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Survey of Early Records for the Speer Surname in County Antrim

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Date: 1630 to 1834
Location: County Antrim, Irelandmap
Surnames/tags: Speer Spier Spear
This page has been accessed 1,029 times.

The purpose of this page is to provide a chronological outline of early—that is, 1600s to the early 1800s—references found (to date) for the Speer, Spear, &c. surname, focusing primarily on mid and north county Antrim.

1630: Muster Rolls –[1]

  • No. 520; Speers [standardised], Speere [as written], James; Earl of Antrim's British Tenants, Barony of Dunluce.
  • No. 521; Speers, Speere, John; do. [ditto], do.[1]

1666: Hearth Money Rolls –[2]

  • No. 1748; Speers [standardised], Speare, William; Barony of Dunluce Lower; parish of Ballyrashane; townland of Ballyrock [modern spelling], Ballysocke.
  • No. 1870; Speers, Speare, John; Dunluce Lower; Derrykeighan; Carncullagh Middle; 1 Qr of Kiltecarnmclagh.
  • No. 1282; Speers, Speare, John; Dunluce Upper; Ballymoney; Ballyacree More, Ballycreemore.
  • No. 1171; Speers, Speare, John; Dunluce Upper; Ballymoney; Ballyrobin, 2 Qrs of Ballycrobben.
  • No. 5951; Speers, Speare, Alex; Glenarm Lower; Ardclinis; Unidentfied, Telltowne.
  • No. 3696; Speers, Speere, Tho [Thomas]; Toome Lower; Kirkinriola; Ballymena Estate, Kinhelts Estate.
  • No. 3205; Speers, Speere, James; Toome Lower; Portglenone; Mullinsallagh, Mullansallagh.
  • No. 2908; Speers, Speere, John; Toome Upper; Duneane; Duneane, Dunean.[2]

1698–1769:—Parish records: The Ulster Historical Foundation (UHF; Belfast) has transcribed parish records for the county of Antrim.[3]

  1. The earliest record pertained to the marriage of Jane Spier and William Browne on the 8th June 1667, in Lisburn Church of Ireland.
  2. The earliest baptismal records, in the UHF database, for the Speer surname are two baptisms, dated 11 April 1698 and 3 April 1699, for the children of Richard Speer, baptised in Lisburn Church of Ireland in the parish of Blaris.
  3. The child of a later Richard Speer, in the same parish, was baptised in June, 1735.
  4. Interestingly, in December 1751, Solomon Speer was baptised in St Anne’s, Belfast; he was the son of Solomon Speer and Mary Flanagan. Two more baptisms were recorded in St Anne’s during the 1760s, of children born to George Spiers and Jane Morrah, and to Thomas Spiers, soldier, 51st Regiment of Foot, and Ann Hall.
  5. The remaining baptisms begin in the year 1782, with a gap to 1794, then occurring every year or two thereafter.
Please note that viewing credits were purchased for the records cited in (1) – (4), above, only. Burial records are few in number, and the earliest dated to the year, 1810.[3]

1710:—Implied year of birth for David Speer, who died 12th October 1758, and was buried in Broughshane First Presbyterian churchyard (in the civil parish of Racavan).[4]

1728:—Implied year of birth for Robert Speers of Loan, who died 26th October 1801, and was buried in Ahoghill old churchyard.[4]

1735:—William Speer [Spier/Spiers], tenant on the Larne estate.[5]

1740:—Protestant Householders:[6]

