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My Surnames
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- Abitot (Tancarville) , Acton , Adams , Adderbury , Adele , Aglie , Agnes , Aguillon , Aguillon , Aigle , Aigle , Aintree , Albamarle , Albemarle , Albini , Albon , Albret , Aldborough , Aldford , Aldobrandini , Aldrich , Alfreton , Alfreton , Allen , Alluyes , Alveston , Alveston , Alys , Amington , Ampurias , Amyas , Andea , Angelos , Angers , Angevin , Angus , Anjou , Anlaby , Anne , Anthanaise , Anthony , Apleby , Appleby , Applethway , Appleyard , Aquila , Aquilon , Aquitaine , Arbalastrier , Arborea , Arborea , Arcedeckne , Arches , Archiac , Arden , Arderne , Arderne , Ardouin , Ardres , Argentine , Arnstein , Arques , Arques , Arras , Arsic , Arsomcourt , Arundel , Arundel , Ashley , Ashton , Aske , Aske , Aslakby , Astley , Astley , Atffenne , Ath , Atherton , Aton , Atteforde , Auberville , Aubigny , Audeley , Audley , Audley , Audley , Aula , Aunus , Austin , Avalgau , Avatton , Avenal , Avenal , Avenal , Avenal , Avenbury , Avenbury , Avranches , Avranches , Avranches , Avranches , Awood , Ayers , Aylesbury
- Bachiler, Baddington , Badeau , Badlesmere , Badlesmere , Badlesmere , Baggaleigh , Baggiley , Bagot , Bailleul , Baladon , Baladon , Balliol , Balliol , Balts , Balts , Balun , Banastre , Banastre , Banet , Bar-Sur-Aube , Bar-sur-Seine , Bar-sur-Seine , Barcelona , Bardolf , Bardolf , Bardonneau , Baret , Barew , Barker , Barker , Barlow , Barnett , Barnhouse , Barrand , Barrett , Barron , Bartlett , Bartlett , Bartlett , Barton , Barton , Barton , Bartram , Basing , Basing , Basset , Basset , Bate , Battisford , Baucher , Baucher , Baumville , Bawle , Bayern , Bayeux , Bayley , Baynard , Baynard , Beauchamp , Beauchamp , Beauchamp , Beauchamp , Beauchamp , Beauchamp , Beauffou , Beauffou , Beaugency , Beaumont , Beaumont , Beaumont , Beaumont , Beaumont , Beaumont , Beaupeny , Beke , Belgrave , Belknap , Bell , Bellamy , Bellsire , Bellême , Belmeis , Berkeley , Berkeley , Berkeley , Bermingham , Bermingham , Bernard , Berners , Bernicia , Berry , Bertram , Besançon , Betham , Betham , Bethum , Betts , Bexton , Beyle , Bezaume , Beziers , Bickerstaff , Bidun , Biggory , Bigod , Bigorre , Bilesby , Billingford , Billings , Billung , Bingley , Birkin , Birkin , Bisege , Biset , Blackburn , Blackmore , Blackwell , Blancminster , Blieskastel , Blodgett , Blois , Blois , Blois , Blower , Bloyou , Boardman , Bodrugan , Bohnam , Bohun , Bois , Bois , Boissey , Bolbec , Bold , Bold , Bolebec , Bolhay , Bolington , Bolney , Boneville , Bonnemer , Bonville , Booley , Booth , Booth , Booth , Booth , Boscoaldwood , Bosley , Boson , Bosse , Bossell , Bostock , Boston , Boteler , Boteler , Boteler , Botenstein , Boucher , Boulogne , Boulter , Bountayne , Bourbon , Bourbourg , Bourchier , Bourgogne , Bournonville , Bowen , Boydell , Boynton , Bozom , Bracebridge , Braci , Brackett , Bradlegh , Bradshaigh , Bradshaw , Bradshaw , Bradshaw , Bradstone , Brady , Braine , Braine , Braine , Braine , Braose , Braose , Braose , Braose , Bray , Braybrooke , Breightmet , Brereton , Brereton , Bret , Bret , Bretagne , Bretargh , Breux , Bridport , Brienne , Brienne , Brighthouse , Brightwell , Brinley , Briole , Brionne , Britles , Brito , Briwere , Briwere , Broc , Broc , Brogden , Bromflete , Bromhall , Bromley , Bromley , Bromwich , Brooke , Brough , Broughton , Brown , Browne , Broyes , Bruce , Bruce , Bruen , Brun , Brun , Bryan , Bryan , Brymeton , Bryn , Buchan , Buchan , Buckenham , Bugge , Bullistra , Bulmer , Bumbley , Burci , Burgh , Burgh , Burgh , Burgh , Burgh , Burgundy , Burnell , Burr , Burrage , Burton , Bury , Busli , Bussel , Bussel , Bussey , Butler , Butler , Butler , Byles , Byron , Béthune , Büren
- Cabaldeston, Cadwell , Caellaide , Caen , Caffin , Calahorra , Callender , Callwaye , Caltoft , Cam , Camera , Camerarius , Camville , Canossa , Cansfield , Cantilupe , Canu , Capet , Capron , Card , Cardiff , Carlat , Carlton , Carlus , Carminers , Carminow , Carolingian , Carpentier , Carter , Carter , Cary , Castelay , Castell , Castilla , Cate , Catford , Cauton , Caux , Cauz , Cave , Cecily , Centerville , Chacenay , Chalk , Chalon , Chalon , Cham , Chamberlain , Chamond , Champernon , Champernoun , Chanceau , Chandos , Chandos , Chantoce , Charpentier , Chartré , Charworth , Chateau-Renaud , Chaucombe , Chaudon , Chaumont , Chaumontois , Chauveau , Chauvin , Cheadle , Chenduit , Cheney , Cheney , Cheriton , Cheseborough , Cheseldene , Chesney , Chesney , Chesney , Chester , Cheswyk , Cheswyk , Chetham , Chetham , Chevaler , Cheverell , Cheynie , Chichester , Chickering , Chiny , Christina , Chudderleigh , Château-du-Loire , Châteaubriant , Châteaudun , Châtellerault , Châtillon , Clare , Clare , Clare , Clare , Clark , Clarke , Clayton , Clayton , Clayton , Clere , Clermont , Clermont , Clifford , Clinton , Clinton , Clitheroe , Clitherow , Clitherow , Clopa , Cobham , Coffin , Cogan , Cogan , Coignes , Cokayne , Colby , Colby , Colchester , Coldham , Cole , Cole , Cole , Cole , Cole , Colekirke , Coleville , Collins , Columbers , Comnena , Como , Comps , Compton , Comyn , Comyn , Condé , Condé-sur-Noireau , Conyers , Conyers , Cooke , Coop , Copeland , Copperdick , Corbeil , Corbet , Corbet , Corbuceo , Corliss , Cormeilles , Cornhill , Cornhill , Cornhill , Cornouaille , Cornouaille , Corona , Cotentin , Cotton , Cotton , Cotton , Cotton , Coucy , Coudré , Coulon , Courser , Courtenay , Courtenay , Coval , Coventre , Cowley , Coxon , Craft , Cralle , Crane , Cranm , Cransley , Craon , Craon , Cray , Crecy , Creke , Crepon , Creste , Crete , Crew , Crewe , Criketot , Crispin , Crispin , Croft , Cromwell , Crépon , Cuiseaux , Culcheth , Cummings , Cundy , Curli
