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Proposal that Susannah Witt, widow of Charles Hulsey was secondly married to William Arrington and the mother of his children.
Collected Notes
THREE ARRINGTON LINES SINCE 1600 By JOHN M. ARRINGTON January 29, 2004 at 08:12:41
William Arrington, believed to be the son of Samuel and Jane Arrington, was listed in Goochland also. He was most likely born before 1700 and married a woman named, "Susannah" in the early 1700's.
William had seven adult children at his death, around 1748/1749, and his eldest was most likely born during the early 1700's, based upon information known about his children and grandchildren.
William received a land grant in Goochland County in 1734 and would have been at least twenty one years old at that time. In Goochland County Deed Books we see that William and his wife, Susannah, of St. James Parish sold 400 acres to John Bibey, the same being land on the south side of the James River bounded by Deep Creek. This sale was recorded April 19, 1736. On March 20, 1738 William and Susannah, his wife, sold 100 acres of land bordering the James River in Goochland County to Steven Hughes.
These deeds not only tell us that William was married to a woman named Susannah but also that his land also bordered the James River and Deep Creek and was no doubt very close, if not adjoining, that of his father. William is again mentioned, this time as a witness to a deed of land sold by a William Walker on May 16, 1741.
In 1744 a portion of Goochland County became Albermarle County and no additional information of William is found in Goochland after this change. It is obvious that his land was taken into the newly formed county.
In 1749 the will of William Arrington was produced in Albermarle County at the November court. In it William names his children but evidently his wife had predeceased him, since she was not mentioned there-in. The will read as follows:
"In the name of God amen. I William Arrington of Albermarle County the VIII day of December MDCCXVIII do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
Item I give to my son Neaves, to him and his heirs forever, the one hundred acres of land which I now dwell on and lying along the James River on the north side. Also I give to my said son one negro slave named Landon and one of my beds of furniture, one cow and my stock of hogs.
Item I give to my sons Adler and Samuel, to them and their heirs forever, my entry of land on Aisle Creek also I give to both of my said sons forty shillings cash money, one cow to Adler, and one cow of yearling to Samuel.
Item I give to my daughter Lucey, to her and her heirs forever, one heiffer.
Item I will to my daughter Martha, to her and her heirs forever, one heiffer.
Item I give unto my son Thomas, and to him and his heirs forever, one heiffer.
My will and desire is that my estate shall not appraised. I do nominate and appoint my son Neaves Arrington and William Migginson my executors to this my last will a testament and do acknowledge, publish and declare this above writing to be same. (Albermarle County Will Book 1; p 11)(William Migginson is later listed a Justice in Albermarle County.)
With his death William closes a chapter of Arringtons but in his children, named herein, we will see that with the closing of one chapter comes the opening of another.
Subject: John Webb of Beaver Dam Creek, Henrico/Goochland Co. VA Author: StevensCarterFamily Date: Monday, May 23, 2011 Classification: Query Surnames: Webb Carter Bybee Witt
This is only speculation but one idea that has been considered is that the John Webb who married Elizabeth Bybee may be the John Webb who was the son of John Webb & Mary Merry-Webb of York County, Virginia. The age of Elizabeth Bybee is not known so I don't know if that is realistic or not.
Will of Mary's mother, Jane Merry:
"... I give unto Henry Webb my grandson son of John Webb 1/2 of what I have & give unto my other grandson Robt Cordealy [ Carter ] the other 1/2 of what I have only one mare I give out of my sd estate to John Webb son of ... [illegible] ... one mare coult and out of ye afsd estate I give to my granddau Mary Webb and to my [?] dau Susanna Carter I give ... [illegible] ... & all my hoggs this to be given out of ye estate before will be divided between Henry Webb & Robert Carter."
I believe the "John Webb son of ... [illegible] " should be "John Webb son of John Webb". That is, I think the children of John Webb & Mary Merry Webb were as follows. The dates of birth are from the Charles Parish records.
- Henry Webb b: 9 Sep 1691 in York County, Virginia - John Webb b: 27 Nov 1693 in York County, Virginia - Mary Webb b: 20 Apr 1697 in York County, Virginia - Wentworth Webb b: 23 May 1699 in York County, Virginia
(This Wentworth Webb died in early childhood but is believed to be related to the Wentworth Webb born in New Kent County, Virginia to John & Sarah Webb in 1702. The John & Sarah Webb line is represented by several participants in the Webb Y-DNA Project.)
It is thought that the Robert Carter named in the Will of Jane Merry may be Robert Carter of Cartersville, Cumberland County, Virginia.
The John Webb married to Mary Merry-Webb *may* be the John Webb in the following record. Note that the name Stephen Hughes is included here.