  • No. 1242, 1242; Speers, Spar, Joh [John]; Antrim; Dunluce Upper; Loughguile; not specified.
  • No. 3823, 1411; Speers, Spire, And [Andrew]; Antrim; Toome; Ahoghill; not specified.
  • No. 3959, 1547; Speers, Speer, Nathl [Nathaniel]; Antrim; Toome; Ahoghill; not specified.
  • No. 3840, 1428; Speers, Speer, Robt; Antrim; Toome; Ahoghill; not specified.
  • No. 14005, 783; Speers, Speer, John; Donegal; Inishowen East; Clonmany; Straths, Straws.
  • No. 13993, 771; Speers, Speer, James; Donegal; Inishowen East; Donagh; Church Towne (?), Church Towne.
  • No. 8273, 271; Speers, Spear, Wm [William]; L'Derry; Coleraine; Dunboe; not specified.
  • No. 11099, 934; Speers, Speer, Wm [William]; L'Derry; Keenaght; Drumachose; Gortcorbies, Gortcurberry.
  • No. 11213, 1048; Speers, Speer, Robert; L'Derry; Keenaght; Drumachose; Limavady (Newton), Limavady (Newton).
  • No. 4984, 408; Speers, Speer, Thos; L'Derry; Loughinsholin; Ballyscullion; not specified.
  • No. 6873, 2297; Speers, Speer, Alex; L'Derry; Loughinsholin; Maghera; not specified.
  • No. 6870, 2294; Speers, Speer, Robt; L'Derry; Loughinsholin; Maghera; not specified.
  • No. 7984, 3408; Speers, Speer, Alex; L'Derry; Loughinsholin; Tamlaght; not specified.[6]

1743-12-30:—Memorial no. 118-82-80092 – Margaret Speer of Learn [Larne], Barony of Glenarm, co. Antrim, widow, lease to Nathan Moore of Learn, merchant, 1743-12-30; citing a lease held by Mrs Speer from the Earl of Antrim.[7]

1761:—Alexander Speer of Rosearns [Roseyards?] townland, parish of Ballymoney; tenant of the Rowan Estate (situated mainly in Ballymoney and environs).[8]

1766:—Religious Census:[9]

  • James Spear, parish of Ballymoney
  • John Speer, ditto
  • Thomas Speer, ditto
  • Robert Speer (1), parish of Ahoghill
  • Robert Speer (2), ditto[9]
Please note that the 1775 Dissenters’ Petitions and the 1766 Religious Census returns do not survive for all parishes.

1769:—Implied year of birth for William Speers, who died in November 1824, and was buried in Portglenone Church of Ireland graveyard.[4]

1770-06-26:—Mr Speer of Ballymena attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Dungannon, and was mentioned in relation to a supplication from Killead.[10]

1773-04-24:—Memorial no. 296-375-197121 – William Speer of Larne, boat builder, lease to Patrick McCollough of Larne, merchant.[11]

1773-06-29:—Mr Speer of Ballymena attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Lurgan.[11]

1774-06-26:—Alex. Speer of Ballymena Presbytery attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Antrim.[11]

1775:—Dissenters’ Petitions – Joseph Spears of Lisburn.[12]

1778-01-23:—Memorial no. 322-538-221023 – Rev. Alexander Speer of Gortfad, parish of Ahoghill, and Charles Hill of Drumra, parish of Ahoghill.[13]

1778-06-30:—Alexr. Speer of Ballymena Presbytery attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Lurgan.[14]

1779:—The Diocese of Derry will of Thomas Spear of Ballyscullin‡ was proved.[15] ‡Ballyscullion, parish of Magilligan, county Derry.

1783:—The name of Lieut. John Speers, 1st Portglenone Volunteers, was on the list of subscribers to Crawford’s History of Ireland.[16]

1784-06-26:—Alexr. Speer of Ballymena Presbytery attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Magherafelt.[14]

1790-06-29:—Alexr. Speer of Ballymena Presbytery attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Antrim.[14]

1793:—Implied year of birth for Samuel Speers of Ballyeagh, who died 5th December 1861 and was buried in Dunaghy Old (Glebe) churchyard.[4]

1793-01-01:—Lease granted by James Young, Merchant, Ballymena, Co. Antrim To John Speer, Weaver, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Lease for 31 years Rent £1 14s. 0d. per annum. House and Garden in Ballymena, Co. Antrim.[17]

1793-08-29:—Assignment of tenement and garden in the old town of Larne, held by lease dated 19th Oct. 1743 from the Earl of Antrim to Margaret Speer, for 3 lives renewable forever. Consideration 5/- Jane White, Larne, to Margaret McConkey, Larne.[18]