- D'Oilly, D'Uzes , D'engaine , Dacre , Dacre , Dacre , Daisnel , Dakeney , Dallingridge , Dameral , Dammartin , Dampierre , Dane , Danyers , Darcy , Darell , Daresby , Darset , Daubeney , Daumarle , Davenport , Davis , De Arborea , De Balnois , De Beauvoir , De Besege , De Bois , De Botetourt , De Bourton , De Breteuil , De Cay , De Cotesford , De Domville , De Flete , De Forez , De Hungerford , De Knowsleigh , De La Croix , De La Lynde , De Lascelles , De Leham , De Lucy , De Marseille , De Meschines , De Montgomery , De Monthermer , De Mowbray , De Norbury , De Normanville , De Normanville , De Paveley , De Prez , De Singleton , De Singleton , De St Sauveur , De Totnais , De Trafford , De Vitre , DeBradshaw , DeCheshire , DeFulleshurst , DeKryton , DeL'Outhe , DeMaatenloch , DeMassey , DeNorbury , DePlaiz , DeRumilly , DeSaumford , DeStandish , DeWorkesley , Dee , Deincourt , Deincourt , Deiville , Delaunay , Delecroix , Delugré , Demerlay , Denny , Denton , Dequain , Derby , Despencer , Despenser , Deuheubarth , Devon , Devonshire , Dewdeswell , Dey , Dimery , Dinan , Dinan , Diogenissa , Dion , Dives , Doddiscombe , Dol , Dolgoruki , Domene , Dommart , Donne , Doreslow , Doterinde , Douglas , Doukaina , Dourton , Dover , Dow , Dow , Downes , Downes , Drake , Drapon , Draycote , Dreux , Driby , Dubois , Duke , Dunstanville , Dupras , Durant , Durham , Durham , Dutton , Dyer , Díaz
- Eccles, Eccles , Eddys , Edwards , Egerton , Eggleton , Eincourt , Eland , Eldridge , Ellall , Elleford , Elmley , Elmy , Elyon , Emeldon , Emery , Empson , Engaine , Engaine , England , English , English , Eppes , Erleigh , Espec , Esperon , Essex , Essex , Essex , Eton , Eulowe , Euxton , Everingham , Evreux , Evreux , Ewyas , Eyre
- Falaise, Falaise , Falewell , Farforth , Farnum , Farr , Farrell , Farrington , Faucigny , Faucigny , Faucigny , Fauconberg , Faulconer , Fawkes , Felton , Fermilis , Ferre , Ferrers , Ferrers , Ferrers , Ferté , Ferté-Ancoul , Filiol , Findern , Finnsdottir , Fiot , Fissacre , Fitton , Fitton , Fitz Alured , Fitz Herluin , Fitz Randolph , Fitz-Ulf , FitzAilward , FitzAlan , FitzAlan , FitzAndlaw , FitzBernard , FitzEstmond , FitzGeoffrey , FitzGerald , FitzGerold , FitzHarding , FitzHelte , FitzHenry , FitzHugh , FitzJames , FitzJohn , FitzMaurice , FitzMiles , FitzNigel , FitzOdo , FitzOrm , FitzOsbert , FitzPayn , FitzPiers , FitzPiers , FitzRalph , FitzRalph , FitzRalph , FitzReinfrid , FitzRobert , FitzRobert , FitzSimon , FitzSwain , FitzThomas , FitzUrse , FitzWalter , FitzWalter , FitzWalter , FitzWarin , FitzWilliam , FitzWilliam , FitzWilliam , FitzWilliam , FitzWilliam , Fitzaldecinder , Fitzbaldric , Fitzbenedict , Fitzgeoffrey , Fitzhubert , Fitzralph , Fitzrichard , Fitzsimmon , Fitzwalkelyn , Fitzwilliam , Flaitel , Flamville , Flamville , Flamville , Flanders , Flandre , Fleming , Fleming , Flete , Flinsbach , Flowers , Focell , Focell , Foliot , Foliot , Folketon , Folkington , Fontaines , Ford , Forez , Forez , Formbach , Formbach , Fortescue , Fosdick , Fossard , Fossé , Foster , Foulehurst , Fourneux , Fourneux , Fouvent , Fowler , Fremont , French , French , French , French , Fresney , Freville , Froburg , Frodesham , Frodsham , Frost , Fréteval , Fulford , Fulleshurst , Fulletby , Fulton , Furnell , Furnes , Furnival