Henrico co, VA, Deeds, 1706-1737 by Weisinger p 118, 5 Nov, 1716 John Webb of county & parish of Henrico to Charles Huddlesy, for 12 pounds, land on lower side of western most branch of Beaver Dam Creek; being part of land Webb bought of Joseph Pleasants, 300 acres. Wit: John Woodson, Stephen Hughes. Recorded 5 Nov. 1716
Robert Carter (of Cartersville), Charles Huddlesey(Hulsey) and (a not yet 100% identified) John Webb purchased 200 acres of land together in Henrico County, Virginia around 1720. Some think this John Webb is the John Webb who married Elizabeth Bybee. Some think the John Webb in this land purchase is the father of the John Webb who married Elizabeth Bybee.
I think the Elizabeth Bibe and Thomas Biby in this following record are the parents of Elizabeth Bybee-Webb. Note that the name Stephen Hughes is included here.
Colonial Wills of Henrico co, VA, 1737-1781 by Weisinger p 225, Court 7 January, 1722 Will of Charles Hudlesey presented by Susann Hudlesey, his executrix and proved by oath of Elizabeth Bibe and solem affirmation of Stephen Hughes, a Quaker, two of the witnesses, John Gun and Robert Hughes, security. Robert Carol, Fra's Eppison, Thomas Biby and Peter Baize to appraise estate.
It seems that both Robert Carter and the John Webb married to Elizabeth Bybee ended up with land that formerly belonged to Charles Huddlesey(Hulsey).
Goochland co, VA, Wills & Deeds, 1728-1736 by Weisinger
p 144, 18 Nov, 1729
Robert Carter of St James Parish, Goochland co, to Susannah Hulsey, widow, of same Parish, for 30 pounds, land on north side of James River between land of Henry Atkinson and John Webb, 100 acres, with all houses, etc, being land where Charles Hulsey did formerly dwell.
Wit: John Webb, Joseph Ashlin
I believe Susannah Witt-Hulsey was the widow of Charles Huddlesey (Hulsey), Sr.
Robert Carter sold the land to the Widow Hulsey and then on the same day she gave the land to her son; Charles Hulsey, Jr.
p 145, 18 Nov, 1729
Susannah Hulsey of St. James Parish, Goochland Co, for love and affection, to her son Charles Hulsey, land on lower side of upper branch of Beaver Dam Creek, 200 acres with all houses, etc.
Wit: John Webb, Joseph Ashlin.
Goochland co, VA, Wills & Deeds, 1728-1736 by Weisinger
It has been suggested that Susannah Witt-Hulsey then married Thomas Carter, Sr. of Goochland County, Virginia, the father of Robert Carter. It is known that her son, Charles Hulsey, Jr., married Hannah Witt.
On 10 December 1729, Thomas Bybee of Goochland County, Virginia wrote his Will and named "daughter Eliz'th Webb" and "loving Son Jn'o. Webb".
Many people believe the wife Elizabeth on the following record is Elizabeth Bybee-Webb. Note that the land originally belonged to Charles Hulsey.
16 Jan, 1732 Deed from John Webb of St James Parish, Goochland co, to Samuel Pearce of same, 100 acres for 20 pounds, bounded by north side of Beaver Dam Creek on north side of James River, which land was left John Webb by Charles Hulsey in his will. Wit: James Goodall, Walter Leak, Robert Christian. Signed; John Webb Elizabeth, wife of John Webb, relinquished her dower right.
In 1732, Henry Webb purchased 400 acres of land in Goochand County, Virginia adjacent to Robert Carter's brother, Thomas Carter, Jr.
It is believed that Mary Merry-Webb died in York County, Virginia on 28 Dec 1734.
Note the names Witt and Atkinson in the following. This William Witt may be related to Susannah Witt-Hulsey-Carter. Robert Carter owned land next to Atkinson's both north and south of the James River.
1739 Oct 7 Goochland Co., VA Land Transfer: John Webb to John Bernard - 200 acres on south side of James River bounded by Horsley's Corner, William Witt and John Bernard. Witnesses: Robert Atkinson, Henry Webb and William Alford
The following record supports the idea that there were two John Webb's; father and son. Note that the name Stephen Hughes is include here.
1742 Goochland Co. VA… Goochland DB4 p 73 Oct 19, 1742 Arthur Hopkins, late sheriff of Goochland to John Bates of Goochland. William and Elizabeth Gray, executrix of William Chamberlayne, decd, obtained at a general court held at the capital Oct 15, 1738, a judgement against John Webb, Stephen Hughes, Henry Webb, William Arrington, and John Mcbrid. The land, about 200 acres, owned by Stephen Hughes and seized by the sheriff, was formerly the estate of John Webb.
This John Webb and Henry Webb may be the two surviving sons of John Webb & Mary Merry-Webb of York County, Virginia. It is not clear when or where John Webb, Sr. died but he must have died before Oct 19, 1742. It is not clear if John Webb (Sr.) actually lived on the land that he owned in Henrico/Goochland Counties. If the Mary Webb who died in York County, Virginia in 1734 is his wife then he may have continued to live in York County or she may have moved back there after he died. Or she may have been a different Mary Webb.