1798-09-07:—Belfast News-Letter Reward offered for the return of a dark bay horse stolen off the lands of Ballysculty, parish of Killead, the property of William Speer.[19]

1801:—Implied year of birth for John Speers of Turnagrove, who died 25th March 1881, and was buried in Kilraughts Presbyterian churchyard.[4]

1802:—Implied year of birth for Thomas Speers of Ballikenny, who died 15th December 1856, and was buried in Broughshane 1st Presbyterian churchyard.[4]

1803:—Agricultural census –[20]

  • James Speer, Ballymoney town
  • James Speer, Lislaggan, parish of Ballymoney
  • John Speer, Ballymoney town
  • John Speer, Lislaggan, parish of Ballymoney
  • Robert Speer, Ballymoney town
  • Thomas Speer, Tulloghgore, parish of Ballymoney
  • Widow Speer, Ballygobbin, parish of Ballymoney
  • William Speer, Tulloghgore, parish of Ballymoney
  • William Speer, Kilmayangey, parish of Kilraghts
  • Robert Speer, Tullycapple, parish of Dunluce
  • Widow Spuws, Balleylaughs, parish of Billy
  • William Speer, Balleypourtrey, parish of Loughguile
  • Widow Spere, Laivin, parish of Loughguile
  • Adam Sper, Turnagrough, parish of Loughgile[20]

1804-06-26:—Alexr. Speer of Ballymena Presbytery attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Cookstown.[14]

1805-06-25:—Alexr. Speer of Ballymena Presbytery attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Cookstown.[14]

1810-06-26:—Alexr. Speer of Ballymena Presbytery attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Caledon.[14]

1813-09-24:—Alexander Speer, Portglenone, apothecary (apprentice).[21]

1817-06-24:—William Speer of Templepatrick Presbytery attended the meeting of the General Synod of Ulster at Belfast.[14]

1820-06-27:—This entry from the minutes kept for the meeting at Cookstown: "Ballymena Presbytery report, ... On account of his age and infirmities, M'r Spear of Portglenone, has supplicated, that his congregation may be allowed to choose an assistant and successor. Leave was granted to M'r Spear's congregation."[14]

1824-08-29:—Renewal of lease dated 29 Aug. 1744, (Earl of Antrim to Wm. Speer) of a tenement in the old town of Larne. Present lives: John and James Carley and Elizabeth Holmes. Fine: £6.2.4%. Edmund McDonnell and the Countess of Antrim, to Elizabeth Carley, Larne, Co. Antrim.[22]