- Gael (Montfort) , Gai , Gainsby , Galicia , Gallardon , Galloway , Galloway , Galloway , Gambon , Gargottin , Garlande , Garnet , Garnet , Garnett , Garnett , Garnier , Gaudin , Gaulin , Gayner , Geldere , Gendreau , Genellestane , Genellestane , Geneville , Genève , Geslain , Gestling , Gevaudan , Ghent , Giffard , Gifford , Gilbert , Gilbert , Giolla , Gisulph , Glasshowse , Gleiberg , Glinel , Glynn , Glâne , Gobion , Godhaut , Godisford , Godwin , Gold , Goldington , Goldington , Goldington , Gometz , Gometz , Goodwin , Goodwin , Goodwin , Goram , Gordon , Gorges , Gorges , Goritz , Goth , Gouet , Gould , Gournay , Gournay , Goushill , Gove , Graham , Grainsby , Grandison , Grandmesnil , Granges , Grantham , Grantmesnil , Gras , Graunt , Gray , Gray , Greasley , Green , Green , Greene , Greenleaf , Greenleaf , Gregory , Greinville , Grelley , Grelley , Grene , Greneham , Grenier , Grenville , Grenville , Grenville , Gresley , Gressenhall , Grey , Grey , Greystoke , Greystoke , Greystoke , Grippon , Guerche , Guerres , Guillemin , Guincamp , Guincamp , Guincamp , Guincamp , Guincamp , Guines , Guise , Guisnes , Guisteau , Gundreda , Gweir , Gwerystan , Gwrgeneu , Gymond
- Haccombe, Hadelstone , Haget , Haile , Hainaut , Haldensleben , Halfdansdottir , Hallom , Halsall , Ham , Hamaps , Hamerton , Hamley , Hamm , Hammerstein , Hammerton , Hammond , Hampden Unk , Hampden , Handsacre , Hanham , Hankeford , Hansard , Hansard , Hansard , Hanselyn , Hanselyn , Hanselyn , Hanslape , Harcourt , Harcourt , Hardin , Harding , Harre , Harriman , Harrington , Harrington , Harris , Hart , Haslonde , Hastang , Hastang , Hastings , Hastings , Hastings , Hatherage , Hatton , Hatton , Hatton , Hatton , Hauteville , Hauteville , Havering , Hawick , Hawker , Hawkins , Hawkset , Hawley , Haydock , Haydock , Haye , Haye , Hayles , Hayward , Hayward , Hayward , Heath , Heath , Heaton , Hedersett , Helgot , Hellesby , Hendresuk , Hengrave , Herbert , Herdeburgh , Herdeby , Hereford , Hereford , Heron , Hertford , Herthull , Hesdin , Hesdin , Hesketh , Hetton , Hewitt , Heyford , Heytesbury , Heytesbury , Heyton , Heyward , Hibbert , Hill , Hill , Hill , Hill , Hillary , Hindedale , Hindley , Hobrugge , Hodell , Hohenberg , Hohenstaufen , Holand , Holden , Hole , Holland , Holland , Holt , Holt , Hommet , Hommet , Hone , Honford , Hoo , Hornacote , Horry , Horton , Houghton , Houghton , Houghton , Houlding , Howard , Howe , Howick , Howlat , Howlett , Hoyt , Hubbard , Hubbard , Hubert , Huddesfield , Huish , Hulme , Hulse , Hulston , Hulton , Hulton , Hulton , Humez , Hungerford , Huntingdon , Huntingdon , Huntingdon , Hussey , Hussey , Hussey , Hyde , Hyde , Hyde , Hydon
- Ingalls, Ingeniator , Ingrim , Inman , Irby , Ireby , Ireby , Ireby , Ireland , Ireland , Irmengarde , Isbell , Isle Bouchard , Istria , Ithel , Ivrea , Ivry
- Jackson, Jackson , Jannings , Jarpenville , Jarze , Jasper , Jasper , Jenty , Johan , Johns , Joigny , Joigny , Jolliffe , Jones , Jordain , Jordan , Josselyn , Judd
