abt. 1761 in ,,VA.; died Abt. 1838 in ,,Mo; married William Neil.
x. Aston Scott, born Abt. 1762 in ,Bedford, VA.; died Bef. 1793 in ,Washington, VA.
xi. Obdiah Scott, born 15 Feb 1764 in ,Bedford, VA.; died 03 Nov 1840 in ,St Genevieve, Mo.
xii. Peter A. Scott, born 1775 in ,Bedford, VA.; died Bef. 06 Jan 1837 in ,Symth, VA; married Rachel Noah Poston 17 Sep 1803 in ,Washington, VA.
(http://wadefamilytx.tripod.com/index/id2.html : accessed 14Sep2018 by Steve Lake)
- Capt. William Scott
Capt. William Scott
Birthdate: 1720 (74)
Birthplace: Prince George's County, Maryland
Death: November 24, 1794 (74)
Bedford County, Virginia, United States
Immediate Family:
Son of William Scott, of Prince George, MD and Mary Scott
Husband of Hester Scott and Lucretia Scott
Father of James Scott; Thomas Scott; John Scott; William Scott, II; Axton Scott; Evan Scott; George Scott; Joseph Scott; Charles Scott; Obediah Scott; Sarah Elizabeth Neel; Peter Scott and Lucretia Williamson
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated: May 24, 2018
- "FamilySearch.org" lists 13 Children (There being two Sarah's, otherwise all names are found in will below.)
- Thomas 1741-1830
- William 1742-1813
- John 1748-1793
- Axton 1748-1793
- Sarah Elizabeth Scott 1750-??
- James 1752-??
- George 1754-1821
- Joseph 1757-1833
- Charles 1758-1826
- Evan 1761-1847
- Obediah 1764-1840
- Sarah Lee Nay 1764-1838
- Peter 1769-1837
At this point, we do not have enough information to determine if the two Sarah's are duplicates or, if not, then which one of them should be removed. Work on all the identities of these children needs to be completed before proceeding. Collaborators are need for this phase, currently underway. (Note by Steve Lake on 12Jun2018. I started with Thomas Scott on his FS profile, and worked through all twelve children in an attempt to use FS records database to find sources. This process only had limited success, but needed to be done. The project went forward here on WT until early November, when it was determined that enough material had been gathered and as much of it needed to be copied to FS profiles as possible. The first disruption we caused was to adjust the birth year estimates to conform with the Will list order, which we assumed to be actual birth order. We also decided to introduce the theory, and five points of evidence supporting the theory, of two marriages for William, as well as a profile for an earlier wife, name unknown. Several FS contributors fought against our changes until they actually took the time to review our lines of reasoning taken from the sources we had posted. That also needed to be done as part of our process. Changes were made on the profiles of Sarah Scott Lee. One with a supported husband was disconnected and the name of the other was changed, although no material has been found which could be added or used to support any additional details. We have recently uncovered a number of additional family histories, which reference a variety of source we had not yet found, so that our efforts will be concentrated on these newest finds listed below.)
- Looking for "Scott Family Sketch"
Replies: 0
Looking for "Scott Family Sketch"
bamhoward (View posts)
Posted: 02 Sep 2014 04:25PM
Classification: Query
Surnames: Scott, Arnold, James
We are looking for a copy of "Scott Family Sketch" written by William Poston Scott in 1851 and compiled by Mrs. C.L. Arnold in 1958. It is referenced in several other histories we have found online and as a source for records behind other genealogy paywalls, but we cannot find the "Sketch" in library catalogs or other online reference sources. It supposedly includes information on William Scott, who emigrated from the Scotland Highlands and married a Lucretia (Lucy) James. We suspect the original "Sketch" might give us more insight into our family history. Any leads to the original document are most welcome.
(https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.scott/13191/mb.ashx : accessed on 26Oct2018)
- William Scott found in"Who Are Her People?: The Life and Family of Louise Maynard Hoskins" By Rebecca Hoskins Goodwin 2018.
"We have no certain evidence where our Scott family originated, perhaps in the highlands or the lowlands of Scotland, or perhaps they were Scots-Irish. The progenitors of the Scott family in the Tug River Valley were William and Lucretia James Scott of Bedford County, Virginia."
"The Scott Family Sketch (1851) states that William Scott's father emigrated from the Highlands of Scotland to either Charles or Prince Georges County, Maryland, early in the 18th century.4
Another researcher also cites "The Scott Family Sketch" but asserts that it was William himself who came to Charles County, Maryland, and that he sold property there in 1747, 1748 and 1766 and moved to Bedford County, Virginia, where in a deed registered in 1763, he purchased property near the foot of the Blue Ridge on Goose Creek.5
As a third Scott researcher says, "The origins of William Scott are varied and without substantiation. These vary from parents;
- ) Walter Scott and Helen Wilson whose son William was born in Denny Scotland.
- ) John Scott from Ireland whose son William was born in Charles County, Maryland.
- ) Walter Scott and Janet Inlis/Inglish from Selkirk, Scotland.
Even though we have been unable to establish William's parentage and place of birth or where he and Lucretia were married, we know that William and Lucretia were the parents of twelve children. This is corroborated by William's Will, which is dated 7 December 1793, and probated 24 November 1794 in Bedford County, Virginia.7[4]
- William Scott found on "Family Group Sheet Project"
Family group sheet has vitals for a William Scott, Mary Lucas and also for three children. William Scott, b: 1672 Scotland, d: 1740 Maryland, m: 1698 to Mary Lucas, b: 1680 MD, d: bef. 1750 Prince George, MD, dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth Lucas. Three children listed; Thomas b:14Feb1702 PG, MD, William b:10Dec1704 PG, MD, Mary b:1700 PG, MD. Copyright by Jerry Scott. Site may be linked, but not duplicated in any manner.
(http://www.fgs-project.com/maryland/groups/s/scott-william-.txt : accessed 21Nov2018)
- William Scott found on FamilySearch.org in the "The Tennison family of Southern Maryland"
Authors: Smith, Ralph D. (Main Author) in FamilySearch catalog. The "Samuel Simmons and Elizabeth Scott History Book" is incorrect in the dates. That book at: (https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE1676030 : accessed 2Dec2018) Image 22 has the correct death dates, but on the following family group sheets has VASTLY overestimated the birth dates, in most cases about 30+ years too early. They have mixed and confused the dates of the Johns, starting with John who married Catherine Tennison. He was the one born about 1658-1666, not his son. Please examine the citations to original records at: (http://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I018796&tree=Tree1 : accessed 2Dec2018) The dates of the above Simmons and Scott History Book do not fit with original records, as that book makes everyone living to almost 100 years old (because their births dates are WAY off). Please also see the volumes of the Tennison family by Ralph Smith, which can be viewed from: (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/658438 : accessed 2Dec2018).
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First one was to add goals and clarify the research process. Also divided project phases under section headings. Save failed, so I deleted half of the text, then save was successful, Series of saves after that added the remaining content, so it is all back and saved successfully. This was in preparation of adding a short version of the research process on each profile of this family in order to define what phase each profile is at and what remains as far as the expanded scope is concerned.
Talbot/Talbert Elmore Hudson Prior Wright Poston Lee Dent Cooksey Thaxton/Thackston Other possibilities are Tennison Lucas
Review and edit will proceed on my paper copy and then be copied back to William's profile for review by the research group. The resulting biography, references and source list will be more efficient and concise.