1834:—Will and probate, John Speers, Ballyrobert (parish of Templepatrick).[23]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1630 Muster Rolls for the Baronies of Cary, Dunluce, and Toome. Records held by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast); archival ref. PRONI D1759/C/3. Transcript by Prof. William Macafee (21 February 2011); posted to (accessed 2018-12-07).
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hearth Money Rolls (1666) for the Baronies of Cary, Dunluce, Kilconway, Toome, Antrim, and Glenarm in Co. Antrim. Archival ref. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast), PRONI T307. Transcript by Prof. William Macafee (21 February 2011); posted to (accessed 2018-12-07).
  3. 3.0 3.1 Ulster Historical Foundation (Belfast). Irish Birth/Baptism and Marriage Records. Survey of indexes for the years 1667–1862 for the county of Antrim (with gaps), and select (earliest) records purchased by credits, Alison Kilpatrick (2018-12-06).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Ulster Historical Foundation (Belfast). Northern Irish Gravestone Inscriptions. Survey of early burials for the Speer surname in county Antrim. Online at (accessed by guild membership, by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-12-06).
  5. Ulster Historical Foundation (Belfast). Larne Estate, 1735. Online at (accessed by guild membership, by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-12-06).
  6. 6.0 6.1 Protestant Householders' Returns (1740): Cos. L'Derry, Antrim (Baronies of Cary, Dunluce, Kilconway, and Toome), parts of Donegal and Tyrone. Records held by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast); archival ref. PRONI T808/152258. Transcript by Prof. William Macafee (21 February 2011); posted to (accessed 2018-12-07).
  7. Registry of Deeds, Ireland (Henrietta Street, Dublin). Memorial no. 118-82-80092: Speer to Moore (30th December 1743). Digital image online at (accessed by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-11-07).
  8. Ulster Historical Foundation (Belfast). Rental of the Rowan Estate, 1761. Online at (accessed by guild membership, by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-12-06).
  9. 9.0 9.1 Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast). 1766 Religious Census. Online in the PRONI’s “Name Search” database, (accessed by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-12-06).
  10. Records of the General Synod of Ulster, From 1691 to 1820. Vol. II. 1721–1777 (pp 526, 551, 560). Belfast: The Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 1897.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Registry of Deeds, Ireland (Henrietta Street, Dublin). Memorial no. 296-375-197121: Speer to McCollough (24th April 1773). Digital image online at (accessed by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-11-07).
  12. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast). 1775 Dissenters' Petititons. Online in the PRONI’s “Name Search” database, (accessed by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-12-06).
  13. Registry of Deeds, Ireland (Henrietta Street, Dublin). Memorial no. 322-538-221023: Speer to Hill (23rd January 1778). Digital image online at (accessed by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-11-07).
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Records of the General Synod of Ulster, From 1691 to 1820. Vol. III. 1778–1820 (pp 2, 59, 117, 274, 292, 351, 455, 522). Belfast: The Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 1898.
  15. Phillimore, W.P.W., and Gertrude Thrift. Indexes to Irish Wills 1536–1858. 5 vols. (1909–1920). Derry Wills, 1612–1858.
  16. Ulster Historical Foundation (Belfast). Subscribers to Crawford’s History of Ireland, 1783. Online at (accessed by guild membership, by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-12-06).
  17. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast). James Young, Merchant, Ballymena, Co. Antrim To John Speer, Weaver, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Lease for 31 years Rent £1 14s. 0d. per annum. House and Garden in Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Archival ref. PRONI D1364/A/23. Catalogue entry online at (accessed 2018-12-06).
  18. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast). Assignment of tenement and garden in the old town of Larne, held by lease dated 19th Oct. 1743 from the Earl of Antrim to Margaret Speer, for 3 lives renewable forever. Consideration 5/- Jane White, Larne, to Margaret McConkey, Larne. Archival ref. PRONI D1364/A/23. Catalogue entry online at (accessed 2018-12-06).
  19. Belfast News-Letter, 7 September 1798 (pg 3). “Advertisement. Stolen off the lands of Ballysculty,” parish of Killead, county Antrim, a dark bay horse, the property of William Speer. Digital image online at (accessed by Alison Kilpatrick by subscription, 2018-12-07).
  20. 20.0 20.1 (a) Ulster Historical Foundation (Belfast). Agricultural Census of Antrim, 1803. Online at (accessed by guild membership, by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-12-06). (b) 1803 Agricultural Census for some Parishes in North Antrim. Compiled by Prof. William Macafee, and hosted online (accessed 2018-12-07).
  21. Ulster Historical Foundation (Belfast). Apothecaries: Apprentices, 1791–1829. Online at (accessed by guild membership, by Alison Kilpatrick, 2018-12-06).
  22. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast). Renewal of lease dated 29 Aug. 1744, (Earl of Antrim to Wm. Speer) of a tenement in the old town of Larne. Present lives: John and James Carley and Elizabeth Holmes. Fine: £6.2.4%. Edmund McDonnell and the Countess of Antrim, to Elizabeth Carley, Larne, Co. Antrim. Archival ref. PRONI D300/2/1/100/73. Catalogue entry online at (accessed 2018-12-06).
  23. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (Belfast). Will and probate, John Speers, Ballyrobert, co. Antrim. Archival ref. PRONI D300/1/5/110. Catalogue entry online at (accessed 2018-12-06).



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Thanks! This will be a model for information I have on early records for the Ireland surname in County Antrim.
posted by Kevin Ireland

Categories: County Antrim