- Kamatera (Kamateros) , Karatzaina , Kastamonitissa , Kellet , Kelley , Kelly , Kemp , Kemp , Kenney , Keynes , Kiev , Kildare , Kilpec , Kilton , Kimberly , King , King , Kingrose , Kingsley , Kinsley , Kirburg , Kirketon , Kittredge , Knapp , Knight , Kniveton , Kniveton , Knoville , Knowsley , Knudsen , Komnene , Konradiner , Kumania , Kyerton , Kyme
- La Zouche, Lacon , Lacy , Lacy , Lacy , Lacy , Lacy , Lambert , Lamoureux , Lancashire , Lancashire , Lancaster , Langetot , Langfield , Langley , Langlois , Langton , Langton , Langton , Langusa , Laon , Lareau , Lascaris , Lascelles , Latham , Lathom , Lathom , Latimer , Launce , Lauton , Laval , Lavant , Lavelode , Lawrence , Lawrence , Le Brett , Le Clauer , Le De Bonnaire , LeBruen , LeGrand , Lea , Lechsgemünd , Ledet , Leeds , Leeds , Lefwin , Legh , Leicestershire , Leigh , Leigh , Leighton , Lemoine , Lengenfeld , Lens , Lenzburg , Lesmaye , Leuchars , Leuven , Lever , Leybourne , Leycester , Lezay , León , Licques , Ligier , Limburg , Limesi , Limoges , Lincoln , Lincoln , Lincolnshire , Lincolnshire , Lindsey , Lindsey , Lisle , Lisle , Lisle , Lisle , Lisle , Lisle , Lisle , Lisours , Lisours , Lissen , Littlefield , Liudolfing , Llewlwn , Llywarch , Locke , London , Longchamp , Longchamps , Longespee , Longespee , Longespee , Longespic , Longford , Longueville , Longvillers , Longwy , Longwy , Longwy , Longwy , Longwy , Longwy , Looke , Loon , Lord , Lorraine , Lorraine , Lorraine , Lorty , Lostock , Loudham , Loudin , Lousche , Louvan , Lovel , Lovel , Lovel , Loyseau , Lucelles , Lucerne , Lucy , Lumpkin , Lupia , Lurfete , Lusignan , Luttrell , Luvetot , Luxembourg , Lyne , Lyverich
- Mac Lochlainn (O'Neill) , MacGILLAPATRICK , MacIver , MacMurrough , Macdonald , Mackenfield , Macrory , Mahout , Mahout , Mahout , Mailly , Maine , Maine , Mainwaring , Mainz , Makin , Malbank , Malebis , Malebise , Malesours , Malet , Malherbe , Mallet , Mallet , Malmains , Malmayns , Malpas , Malrose , Maltravers , Maminot , Manasses , Manby , Mandeville , Mandeville , Mandeville , Marberry , March , Marche , Marcotte , Marcq , Mare , Mare , Margot , Marigny , Marley , Marmion , Marreis , Marshal , Marshal , Marshal , Marshal , Marston , Marston , Martel , Martin , Martin , Martin , Mason , Massey , Massey , Massey , Massure , Matthews , Maubanc , Mauduit , Mauléon , Mautravers , Mautravers , Mayenne , Meadowcroft , Meaux , Meinill , Melitene , Mentieth , Meolte , Mercia , Mercia , Mercier , Mere , Meriet , Meriet , Meriet , Merleberge , Merriam , Merritt , Merton , Merton , Merton , Meschines , Mettais , Metz , Meulan , Meurguier , Meynell , Miller , Millet , Millis , Millom , Milne , Mingay , Minnesson , Minshull , Mitchell , Mitford , Mobberley , Mobberley , Moels , Moels , Moha , Mohaut , Mohun , Molle , Molyneaux , Molyneux , Molyneux , Monal , Monceaux , Monceaux , Moncontour , Mondoubleau , Mondoubleau , Mondoubleau , Monferrat , Monmouth , Monmouth , Mons , Mons , Montagu , Montalt , Montanolier , Montbard , Montbegon , Montbeliard , Montfaucon , Montfichet , Montgomerie , Montgomery , Montgomery , Montgomery , Montjoy , Montlhéry , Montmirail , Montmorency , Montpellier , Montreuil , Montreuil , Montsorel , Moore , Moreau , Moreton , Morewick , Morgan , Morgan , Morialmes , Morin , Morse , Mortain , Mortimer , Mortimer , Morville , Morville , Morville , Morville , Mosse , Mossezo , Mote , Mouchard , Moulins-la Marché , Moulton , Mountsorrell , Multon , Munchensy , Mundabliel , Murdac , Murford , Murray , Musard , Muscegros , Muschamp , Muschet , Muñoz , Myrrdin , Mörsberg
- Namur (Wettin) , Nanscoyk , Nanskew , Nantes , Narbey , Neepe , Nelson , Nerford , Nerford , Nerondes , Nerondes , Nesson , Neuenburg , Neufchâtel , Nevers , Neves , Nevile , Neville , Neville , Neville , Neville , Newdigate , Newdigate , Newmarch , Newmarch , Newmarche , Newsom , Newton , Niard , Nichols , Noers , Nonant , Nordgau , Norley , Normandie , Normandie , Normandie , Normandie , Normandie , Normandy , Normandy , Normanville , Normanville , Norreys , Norris , North , Northeim , Northend , Northumberland , Northwode , Norwich , Nottinghamshire , Nouwell , Novgorod , Noyers , Nudd
- O Mulloy (OMulloy, Leinster) , O' Tuathail , O'Braenain , O'Brien , O'Domnail , O'Gairbita , O'Morda , O'Nuallain , Obertenghi , Odell , Odenkirchen , Odingsells , Of Thuringa , Of Wolfratshausen , Oisy , Okeover , Olafsdotter , Oldfield , Oliver , Olofsdottir , Ordonez , Orme , Orreby , Orrubu , Orval , Osbaldeston , Osbaldeston , Osbaldeston , Osbern , Osgood , Ossory , Ost , Oswald , Owain , Owram , Oxenbridge , Oxton
- Pabenham, Page , Page , Pain , Paine , Pakeman , Palmer , Pamoore , Pantulf , Paquin , Parent , Parker , Parker , Parlascio Embriaco , Parnaunt , Parnel Martin , Partridge , Pateshull , Patris , Paul , Paveley , Payne , Paynel , Paynell , Peasfurlong , Peck , Pell , Pellett , Peneau , Pennington , Pennock , Penpol , Peplesham , Peplesham , Perche , Percy , Percy , Percy , Percy , Periton , Perkins , Perron , Perron , Perry , Pert , Peshale , Pettistree , Peverel , Peverel , Peverel , Peverel , Peverell , Peyferer , Peyton , Peyvere , Phelipp , Phillips , Phillips , Phillips , Piast , Picard , Pickworth , Picmere , Picmere , Picot , Picot , Picott , Picqugny , Picquigny , Pidekeswell , Pierce , Pierrefonds , Pierrepont , Pilkington , Pineau , Pinguet , Pinkey , Pipard , Plaiz , Plante , Plessington , Plessis , Plessis , Plessis , Plessis , Pleure , Plumpton , Plumpton , Poitou , Pollard , Polowzes , Pomeroy , Poncinsa , Pontisse , Poole , Pope , Pope , Popham , Porcien , Port , Porte , Poss , Powis , Poynings , Praers , Pravemer , Prendergast , Prescott , Prescott , Pressene , Prested , Prett , Preuilly , Preuilly , Preyers , Prideaux , Purcell , Purrier , Pyn , Pyne , Pîtres
- Quincy, Quincy