What happened to John Webb & Elizabeth Bybee-Webb after he sold his land in Goochland County, Virginia is still a mystery. One possibility, but only a *possibility*, is that he is the John Webb who left a Will in 1749 in Northampton County, North Carolina.
John Webb m. Elizabeth, d. 1749 Northampton Co. NC
Webb, John, Northampton, Feb’y 11th, 1749. Feb’y Court 1749. Children Jolly, James, Jerry and Judith, wife Elizabeth and son Jolly Exrs. Test, Robert Hicks, Wm. Ragland.
Re: Carter wives of Goochland - NOT Susannah Hulsey By Dan Wallace June 13, 2011 at 01:10:13
In reply to: Carter wives of Goochland - Susannah Baynes Dan Wallace 8/22/09
I have to withdraw my suggested identification of Susannah Hudlesey as a candidate for Susannah Carter, last wife of Thomas of Goochland Carter.I recently found that she instead married a man named William Arrington after the death of Charles Hudlesey.Susannah and her husband William Arrington in a deed [DB 3/218] dated 20 Mar 1738 sold the 100 acres on the river that was the plantation of Charles Hudlesey which was sold to Susannah by Robert Carter in 1729. This land was not part of the property on Beaverdam Creek owned by Charles Hudlesey but was in fact a dividend of the land on the James River purchased jointly by Robert Carter, Charles Huddlesey and John Webb from Tarlton Woodson and was part ofthe Lickinghole Survey. Two years earlier in a deed dated 19 Apr 1736 [DB 2/209] Arrington deeded 400 acres on Deep Creek to John Bibey(Bibee or Bybe)with wife Susannah relinquishing dower rights.
I continue to believe that the motivation that led Susannah Hulsey to execute the deed of gift to son Charles Hulsey when he was so young was to prevent the land from becoming the property of her new husband to be.
Re: Charles Hulsey, Sr. of New Kent/Henrico/Goochland Co's VA By Holly Hampton November 14, 2011 at 04:30:58 In reply to: Re: Charles Hulsey, Sr. of New Kent/Henrico/Goochland Co's VA 10/06/11
I think the speculation that Robert Carter's wife was a Hulsey was incorrect.I now think Charles Hulsey was Robert's cousin, not his father-in-law.
William & Jane Merry of York County, Virginia were the maternal grandparents of both Robert Carter and John Webb.
I think Charles Huddlesey ( Hulsey ) may have been a son or grandson of a sibling of either William Merry or his wife Jane and thus Charles would have been a cousin to both Robert Carter and John Webb.I think that is why the three men purchased land together in 1720.
Event: Court 7 Jan 1723 Henrico County, Virginia
Colonial Wills of Henrico co, VA, 1737-1781 by Weisinger
p 225, Court 7 January, 1722 [/23]
Will of Charles Hudlesey presented by Susann Hudlesey, his executrix and proved by oath of Elizabeth Bibe and solem affirmation of Stephen Hughes, a Quaker, two of the witnesses, John Gun and Robert Hughes, security. Robert Carol, Fra's Eppison, Thomas Biby and Peter Baize to appraise estate.
Event: Land 18 Nov 1729 Goochland County, Virginia
p 145, 18 Nov, 1729 Susannah Hulsey of St. James Parish, Goochland Co, for love and affection, to her son Charles Hulsey, land on lower side of upper branch of Beaver Dam Creek, 200 acres with all houses, etc. Wit: John Webb, Joseph Ashlin. Goochland co, VA, Wills & Deeds, 1728-1736 by Weisinger
Event: Land 19 Apr 1736 Goochland County, Virginia
1736-38 Goochland Co. VA On April 19, 1736, John Bibey bought 400 acres in St. James Parish, of Goochland County, from William and Susannah Arrington. He paid 22 pounds. (Deed Book 19, p. 206)
Event: Land 19 Apr 1736 Goochland County, Virginia Note:
"... in a deed dated 19 Apr 1736 [DB 2/209] Arrington deeded 400 acres on Deep Creek to John Bibey(Bibee or Bybe) with wife Susannah relinquishing dower rights."
Event: Land 20 Mar 1739 Goochland County, Virginia
"Susannah and her husband William Arrington in a deed [DB 3/218] dated 20 Mar 1738 sold the 100 acres on the river that was the plantation of Charles Hudlesey which was sold to Susannah by Robert Carter in 1729. This land was not part of the property on Beaverdam Creek owned by Charles Hudlesey but was in fact a dividend of the land on the James River purchased jointly by Robert Carter, Charles Huddlesey and John Webb from Tarlton Woodson and was part of the Lickinghole Survey."
Event: Land 19 Apr 1736 Goochland County, Virginia
1736-38 Goochland Co. VA On April 19, 1736, John Bibey bought 400 acres in St. James Parish, of Goochland County, from William and Susannah Arrington. He paid 22 pounds. (Deed Book 19, p. 206)
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