- Rabaud (Rabeau) , Radcliffe , Radingden , Rafin , Ragland , Raimes , Raineville , Raleigh , Rançon , Rashleigh , Rault , Raylston , Rayner , Raška , Reddish , Reed , Reigny , Reinbuecurt , Reinville , Rennes , Rethel , Revel , Reynel , Rheinfelden , Ribemont , Rice , Rice , Richard , Riddlesdale , Riddlesford , Ridware , Rilleston , Ringelheim , Robie , Robin , Roche , Roche , Rochefoucauld , Roches , Rochford , Rochlitz , Rockley , Rodrille , Roelent , Roet , Rogers , Rogers , Rogus , Rohaut , Rolleston , Roos , Roos , Ros , Rosse , Rossells , Rott , Roucliffe , Roucy , Roucy , Roucy , Rous , Roux , Rowe , Roy , Royans , Ruffus , Rugge , Rumenel , Rumigny , Rumilly , Rundlett , Rurd , Russell
- Saarbrücken, Sablé , Sabran , Sacie , Sackville , Saer , Saer , Saint Pierre , Sais , Salemon , Salerne , Salerno , Sales , Salian , Salins , Saltmarsh , Saluzzo , Salvayn , Salé , Samlesbury , Sanborn , Sandbach , Sandeby , Sandin , Sandwich , Sandys , Sanford , Sanford , Saunders , Savage , Savage , Savage , Savage , Savidich , Savoie , Savoie , Sawtell , Saye , Scarisbrick , Scarlett , Schwaben , Schwarzenberg , Schweinfurt , Schweinfurt , Scott , Scott , Scott , Scripture , Scudamore , Seald , Seclis , Seeley , Segrave , Segur , Selvesla , Semur , Semur , Senecy , Senlis , Sens , Septvans , Setvans , Seymour , Shard , Sharde , Shareshull , Sheen , Shepard , Shepard , Shephard , Sheppard , Sherburne , Sherman , Sherman , Shibden , Shoresworth , Shottesbroke , Shugborough , Shurland , Simmons , Singleton , Singleton , Singleton , Sisteron , Skarlett , Skogan , Slyny , Smith , Smyth , Soissons , Somery , Soulis , Sours , Southwark , Spencer , Spencer , Speton , Spicer , Spileman , Spofford , Sponheim , Sponheim , Squire , St Amand , St Andreis , St Aubin , St Hilary , St Hilary , St John , St John , St Leger , St Liz , St Lo , St Maur , St Maur , St Michael , St Omer , St Omer , St Pol , St Pol , St Rémy , St Valéry , St-Amant , St. Clair , St. Martin , Stade , Stafford , Staffordshire , Staffordshire , Stainford , Stainforth , Standish , Standish , Standon , Standon , Stanford , Stanley , Stanton , Stanton , Stapiscot , Stapleford , Stapleford , Stapleton , Staveley , Stebbins , Stewart , Steyngrave , Stigand , Stockport , Stoke , Stokeport , Stone , Stone , Stonegrave , Stoneley , Stourton , Stourton , Strange , Strange , Strangeways , Strechleigh , Stretun , Strickland , Stroud , Strutt , Sturges , Sully , Sulney , Sulzbach , Supplinburg , Supponid , Sussex , Sutton , Suza , Suze , Swaine , Swaine , Swan , Swane , Swinburne , Swyke , Swynnerton , Sydenham , Sydenham , Sydenham , Syforde , Sylvester , Synadene
- Tabley, Tabley , Taillebois , Taillefer , Tangley , Tankersley , Tarbell , Taupier , Tavrey , Taylor , Taylor , Taylor , Taylor , Taylor , Teisa , Telbe , Tempest , Tensely , Thayer , Theray , Thori , Thornhill , Thornton , Thornton , Thornton , Thorpe , Thouars , Thouars , Threeder , Thursby , Thweng , Thweng , Tidd , Tilney , Tilton , Timblely , Timperley , Tiptoft , Tittenlegh , Toeni , Toft , Tong , Tonge , Tonnerre , Toret , Torres , Torrington , Tort , Toscana , Totnes , Touchet , Tough , Tough , Toulouse , Tracy , Trafford , Trafford , Trailli , Trainel , Transmarinus , Traves , Tredwell , Tregoz , Trentam , Treverbin , Treverbyn , Trevers , Trevett , Trevint , Tripon , Trippe , Troutbeck , Troutbeck , Troyes , Trumbull , Trussebut , Trussell , Tubbe , Tuchet , Tucke , Tue , Tuitt , Turberville , Turbeville , Turney , Turnham , Turville , Tynten , Tyson
- Uchdrud (Llandaff) , Ufford , Ughtred , Umfraville , Unkown , Urach , Urann , Urswick , Urtiaco , Uzes
- Vachon, Valletort , Valletort , Valoignes , Valoines , Valoines , Valoines , Valoines , Valoines , Vanora Wempel , Vascoeuil , Vassy , Vaudemont , Vaux , Vaux , Vavasour , Vavasour , Veer , Venables , Venaissin , Vendôme , Vento , Verbecque , Verdun , Verdun , Verdun , Verdun , Verdun , Vergy , Vesci , Vesci , Vesci , Veteripont , Veteripont , Vienne , Vignory , Ville , Villiers , Villiers , Villiers , Vincent , Vivar , Vivian , Vivian , Vivonne , Von Flinsbach
- Wadard, Waddington , Wadham , Waite , Wake , Walbeck , Waldeshef , Waleran , Waleran , Walerand , Waleton , Waleys , Waleys , Walkefare , Walkington , Walsh , Walton , Walton , Warbleton , Warcop , Ward , Ward , Ward , Ward , Ward , Warde , Wardley , Wardley , Ware , Warenne , Warmingham , Warmingham , Warmingham , Warren , Warren , Warren , Wassenberg , Wasserburg , Wasteneys , Waterton , Waterville , Watevile , Watson , Watson , Watts , Watts , Wavrin , Webb , Webber , Weed , Weldebof , Welf , Welles , Wellom , Wemme , Wengham , Wessex , Wessex , Westbrome , Westbrook , Westcott , Weston , Weston , Weston , Weston , Westwick , Whalesborough , Wheaten , Wheeler , Wheeler , Wheeler , Whettenhall , Whidden , Whitacre , Whitchurch , White , White , White , Whitney , Whitney , Whittacker , Whitworth , Whitworth , Widdrington , Wilcockes , Wilford , Wilington , Willoughby , Wilson , Wilson , Windsor , Winnington , Winsley , Wintershall , Wiscomb , Withers , Wolverton , Wolvey , Wonwell , Wood , Wood , Woodcock , Woode , Woodthorpe , Woodward , Workington , Worley , Wormegay , Worseley , Worsley , Wortham , Wrenbury , Wrokeshale , Wyke , Wyman , Wyndham , Wynnington , Wyth , Wytton
- Yorkshire, Yorkshire , Yorkshire , Yorkshire , Young
- Zurich, Zähringen
- d'Egisheim, de Austwick , de Bunbury , de Cordonville , de Curveville , de Dalton , de Dutton , de Glynn , de Grendon , de Hole , de Hulgreve , de Montmorency , de Norfolk , de Pulford , de Reeves , de Rougs , de Soissons , de Stanley , de Stourton , de Suffolk , de Tunstall , de Vere , de Walchiville , de la Mare , de la Vicaire , deAylesbury , deAylesbury , deFolliott , deLacy, Moneyer , della Scalla
- ferch Cillin (Gêst, Gest) , ferch Gruffudd , ferch Gruffydd , ferch Iestyn , ferch Owain Fychan , ferch Rhun
- la Fusche (Pole)
- of Lancashire, of Mercia , of Ossory , of Yorkshire
- van Hongarije, van Zutphen , verch Iorwerth , verch Llewelyn , verch Thomas , von Friesland , von Reinhausen
- Árpádházi (Arpadhazi, Hungary)
- Épaignes (Epaigne, de Epaigne)
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